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Warframe's Ultimate Killing Machine Radial Javelin


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Dear OP,


I would like to explain the situation here abit. In the past warframes were really powerful and to be honest pretty much as powerful as they were now, however there was the problem that warframes lacked synergy between powers to overcome great odds.


What you have typed, displayed what the community has been asked for for a very long time, honestly warframes were already overpowered before you talked about radial javelin hitting the whole map. The main idea of warframes are the be overpowered offensively but with this power there lack alot of need to work as a team so this lead to alot of cells just working for themselves.


However now in this game there is synergy, it is true that not all frames can synchronize perfectly but DE has been working by revamping their powers to make such things a reality. On top of that there is even an addition of augment mods to top it off to aid with this scheme. So this is what the community wanted and has asked which we have received it. Now playing in teams in warframe is more rewarding than playing solo because there is a possibility of synchronizing individual powers to become undefeatable gods. That is what a team is and that is what a team should work to become, unbeatable together.

The complaint I would lodge against radial javelin is that the synergy it allows for isn't really fun. Being totally overpowered in a team is a lot better when it relies on the team having a lot of skill not just having the right 4 people spam the right 4 things over and over but of course this is a different problem and not a particularly easy one to solve while maintaining synergy.

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I just disagree with it being the strongest ability very strongly. Its damage is bad when compared to other radial nukes and DPS ability's, its efficiency is terrible because it needs BR maxed to even touch most high level mobs. Its ability to be amplified is well...most nukes can be amplified.....Its CC is good, until you relize that most radial DPS ability's come with equal CC....its superior feature that makes it unique is its fantastic range.

If I had to say what I feel is the strongest ability in the game it is Absorb by far...It does amazing damage, without needing damage mods, can tank for your team, draws aggro away from your team, can combo with your teams abilitys including banshee, has amazing range, has a knockdown, is spamable. Like jesus...this is included on a frame with Chaos haha <3 the Nyx.

Screw people having fun on frames they like am I right! lets remove the range JR's only redeeming feature cause we don't like something and lack the imagination to bring our own setups and the understanding to leave peoples toys alone when they are strong in the one bloody thing they are strong at.

People who scream nerf like this are all the same, they would nerf an ability then all this would do is people would switch to 'see radial nuke' here. People are going to grind missions with nukes.. you could remove all radial nukes, then they will use radial CC and shoot things. You can remove all radial abilitys. But then people are using mobility to sniper things from areas unreachable by the enemys while a loki does the capturing. Remove that too, cause invis is unfair they cant attack invisible or unreachable targets just remove the abilitys, remove them all right its all OP. Ok...thank god...warframe is 3rd person counterstrike now...finally people are happy.


What other ability besides Radial Javelin can take you to an hour in 30 minutes attaining +70% of the whole team damage (around 1500-2000 kills)? Radial Javelin shoots relatively correct me if I am wrong, around 32 Javelins with maxed range and lower without range. You don't need Blind Rage at all. Blind Rage is bad because the efficiency makes its unusable.


Nyx's absorb is strong, but 32 times 2000 (32 is javelins for 1 Radial Javelin and 2000 is our damage per javelin) 64000 damage per use of Radial Javelin. It takes us 1.5 seconds to cast it, if we use it 3 times 64,000 x 3 = 192,000 damage in 5 seconds against high level enemies. The damage never drops, it has always been like that with Radial Javelin since it was line of sight.


Innovation is what drives a lot of us to screw around with everything in Warframe. Someone came up with the idea of spamming Radial Blind before, now it is Radial Javelin. Someone well come up in the near future with another system to take advantage of and that will be the new niche.


Warframe is an amazing game and the proof is that, we play it for hundreds to thousands of hours throughout our Warframe lifespan. I have never played a game over 1 thousand hours and here I am in Warframe achieving it.

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What other ability besides Radial Javelin can take you to an hour in 30 minutes attaining +70% of the whole team damage (around 1500-2000 kills)? Radial Javelin shoots relatively correct me if I am wrong, around 32 Javelins with maxed range and lower without range. You don't need Blind Rage at all. Blind Rage is bad because the efficiency makes its unusable.


Nyx's absorb is strong, but 32 times 2000 (32 is javelins for 1 Radial Javelin and 2000 is our damage per javelin) 64000 damage per use of Radial Javelin. It takes us 1.5 seconds to cast it, if we use it 3 times 64,000 x 3 = 192,000 damage in 5 seconds against high level enemies. The damage never drops, it has always been like that with Radial Javelin since it was line of sight.


Innovation is what drives a lot of us to screw around with everything in Warframe. Someone came up with the idea of spamming Radial Blind before, now it is Radial Javelin. Someone well come up in the near future with another system to take advantage of and that will be the new niche.


Warframe is an amazing game and the proof is that, we play it for hundreds to thousands of hours throughout our Warframe lifespan. I have never played a game over 1 thousand hours and here I am in Warframe achieving it.

I take it the OP hasn't seen Miasma in action. RJ doesn't have a target limit now, however many targets are in the area are however many Javelins get launched.


Miasma modded for lowest duration and maxed power strength gets up to 8,000 damage on cast in Corrosive (or Toxic, can't remember exactly) damage. That's 8,000 points of damage that either erodes the only thing keeping enemies alive from our attacks, i.e. their armor, AND murders them with 8,000 damage. Radial Javelin MAXED only does 3,000 damage, and that's WITH Blind Rage for more power strength.


Radial Javelin is a good ability, but it isn't so powerful as you make it out to be. Miasma is a good ability as well, doesn't need a nerf because it does its function, and it does its function well.

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What other ability besides Radial Javelin Reckoning can take you to an hour in 30 minutes attaining +70% +80% of the whole team damage (around 1500-2000 kills)? Radial Javelin Reckoning shoots relatively correct me if I am wrong, around 32 Javelins 64 Slams with maxed range and lower without range. You don't need Blind Rage at all. Blind Rage is bad because the efficiency makes its unusable.



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Guys a question why so many nerfs whit what that affects your gameplay? You want to nerf that or to nerf another thing just because you are thinking they are overpowered. Let them be how they were because all frames are differents. Im sick to see so many Rhino/Rhino Prime users we want diversity of frames not 1 kind of frame

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Guys a question why so many nerfs whit what that affects your gameplay? You want to nerf that or to nerf another thing just because you are thinking they are overpowered. Let them be how they were because all frames are differents. Im sick to see so many Rhino/Rhino Prime users we want diversity of frames not 1 kind of frame

It's not that players want to nerf everything, just the worst offenders. Radial abilities overshadow all other abilities because they hit infinite targets in a 2*pi*r^3 spherical area. These radial abilities make most other abilities look worthless in the eyes of most players in this game. Beyond radial nukes, the only other popular abilities are self-buffs, invisibility/godmode, and any ability that carries a mission (Snow Globe, Energy Vampire, Desecrate).


If a warframe doesn't have a radial to spam or the ability to be a support slave, players deem it worthless. Sometimes, radial spamming even displaces the importance of weapons. Any optimized radial damage ability can kill things through T4 void non-endless missions. All that's left for players to do is endlessly farm endless missions, which is still best done by spamming radials but at least you have an excuse to shoot your guns then.


Alternatively the developers can buff other abilities to make them more similar, like making Shuriken deal 8500 base finisher damage in a single cast to justify its damage alongside Blade Storm (2000*17=34000). However, enemies in the game are already pretty weak, so said buffing would kill the game as of currently. Expanding the solar system can balance this out, but everything up to Pluto, T4 Void, and a bit beyond will be considered easy-mode fodder to be forever untouched once you reach the new part of the solar system.


We don't need to nerf, it just seems like the easiest option. The result players want is for skillful gameplay with variety to be better than "Press 4" easy mode. Players put all their effort into understanding enemy movement, telegraphing, aiming their gun, and learning their entire ability kit. All of that means nothing when all you need to do is press 4 to win. Literally.


As for Rhino, he's a symptom for this problem in the game. Easy-mode is better a lot of the time than learning how to be skillful in gameplay. You can learn every warframe in the game, but Rhino still has his appeal in ignoring statuses and knockdowns, and rushing fast with the Vanguard helmet. Easy-mode is the way to play this game frequently, all you need is a grocery list of things to make yourself powerful. There's little reason in this game to become skilled when there's not much practical point to it.

Edited by MechaKnight
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By my selective quoting, I'm implying that you're incorrect.


By selective quoting you are saying I will read only certain words I find interesting for example. If I wrote I sentence saying, " This quote is dumb and it should be deleted. The next sentence I say, " Excalibur should have his Radial Javelin nullified so he doesn't kill multi-million enemies". 


By selective quoting you may get, " Dumb, delete, Excalibur Radial Blind nullified."


With selective quoting you may understand that sentence as, "Nullify Excalbur's Radial Blind or delete Radial Blind".


Which is entirely a different sentence on what I previously wrote. 

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Sonar does not work with Radial Javelin, did you actually go and do your research on the wiki before posting this?





Beyond how badly you're exaggerating it's power, if what you're trying say is here that the whole point of this thread was to tell us all something we already knew, what the hell is the point you're trying to make?




No I did not it does work because I have seen it multiple times and its primarily the reason why we always bring a Excalibur and a Banshee in a tower four survival when we do serious runs. How can I make sure it does work? At the very end of the mission we see damage production in the game, We see Excalibur with 70+ % of the damage done and 2-3k kills. We bring Dreads, Gammacor Corrosive and even with all of our might one player beats all 3 in damage production combined. 


How can you be so sure that everyone knows this already. Simple fact is that not many do know. Warframe has massive amounts of players in it. You may know, your friends may know, a lot of people may know, but not all players will know. 

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Alright, lets try saying this another way, I use Excal for the fun of it because I love his powers, and even when I've built him for max power strength, maxed range, maxed whatever it is, literally none of the figures you put up, nor the things that you've written, have happened without the help of damage magnifiers like Banshee's or Rhinos abilities. Nor has it killed "thousands of enemies" because of how enemy armor, shields, and HP scales during endless or extended or Void content.


Oh there's somebody somewhere that's going to think that there's a problem with RJ. My only problem with it is that it has very little CC/Utility, other than that minor 2 second stun. It's a lackluster ability that needs tune ups because it doesn't scale into later content. There is no one "taking advantage" of anything, as it is by design that DE has made his Ult perform in this way. There isn't any bugs when it comes to this (other than weird targeting issues, maybe) because it performs exactly as DE has intended it to, by their design and implementation. So please, stop with the bugs part or taking any advantage, nor am I on any side that has to do with bugs, because bugs just screw up the performance of the game, we all want the bugs hammered out.


Your points are murky at best, you do not clarify what you are trying to say, what argument you are for, and yet rebuttal others who are saying it is in no need of a nerf. ANY POWER that has a higher damage output than the enemies you are facing will "make your enemies extinct in Warframe." Radial Javelin isn't an exception, nor is it an outlier. It is, however, a skill lacking in CC/Utility.


Now, what is your point? Because you don't make it clear at all.


I typed in very clear when I edited the top of my topic page. To inform readers that Radial Javelin can give you thousands of kills at the end of missions. 


Their is no argument, all I'm saying is that with Radial Javelin we can achieve thousands to multi-millions of kills. 


Radial Javelin is an outlier. We can go to people's profile and see if they use Excalibur's Radial Javelin by noticing the hundreds or millions of kills they get alone with Excalibur. What other Warframe can compete with Excalibur's max extinction ratings? We go to their total amount of kills in the game so far. We see 1 million kills on a new player and see his Excalibur having 1 million kills as well.  

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Actually we figured out how to use RJ spam there as well and it is just as easy to do with infinite enemies coming to you the whole time. The energy loop needs to be fixed period otherwise it will never cease and DE will honestly continue to place gigantic hurdles in front of us that bother spammers less than the hurt everyone else. This statement has proven itself thus far with all the eximus enemies and the infested tar moas. I don't expect that fiddling with the maps will halt the behavior. Players will just find a different place to apply it.


Correct. You are correct. I get around 3.5 thousand kills in a 2000 points in excavations. It would be easier if I just stayed in one spot like interception missions. 


Players will just find a different place to apply it. +1 Totally agree. I apply it in every mission I do. :)

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Easy. By ways of your argument and figuring Excal's by papering and Wikia. If you have truly spent time, weeks and months, caring and powering (forma multi-time with cares) with each of these frames and learn their abilities and understand their weaknesses; Excal, Volt, Mag, Rhino, Mag, Limbo, Mesa, etc... you wouldn't even start this post to begin, less going into arguing and showing more of your lack of understanding...

It's just like someone would say Oberon is a power-god, his 4-button press to win Reckoning kills the entire deathsquad with just like that; or 300 on the left and 200 on the right; too OP. And "it's been done several times by many people." I'm sure you wouldn't like that either and you can tell how stupid that line of reasoning is. Because you are a 'caring' Oberon player and you know better. Little did that individual recognize it took Oberon's players thick and thin and much time to have built and specialized the his Reckoning to that level of power or capacity.


For you to justify I get all my information from a wikia implies your understanding of human habits. CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE PLAYED THE GAME. I would not even have started this post or even be in this forum if I did not play the game. 


I am simply stating how easy it is to get multi-million kills with the Warframe Excalibur alone. How many thousands of kills many can attain per mission in a short amount of time span. 


Oberons Reckoning is very powerful. I have used it many times before killing enemies in the game, making them kill each other (radiation proc), knocking down enemies and running away from them. I have a similar build with my Excalibur with Oberon. They are both very strong, but Excalibur's Javelin is by far a powerful exception. Oberon causes radiation damage, Excalibur does a 33.3% impact, slash and puncture damage. Excalibur can do slash damage with his Radial Javelin which, slash is categorize as a finisher, not a ground finisher, but a finisher makes it more vital against every enemy in the game. 

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I typed in very clear when I edited the top of my topic page. To inform readers that Radial Javelin can give you thousands of kills at the end of missions. 


Their is no argument, all I'm saying is that with Radial Javelin we can achieve thousands to multi-millions of kills. 


Radial Javelin is an outlier. We can go to people's profile and see if they use Excalibur's Radial Javelin by noticing the hundreds or millions of kills they get alone with Excalibur. What other Warframe can compete with Excalibur's max extinction ratings? We go to their total amount of kills in the game so far. We see 1 million kills on a new player and see his Excalibur having 1 million kills as well.  

See my other post on Saryn's Miasma, and you'll see what other powers can outperform Radial Javelin.


And no, it is not an outlier, it is a good ability that needs tune ups. I don't know where you're getting your false numbers from, but literally no build in the game with maxed strength nor maxed range can make the numbers you've given. Unless with the help of other frames with damage magnifiers.


Honestly you've actually not presented any valid proof behind your numbers other than you saying these numbers.

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I take it the OP hasn't seen Miasma in action. RJ doesn't have a target limit now, however many targets are in the area are however many Javelins get launched.


Miasma modded for lowest duration and maxed power strength gets up to 8,000 damage on cast in Corrosive (or Toxic, can't remember exactly) damage. That's 8,000 points of damage that either erodes the only thing keeping enemies alive from our attacks, i.e. their armor, AND murders them with 8,000 damage. Radial Javelin MAXED only does 3,000 damage, and that's WITH Blind Rage for more power strength.


Radial Javelin is a good ability, but it isn't so powerful as you make it out to be. Miasma is a good ability as well, doesn't need a nerf because it does its function, and it does its function well.


I have seen Miasma in action and it greatly disappointed me. I made Saryn Tower 4 ready with no duration and with duration so I can just launch Miasma continuously. 50 minutes in the tower 4 survival I was a liability because I could not kill anything anymore with Miasma. Miasma is completely worthless against everything when you go to pass certain point in defenses, survivals, interceptions and excavation missions. The only good thing about Miasma in endgame is the 1 second stun when they are blasted with Miasma.


Have you ever seen Miasma do 25 damage? It's what killed Saryn for me and why Saryn is a big disappointment for myself. Miasma doesn't need a "nerf" it needs a buff. 

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See my other post on Saryn's Miasma, and you'll see what other powers can outperform Radial Javelin.


And no, it is not an outlier, it is a good ability that needs tune ups. I don't know where you're getting your false numbers from, but literally no build in the game with maxed strength nor maxed range can make the numbers you've given. Unless with the help of other frames with damage magnifiers.


Honestly you've actually not presented any valid proof behind your numbers other than you saying these numbers.


Look at peoples profiles and go to their Excalibur's. Thats enough proof. You might see a player with millions of kills or hundreds of thousands or a person with no kills at all because they do not use it. 


My personal OFFENSIVE Excalibur build is: 




If that link does not work my Javelin build consists of 50% power strength, 120% range, 25 energy usage, a primed flow and a natural talent for cast time. 

Intensify max, transient fortitude max, Pendragon helm for 100% power strength.

75% power range -50% power strenght overextended and stretch max for 120% 

Fleeting Expertise max and stream line max for a usage of 25 energy use. 


With this Excalibur Javelin build I annihilate everything in the solar system attaining thousands of kills in endless missions. Hundreds of kills in fast assassination missions, etc.

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Look at peoples profiles and go to their Excalibur's. Thats enough proof. You might see a player with millions of kills or hundreds of thousands or a person with no kills at all because they do not use it. 


My personal OFFENSIVE Excalibur build is: 




If that link does not work my Javelin build consists of 50% power strength, 120% range, 25 energy usage, a primed flow and a natural talent for cast time. 

Intensify max, transient fortitude max, Pendragon helm for 100% power strength.

75% power range -50% power strenght overextended and stretch max for 120% 

Fleeting Expertise max and stream line max for a usage of 25 energy use. 


With this Excalibur Javelin build I annihilate everything in the solar system attaining thousands of kills in endless missions. Hundreds of kills in fast assassination missions, etc.

Ah now I see what build you're going for. And where you use it on.


I can believe that you can kill everything in the Solar System, you've got a large range high damage (for the star map) build.


Take into mind that any offensive power modded for higher damage than the combined shield, health and armor of the enemy units you're using it on will, of course, kill anything you're using it on.

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For you to justify I get all my information from a wikia implies your understanding of human habits. CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE PLAYED THE GAME. I would not even have started this post or even be in this forum if I did not play the game. 


I am simply stating how easy it is to get multi-million kills with the Warframe Excalibur alone. How many thousands of kills many can attain per mission in a short amount of time span. 


Oberons Reckoning is very powerful. I have used it many times before killing enemies in the game, making them kill each other (radiation proc), knocking down enemies and running away from them. I have a similar build with my Excalibur with Oberon. They are both very strong, but Excalibur's Javelin is by far a powerful exception. Oberon causes radiation damage, Excalibur does a 33.3% impact, slash and puncture damage. Excalibur can do slash damage with his Radial Javelin which, slash is categorize as a finisher, not a ground finisher, but a finisher makes it more vital against every enemy in the game. 


No. You are refusing to recognize different playstyle and overlooking the weakness and strength compensating for each frame and its ability.


Let's look at these pics and details of the builds to get a better idea what we are talking about:


Oberon build details:


Notice the strength +85% for Oberon



Excalibur build details:


...but only +35 more for Excalibur. Well, understandably the range were compensated.



Look at peoples profiles and go to their Excalibur's. Thats enough proof. You might see a player with millions of kills or hundreds of thousands or a person with no kills at all because they do not use it. 


My personal OFFENSIVE Excalibur build is: 




If that link does not work my Javelin build consists of 50% power strength, 120% range, 25 energy usage, a primed flow and a natural talent for cast time. 

Intensify max, transient fortitude max, Pendragon helm for 100% power strength.

75% power range -50% power strenght overextended and stretch max for 120% 

Fleeting Expertise max and stream line max for a usage of 25 energy use. 


With this Excalibur Javelin build I annihilate everything in the solar system attaining thousands of kills in endless missions. Hundreds of kills in fast assassination missions, etc.

But you claim further that, by using the Arcane Helmet's Pendragon +25% strength (at the expense of -5% ), that you would make Excal's 100% strength. Don't know how you have come up with that calculation. Yet, you have already ignore Excal's already armor at 65 versus 150 armor of Oberon's.


Also, if you look at the build:




and Oberon's



Notice that Oberon has 2 free slots left, while Excal has only 1... because Excal's RJ take longer cast time and recovery, thus Natural Talent has to be included almost always needed.


So the question is, Oberon's with more health, more armor, and 2 more free frame slots versus Excal's just more strength, but everything else is inferior compared to the latter, which one would you choose?  


The answer is, it depends on your playstyle. 

But you end up with this sort of claim:

"With this Excalibur Javelin build I annihilate everything in the solar system attaining thousands of kills in endless missions. Hundreds of kills in fast assassination missions, etc."

...sounds fanatic.

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It's not that players want to nerf everything, just the worst offenders. Radial abilities overshadow all other abilities because they hit infinite targets in a 2*pi*r^3 spherical area. These radial abilities make most other abilities look worthless in the eyes of most players in this game. Beyond radial nukes, the only other popular abilities are self-buffs, invisibility/godmode, and any ability that carries a mission (Snow Globe, Energy Vampire, Desecrate).


If a warframe doesn't have a radial to spam or the ability to be a support slave, players deem it worthless. Sometimes, radial spamming even displaces the importance of weapons. Any optimized radial damage ability can kill things through T4 void non-endless missions. All that's left for players to do is endlessly farm endless missions, which is still best done by spamming radials but at least you have an excuse to shoot your guns then.


Alternatively the developers can buff other abilities to make them more similar, like making Shuriken deal 8500 base finisher damage in a single cast to justify its damage alongside Blade Storm (2000*17=34000). However, enemies in the game are already pretty weak, so said buffing would kill the game as of currently. Expanding the solar system can balance this out, but everything up to Pluto, T4 Void, and a bit beyond will be considered easy-mode fodder to be forever untouched once you reach the new part of the solar system.


We don't need to nerf, it just seems like the easiest option. The result players want is for skillful gameplay with variety to be better than "Press 4" easy mode. Players put all their effort into understanding enemy movement, telegraphing, aiming their gun, and learning their entire ability kit. All of that means nothing when all you need to do is press 4 to win. Literally.


As for Rhino, he's a symptom for this problem in the game. Easy-mode is better a lot of the time than learning how to be skillful in gameplay. You can learn every warframe in the game, but Rhino still has his appeal in ignoring statuses and knockdowns, and rushing fast with the Vanguard helmet. Easy-mode is the way to play this game frequently, all you need is a grocery list of things to make yourself powerful. There's little reason in this game to become skilled when there's not much practical point to it.

Mecha already said it so I'll just copy it here.

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No. You are refusing to recognize different playstyle and overlooking the weakness and strength compensating for each frame and its ability.


Let's look at these pics and details of the builds to get a better idea what we are talking about:


Oberon build details:

Notice the strength +85% for Oberon



Excalibur build details:

...but only +35 more for Excalibur. Well, understandably the range were compensated.



But you claim further that, by using the Arcane Helmet's Pendragon +25% strength (at the expense of -5% ), that you would make Excal's 100% strength. Don't know how you have come up with that calculation. Yet, you have already ignore Excal's already armor at 65 versus 150 armor of Oberon's.


Also, if you look at the build:



and Oberon's


Notice that Oberon has 2 free slots left, while Excal has only 1... because Excal's RJ take longer cast time and recovery, thus Natural Talent has to be included almost always needed.


So the question is, Oberon's with more health, more armor, and 2 more free frame slots versus Excal's just more strength, but everything else is inferior compared to the latter, which one would you choose?  


The answer is, it depends on your playstyle. 

But you end up with this sort of claim:

"With this Excalibur Javelin build I annihilate everything in the solar system attaining thousands of kills in endless missions. Hundreds of kills in fast assassination missions, etc."

...sounds fanatic.


Yes you are right that, Excalibur doesn't have the same survivalability skills (higher health and armor) as Oberon however, Excalibur right now is a massive offensive Warframe. Puncture, Impact and Slash destroys every enemy in the game not to mention slash is a FINISHER. Though it may not have the same survivability as Oberon, it does not matter because first, high rounds health means nothing and second all enemies would be dead by the strength and stun of Radial Javelin alone because damage does not drop at all. 


Pendragon is 15% power strength combine with a max intensify 30% and transient fortitude 55% it equals 100% power strength. 


Oberon's armor and health vs Excaliburs killing tenacity? 


I would pick Excalibur's killing ability because all enemies are dead or stunned, health does not matter high rounds, you die in a single bullet or a single infested hit or even a single random status ailment, and Killing potential is the key to going high rounds not health or armor. Take Valkyr for example, shes Invincible, but when that invincibility is gone its over, I have seen many valkyr's lose all their potential to help out after 40 minutes of survival. Although Valkyr has the highest armor and health in the game and has invincibility, she well still fall no matter how hard you may try and her damage sucks when shes invincible, she might as well take bullets like the rest of us to fire her gun.


I'm not a fanatic. Actually I probably am I have used Excalibur in every single mission now taking advantage of his Radial Javelin. 

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Whoa whoa whoa dude.

Calm down.


1) RJ does NOT proc bleed.

2) RJ does NOT deal finisher damage.

3) RJ damage is average at best

4) RJ getting insane figures is more attributed to your useful team mates like Mirage and Saryn/frost/ember jamming you with damage buffs.

5) RJ is only OP due to it's range. If DE shrank its base range to 20 meters, it won't be anything remarkable actually.


And yes, I have a full range + Str nuke on Excalibur.

I will be hard pressed to hit over 2.4k damage but at nearly 60 meter range.


In comparison my Saryn will deal 8k in 35.3 meters.

The damage balances out each other over the differences in ranges.



Edited by fatpig84
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Yes you are right that, Excalibur doesn't have the same survivalability skills (higher health and armor) as Oberon however, Excalibur right now is a massive offensive Warframe. Puncture, Impact and Slash destroys every enemy in the game not to mention slash is a FINISHER. Though it may not have the same survivability as Oberon, it does not matter because first, high rounds health means nothing and second all enemies would be dead by the strength and stun of Radial Javelin alone because damage does not drop at all. 


Pendragon is 15% power strength combine with a max intensify 30% and transient fortitude 55% it equals 100% power strength. 


Oberon's armor and health vs Excaliburs killing tenacity? 


I would pick Excalibur's killing ability because all enemies are dead or stunned, health does not matter high rounds, you die in a single bullet or a single infested hit or even a single random status ailment, and Killing potential is the key to going high rounds not health or armor. Take Valkyr for example, shes Invincible, but when that invincibility is gone its over, I have seen many valkyr's lose all their potential to help out after 40 minutes of survival. Although Valkyr has the highest armor and health in the game and has invincibility, she well still fall no matter how hard you may try and her damage sucks when shes invincible, she might as well take bullets like the rest of us to fire her gun.


I'm not a fanatic. Actually I probably am I have used Excalibur in every single mission now taking advantage of his Radial Javelin. 

RJ is used for its range and little else.  If RJ had 15 base range everyone would switch to Saryn in a hearbeat.  If Saryn got nerfed they would switch to Oberon/Mirage, then to Frost, and so on....  


Whoa whoa whoa dude.

Calm down.


1) RJ does NOT proc bleed.

2) RJ does NOT deal finisher damage.

3) RJ damage is average at best

4) RJ getting insane figures is more attributed to your useful team mates like Mirage and Saryn/frost/ember jamming you with damage buffs.

5) RJ is only OP due to it's range. If DE shrank its base range to 20 meters, it won't be anything remarkable actually.


And yes, I have a full range + Str nuke on Excalibur.

I will be hard pressed to hit over 2.4k damage but at nearly 60 meter range.


In comparison my Saryn will deal 8k in 35.3 meters.

The damage balances out each other over the differences in ranges.

RJ does proc bleed occasionally (and that will result in a finisher dot,) but not frequently enough for it to be a selling point.  Shrinking RJ's range to 20  would shrink its maxrange to 47; people would still value the range over the damage potential, given the presence of an augmentor on rep farm teams.

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Whoa whoa whoa dude.

Calm down.


1) RJ does NOT proc bleed.

2) RJ does NOT deal finisher damage.

3) RJ damage is average at best

4) RJ getting insane figures is more attributed to your useful team mates like Mirage and Saryn/frost/ember jamming you with damage buffs.

5) RJ is only OP due to it's range. If DE shrank its base range to 20 meters, it won't be anything remarkable actually.


And yes, I have a full range + Str nuke on Excalibur.

I will be hard pressed to hit over 2.4k damage but at nearly 60 meter range.


In comparison my Saryn will deal 8k in 35.3 meters.

The damage balances out each other over the differences in ranges.




Radial Javelin does proc bleed. Radial Javelin has slash damage that procs bleed status.

Finisher damage is caused by slash, ground finishers are for melee weapons while the enemies are on the floor.

Radial Javelins damage is average compared to Miasma, but end mission stats say's other wise.

Though it does get average damage, alone the damage does not drop at all no matter what enemy level it is.

If Radial Javelins Range was shrunk, it still would be a massive killer, not as strong as a beast right now, but it still would be good to annihilate enemies with. 


I'm surprised that your Radial Javelin can even fire of twice, compared to my fire of 16 times. 

Radial Javelins power strength is 199% if you have the Pendragon helm on, minus 60 from overextended so an average of 139% damage. Which is not full strength of the Javelin. Range is 90% overextend, +45% stretch equals 135% range.   

Without Flow you can only fire of Javelin TWICE even though your efficiency is 90%, Blind Rage destroys your fleeting expert making use of only your streamline. 5.5k- 6k damage when you fire off all your energy on only 2 Javelins. 


In my past post, I replied by giving my own built of Excalbur Radial Javelin. 

I have a total of 50% power strenght 1.5k-1.8k per blow, 120% range, 16 times I can fire of my Radial Javelin. Total of 16 times x 1.5k at the lowest 24,000 total damage with all me energy used. I did not count all the Javelins that, hit the enemy but instead focused on my energy usage. If you want you may calculate the number of Javelins per enemy hit.


Saryn Miasma is corrosive damage which is useless in high waves. 8000 corrosive damage if you calculated it right, turns into nothing at high waves such as 50, or 50 minutes no matter how hard you may try.

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