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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Uhm, DK, Sebastian used a Bastille, and everyone in the room is suspended, including Volun and the doctor.

It doesn't matter, apparently he's not even unconscious even though the first post he made regarding it said Volun was out cold, making yours, Souna, and my posts irrelevant.

Unfortunately, he and batman have both posted numerous times since then and it'd be easier to fix ours, rather than see them actually accommodate ours, you know:

The posts that came before theirs chronologically

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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Well this will be an interesting and heart wrenching experience for those who are emotionally invested in their characters.


Gaius observed Nisha's path closely as she maneuvered through the obstacles. He tried to get an idea for the timing of the spikes, and he was unsure about how to deal with the Vector Plate obstacle, but perhaps he could mimic Nisha's movements as best he could. Gaius jumped back slightly though when he saw Nisha be impaled by a massive blade. "Well damn." He said as he watched Nisha's body swing back and forth. "If Mag were here, I would be in a lot of trouble. Welp, might as well take a crack at it since we don't have a choice." Gaius prepared himself for a sprint. He got into position and began to count the pattern of the spikes. After standing for a few minutes, he got it down perfect Gaius danced in between the spikes, his deft movements being displayed in a what one could only describe as a smoky blur.


After clearing the spikes, Gaius prepared himself for the next challenge. He had no idea what to expect from he speed other than the walls, so he waited a few seconds and begun. As he began his run, he almost lost his balance from sudden jolt, but after a brief moment, he grew accustomed to it. When the walls began to pop up, Gaius was going so fast that he could essentially ice skate his way past. He got the timing down for sharp movements and smiled, finding the experience exhilarating. Then he tripped. Gaius began to roll along the plates, never being able to correct himself. Luckily for him, the walls had disappeared and the plates becoming less and less powerful. As his role began to stop he went launching forward to the end, his arm outstretched. As he crossed into the new obstacle, his hand grasped onto the long beam that attached the guillotine to the ceiling. He went up and down and up and down, swinging back and forth on it. He gave a loud yell every time he went down, until he finally climbed onto the blade itself. As he tried to gather his thoughts, he finally managed to see the obstacle before him. The place was a pit, with the only thing in it being more guillotines. Then it clicked, he had to use them to get across. He could see the platform to the next obstacle lying beyond a series of blades, and sighed. He started his advancement. He timed the jumps to reach each blade, and managed to arrive at the next platform.


"Oh thank god!." Gaius said as he reached his next destination. He observed the room, which was barren. It was like a box, which unnerved him. Gaius walked into the room tentatively, and all seemed fine so far. He got about half way across the room. when he decided to walk at a normal pace. That was where he went wrong. The plate underneath him sunk slightly, and then half of it lifted up, smacking him in the face. he stumbled back, but stopped before falling onto the plate behind him. He stood for a bit, trying to process what just happened, and then the entire room began to fall, exposing lava underneath. All except he middle plate. Gaius rushed over to it and barely landed onto it before he fell. He panted heavily, and watched as the plates came back. He tried to figure out what went wrong, and took some time to think. He walked over to the plate adjacent to the middle one that was towards the direction of the next obstacle. He placed his foot on it, and it didn't drop. he then had an idea. Gaius began to take lighter and lighter steps as he walked towards the next obstacle. He got up to where he almost died last time. He took a light step, and tried to disperse his weight and take light steps across. Then, only one last plate stood between him and safety. He took as light a step as possible, but second he touched it the whole room sunk into the lava. Gaius went into a free fall, descending towards the lava. He stared into his demise with an annoyed expression. "That obstacle's bull S#&$."



It doesn't matter, apparently he's not even unconscious even though the first post he made regarding it said Volun was out cold, making yours, Souna, and my posts irrelevant.

Unfortunately, he and batman have both posted numerous times since then and it'd be easier to fix ours, rather than see them actually accommodate ours, you know:

The posts that came before theirs chronologically

Eh, I'll just say it ended and work from there.

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That does suck, you have my condolences. But, this S#&$ tends to happen in big threads like this. Best to go with the good old "F*** it" adjustment and press on.

Yeah, no use getting mad over it at this point. I'll post sometime soon.

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The Genial General took one look at the obstacle course and immediately came to a decision.
"F***. This. S#&$." He said to the Ash next to him.
The Ash silently nodded in agreement.
"I suppose you are going to try to take this suicide run, aren't you?"
"Oh hells yes I am." Said the Ash, sounding like a Scottish Turian. "Did you see that guillotine at the end there? Or what happened to that Vauban? You know I ain't gonna miss a chance to show the new-bloods up."
The General sighed. "Really, Umbra? You are really going to go there?"
The Ash laughed. "I'm the oldest bastard in the room. I think I am entitled to a bit of shower-uppery."

And that is why you always die. Because you have to prove you are the most insane son-of-a-*@##$ in existence. Hexer thought to himself quietly.



The Ash stood at the starting line, stretching his arms (or rather, gyros) in anticipation before bolting down the track. Picking up a significant amount of speed wasn't too difficult. Maintaining that speed without getting skewered was. However, when the person in question is indistinguishable from a robot, the difficulty kinda went out the window. Especially when the perception of time, speed and space was sped up within Umbra's electronic mind. To the Mechanical Mercenary, the spikes weren't even going that fast. To anyone watching, the Ash was going too damn fast. It was half a wonder how he managed to stop at the end.


The vector plate course was similarly simple. If only because of the computerized reaction speed. Oh, of course, the walls seemed to be sentient and compensated for the rapid adjustment of course at the start, almost causing Umbra to completely fail oh so utterly and miserably, but somehow the Digital Deadpool defeated the damned speed course.

Or that's what he would tell anyone once he got out. Instead, he crashed head-first into the last wall and got sent back to the start. If anyone asked him about the rest of the course, he'd say the hard-drive containing that information got mixed up with the hard-drive that had the Kela de Thaym tape on it.



"So, how was the run?" Hexer asked almost snidely.
"Shut up, you damned ghost."

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So since I'm new here I thought maybe introductions were in order. As I absolutely suck at introducing myself, I came up with a plan. So for the next 24 hours you guys can ask me any question about myself. What I ask for in return is a short introduction about yourselves. No question is too personal or too weird and everyone can ask as many questions as they want. I'll try to answer them as they come in (or as soon as I can). Sound good?

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Well, I can manage to compensate for Volun'tais non-going down, and this has been discussed already, so I won't say anything.

I'll just, for fun sake's, note that Volun forgot to duck from Souna's kick, which would have connected since he didn't go down. ^^

But since I have to react to the bastille and Volun's announcement and all that anyways, that won't be big.

Just try not to contradict yourself anymore, DK, so we can reliable post continuing from your posts.

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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I wish I could be as positive and nurturing as Drand right now, but I think this requires a firm hand as opposed to a gentle touch.


A simple way of putting it I suppose is I'm "upset" with what's happened recently. So let's just get this over with:


First off, welcome back DK. I wish I could leave it at that, but sadly, you and I have a problem. While I can understand when you make an OC, you want them to be unique and powerful, but to put it in a negative way, 'If everyone is special, then no one is special.' You're theatric re-introduction of Volun-Tai has left me with no choice but to look at him as a Mary-Sue, and that displeases me due to how clear I tried to make it that I don't like these types of character. They are the bane to every DM since they can find a way to single-handedly accomplish a task that is meant to challenge them. Even if you pulled in your science to back up Volun's instability, it doesn't change the fact that it's a sudden and dramatic increase and power level, which I used as specific example of what not to do here.


Not only that, but you directly took control over the characters that are my responsibility, and while I didn't mind it too much at first, I see this as a potential gateway that could lead to greater infractions in the future, and as harsh as I may seem right now, I'm only looking out for you. The NPC's are my jurisdiction; use of them is prohibited unless I give express permission.


Next comes the disrespect of your fellow Rpers, though another shares this blame as well. But they'll get their talk in due time. Sheer volume of posts is no excuse for ignoring details brought in by others, and I will not stand idly by when this happens. It's not fair to the others, and it's not fair to me.


And all this considered, I still shoulder most of the blame, which is why I shall give you my mercy. It's just as much my fault for not stopping you sooner, but I was afraid of hurting feelings. If you in turn are upset with me, or disagree with me, then that is your problem to deal with, not mine. Know that I am just as eager to close the door as I am to hold it open for another.


Since everyone else is willing to overlook this, then so to shall I instead of carrying out my initial decision. This is strike one, DK. I don't want to eject you, but I will do so in a heartbeat should more situations like this arise, and this goes for everyone. I feel as though our time here has made us close, at the very least in an intellectual sense. Don't make me end it.



Bat, where Drand is forgiving, I am not so much. I love your enthusiasm, but when it begins to affect the others negatively, it only enrages me. I don't want you to start being afraid to post, but I finally reached the end of my patience with this. You are not the only one who is to blame, but please forgive me if it seems like I'm singling you out from the others. If I have to say names, I will.


To those I am addressing, and I know you know who you are, enough of the quick fired posts. 1 on 1 posts should not take up pages upon pages of the Rp. Heed this warning or suffer the repercussions: Cut down on your posting frequency. It's not fair for the others to miss out on story when buried under an avalanche of posts, and I'm sick of it. I understand that you're excited about your characters, I'm an Rper too, but being on both ends I know just how frustrating it can be.



This is sort of an angry pep-talk, so if it starts to get scary, just keep in mind that I like you and that you're not in trouble.


Xion, enough with the fear. My pity for you is running out, and since gentle encouragement doesn't seem to be having an effect, I'm resorting to tough-love. 


Your timidness towards posting is infuriating! You have nothing to fear here, and we have constantly assured that if you mess up, we'll help you. Hell, I have worked with you one on one, and I have only said positive things to you! Cast aside your self-consciousness towards posting, and in the immortal words of Nike and Shia Lebouf (Don't you dare hate me for this) "JUST DO IT!" Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Those who haven't made a mistake have never made anything! Damnit, I want to interact with you, the others want to interact with you! I want to see Fulgurus's character develop into something we can all be proud of and be proud that we had a part in forming him with you, but we can't do it unless you post. Approach our characters, have conversations, argue with us, fight us, fight with us, just interact for Christ's sake! Cast your fear aside, and just dive in and immerse yourself in your own lore and what you can create. You have nothing to fear, here.


"If a seedling refuses to take water, can it grow to be a tree?"



I may put a post up later tonight, I don't know, it depends if I'm feeling inspired or not. I hope I never have to get this serious around here again.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Understood Spacey.

I'll stop the quick fire posts. I just get caught up with RPing with Belrev whenever I get the chance.

Can't really shake it off, he is my first 'proper' creation anyway.

If anyone wants me to edit a post to correspond with the events happening so far, just tell me. Don't wait after please.

I have no problem editing out let's say a one whole page post to line up with the story.


Edit about last nights TWD:


Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Starn, I refuse to accept your apology. There is no need; you've done nothing wrong, so let your conscience be at ease.


No, the guilty parties know who they are. Apologies are nice, but I don't require them. I simply want to be assured that all parties are aware of the objects of my discontent and that actions are being taken to avoid them. I'm usually pretty laid back, and I let a lot of stuff I shouldn't slide, but eventually I can only take so much.



Alright, now it's time for me to remind you all of how the periods in this Rp work since it's been awhile and I know for a fact that most have forgotten. There are three, though two of these are practically the same thing:

  • Missions (What we finally got out of.)
  • Mini-missions (What we're going to be entering.)
  • Peacetimes (What we're currently in.)


Missions will follow the Setup's story-line and will feature challenges put forth by yours truly in order to challenge your OC's. Character introductions may not be done during these times, however challenges brought up by others that are approved by me can occur along the story.


Mini-missions are generally shorter than actual missions and do not follow the story. The challenges are simplistic, but provide a lot of oppertunity for user input - so long as it's approved. Players can still join during this time.


Peacetimes chronologically fall in-between both of the above. They are the perfect time for creating relationships between OC's and further developing backstories. Peacetimes are peaceful, and therefore there shouldn't be any fighting aside from playful duels. OC's will not be targeted by enemies (GM created or otherwise). To reiterate, these are times for peace, not conflict.


Agent, I know you've been sitting on Omni for a long time, and this is probably going to frustrate you when I say this, but with the way you want to introduce him, he's more of something to occur during the upcoming mini-mission. Please, instead of constantly trying to force him in, just be patient. I haven't forgotten about him, and it's not like I don't want him included, just now isn't the time.


I hope you understand, and if the cost of that is frustration directed at me, then so be it.



In order to help with impatience, here are some key events in my posts that you'll want to keep an eye out for before we reach the mini-mission. Be warned! Enclosed within this spoiler are obvious, albeit vague spoilers!

In no particular order:

  • Harley's lament
  • Keya's encounter
  • Fessa's lament (Maybe)
  • Gemini's upgrade
  • Vidic's scare
  • A call from a friend
  • Bad News (Relatively soon)
  • (Maybe, haven't decided who, or if) Recovery of the lost

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Chopper am i good to rp yet or no???


I haven't decided yet, and while I'm not trying to be discouraging (I believe the others can vouch for me when I say that I like Rp newbies), the lack of grammatical improvement, impatience, and lack of interaction with the others isn't doing much to convince me.

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Starn, I refuse to accept your apology. There is no need; you've done nothing wrong, so let your conscience be at ease.

No, the guilty parties know who they are. Apologies are nice, but I don't require them. I simply want to be assured that all parties are aware of the objects of my discontent and that actions are being taken to avoid them. I'm usually pretty laid back, and I let a lot of stuff I shouldn't slide, but eventually I can only take so much.


Alright, now it's time for me to remind you all of how the periods in this Rp work since it's been awhile and I know for a fact that most have forgotten. There are three, though two of these are practically the same thing:

[ul]Missions (What we finally got out of.)

[*]Mini-missions (What we're going to be entering.)

[*]Peacetimes (What we're currently in.)[/ul]

Missions will follow the Setup's story-line and will feature challenges put forth by yours truly in order to challenge your OC's. Character introductions may not be done during these times, however challenges brought up by others that are approved by me can occur along the story.

Mini-missions are generally shorter than actual missions and do not follow the story. The challenges are simplistic, but provide a lot of oppertunity for user input - so long as it's approved. Players can still join during this time.

Peacetimes chronologically fall in-between both of the above. They are the perfect time for creating relationships between OC's and further developing backstories. Peacetimes are peaceful, and therefore there shouldn't be any physical combat. OC's will not be targeted by enemies (GM created or otherwise). To reiterate, these are times for peace, not conflict.

Agent, I know you've been sitting on Omni for a long time, and this is probably going to frustrate you when I say this, but with the way you want to introduce him, he's more of something to occur during the upcoming mini-mission. Please, instead of constantly trying to force him in, just be patient. I haven't forgotten about him, and it's not like I don't want him included, just now isn't the time.

I hope you understand, and if the cost of that is frustration directed at me, then so be it.

It's okay. I'll delete my post. 87, I'd recommend you do the same.
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