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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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"I'm assuming that it's them?"


"Um, yes-"


"Fantastic! Kresh will be pleased to have his research back!"



Fessa let out a disappointed sigh, even though she couldn't wipe the smile from her face. She was all disheveled from the excitement before; hair a mess, covered in sweat, zipper in the front pulled down a little too far...


It was as if she had a rough night, or a great night, depending on who you asked. If it wasn't apparent enough, she was a rather eccentric individual, finding pleasure in solving the impossible and fighting fruitlessly against entropy. This mission was hell to the others, but to her, it had been pure bliss. Her brain was still swimming in dopamine, it was just a shame that it was all over.


Craning her head back to face her weary passengers with a lucid smile, she announced in a depressed tone, "Hold onto something: we'll be exiting the cozy Rift soon. After that, we'll be touching down at the Donn Waystation. We should have a group there waiting to receive us."


The Banshee's Wail screamed out for the last time as the Cichlids exited the Rift. Hundreds of damaged ships began to land on the docking ring; those landing only an nth of the original war party. For those informed, this was a severely depressing sight.


With work on the station in a sudden and drastic increase, the medical staff immediately turned the lights back on in the med bay as volunteers continued to carry injured Tenno and operatives in by the dozens. For the first time since the station's opening, the med bay was forced to use the reserve pods on a conveyor at the back of the room. For the next hour or so, the station was going to be in chaos.


Immediately after the last Cichlid docked, the clam-shell shut, sealing out anyone else and locking everyone else in.



As soon as they landed and dropped the Grineer mining vessel, Vidic charged out of the cockpit, Lex in hand, rage in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a custom cipher destroyed the locks on the vessel, dropping the landing ramp as he stormed in Lex first.


"Alright you degenerate yoty ot tipykey-" the pilot roared, voice heavy with rage, only to find that the interior of the ship contained not Grineer, but two Tenno and a proxy. With all this rage and no outlet, Vidic stormed out of the mining ship. Before he could throw his tantrum, a group of Crimson Lotus operatives had climbed on top of his ship and were pulling out components.


"No, no, no! Jkap it pke kepp po you pkitk yout poitj!?" he cried out in a distressed tone, blood pressure reaching an unhealthy level for a Corpus his age.

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He extended his hand too, but didn't actually know why. Maybe to handshake...

"Volt? You mean that bossy guy? I can already tell he's not from here and I won't be helping him anyway."

He looked around to see if there is any way to get past them without being seen.

"But... Maybe I could help you... I am working here as an engineer, having a lunch break right now. So, while I have free time I could try and fix your ship."

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He extended his hand too, but didn't actually know why. Maybe to handshake...

"Volt? You mean that bossy guy? I can already tell he's not from here and I won't be helping him anyway."

He looked around to see if there is any way to get past them without being seen.

"But... Maybe I could help you... I am working here as an engineer, having a lunch break right now. So, while I have free time I could try and fix your ship."


The Rhino took his hand, shaking it firmly, but allowing that femininity to show through the action. "Yeah, the bossy guy." Upon hearing the news that this person could possibly work on her ship and even fix it, she was happy once more. She could have hugged him if she wanted to. "Really? Oh that'd be great! It's just the magne-"


Aegia shot up at the sound of otherworldly wailing piercing her ears, her hand instantly going down do the handheld shotgun on her thigh, gripping it tightly as she looked around with wide eyes, heart pounding. Just a moment before the hangar had been only slightly more bustling than it had been before. Now it was awash with a tense, chaotic energy as personnel scrambled about. Her grip relaxed and she let her hand drift back down to it's resting position on her hip. She blinked a few times as she took in just what had happened. These were no ships like she'd seen before, and she'd wager that they didn't come default with "authentic war ravaged look" right from the factory floor. If they were even made in a factory. Her eyes slowly wandered from each ship to the next, watching medical personnel, among others, come and go, some taking injured beings from the ships with them as they left. Aegia would have helped, if she knew what exactly was going on, or how she could help in the first place. As the situation presented itself now, she was rather useless. She simply turned back to her conversation partner.


"Well then... This is certainly unexpected. But as I said before, most definitely, but don't risk your job or anything dealing with a problem of mine. No telling what Sparky over there'd do. But it would be nice to leave sometime soo-" Hearing the sound of the waystation sealing shut made her let out a soft sigh, her shoulders sagging slightly as she sat back down on the hunk of hull she was using as a bench. "Looks like I'm not leaving anytime soon."

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When other ships came into hangar, he stayed in his place and calmly agreed with her.

"I was trying to get out of this place as soon as possible, but I guess I'll be staying here longer than I thought..."

He sighed dissapointed.

"I don't even know, maybe we should get out of everyone's sight in here, before "that guy" shows up again."

Edited by XionicoRX
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"And out we go." Belrev said with a chuckle, as he exited the ship and waited for Vandal outside. His helmet was off of course, being that they were in a non hostile environment. Streaks of white hair were highlighted with crimson, being stained with his own blood of course. The black hairs which took up the majority of the hair color were finely kept ironically, save for the blood stained white streaks hanging down. 


And then there was his face. Strong cheekbones plastered with blood stains, and a jawline scraped and burning. He honestly looked as if he waged war against three Stalkers at once. The only part of him that seemed relatively unharmed was his eyes. Yet they had dark shadows making him look somewhat tired yet menacing. There were quite a few new faces to him. Ranging from a female Rhino to a rather Prime Esque colored Zephyr. 


"HELLO STATION!!" Belrev yelled, attracting the whirr of annoyance from Corion.




Kage then ran out of the ship, decked out in his bullet ridden armor. The black and white Sunika Kubrow sniffed the air, before growling. LOUDLY.


"Kage get over here!"


On cue, the kubrow trotted to his owner, and sat next to his leg.






(Belrev's appearance) 

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Gaius gave a large grin. "Ah, forgive me. I misunderstood." Gaius couldn't help but notice the movement of her hands. They were short motions, but slowly seemed to open up as their discussion continued. It looked like she was becoming more comfortable around him. Gaius listened intently when she answered his next question without him even asking. It honestly reminded him a lot of himself. When she listened Gaius let out another chuckle. "Become the greatest version of yourself so you can give the very best you can. I understand that more than you might think." He noticed how her hand were now. They were acting flustered, and the slight look downward gave it away that she was embarrassed about her past mistakes. "You really seem to like talking with your hands Miss Souna." He said.


Gaius noticed how her hands moved towards her hip. The instinctive grip that all Tenno have when they sense danger. Good to know that Gaius was not the only one. He flashed Souna a smirk and lifted up his right hand, then began to twirl something that could not be seen. "You sensed it too?" He whispered. He gave a quick look around from his peripheral vision, taking care to not move his head. "Its because of feelings that these that always cause me to come prepared anywhere I go." As he finished his sentence, a Hikou Prime star appeared in his right hand, moving in between his fingers as he twirled it around.

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Sab covered her ears more for comfort than effect as the wail reached out again, feeling a wave of nauseation pass over as the ship reentered reality. No vomit this time, though the lingering smell nearly tipped her over.

After a couple seconds of deep breaths the Valkyr groaned her way up the wall, stretching her arms upwards with a sigh of relief when they dropped back down.

"It's about damn time, but just incase we ended up in some Grineer factory..."

She grabbed Krenn by the arms and dragged him over to the capsule door, kicking it open before chucking the Tenno out like a rag doll.

"Scream if you get shot!"

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When other ships came into hangar, he stayed in his place and calmly agreed with her.

"I was trying to get out of this place as soon as possible, but I guess I'll be staying here longer than I thought..."

He sighed dissapointed.

"I don't even know, maybe we should get out of everyone's sight in here, before "that guy" shows up again."


"Well, we don't have anything else better to do. And I certainly don't want to get in the way of trained professionals, how about.. We..." She trailed off a bit as she watched another... Tenno? Fly through the air after what she assumed was being tossed out of one of the battered ships. "Perhaps we should go now. But..." She sauntered over to the Tenno now laying on that floor of the hangar, crouching down next to them as her helmet segmented itself and receded into the collar of her suit. She had a single eyebrow raised.


"Need a hand?"

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Sab covered her ears more for comfort than effect as the wail reached out again, feeling a wave of nauseation pass over as the ship reentered reality. No vomit this time, though the lingering smell nearly tipped her over.

After a couple seconds of deep breaths the Valkyr groaned her way up the wall, stretching her arms upwards with a sigh of relief when they dropped back down.

"It's about damn time, but just incase we ended up in some Grineer factory..."

She grabbed Krenn by the arms and dragged him over to the capsule door, kicking it open before chucking the Tenno out like a rag doll.

"Scream if you get shot!"


"You know, under most circumstances I would condemn those kind of action, but I think I've lost so much blood that I've bleed out all of my emotions except apathy." Sebastian said as he limped out of the capsule.


Sebastian analyzed the room as best he could, and sighed in relief. "No Grineer here Sab, just a bunch of very startled looking people in funny suits." Sebastian said with an off-putting grin. "You folks wouldn't by chance have an Oberon named Rollo or a Saryn named Serenity around here would ya? Also..." Sebastian then collapsed on the floor, with a pool of blood forming around him. His body finally gave out and shut down so that it could heal with ease, though immediate medical attention would be needed. Its a miracle he hadn't collapsed earlier given his state.

Edited by IrishHades1798
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-snibbidy snab-


Also..." Sebastian then collapsed on the floor, with a pool of blood forming around him. His body finally gave out and shut down so that it could heal with ease, though immediate medical attention would be needed. Its a miracle he hadn't collapsed earlier given his state.


Aegia glanced over after hearing another flopping, thudding sound on the floor. Apparently Tenno were raining from the sky or something. Of course, she knew they were coming from the ships, it just made her giggle to think of them smacking face first into the ground after dropping from the rafters for some reason. Aegia sighed and stood up, grabbing both of the Tenno laying on the ground and hefting them over either of her shoulders. "Alright, I don't know where the medical rooms are, but somebody will surely stop me when they see me carrying these two." She watched a bit of blood that wasn't her own trickle down her armor. 


Aegia sighed.


It was gonna be a long cycle.


But at least she got to help somehow. She was curious as to how they even got to be this chewed up in the first place, it reminded her of that Steel Meridian woman from earlier. She grunted slightly as she adjusted the two on her shoulders. She spoke silently to herself, trying to make light of the situation at hand. "...Yes hello I'd like to purchase these two. I figure used is a bit cheaper. No, I don't want the extra syandana or air freshener." Maybe these two Tenno would be a lot more open to conversation than the Volt was... After they get treatment that is. She blew a strand of her hair out of her eyes, huffing as it slid back into the same place.

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"You know, under most circumstances I would condemn those kind of action, but I think I've lost so much blood that I've bleed out all of my emotions except apathy." Sebastian said as he limped out of the capsule.

"Yeah well under normal circumstances Krenn'd be dead." There was an edge to her voice, fueled by her pent up frustration. The Valkyr had a rather low pain tolerance, and the only way she could deal with it was smashing whatever it was causing said pain.

Since that thing was soon to be a comet made out of liquid sh!t Sab had to take a few liberties.

Sebastian analyzed the room as best he could, and sighed in relief. "No Grineer here Sab, just a bunch of very startled looking people in funny suits."

"Oh is it a Corpus board meeting!?" Her edge was replaced with excitement as the Valkyr combat rolled out the capsule, coming up with her Tonkor swinging side to side.


When the Valkyr actually looked and saw nothing but Tenno and Perrins she let out a disappointed "Oh." Before rising and holstering her nade launcher.

"Not board members." She muttered, crossing her arms. "Just a bunch of commies."


Nium visibly shook his head as the wail slowly faded in the background. The transition messed with his systems just short of the point where they'd trigger an emergency shut down.

The AI went over all that had happened recently. They'd just escaped the Galleon barely in one piece, they'd been scooped up by a passing ship and watched helplessly as the ship jumped away. Possibly hundreds of Tenno, all taken to god knows where. And it just watched, helpless.

It was felt in its very core.

Nium turned its head towards the others in his squad. "You all okay to walk?" Nium couldn't even spare the squad. One was missing, one had a potentially scarring injury and Gemini-


Are you still there! Are you okay!?

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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As soon as they landed and dropped the Grineer mining vessel, Vidic charged out of the cockpit, Lex in hand, rage in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a custom cipher destroyed the locks on the vessel, dropping the landing ramp as he stormed in Lex first.

"Alright you degenerate yoty ot tipykey-" the pilot roared, voice heavy with rage, only to find that the interior of the ship contained not Grineer, but two Tenno and a proxy. With all this rage and no outlet, Vidic stormed out of the mining ship. Before he could throw his tantrum, a group of Crimson Lotus operatives had climbed on top of his ship and were pulling out components.

"No, no, no! Jkap it pke kepp po you pkitk yout poitj!?" he cried out in a distressed tone, blood pressure reaching an unhealthy level for a Corpus his age.

Orion was surprised at the sudden appearance of Vidic, and then disappearance. He turned to Ivan. "It....appears we have landed." He said to the Nekros, in a heavy, unemotional tone. He was obviously still recovering from Odessa's death.

"Gr...grab Mythos. See if you can find some medics. Make...make sure she has good treatment." Orion said, turning away from the Nekros and looking out of the ramp at the Tenno nearby. "I have to do something."

Edited by (PS4)SilverHades
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"And out we go." Belrev said with a chuckle, as he exited the ship and waited for Vandal outside. His helmet was off of course, being that they were in a non hostile environment. Streaks of white hair were highlighted with crimson, being stained with his own blood of course. The black hairs which took up the majority of the hair color were finely kept ironically, save for the blood stained white streaks hanging down. 


And then there was his face. Strong cheekbones plastered with blood stains, and a jawline scraped and burning. He honestly looked as if he waged war against three Stalkers at once. The only part of him that seemed relatively unharmed was his eyes. Yet they had dark shadows making him look somewhat tired yet menacing. There were quite a few new faces to him. Ranging from a female Rhino to a rather Prime Esque colored Zephyr. 


"HELLO STATION!!" Belrev yelled, attracting the whirr of annoyance from Corion.




Kage then ran out of the ship, decked out in his bullet ridden armor. The black and white Sunika Kubrow sniffed the air, before growling. LOUDLY.


"Kage get over here!"


On cue, the kubrow trotted to his owner, and sat next to his leg.






(Belrev's appearance) 

Silver sighed, looking at Belrev. "Belrev! We still need to help Vandal and more importantly, Harley. We can't just leave them."




Ghostar looked at Nium, Four, and then Azelie. He heard the constant wail of the void stop suddenly, and they came to a halt a bit later. He heard Nium's question and sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine." He responded.




Maxi scowled. The station had sealed itself tight after the wave of Lisets and Cichlids from the mission. Their Liset came out of the void above the station, followed by a second Liset. Silver's Liset.


Silver hadn't summoned his Liset. And Ordis had been remotely disabled by a greater, primordial AI. Omnipotence. Omnipotence had summoned Silver's Liset for his own use at the station. His hacking skills were very powerful.


Maxi turned to Arino. "Give me a second." She said, turning to the controls of the Liset. She sent a signal to the station. "Requesting permission to land at the Donn Waystation." She said.

Edited by Agent_Maine
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((Oh god everything happened and oh god god gody god help))


Well, they made it. That was more than Hexer was expecting. A round through hell, and defeating a monstrosity - with help of course - and escaping alive. Lady Luck is definitely going to make a withdrawal on his account in the near future.


Either way, a station no doubt has a kitchen. And that is exactly where the General made a beeline to. He needed a damn cup of tea.

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Souna smiles beneath her helmet as the Ash speaks a mantra very similar to the one that had accompanied and supported her throughout her whole life. "Exactly, Mister Gaius. Very exactly this."

His comment about her hands though suprised her. Sure, with the black, oxium-filled wings her arm-movements are a little bit more apparent than they would have been in a less decorated frame, but for her the gestures were all natural, mostly even subliminal. "When in a warframe, you cannot use mimics and bodylanguage gets dampened. Gestures are the safest way left to communicate nonverbally. As such, I am used to it. Were I unframed, you had seen I acted the very same."


A sound like screaming of a hundred tormented souls, dampened by the station's protective layers, arose as a hundred tormented ships emerged from rift-travel. The fact that they jumped out so close to the station made it clear that they were being expected. That was probably the reason for all the commotion Gaius and her had sensed. To Gaius, who playfully displayed his hidden weaponry, she answered calmly and not displaying any hint of being impressed. Although she instantly recognizes the weaponry as a prime variant, she is well aware that salvaged prime weaponry is much more common than salvaged prime warframes. Thus, the twinkling glowing stars are a far less significant hint at noble descent. 

"I am far from defenceless. Those ships do not look as if any of them are in a state to engage in further conflict. Even the guards of this station could take them out. In the worst case, I can still take weaponry from the first casualties or borrow two of your stars." Her confidence that he will comply is not an order - it's just that she assumes the advantages of such a procedure are apparent to him and thus, he will take the most efficient course of action just as she will. Not that she thinks it to be likely. The docking ring being shut off showed that the station was willing to protect the arriving ones, and the many injured pouring out of the landing ports just reinforced her assessment of the situation, that no weapons will be needed for now. 


A desire to find a somewhat elevated place rose in Souna as the station's docking area rapidly filled with people. Some of them noisy, brazenly stating their not-severely-hurt state, others diligently tending to the wounded and flooding the path to the medical bays. In commotions like this, when the floor is cramped, Souna's deepest desire is to rise upwards into height, towards sky or ceiling, to escape the restricting squeeze of the masses and stay afloat freely on top of things.

Of course, she does not do it. Weapons being brandished here and there demonstrated that some of the newcomers have their minds still set on combat-mode, and a Tenno suddenly tailwinding straight upwards might provoke some unhealthy reactions. But, she has a better idea.


Swiftly stepping onto a nearby bench, she begins to direct the countless people from the battered ships to the medical bays with wide gestures of her arms. She does not even try shouting, there's hardly any chance her voice will be heard over the turbulent noise already present. She just waves with calm, precise movements towards the next medical station. 

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In stark contrast to the mood that had settled upon the station, the next song on Milton's salvaged cassette began to play.





"Negative Ma'am, station's under strict lock-down; no one in or out, no exceptions," came the reply to Maxi's hail, "If you're desperate to land, our sister station Morríghan isn't too far away and is better equipped."


Hacking the station open would prove fruitless due to its age. The locking of the clam-shell worked in a similar manner to ancient power-steering technology from automobiles reproduced on a massive scale. A lever in the control booth had to be physically pulled in order to operate the huge fluid-filled pistons that opened and closed the clam-shell.



For those seeking guidance around the station, there were plenty of volunteers bustling about who would stop to offer guidance, briskly leading the way before dismissing themselves to run and help others.


In Aegia's case, she would receive another break from the rudeness aboard the station as she ran into Milton; a young Corpus in his early 300's who was a volunteer from Perrin Sequence. Despite the chaos, he remained calm and polite, quickly leading her through the crowd and to the med bay and apologizing to the Tenno with a respectful bow before quickly jogging back into the crowd to continue assisting the others.

In short, I'm not Rping an individual, faceless volunteer to direct all of you. Simply go where you want and say a volunteer helped.




Currently, the med bay was a scene of controlled chaos. Tenno, Corpus, and Human worked comfortably and efficiently together, directing patients to medical pods on the back wall's conveyor belt and quickly, but not sloppily, operating on the more critically wounded patients on the operating tables with curtains drawn. Volunteers quickly darted in and out of the med station, doing their best to stay out of the way of the medical professionals as even a second's distraction could cost a life.


Nisha's echo was there, rushing between beds and the pod conveyor, doing whatever the doctors and nurses asked of her. Fetch this, get so-and-so, do this, change that, push this, enter that, etc., etc.


Probably the most eye-catching person there was an older Corpus man sitting in a chair in the corner of the room surrounded by holographic interfaces, the pale blue light from his screens illuminating the sweat on his brow as his hands darted from screen to screen. He was the head surgeon, Alad Tessitura. His fingers danced across the displays, eyes always moving as he delicately directed his miniature medical Ospreys. He was performing four surgeries at once, quickly finishing one as his aids moved the current patient and prepared for the next.


It was as if he was the maestro of an orchestra, directing his instruments in a careful but fast paced melody of healing. Death himself had stepped into the bay, but sitting in a chair across the room was an angel of healing who wiped Death's mark clean from his victims with one hand as he armed the other. He was engaging in combat against the reaper himself on behalf of the injured. These souls were not his to take, but for them to keep, and Tessitura would sooner loose his own then surrender his patients'.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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In Aegia's case, she would receive another break from the rudeness aboard the station as she ran into Milton; a young Corpus in his early 300's who was a volunteer from Perrin Sequence. Despite the chaos, he remained calm and polite, quickly leading her through the crowd and to the med bay and apologizing to the Tenno with a respectful bow before quickly jogging back into the crowd to continue assisting the others.

In short, I'm not Rping an individual, faceless volunteer to direct all of you. Simply go where you want and say a volunteer helped.




Currently, the med bay was a scene of controlled chaos. Tenno, Corpus, and Human worked comfortably and efficiently together, directing patients to medical pods on the back wall's conveyor belt and quickly, but not sloppily, operating on the more critically wounded patients on the operating tables with curtains drawn. Volunteers quickly darted in and out of the med station, quick to stay out of the way of the medical professionals as even a second's distraction could cost a life.


Nisha's echo was there, rushing between beds and the pod conveyor, doing whatever the doctors and nurses asked of her. Fetch this, get so-and-so, do this, change that, push this, enter that, etc., etc.


Probably the most eye-catching person there was an older Corpus man sitting in a chair in the corner of the room surrounded by holographic interfaces, the pale blue light from his screens illuminating the sweat on his brow as his hands darted from screen to screen. He was the head surgeon, Alad Tessitura. His fingers danced across the displays, eyes always moving as he delicately directed his miniature medical Ospreys. He was performing four surgeries at once, quickly finishing one as his aids moved the current patient and prepared for the next.


It was as if he was the maestro of an orchestra, directing his instruments in a careful but fast paced melody of healing that. Death himself had stepped into the bay, but sitting in a chair across the room was an angel of healing who wiped Death's mark clean from his victims with one hand as he armed the other, engaging in combat against the reaper himself on behalf of the injured. These souls were not his to take, but for them to keep, and Tessitura would sooner loose his own then surrender his patients.


It made the Rhino happy that even in times of extreme distress like this one, there were still some that could keep a calm attitude, and even smile during. The pleasant Corpus that led her to the med bay was one such individual.  She happily followed him, Krenn and Sebastian slung over her shoulders. Of course, she didn't know who they were, or what had happened that landed them in such a situation. Only that they needed assistance, and she was happy to help. Entering the medbay, she glanced around for a moment, before a volunteer came along and directed her to where exactly she could drop off her... Cargo. And soon, she was without Tenno upon her shoulders. Though she did stick around for a while, looking for something to wipe the blood off of her armor before it set in.


It was always such a pain to get off if it wasn't done immediately.


On the bright side, she was finally able to move the offending strands of hair away from her face, pinning them behind her ear as she wet the cloth and prepared to wipe off the last of Sebastian's blood from her suit. Though part of her wondered if it wasn't a moot point, seeing as if she had to transport more wounded from the ships, they'd just bleed on her too, or worse. She shuddered at the thought.

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-three-inch incision-

Nium turned its head towards the others in his squad. "You all okay to walk?" Nium couldn't even spare the squad. One was missing, one had a potentially scarring injury and Gemini-


Are you still there! Are you okay!?


In response to the Cephalon's panic, it would feel a bit lethargic for a few moments as something diverted additional energy from his power-source. Shortly after the intense drain, the metal containment spheres on his back ejected themselves, rolling on the dock's floor for a moment until the spheres met with a metallic clink.


In a burst of brilliant scarlet and sapphire light, two feminine figures appeared on the floor; one red, the other blue. Neither had their usual armor, and their proportions were off as well. They were much shorter, close to the size of an average human seven year old, and they both for some odd reason possessed individual digits on their feet, five on each foot, twenty between the two of them. Their bodies were still the same Suda operative design, but both possessed heads similar in design to the helmets worn by Arbiters of Hexis operatives.


The red Gemini was crouched on her knees, holding the blue one's hand as she sat up from her prone position, bending her knees behind her and sitting on her hip. The two in their weakened state appeared overpoweringly adorable, though as endearing as their hand-holding was, there was another reason behind it other than comforting each other.


"We're okay!" the two chimed in unison, looking up at the group in front of them.

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Vandal looked at Belrev before he heard a gunshot, he then looked at the source and dodged the next bullet that was aimed for his face, swiftly leaping to the side and hearing the bullet whizz past his ear. A Saryn had tried to shoot him, he was about to retaliate before he saw she mad Molted and ran off to somewhere. He looked at Belrev and hunched his shoulders as he had no clue where she went.

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"Doesn't matter, let's go!" Belrev said as he rushed Vandal over to the infirmary, all while keeping Harley in his arms. Thanking the Zephyr along the way for the motions pointing to the infirmary, the trio reach their destination.

"Two wounded here! Vocal cords ruptured and injuries sustaining his body! She needs to be checked for any injuries, been unconscious the whole ride home!"

Looking at Vandal, he knows that if he doesn't mention his own injuries, there will be quite a fit of anger shown.

"Multiple scrapes on my body. Injured ribcage, bleeding on my head, and a injured wrist." Belrev said with a slight growl in his voice.


Meanwhile with Silver, Corion used all of his energy to levitate the Limbo off the ground. "Sir, this is quite stressful to my systems, but I must get you to the Infirmary. Master Belrev has already brought the other two there. They are waiting on you." The Shade sentinel explained, as he drifted Silver to the Infirmary.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Duo was slow to vacate the cichild. The infested's strength was gone, energy: minimal, stubbornness however? That was alive and kicking. After the lovely (excruciating) trip through the rift it was pondering just falling flat on the ground. Duo was watching all of the warm, fleshy bodies carting other less mobile bodies around and could only lament.

It slowly walked out of the ship and tried to flag down a volunteer. The host still sustained some severe burns despite its efforts and needed medical attention (its conclusion from barely feeling some areas on the body). "Hey...could someone help me?" It weakly called to anyone who would listen.


A vibrantly colored Liset whizzed across empty space, fresh out of a jump. It's speed could only spell urgency as it got closer to Donn Waystation.

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Sab dropped her arms and started following the steady stream of f*cked ups going from the hanger to what she presumed was the medbay. Or the crematorium. Or kitchen. Who could tell with a station run by commies?

After thankfully finding a medbay at the end of the road Sab stood around, out of the way of the constant surge and waiting to be served.


Nium would have smiled if he had a mouth, the AI's tone growing noticeably lighter.

"Thank god you're okay, come on."

Nium moved and gently picked up Azelia, looking back at the twins. "There are possibly hundreds of Tenno out there that could use our help."

The AI turned back to Ghostar. "Do you need any help? If not" He looked out the ship to Four. "She could need it."

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