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Bandaids Looks At Synoid Gammacor


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Well this is probably my first time doing a weapon feedback so bear with me, and I ain't asking for a significant nerf or anything for this weapon BUT by the end of this post I have a suggestion that could lessen the hate on this weapon (or risk myself getting hated).


I thought the forum players may be exaggerating a bit about this weapon, but after seeing the amount of hate this weapon is getting and how absurdly mean some Tenno can get, I decided to whip out this weapon and go for T4 with it (I kept it away after formaing it once and maxed it on Ceres, made more love to my Telos Akbolto instead). 


To start off, here's the build I gave my SG. Forma'd it once and it was good enough for me already, got rid of the D and gave it a V instead (well, as a guy obviously I love the V more).


Yes I get it, this build is sub-optimal, horrible, not the "true dps potential" build, meagre, whatever you wanna call it. I pretty much kept the weapon away after formaing it just once cuz I ain't interested in achieving maximum dps.


Synoid Gammacor vs Corrupted Vor (and also other misadventures)

Waving hi to Corrupted Vor



Meditating while the turd blossom finishes his speech






And please witness my Rhino Prime doing a victory dance 



Though to be fair he's probably the worst target to use this weapon against, since all of his health classes are 75% weak against each of my Synoid Gammacor's damage type (Shield: 75% weak against Magnetic, Cloned Flesh: 75% weak against Viral, Alloy Armor: 75% weak against Radiation). I later used a Corrosive+Blast against Lephantis, who of course putted up a better fight.


Later I went back to T4 using a Telos Akbolto (uses the same build as my SG) and 2x forma'ed Prisma Gorgon (Radiation+Viral) with Mesa. Couldn't get any proper screenshot it was a bit intense with Mesa, except for this one where I mooned Vor and after killing him





It took both my Telos Akbolto (shred his shields, and some of his health) and Prisma Gorgon (rest of his health) to take him down, didn't take as fast to kill him with SG, but didn't take as long as I normally do when I have Boltor Prime. Well hey, does that mean those two weapons should be nerfed? (Though for 600 Ducats, PG is pretty underwhelming....)


After all that, yea I'll admit it, now I find this weapon quite overpowered despite having Entropy energy restore being nerfed or balanced, depending how you see it. Though as a Syndicate weapon the time spent trying to get this weapon may compensated that a bit (I'll come to the Rakta Ballistica later). If it's any fair, it took me 2 months to reach Genius rank in Suda, so I sorta got Synoid a few days ago. The only problem we have is those weapons being tradeable, which pretty much ruins the loyalty and dedication you put towards that syndicate (Tenno be like "Screw loyalty I got a BFG now.")


Perhaps the other stats of this weapon can be adjusted asides from the damage? Let everyone who enjoys this gun put down the big-! enemies easily, but limit the usage. So here's some suggestions I can provide:

-Lesser magazine and max ammo (Seeing how slow the ammo consumption, perhaps around 20/140? Even lower perhaps?)

-Longer reload time (4.0s, try Quickdraw that!)

-Reduced crit chance and damage (or be like Seer: NO CRITS)

-All of the above 


And probably the option most wouldn't agree on:

-Syndicate weapons are untradeable (I spent 2 months trying to get Telos and some MR3 bloke got if off for 75p? ERMARGERD UBER RAGE DE NERF PLS)


These are pretty much my opinion on this gun, it's not too shabby, not exactly that overpowered but still can be looked at again for some adjustments.


If you agree with what I have mentioned throughout this thread, share out your thoughts! If you disagree with I have mentioned throughout this thread, share your thoughts either way! It's not like I'm gonna molest or arrest you for having a different opinion.


But as a personal message to all the one bashing this weapon, please do not shove your hate down people's throat. Hate it as you wish, but don't drag others along. If people love using it, let them be, you can just use it as mastery fodder and store it away till you feel comfortable using it. And by all means, DO NOT tell others they should not use the gun because you don't like it. If someone joins my T4 with a SG and actually increase the survivability of himself/herself and/or the squad, then they're perfectly welcome to use it.


I thank you for taking your time reading my thoughts on this matter and appreciate any feedback you share.


On a side note, buff Rakta Ballistica. I'm about to climb up my ranks from Corrupt to Exalted through Steel Meridian and I'd like to see some good impressions on this weapon by then :P


And better put on my Flame Repellent just in case, normally Synoid Gammacor threads never end well :(


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Well good points OP, I thought you did alright for your first weapon feedback, if you think it's op like that you can only imagine what a 7 forma one is like (I have one plz don't hurt me , my philosophy is to enjoy things before they are nerfed into obscurity, which hasn't failed me yet)


Oh and inb4 3+ pages of god knows what

No turning back now, gotta go farm flame blades and ancient healers.

If you don't wanna spoil the joke don't open the next spoiler

Final Warning

Flame blades and ancient healers both drop flame repellent, and I figure we will be needing lots of them

Edited by NinjaSnipe11
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One wall of text for 5 relevant lines

I tried to be as specific as I can ;-; then went slightly off topic......ok maybe not slightly


I think all of the above would be appropriate.

Whatcha think about Syndicates weapon shouldn't be tradeable?


inb4 3+ pages of god knows what

No turning back now, gotta go farm flame blades and ancient healers.

If you don't wanna spoil the joke don't open the next spoiler

Final Warning

Flame blades and ancient healers both drop flame repellent, and I figure we will be needing lot's of them

Quick! Toss me another one!

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I edited my post a bit to be more on topic and give feedback somewhat.

Yea I can imagine those who ditched the utility and put in raw damage (Primed Heated Charge, inb4 Primed Convulsion, Primed Hornet Strike, Primed Barrel Diffusion, etc). Vor will be needing some bandaids.



I will admit that it is a pretty powerful secondary, but idk about the nerfs listed here. I wouldn't mind the ammo being nerfed though (like half the ammo in reserve).

That thing is basically a mini Phage on steroids, low magazine and ammo could offset this weapon I guess.

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That build doesn't even come close to showing the power of the synoid gammacor, sir.




Take a look at that damage there. Shred Vor in 3 seconds flat with that one.

I am highly aware of how strong this weapon is, I just choose not to max its potential. Kinda like Superman holding back his full strength of his punch. I'm more of a proc chance person rather than max DPS.


And that build you shared pretty much just gave the haters a reason to use the nerfhammer on it >.>

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Why not buff other syndicate weps to synoid lvl?

Then we just have a ton of secondaries that don't come close to the power of 6 weapons. Buffing those weapons would leave a little bit more diversity but we still have the problem of non-syndicate weapons being not really powerful enough compared to those weapons. That is my opinion though.

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I have no idea what your point on this thread was, are you trying to say nerf synoid? Because man, the build you showed isn't even half of the Synoids true dps potential

Am gonna repeat this the second time anyways but whatever, I'm not intending to whip out Synoid's "true dps potential." This thread is to find out what is so overpowered about this weapon, about HOW I found it overpowered to be exact.

Well yea in a way I am asking for nerf (more like proposing ways to balance this weapon actually). You put it yourself that my build is meagre as it is implied, and thus somewhere out there someone is wrecking a Level 80 Bombard with some true dps build within seconds. And that's another reason why someone would want this weapon nerfed to the core.

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I think the synoids fine as it is, and i dont even use it that often anymore. Its nice to know i got a weapon that can counteract t4 shanagans, such as a pack of 6 overlaping nullifers each with a heavy or bombard in their bubbles.


Then agian telos bolts are more comforting, since I know i dont have to step into that rape zone.


That agian is the synoids biggest drawback, yeah its a rapebus up close, but its got mediumish range, and in higher leveled content it  can get you killed if you barge straight up into things mashing the mouse buttan.


I spose Im getting off topic though. I think the other syndicate weapons should be buffed up to synoids level (yes even the goddamn rakata) and have a restriction put on trading, like mastery rank or something, cause its goddamn barren up here past rank 8, and syndicates arent really that much of a insperation to level it up.

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Even if DE has no intention of touching the damage, then they could reduce the ammo efficiency to that of the standard Gammacor. I mean all that damage and I barely ever had to reload a completely emptied clip. That's sorta ridiculous.


A Mastery lock should also be implemented for Syndicate weapons, if they're supposed to be top-tier weapons that take a long time of ranking up to acquire, then that shouldn't be so easily undermined by being able to get one off another player regardless of level so long with just a bit of platinum.

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