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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Made Vorentine younger to explain her being the first boss (inexperienced, physically weaker). Also had a little bio for her. I was going to do the rest of the bosses, but the original reception for this picture on the forums wasn't that good so i just stopped :/ And really I only had good ideas for Hyena, Nef Anyo, Tyl Regor, Kela and Kril (kinda) anyway. Well, what do you think?

Really cute Vorentine XD Anyway, If you like what you're doing, don't let the lack of attention stop you just do what you want to do and keep being creative! I look forward to the rest of your ideas too.


And then I remember that the new 'Rage' warframe mod converts health damage to energy.


So... My Queen....?

I'll be here rolling the camera! :D Don't mind me watching!



Vauban is the rushiest frame in the void. Time challenge? Already there. Raid rush? Uncle Vau got you covered. Got killed two rooms back? No prob!



Usually when I'm bored and needa quick money, I just hop in the void with my Loki and speed through the whole raid mission without fighting a thing, the only problem is that I gotta be a little careful where the popping barricade, other than that, even their pew pew can't chase Loki's speed xD 

Edited by yuikami
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Really cute Vorentine XD Anyway, If you like what you're doing, don't let the lack of attention stop you just do what you want to do and keep being creative! I look forward to the rest of your ideas too.


I'll be here rolling the camera! :D Don't mind me watching!



Usually when I'm bored and needa quick money, I just hop in the void with my Loki and speed through the whole raid mission without fighting a thing, the only problem is that I gotta be a little careful where the popping barricade, other than that, even their pew pew can't chase Loki's speed xD 


Heheh, well, I'm just saying from my experience. I guess I'm yet to play with a competent Loki rusher, then xD.

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I'll be here rolling the camera! :D Don't mind me watching!




I feel like retorting, but I'm so tied up at the moment

It's like something's holding me back. >,>

Edited by Shion963
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I feel like retorting, but I'm so tied up at the moment

It's like something's holding me back. >,>


Aren't you restricting some important bits.

I'm not saying we torture the information out of you but please don't rope us up with the details.

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Well it's a little shoddy, but here it is:


Vor-tan. Vorentine. Huh, I only now noticed that o_O

Made Vorentine younger to explain her being the first boss (inexperienced, physically weaker). Also had a little bio for her. I was going to do the rest of the bosses, but the original reception for this picture on the forums wasn't that good so i just stopped :/ And really I only had good ideas for Hyena, Nef Anyo, Tyl Regor, Kela and Kril (kinda) anyway. Well, what do you think?

Oh... Ooooohhh!!!! May I have permission to draw this? Her design is rather simple and charming like a vocaloid.

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HE forgot the damn monocle


And as you see hear Gravefire has come to life in Crab forum! ALL hail the greantess of Yuikami and Garuda. In all seriousness I wish this could be my forum picture forever! I would enjoy it to death.

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*looks at his art*

Me: Oh yeah :)

*totally happy*

*looks at your art, now back to his own*

Me: Fuu, why... WHY....noooo.... ;(

*starts crying and runs into lazers, cus noobie keeps staring at the cameras*

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EDIT: Forgot to resize them...


Sorry for the long sleep x-x what did I miss? [been voiding all night TAT]















Back to Voiding... Bloofy Frost Prime System WON'T DROP! URGGGGGGGGGGG!!



got my own loki prime and who cares one day even sentinals can be primes :D

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It's a good thing Santa Stalker dropped by a few days ago and gave me a Hate BP! :D WHO NEEDS PRIMES >:(

I already have all the stalker weapons, maxed and polarized twice... so yes I need prime to put in my collection :<

Edited by yuikami
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