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De's Area51 Grade Secrecy For Why Players Are Being "autokicked" From Parties


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Quite frankly, I'm tired of it


I have given every last bit of patience I could possible give to Digital Extremes and now I'm just fed up. The last "update" looked like finally DE was concerned about those who do get "autokicked", but after the update it just seemed like they still didn't care


Currently I play Guild Wars 2, Blacklight: Retribution, Ghost Recon: Phantoms, even Shadowgun Deadzone(for PC) and I always have a green connection.(or good connection)When I play Warframe it's always the same issue. Try to host a party, party members get autokicked. I try to join, I get autokicked. I know I can't speak for the Warframe community, but I'm speaking from my experience. And quite frankly, I know for a fact that DE does not care one bit about their players in terms of actual gaming with other players


This has gone on too far and to advertise "in our game players can fight alongside each other" is a slap in the face to those who can't even play with others because of your wonderful "autokicking system". And what's worse there are other players who completely bad mouth players who actually have a decent connection, but if a slight drop comes to their connection, the system "autokicks" them from the party. I've had dozens of players trash talk me and many other players realize(thankfully) that it is not me, it is you, DE. 


And please do not try to belittle my intelligence by saying the standard: "Are all your drivers updated? GPU drivers updated? Etc etc etc "updated"?" Because they are. No one is on my connection, just me. And even when my siblings are on my connection, when I play the other games listed above, nothing happens in terms of me being "autokicked" in those games, and I still retain a very good connection. In Warframe, it's a nailbitting "will I be able to stay in this party or will DE little "hidden system" autoki-


*autokicks me*




No one from Digital Extremes, from the Warframe division has yet to answer why this is so. Only players and "Forums Moderators". Not to say they don't know anything, but right now, I'm all out patience of reading "guesses". I need to know from the source.


So, I wish to hear from the source. The man or woman who is behind the coding and development(networking engineer/coder for Warframe) of why this system exists in Warframe. Why does it do this? What are the limits of when this "autokick" happens? What triggers this "autokick" in this game? Who thought this would be a good idea to have in place and keep in place? 


I'll be overlooking responses from: 

forum members.


forums moderators. 


I want to read from the source


I ask you to explain this issue thoroughly and if so put it into basic terms. Heck, make it "simple, stupid".(my coach from high school said he liked to keep things "simple, stupid". So simple you have to be completely stupid to not understand it). I will not "demand" this explanation, even though I am in great frustration of this issue that I believe will never be fixed due to the actions taken to solve this issue, because your actions DE on this issue has been a "sweep it under the rug and ignore it" action. 


And even if possible give me a ETA on when this issue is going to be severely looked into. Or is it even being worked on? What could I do on my end to soften the blow until the issue is fixed




Time to await a "official response" I suppose. 


Extra stuff:

Speedtest results(my network speeds of course):


Test 1:
42ms ping
7.38Mbps Download speed
1.37 Upload speed
Test 2:
40ms ping
7.30Mbps DL speed
1.41Mbps UL speed
Test 3:
43ms ping
7.44Mbps DL speed
1.39Mbps UL speed
My system specs
Intel i5 3570k
250GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD
1TB Storage drive
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i love how you say you know for a fact they dont care. The games a beta expect bugs. ALL those games you listed are complete games. Warframe is still work in progress they are still working out the bugs. You really cant complain and rage when they tell you when you sign up that it is a beta. SO EXPECT BUGS LIKE THIS.

Edited by rechot
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  • Find somebody you keep getting kicked from.


  • Get their IP address (their external/internet one, not the 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x one).


  • In your start/globe menu, type in "CMD" and press Enter.


  • In the black box that comes up, type this with no quotes, and press enter. "cd desktop".


  • Then in the black box, type this with no quotes and press enter. "ping -t x.x.x.x > ping.txt", where x.x.x.x is their IP address.  It won't appear to do anything, just let it sit for 15 minutes or so while you play Warframe.


  • After a few minutes, go back to the black box and press CTRL+C.


  • Type "exit" with no quotes and press enter to close the black box.


  • You should have ping.txt on your desktop. Copy it's contents onto a site like http://pastebin.com/ and link us.
Edited by Rydian
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To claim they do not care is incorrect. It would be detrimental to their jobs and livelihood. They are not a large studio who is capable of ignoring their playerbase and ride the influx of cash they'll get regardless.


There has been recent improvements regarding network compression and congestion. While this is not specifically being auto-kicked, it should help to prevent being auto-kicked. There is an article supplied by maciejs, a member of DE, here
A player is auto-kicked if their connection to the host times out, in most cases. It may not necessarily be your connection, the host's connection may be quite poor. I am generally kicked when I join a host in which I lag immensely. It is normal for games to do this, and there is no system that does so maliciously.


Then again, matchmaking is certainly not the best, and there may still be issues regarding it. The article explains this fix would not help everyone, but it should be a performance boost for many, but I cannot speak for how it has affected the PC community.


There is still active work being made to improve the netcode. I cannot say what those specifics are, but DE is aware there are issues and they are not ignoring them. The last unimplemented change to the netcode I heard about was the attempt for DE to host clan dojos, to prevent host migrations and being unable to enter dojos should a laggy host be hosting.

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I don't want to say what could be wrong and what could be the reason. You stated yourself you just want to get a response from DE (and you are tired of all the other posts here....) 


However, one sentence bugs me... and I just have to say something about it:

And quite frankly, I know for a fact that DE does not care one bit about their players in terms of actual gaming with other players


That is not true.... This statement, this so called "fact", my fellow Tenno, is incorrect...

You can search for any DE staff in the member list and look at some of their posts. They are trying hard to communicate with other players to get things done. So they can play with others together.

(you can just look in "[DE]Glen" s posts (e.g https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/391742-strict-nat-improvements-and-testing/?p=4349172)  on his profil... or "maciejs" you will find some stuff)


Sure, you had this problem a long time, and never was a fix released that really fixed your personal issue...DE stated "yea, we will do something about it" ...and you are still waiting for "the perfect fix"... it is ok... and I can agree with you at some (very few) points...


but calm down. 

You can contact the support and pm multiple staff members if you want only a "source" reply... you can search the forums (because it sounds like you missed important threads *coughhttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/391492-network-compression-and-congestion-control/'> cough*


This is a open tread. People will answer. Mostly players... and moderators. They will try to help you... 

Edited by Fabpsi
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I know I can't speak for the Warframe community, but I'm speaking from my experience. And quite frankly, I know for a fact that DE does not care one bit about their players in terms of actual gaming with other players


For those who don't get it, read that as a whole. I may have presented it as a separate, but read that as a whole, instead of locking on to one sentence. 


Again I'm just awaiting an official response.

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i love how you say you know for a fact they dont care. The games a beta expect bugs. ALL those games you listed are complete games. Warframe is still work in progress they are still working out the bugs. You really cant complain and rage when they tell you when you sign up that it is a beta. SO EXPECT BUGS LIKE THIS.

This game has been out for a while, that whole "beta" excuse is no longer valid. Although, if DE were actually SMART and had a PT server, we wouldn't have all these bugs in the live server that plague the player base for many updates, sometimes not ever getting fixed.

Sometimes I feel that DE doesn't get the whole Work Smarter not Harder saying.

BUT I do think DE does a great job every once in a while. This last network code update has helped so much.

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I'd recommend playing the game with 64bit mode off (I had the same issue as you until I did that). It's kind of hard to argue that it's a network issue on the users end if turning off 64bit mode resolves it. The latest patch kind of dinged the game on lower end gpu's. I sent a support ticket to DE on it and it's being looked into. I'll probably have to send another support ticket since the game now has sevre frame drops. I can kind of understand OP's frustration.

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