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So Now We Can't Extract Earlier Than Keyholder Too?


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Yeah, I get the party can't continue on when the keyholder leaves. (Excellent troll opportunity for the keyholder there...) But now...


Did a T4I earlier tonight, and one person fell out of the squad and couldn't return. (Though, why would he when returning means you lose all the crap you've gotten up until the time you've disconnected.) So at wave 10, we all decided we would extract and re-invite the lost squad member to do other missions.


At the last moment, the keyholder changed selection to battle (which he swears he didn't click), while we were still set to extract...which we did, but we were given a Mission Failed screen and lost everything we'd collected up throughout the mission. So what, now keyholders also hold us hostage on an endless mission that DE gives us the option dialogue to choose whether or not we continue to battle on? Why not just give the keyholder the option to select battle/extract and the rest of us just a status screen?


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did you get the rewards? sometimes u still get rewards if the host disconnect


You know, it's good they put most events in the log files, though it's not confidence inspiring when the thing's filled with things like: 

4.459 Sys [Error]: Could not use object: /EE/Types/Editor/EditInfo (broken)
4.459 Sys [Error]: Required by level /EE/Types/GraphicsRes/Level

4.523 Sys [Error]: Can't create header stream for /Lotus/Sounds/Characters/GenericFoley/GenericLedgeClimbA.wav (not in Windows cache)
4.523 Sys [Error]: Could not preprocess: /Lotus/Sounds/Characters/GenericFoley/GenericLedgeClimbA.wav (not in cache manifest)
5.005 Sys [Error]: Could not find object: /Lotus/Types/Game/OrokinDerelictSabotageGrineerSettlement
15.517 Sys [Error]: Could not use /Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/Colors/KubrowPetColorMidB as a UIFlavourItem (it's a KubrowPetColor) 

15.519 Sys [Error]: Bad data from inventory.php:
15.519 Sys [Error]: Unknown property: DeathSquadScoreThreshold
15.519 Sys [Error]: Unknown property: HarvesterScoreThreshold
15.519 Sys [Error]: Unknown property: KubrowPetEggs[1].ItemCount

4828.884 Sys [info]: Host detected avatar fell out of world bounds:  He will be killed.
4828.884 Phys [Error]: TennoAvatar9 is outside the server world bounds and will be destroyed.
4828.884 Phys [Error]: AABox(min: (81.8395, 2.88116, 2005.92, 1), max: (83.1952, 3.49618, 2007.79, 1))
4828.884 Sys [info]: Host detected avatar fell out of world bounds:  He will be killed.
....and so on.


I don't think I got the rewards. Unfortunately the rewards weren't anything I didn't already have and I don't recall the totals beforehand. I guess this is a record of the major wave rewards:


6608.461 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Mods/Fusers/RareModFuser

6882.749 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/GlaivePrimeBlade

7179.269 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/BoarPrimeReceiver

7460.207 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Components/FormaBlueprint

7779.102 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/AkbroncoPrimeBlueprint

8027.997 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeCronusLongSwordBlade

8328.333 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/BoarPrimeReceiver

8664.569 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeCronusLongSwordHandle

9051.027 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/AkbroncoPrimeBlueprint

9556.356 Script [info]: DefenseRewards: picked random reward /Lotus/StoreItems/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/GlaivePrimeBlade


I see the problem (I replaced squad member names to protect their privacy):

9546.353 Script [info]: Players won - rewarding items <-So we made it and succeeded in mission...

9571.366 Script [info]: DefenseReward::TransitionOut
9571.366 Game [info]: 1 player(s) want to continue. 2 player(s) want to cancel. <-Keyholder voted to battle at last second. 2nd player and I want to leave.
9571.366 Game [info]: Host doesn't want to continue. <-Host=me. (Keyholder is someone else.)
9571.366 Game [info]: LotusBaseGameRules::PrepareForHostMigration
9571.366 Game [info]: PrepareForHostMigration - disconnecting clients
9571.366 Net [info]: Kicking out connection: 2
9571.366 Net [info]: ReplicationMgr::ClientUnSubscribe(2)
9571.368 Sys [info]: Server: Client "" disconnected with HConn=2
9571.368 Net [info]: Server::RemoveConnection 2
9571.368 Net [info]: RemovePlayerFromSession(mm=065776776497351759555588)
9571.368 Net [info]: Session has 2 public and 0 private slots filled
9571.368 Sys [Error]: [OnPlayerDisconnected] Couldn't find player 2 in stats list!
9571.368 Sys [info]: Setting Sentinel state for <keyholder> from 1 to SS_MISSING_PRESUMED_DEAD, 1465465
9571.370 Script [info]: Mission Failed <-Game telling us we failed.
9571.370 Script [info]: EndOfMatch.lua: GiveMissionRewards. success=false
9571.370 Script [info]: Connected: true
9571.371 Script [info]: extractionTrigger is nil! Assuming that all players are touching by default.
9571.371 Script [info]: CedarDpg - IsInTrigger=true
9571.371 Script [info]: adding collected store items
9571.371 Script [info]: adding collected misc items
9571.371 Script [info]: <player 2> - IsInTrigger=true
9571.371 Script [info]: <keyholder> - IsInTrigger=true
9571.371 Sys [info]: MISSION_SCORE /Lotus/Types/Keys/OrokinTowerKeys/OrokinTowerInterceptionTier4Key 0x000AF326
9571.371 Sys [info]: Committing CedarDpg's inventory to DB
9571.371 Sys [info]: Post message size (uncompressed): 6203
9571.372 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] On DB Update calculation <-Game telling us it's ripping us off because of bullcrap. (Though like I said, I don't know if it gave any rewards at all...did not show any wave rewards in the summary. No picked up mods/resources/etc. shown.)
9571.372 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] Mission Complete Bonus: 0
9571.372 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] Credit Tax: 0
9571.372 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] Battle Pay: 0
9571.373 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_SUIT_SLOT
9571.373 Sys [info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/Excalibur.png
9571.396 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_LONG_GUN_SLOT
9571.396 Sys [info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/ChainLightningGun.png
9571.418 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_PISTOL_SLOT
9571.419 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_MELEE_SLOT
9571.419 Sys [info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/TnoMonkStaff.png
9571.440 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_SENTINEL_SLOT
9571.440 Sys [info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/PetStormbelly.png
9571.440 Sys [info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/PetStormbelly.png
9571.466 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_SENTINEL_WEAPON_SLOT
9571.466 Sys [info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/SentinelSweeper.png
9571.466 Sys [info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/SentinelSweeper.png
9571.494 Script [info]: List(MenuBar.MenuEntry)::Redraw(nil, true, true)
9571.495 Script [info]: List(MenuBar.MenuEntry)::SelectElement(index=1)
9571.495 Sys [info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/EndOfMatch.swf
9571.495 Net [Warning]: SetupRMIMessage - LotusGameRules not replicated!
9571.495 Net [info]: RemoveSquadMember: <keyholder> has been removed from the squad , squadCount=2
9571.495 Sys [info]: UnregisterRemotePlayer (065776776497351759555588)
9571.495 Sys [info]: VOIP: Unregistering 065776776497351759555588
9571.495 Net [info]: SendSessionUpdate: updating sessionId: 54c8b80b06c56f0b55c4b0ee with params: {"freePublic":2}
9571.495 Net [info]: Destroying virtual connection for: <keyholder's IP address>:4955
9571.497 Script [info]: Mission Failed <-Again, we "failed," I guess.
9571.497 Script [info]: EndOfMatch.lua: GiveMissionRewards. success=false
9571.497 Script [info]: Connected: true
9571.497 Script [info]: extractionTrigger is nil! Assuming that all players are touching by default.
9571.497 Script [info]: CedarDpg - IsInTrigger=true
9571.497 Script [info]: adding collected store items
9571.497 Script [info]: adding collected misc items
9571.497 Script [info]: <2nd squad member> - IsInTrigger=true <-I'm guessing this is the game getting ready to tell 2nd squad member that it's ripping him off too.
9571.498 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] On DB Update calculation
9571.498 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] Mission Complete Bonus: 0
9571.498 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] Credit Tax: 0
9571.498 Script [info]: [EndOfMatch.lua GetRewardCreditsToShow] Battle Pay: 0
9571.499 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_SUIT_SLOT
9571.499 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_LONG_GUN_SLOT
9571.500 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_PISTOL_SLOT
9571.500 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_MELEE_SLOT
9571.500 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_SENTINEL_SLOT
9571.500 Script [info]: Display affinity for LoadOut_SENTINEL_WEAPON_SLOT
9571.503 Script [info]: List(MenuBar.MenuEntry)::Redraw(nil, true, true)
9571.503 Script [info]: List(MenuBar.MenuEntry)::SelectElement(index=1)
9571.503 Sys [info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/EndOfMatch.swf
Most of the rest of the log is session teardown stuff and dumping us back into the Liset.
Edited by CedarDpg
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The whole anti-exploit thing with missions failing if the keyholder leaves has caused way more trouble than it's worth. It causes an instant failure if the keyholder takes longer to load, loses connection, leaves early, or even decides to stay.

This. So this. Almost all of my losses are due to instant loss due to host failures in void.


I don't understand why DE cannot end mission without mission failure when an absent host can clearly be identified as a condition.


And all of this is to... Stop key exploits even as DE is throwing keys down our throat as rewards? Maybe the bigger issue is that so many players feel compelled to use key exploits in the first place due to the RNG on RNG action.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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Yeah, the whole way they deal with keys especially with the instability of squad sessions is horribly ill-conceived. But I have a feeling it will never get fixed, because making players waste time is obviously a good way to foster good will and motivate them to play even more harder to have a chance at losing rewards and time in future missions. ;)


Edit: WAIT! I just thought of something...perhaps this is part of the End-game content strategy...like if you can prevent newer players from reaching end-game...they won't complain about end-game content, etc...

Edited by CedarDpg
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The whole anti-exploit thing with missions failing if the keyholder leaves has caused way more trouble than it's worth. It causes an instant failure if the keyholder takes longer to load, loses connection, leaves early, or even decides to stay.

What I don't understand is, since the keyholder has this much power, then why is it not the keyholder only who votes?

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