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Can We Nerf The Synoid Gammacor To Hell And Back Yet Pls?


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I'm sure this has been brought up plenty but seeing as I am not that active on these forums I did not see them.

That damn SG is just a joke as it is, nothing, NOTHING, lasts more then a few seconds against it.

Its game breaking OP and I crinche everytime a player joins my game that has one.


I know the Boltor Prime and Some Prime are pretty crazy as well and perhaps need some tweaking of their own but that SG is an entire different level of BS.


I just cannot believe its stats and that it has been implement like it is, did someone made a huge typo during that or what?

Not a single weapon among the syndicates comes even close.

Every other syndicate weapon is a slight stats improvement over the "normal" version of the weapon.


The stats chance from this monster makes one wonder if you can even kill anything with the standard Gammacor.

More then 4 times the damage the Gammacor does.

4 times the status chance.

150% bigger magazine size and a much higher ammo reserve.


again nothing else comes even close, the weapon is a joke as is played by DE on their own damn game.


now I hear you thinking, why complain, nobody is using it against you like the noobtube from CoD, what is your problem?

My problem is that I want a challenge in a game, why else play?

Might as well press the insta win button and stop playing if you dont want that.

My problem is that everything becomes a boring cakewalk, no boss is a challenge, heck I played with someone who killed Vor on Tower 4 Exterminate with the thing in seconds, Vor could nto even complete his sentence before he was already dead.


It is just rediculous.

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ZoneDymo, while those weapons you've mentioned are stong they are nowhere near the meta of what the strongest weapons in the game are. What you are witnessing is the game is essentially dead because between the power of abilities and weapons, there is no challenge in the game anymore besides RNG and grind. It's as if the game needs a total rework from the core just to justify how strong we are. Or we can just put nullifier copy enemies in every faction everywhere.

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To be honest i think it would be usefull to have a new an OP weapon in game coz u dnt knw what the future of warframe holds for us. Also u talked abt a challenge, nulifiers r still a pain even with synoid. As for Vor slow nova kills him as easily as Synoid. So u mean to say that DE shld not allow abilities to affect bosses

Edited by Nekro_Darkmoon
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While it is a potent gun, killing Vor like that is more of a case of how much forma is in said gun.

I have put six forma into my synod so I can cram in as many potent mods as I can into my laser pointer of doom and I would expect that similar effects would result with six forma into anything. I think your assesment is skewed based on not taking this into account.

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Synoid is fine as it is. And the reason because Synoid is so superior to its regular counterpart is pretty simple; 

Cephalon Suda knows too much and she improved the Gammacor to its highest. 

Synoid is not OP. 

It is good.

Not OP.

Dont like it? Dont use it.


Beside the fact that your way of thinking in Lore terms for this is odd and irrelevant beyond believe, pls read before reply.

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While it is a potent gun, killing Vor like that is more of a case of how much forma is in said gun.

I have put six forma into my synod so I can cram in as many potent mods as I can into my laser pointer of doom and I would expect that similar effects would result with six forma into anything. I think your assesment is skewed based on not taking this into account.


Its not really skewed tbh, there is a rare occasion where I witness a different weapon kill stuff that quick but again, emphasis on rare.

The SG is almost a given for insta death on any user that I ever saw it use, 99% of the case insta death is brought on by the Gammacor.

The only time you see mass death of that magnitude is perhaps with Saryns Ultimate or perhaps a bit after Nova's ultimate.

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We asked for a buff. Now you ask for a nerf. Its fine as is. Also it still falls of at sixty minutes in T4S so in the end. All dmg will fall of. When you say it kills everything what level are you refrencing cause. A good amprex build can kill everything.

Edited by rechot
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I have put six forma into my synod 

I've put 0 forma in mine, and I can still turn everything into my *@##$. Stalker showed up while I was using it, he was dead the second he pulled out his Dread.


Not saying it needs a nerf, I'm just enjoying the damage numbers. Like the 108,943 crit hit :D

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I used to think Synoid needed a dps nerf but after some testing its not damage that's the problem. Brakk, Telos Akbolto and a few other weapons can match if not out damage Synoid.


This other weapons however have some way of balancing out like Telos' travel time or Brakk's spread and fall-off damage.


Synoid doesn't need a dps nerf but it does need more balance. Maybe reduce the 25m range to perhaps 20m or 18m like Amprex, reduce base damage and up the fire rate to compensate.


Basically make it use more ammo because at the moment the ammo comsumption is non-existant. Reduce the range, increase fire rate and decrease base damage while leaving dps the same.


That way ammo needs to be managed and it has balancing properties like innate magnetic damage and limited range while still dealing high damage per sec.

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now I hear you thinking, why complain, nobody is using it against you like the noobtube from CoD, what is your problem?

My problem is that I want a challenge in a game, why else play?

Might as well press the insta win button and stop playing if you dont want that.

My problem is that everything becomes a boring cakewalk, no boss is a challenge, heck I played with someone who killed Vor on Tower 4 Exterminate with the thing in seconds, Vor could nto even complete his sentence before he was already dead.




use a different weapon? problem solved


no one is forcing u to use gammacor. but because u want a challenge everyone mustnt play with it?



Again read before commenting pls.

My answer is in the last part.


Your answer is exaclty what he says. You want a challenge and apparently since the Gammacor exist it removes any challenge for you and thus it should be removed or nerfed to the ground for everybody. Because you fail to see past it and apparently anybody using it makes you cringe.


Strangely enough in this game you are free to play as you like and trying to enforce the rest of the playerbase to play according to your views somehow does not seem to be a good idea.

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Why not buff other weaps to gammacor damage level?


Because then the game would be even more of a joke? Again why do we play games?

Because I sure as hell dont play it to just press the insta win button and be done with it, where is the fun in that?

I do agree with that idea on one tiny tiny level though, that if we were to massively buff the other Syndicate weapons, they atleast would become a viable choice again.


We asked for a buff. Now you ask for a nerf. Its fine as is. Also it still falls of at sixty minutes in T4S so in the end. All dmg will fall of. When you say it kills everything what level are you refrencing cause. A good amprex build can kill everything.


You asked for a buff perhaps, I did not but then I have had no experience with the SG before.

It falls off in T4S after 60 minutes... how is that even an arguement?

So what if it does, ok great after 60 minutes in 1 tiny game type compared to everything else there is in the game it will be equal to other weapons.

So because of that its fine?


Let me guess. You dont have this gun and/or you are not in Cephalon ;). So dont have = nerf.;)


Do have the gun, dont ever use it and ask my friends to not use it either, what fun is it to just destroy everything in 1 second?

Why play when you barely have to do anything? Might as well watch paint dry.




learn to use other secondary's there are many others that just as good or better. People that come here and say "nerf" are dumb learn and ask about how to use other weapons.


I am well on my way trying out every secondary weapon out there.

So far all of them are pretty !, was excited trying out the Detron but is pretty meh same as the Seer.

Back in the day when this game was still in beta I used the Sicarus, hell I even put a Catalyst on it, but I sold it now because its !.

Like the Nukor for the looks but also pretty eh.

Only one im currently quite enjoying is the Angstrum


Hey, a lot of people like the Synoid Gammacor. They have fun when they use it. What's that? It vaguely offends the OP enough (somehow) that he wants it nerfed to STOP them from having fun? That sounds totally legit and not selfish at all.


Offends? did you read it at all?

If I could kick people in this game I could kick those out that use it because I dont want my game ruined by someone going around and killing everything in a second.

I would not know who in their right mind would.

Where is the fun in that?

Would you want to play with someone who would join your game, press a button and you won?


"Come on guys, lets go kill the hyena pack, should be cool, oh wait an SG user joined and they are all dead already....well lets go to the exit, that sure was a good use of our time."


The only way around this would be to only play with friends or pray that nobody with that weapon will join the game.

Which is a weird limitation to put on people who just want to actually play the game, much more logical to put the weapon more inline with the other weapons who fit much more in the challenge the game presents.

Edited by ZoneDymo
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You want a challenge? Don't use the weapon and go play solo


Because that is fun?


Your answer is exaclty what he says. You want a challenge and apparently since the Gammacor exist it removes any challenge for you and thus it should be removed or nerfed to the ground for everybody. Because you fail to see past it and apparently anybody using it makes you cringe.


Strangely enough in this game you are free to play as you like and trying to enforce the rest of the playerbase to play according to your views somehow does not seem to be a good idea.


I want a challenge, if the game is not meant to be challenging why can I even die then?

Why have revives at all, or health, why not just click a box and congrats you beat the game! ?

It needs nerfing because of how it works with randoms, even if I am hosting I cannot choose to kick other players, so if a SG user joins my game I just have to put up with it or leave and start all over again.

Trust me if kicking was an option (or perhaps select parameters for everyone who wants to join my game) it would be much less of a problem.

As it is its almost like some cheater joins your game and you cannot do anything about it but leave yourself.


Its a godly weapon that takes all the fun (challenge) out of the game, its unfairly powerful compared to nearly everything else. why even have anything else if you can have this? might as well remove it all.

Oh wait,I know why we have anything else, just to level to 30 for a rank and then to discard again, not going to use a non insta death weapon when we have the SG now do we, that would be crazy.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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