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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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On the Nav Deck:


Not only rude, but the slap would also prove ineffective in awaking the Tenno from her coma, though in her extremely limited consciousness, her brow furrowed. She wasn't aware of the outside world to know why, but her body had been conditioned enough to react with anger, or at the least the appearance of annoyance.


Shaking her wouldn't have any success either, no matter how violent. However, the sudden lack of a visual indication of her breathing could incite panic in her aggressor, but in reality, it only became more shallow and quieted. Try as they might, none of them possessed the means to wake this sleeping beauty from her comatose state; further attempts would only be taken in vain.


On Nium's end of things, while most of the data was erroneous and redundant, one corrupted file seemed rather important. It seems that it was one of many that the Grineer had deleted before escaping, only this one was still pending deletion when the terminal was damaged, resulting in its corruption.


It would take a moment to recover, a moment that could result in the injury of a certain unconscious Tenno at the hands of her teammates, but it could provide invaluable insight into the intent behind this trap. Further searching could also unearth the codes required to relieve the lock-down of the deck, purchasing them precious seconds for their escape.

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"Oh, wait a minute, no- SAB!" Sebastian panicked when he was picked up by Sab's ripline and flung over to Hexer. When Hexer didn't even look up from his panel Sebastian shouted as loud as he could, hoping ot get his attention. "HEXER JESUSUCHRIST LOOK UP LOOK UP LOOK UP LOOK UP SHI-" However, Sebastian's panicked shouts would be of no avail, as he slammed hard into a torn out piece of support. He slammed into it and bounced back off of it towards the ship. He wouldn't go drifting out into the unforgiving void of space, but his back now hurt like hell. "God damn it... owww."

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"The hell was that?" Hexer asked as he paused briefly and looked around. It took about thirty seconds to notice a Vauban floating around.
"Why does everyone assume I am everywhere at once?" The General muttered. He walked over to the edge of the hole and caught Sebastian as he drifted by, placed him on the ground, then went back to the panel. It was nearly open at this point, then there would be the jury rigging and/or hacking.
And a possible hammer to the back of the head.

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"Thanks..." Sebastian mumbled. His back was sore, and he could now feel a terrible headache. He wasn't entirely sure who he should be angry at, or even if he should be angry at all. He composed himself and gave a thumbs up to Sab, motioning her to come to his and Hexer's location. "Almost done with that panel? I have a feeling that if you don't finish it soon Sab will take up the task instead."

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Hexer pulled the back panel off and handed it to Sebastian for emphasis, then went to jury rigging the wires. Hacking the panel probably would've been shorter, but hey, he might as well have some fun while he wai-*BZZZT*

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Sab had laughed and returned the thumbs up at Sebastian's little trip. She redrew her Jat and gently floated towards the two with Krenn in tow, landing just in time for the Valkyr's HUD to give her an alert.


'Hey Hex, not trying to worry you or anything but you got about twenty seconds to get that door open before my shields run out and I blow that door to smithereens with you in range or not. No rush."


She holstered the hammer and gave the general a thumbs up before moving over to the bucket. Dear god... she could smell that sh!t right through her helmet!


It's perfect!


She grabbed the unconscious Krenn by the head and dunked it into the foul liquid.



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"So...have you found anything?" Ivan asked Orion. "Doesn't matter if the person is Grineer, I'll just slice his head off..." he chuckled.

"It's hard. It seems that the Grineer have tried to wipe all their data, so I'm trying to reverse the process. This might take a bit, unfortunately, and I don't even know if it'll work. I keep running the simulations in my head, and it's still unclear." Orion responded, typing away at the console.

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I sort of am waiting for Spacey to post something regarding on what information Orion will find.

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Down in engineering:


Most of the corrupted data Orion would find would be far too damaged to justify taking the time to repair it. Of the data, a section of the map containing their current position and a bay containing a few docked mining vessels (The ones you sometimes see on normal/Archwing Grineer missions.). Any more would take too much time, and with the three unconscious bodies they had to lug about, the needed all the time they could get.


As for shocking Odessa, it may prove to be a very, very bad idea considering the critical state she was currently in. With as much blood as she's lost, her body has significantly weakened, making even a low voltage lethal.

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Orion turned when he heard Ivan mention shocking Odessa. "Seriously? She's lost a lot of blood. Even my shocks would be lethal." He responded almost instantly, obviously forgetting that Ivan wasn't the data-processing robot that he was.

He continued working on the console, only for this to show up:



Orion sighed when he saw this. Damnit! He smacked his hand onto the console, only for it to activate a very broken, but very informative map. He took a moment to process what happened, before saying: "Oh! Well...GOT IT!"

He downloaded the half-broken map to his own mind, before looking at Ivan and Ampere. "Alright, guys. I've found a way out. There's a bay near here with a few docked mining vessels. We need to get there now. We don't have that much more time."

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Sebastian looked down at Krenn now covered in a vile liquid. "I have to admit, I half expected to find myself covered in that liquid." Sebastian turned back to the new area opened by Hexer. "Nicely done, now lets see what all's in that room." Sebastian moved behind the group and gripped onto the wall, preparing himself as best he could in the instance that opening the room would send them all flying.

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 Krenn's mindspace was filled with said liquid now. If he were claustrophobic, he would have a problem with it. Fortunately for him, he wasn't.


Enough about that, time to try to get out of here.


Sab's "Eggs and Bacy" remark had reminded him that despite what was a peaceful area, he was on a mission, and he had to return to it. Closing his eyes, he started focusing all his thought on getting back to his physical body. After what felt like an eternity of him trying to get back, he opened his eyes to the foul smell of liquid. The one in his mind didn't have a smell.


Hooray for that, I guess. Now, time for a system check.


He felt no pain. He could still talk, his arms were moving, his legs were --


Oh. That might be a problem.


His lower body felt numb, and he finally understood why. The hit from the beast must have damaged him more than he thought. Trying to move anything past the waistline only resulted in a weak shaking. Time to alert them to that.


"Thanks for the wake-up Sab. Now, I'd get up if I could, but I am kind of paralyzed. You know, nothing serious. Just keep me stocked up on energy and I should be fine." He rasped out, coughing after the end of it.


Joys of being knocked out, you don't have to talk.

Edited by HziulquiogmnzhahAtXoth
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Sab's eye twitched when Krenn said he was paralysed. She'd put his head into that liquid sh!t so he'd wake up and walk on his own damn legs, and now he was paralyzed! And going to leach off her energy! She really should've just let him go and f*ck off into space somewhere, or used her lifestrike on him to maybe get rid of that giant f*cking gash she still had across her chest.


"Well I have zero energy left so your sh!t out of luck there, used it all to save your @$$ from hurtling out into space." She pulled the edge frame up with one hand while using the other to hold onto a nearby pipe.


"And Krenn, I swear. If you don't hold on and go hurtling out this ship when Hexer opens that damn door I will find you, and I will f*cking kill you." There was no humor in her voice. This was a serious threat.


Her frame flashed and Sab stiffened, giving a winch. "Aaaaaand there goes the shields."

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Ghostar stopped shaking Azelie when her breathing slowed. Unfortunately, her breathing wasn't visible, so Ghostar would think that she had stopped breathing. "Um, guys! I think she's stopped breathing!" He said, looking at Four and Nium.


Silver rolled to safety as he landed next to Belrev and Vandal, and out of the way of some fatal deaths. He sighed, before looking at Belrev. "Never a dull moment, huh?" He said.


Deleted. Tuckr, delete your post.

Edited by Agent_Maine
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Silver rolled to safety as he landed next to Belrev and Vandal, and out of the way of some fatal deaths. He sighed, before looking at Belrev. "Never a dull moment, huh?" He said.

"Seems to be the case." Belrev replied, taking another quick peek. That is when he noticed something or someone was missing.

Taking a step back and removing his head from a possible death, he turned around quickly. "Cover Vandal, make sure you two stay here. I am going to get our unconscious party member." Belrev said to Silver, as he positioned his legs at a sprinters stance.

And then with tremendous agility and style, Belrev leaped forward twisting his body in mid air to avoid any objects impacting his already beaten form. As he soared forward through the air, he used his gauntlets covering to deflect a bullet headed for his eye.


Upon landing on the other side, where the unconscious Harley had been lying down, Belrev crouched down. His light red eyes held the appearance of relief, and also reflection. He was in the exact situation as she was in a year ago, although he was the abducted one.

He never got quite over it. Hearing his older brothers scream his name over his comm unit as he was dragged away. Then hearing HER worried and shaken tone asking for his location before he passed out.

"I promise you Harley...we will find her." Belrev whispered to the unconscious female Tenno, before picking her up gently. Turning around and holding Harley in his hands, Belrev once again assumed his stance. Clutching Harley close to his chest, Belrev bullet jumped across the ship, and landed on his feet in front of his two allies.

He approached Silver and Vandal, and nodded to them. He walked past them, and softly placed Harley down. Kage offered himself to be her pillow, as her head now laid on the kubrow's soft furry stomach.

"Alright gents. Let's pray that Vidic can get us out in time." Belrev sighed.

"I have a body to heal and a drink to attend to."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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