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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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That looks like the observer from the natah-quest, just in yellow.


It looks a little bit like a person with a lot of ornates on the back. 

You want to know what made it even more weird for me? When they received damage, I took damage instead of them. Kinda scary if you ask me.

You can ignore the Nekros on the picture, it's just me forgetting to use the scanner for  a proper screenshot (so yeah, I was the one taking the pictures. "No **** sherlock" -everyone)

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Okay I didn't say it before, but after rereading it, that entire battle was damn spectacular.

It probably only made it better that I was listening to this while it happened 


Clever bastards you Tenno (and one human) are.

Hexer isn't clever, per se.

He just has plot armour +1, gifted from Lady Luck herself.

Plot Armour of Luck +1

Luck of the Lady: Character permanently has good fortune. Note that 'good' doesn't always mean 'beneficial.'

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So character question time? I guess?


Does/Do your RP character(s) ressemble you in real life? Yes? No? Maybe? :/


Most of my characters share at least one or two traits I'm familiar with, so I can better "feel" them and think into them easier. It's the same for Souna. However, other traits are very different: She's much prouder than me, much more ruthless, and not remotely as forgiving. So you could say, it's a mix of Yes and No.

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So character question time? I guess?


Does/Do your RP character(s) ressemble you in real life? Yes? No? Maybe? :/

Mix of both yes and no.


Appearance: Hell no. 

Personality: a bit. Bel has my stubbornness, rebellious attitude, and chill demeanor. 

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Bingo, Drand, though my description of appearance in regards to Mag and Nish aren't any different. If you so desire for a reiteration of, I can include it in the next reply.



Been awhile since I answered on of you guys's questions, so this time I'll bite.


For my OC's, they usually focus on a single attribute of my personality which I then blow up.


Azelie is my impatience, Harley is my inner-soldier with a touch of rage and a sprinkle of sibling love, Nisha is my pep with a helping of stupidity, and Magdalene is my paternal/maternal instinct and indulgence, just to name a few.


As for others, I simply possess the uncanny ability to think up OC's on the fly. Keya, Odessa, and even Stig started out as simply just names, but not too long afterward I started thinking up backstories for each of them. 


Odessa was actually destined to be in Keya's position as my next major, but with Ampere's disappearance I decided to change that. Was a shame, though, she had a rather developed and depressing story to tell.

(And personally, I prefer the Corpus to the Grineer, but don't tell Keya that.)


Keya has a fun backstory as well. Since I have a very strong feeling Hex is going to be the only person insane enough to try and near the she-devil in her enraged state, I recommend asking the story about how she lost her arm in the first place. But, you know, make it come up in the conversation naturally and all that jazz.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Do my OCs represent aspects of myself?

No, not really! I think I'm a bit too boring to make characters out of, so I come up with OCs on the fly, usually based off of one aspect of them, and branch out from there. It could be their name, their weapon, hell, what they wear, etc. I flesh them out as much as I can while leaving room for development within any RPs they take place in.

Also, unrelated note, hello from college, I'm gonna be killing time a lot here, so feel free to strike up a conversation with me. I'm on mobile, but could probably computer at some point.

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My OC's all share something I enjoy, like Sebastian and history and Quinn's music preference. I base these characters off of such traits and then expand on it by creating their personalities off of this trait. The characters I create are simply something that I am interested in and personified in a fictitious manner, holding personalities and uniqueness that is reminiscent of what I based them off of. Now that's not to say that I based them off of me, but rather I based them off of an idea.

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Hey, alright here I am! With express permission from SpaceHelicopters themselves, I'm gonna post up one of those OC sheets and then edit it as it gets viciously critiqued. Granted, I won't mind, I'd like it to be as good as possible before heading on in. So for now I'll stop and actually post it up.


Name: Aegia


Frame: Rhino


Syndicate: Unaffiliated


Personality: Aegia is a fun loving Tenno, with a great sense of humor and a deep enjoyment for jokes of any kind. As such, she always looks forward to having a laugh with her friends or squadmates. She keeps this happy-go-lucky personality during missions as well, no matter how serious they may be (to an extent, of course). She cares very deeply for her fellow Tenno, and does her best to protect them from harm as best as she can. The thought of a friend of hers coming to harm isn't one she likes to entertain, so she's usually the first in to a swarm of foes, and won't leave until she's certain that they've been sufficiently neutralized. However, the smiling, laughing exterior is only hiding a very lonely Rhino. It's that interior she keeps tucked away that makes her hesitant to trust and open up to others. But it's rare that anyone would ever know of this side of her, the most they ever see is a cheerful Rhino, laughing merrily along with her fellow Tenno as they balance the galaxy, or whatever it is they're doing at that moment.


Appearance: Aegia is 5'9" tall, standing at about 6'1" when in her frame. She looks to be around her mid-20s, sporting shoulder length dark auburn hair and amber colored eyes. Her Warframe itself is a navy blue color primarily, using gray accents for secondary and tertiary colors.


Equipment: (I thought I'd add this in just to give an idea of what she brings along to a scuffle) Aegia's primary weapon is a Tigris shotgun with a modified barrel, making it shorter and slightly stubbier to increase spread and power. Her secondary weapon, a Marelok that matches her frame colors, is for engaging targets at a longer range in which her Tigris would be nigh useless. And her melee weapon is quite possibly her other pride and joy, barring the Tigris. It is a Jat Kittag, modified with enhanced jets and a heavier head for even more crushing and hammer-like joy.


Brief History: Following Aegia's awakening, she was a very scared and actually somewhat timid Tenno, not at all befitting the Rhino frame that she inhabited. On missions, she was usually the quietest member of the squad, always observing and supporting her fellow Tenno as best she could. It was only as she began the 3 year process of the construction of her dojo did she begin to mold herself into the happy-go-lucky Rhino that exists today. Why would creating a dojo take 3 years, one may ask? Well, perhaps if it was only her doing the constructing, which it was. Not a soul inhabited the cold halls of the deep-space structure, save for her. She slipped into a relative period of obscurity, where nary a sentinel would even spend the time of day with the boisterous Tenno, leaving her in a 3 year period of loneliness, save for her rarer interactions on missions. However, there was a single Tenno that did manage to get through to the gal, and right when she was beginning to open up, they disappeared without a trace, leaving her alone once more in the grand empty halls. After a slight breakdown, she underwent a one year cryosleep in the dojo, giving her time to think and dream. And that brings us to now, Aegia, post-cryosleep.


Relationships: None, yet. Unless anyone else has something to say about it.

Aaaaand I think that's about it, at least what I can think of. If anything needs to be added, removed, clarified, let me know and I will ignore it edit it posthaste!


I can find no fault with anything here, though I do have to ask if you've read the Inner-workings of the Tenno. Not that anything here made me think you haven't, mind you, it's simply something I may reference quite a bit, and I check to ensure that everyone has read it before they join.


I believe everyone here can attest to that.


Once that's cleaned up, we can help you intro your character IC. Everyone is currently heading to the Waystation, so it'll probably have to be relative to that position.

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I can find no fault with anything here, though I do have to ask if you've read the Inner-workings of the Tenno. Not that anything here made me think you haven't, mind you, it's simply something I may reference quite a bit, and I check to ensure that everyone has read it before they join.

I believe everyone here can attest to that.

Once that's cleaned up, we can help you intro your character IC. Everyone is currently heading to the Waystation, so it'll probably have to be relative to that position.

Oh most definitely! I read everything inside and out, made sure to resd all the posts from beginning leading up to what's current. I quite like your theory on the Tenno actually! Whenever is fine with you, I can get to being introduced.

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