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Balor Fomorians - Would You Like To Have Them Back?


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As far as i'm aware, about 90% of Warframe playerbase dislikes, heck, even hates Archwing. 

I, for one, kinda starting to enjoy Archwing more than regular gameplay, Maybe its because that i'm fed up with regular gameplay after a very dense play in a very, very short timelapse.

Either way, Even for me, Archwing sometimes become boring because of less content and annoying tileset. 

That corpus sabotage missions, God, i hate it.

Interception missions are somewhat fun to play as long as you take care of your own. - I've been to Round 60 in Uranus once, in search of notorious Elytron Harness, yeah, it took 60 rounds of RNGesus defying. It paid off tho.

However, I, as a person who plays Archwing most possibly more than anyone else, found the Fomorians the most fun.

Wouldnt it be good that the Balor Fomorians make a comeback like regular infestation outbreaks? 

Can't we just have them as regular alert/invasion style already? 

What are your thoughts? 

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I'd like to see balor fomorians again, but reworked. The mission was too straight forward and easy to complete, I expected something like a big multistage boss fight. (yes it's TECHNICALLY multi stage... but can you really count taking out those shield generators as a stage in a boss fight...)

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Also that is not a hyperbole, People really hate archwing.

I appreciate a good jab, but I feel like you missed the point. Claiming that everyone hates something with no actual numbers does not make a good foundation for discussion.

Do not speak for others. Speak for yourself, and allow others to agree or disagree with you.

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I appreciate a good jab, but I feel like you missed the point. Claiming that everyone hates something with no actual numbers does not make a good foundation for discussion.

Do not speak for others. Speak for yourself, and allow others to agree or disagree with you.

I can create a survey and come up with some real numbers. 

So far, i havent met anyone that likes Archwing. 

Worthwhile, I dont like your attitude. 

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Honestly I feel that if AW were well received and liked DE would have created a by the numbers thing to show AW participation by now. I can say per my experience in game AW players are by far the minority in WF and it is generally disliked at best and downright hated at worst. There are a few staunch supporters of it but as I have stated before, until AW has some benefit to ground combat which is the core of Warframe and its major draw, it will not be generally accepted by the public as it represents a waste of time. 


The unfortunate fact of the matter however is that in order to obtain a WF soon or possibly only a new AW(here's hoping), we will be forced to take on the J3 Golem Redux. This prospect really bothers me honestly because I feel like they will force AW on us despite the dislike that a massive amount of the community has shown for it.

Edited by geninrising
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I think the basic gameplay of AW is great.  They just need A LOT more content.  Not weapons, but gameplay modes and other additions.  Currently have the same damn mission types as the normal game, with nothing really unique.  It's a fun diversion for a bit, but boredom sets in pretty quickly.


The formorian mission should be added permanently, or something similar.  It's what they demonstrated in the dev stream before it was implemented, and one of the reasons I thought it looked like a great addition to the main game.

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I think they should be turned into alerts or invasions. Dynamic missions like that make WF feel more alive and the Fomorians are supposed to be a big deal, so turning them into regular missions would feel anticlimactic. DE is probably waiting for the improvements to AW and the AW + normal gameplay integration before reintroducing the fomorians.

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I see the fomorians everytime i do a corpus trench run. If you ever take the time to look around you will see them shooting up the ship you are sabotaging. That being said i really enjoy the archwing i would also like to see more archwing content. I know they are working on it, they have stated multiple times, and i also understand that all the work put into making those take time. I'm just impatient dang it. But putting the balor's as an alert would be fun

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I appreciate a good jab, but I feel like you missed the point. Claiming that everyone hates something with no actual numbers does not make a good foundation for discussion.

Do not speak for others. Speak for yourself, and allow others to agree or disagree with you.

I, for one, really do enjoy Archwing missions. The speed of it makes me actually feel like a ninja. I wish there were more mission types.

I want them back.


I want us to be the ones driving them this time. Go park a dozen on Uncle Hek's front lawn while the Lotus challenges him to a no-holds-barred rap battle of the millennia.


I SO want to see them get in a rap battle. That would be epic!

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