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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Lol yui your comics are as funny as ever!

Thankyuuu >3<


would chibi rhino just look like a ball of dough?

Cinnamon Bun LOL


Yuikami how do you feel about the antimatter frame based on what have been revealed so far and if you can how will you portray her in the comics?

Really looking forward to more of your work.

I can't wait!! She's so adorable, I really wanna see what she can do and how I can make fun of her >w< kyaaaaaa!


Man, I am going to have to watch what I say! To us Brits, sarcasm is a way of life! Sonovabollocks~!



Brit sarcasm does take some time to get use too,



I'm ok if my 'friend' do sarcastic jokes with me, like Erebus, but other people, just no.





Edited by yuikami
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Is it wrong that I'm attracted to that buff Trinity?


It only reveals the sad situation Rhino's in right now, hopefully U9 will give him his title back.

Didn't one of the streams say he wasn't originally intended to be a tank, and that was why they did what they did to him?

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somehow i`m even more and more reluctant to get a rhino... :D i have misery in my life enough as is, so maybe i should just keep away from the "hey dudes, come pick on me, `cuz i sure as hell won`t be able to catch you" frame... :D



Captain Vor



thirded, if it`s a thing... :D

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Captain Vor

The new or "retired" one?


well it doesn't appear to have any connection to this thread without subtext, I mean this thread is about outlandish things and funny comics. But this would seem pretty random..... at least I can't find a connection...

Maybe the guy is meant to be captain Vor and the girl is Yuikami....or the unicorn-frame.

Edited by PseudoExis
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but in videogames isnt the tought dude usually the tanky one? and his stats are the the same as the frost ar/hp/sr wise 

so is the frost not a tank either?

it just falls to play style, and the devs want to reflect that. If you want to build basically Excalibur with a little more armor to start with, you can use Rhino then add a few mods. They stated in the streams that they didn't want to specify classes but that they want the players to decide how to use the warframes. Instead of putting a label on them. So yeah they're tanks, but only if you want them to be.

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