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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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"I'll find her later. When I am at full strength. If she is that good of a shot...then she must be one hell of a fighter." Belrev quietly said, as he helped Vandal to a nearby seat. It was strange to him. Vanished from sight in the blink of an eye. A aim that he hasn't seen in a very LONG time. She could rival his older brother in the shooting department.

That was something to worry about.

He turned his head to the side, looking down slightly.

"She's after you. Not me. Well I think so."

"She'll be looking for another chance to kill you. Stay on alert."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Meanwhile in coridors of Waystation.

When lights went out, Fulgurus took out a cigarette and lit it. He continued walking and started smoking, even if that was probably restricted to do here, but with this short panic between people, noone should've seen him do that.

"Gotta get out of here somehow..."

He muttered and thought of any ways to do so.

"There are many things I should have done by now, but no... Had to fix someone's ship without actual payment..."

Fulgurus thought and went towards the public areas to find anyone, who could help him get the equipment to go out and hunt bounties or something.

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Volun was not most Tenno.

The Bolt only pissed him off. A lot.

With a free hand, he wrenched the bolt off, glaring at the doctor. "You could have at least fired it where it didn't hurt as much..." he muttered, crumpling the bolt with a flex of his hands.

"It was the only place I could shoot at Tenno, other than your &#!." Snapped the doctor.

Volun ignored him, instead looking at all the other Tenno who had been poised to knock him down. "The name's Volun Tai. As you may have seen from the light show earlier, try not to make me mad, unless you want your &#! to go numb from Speed-induced asskicking." He called out.

He coughed out blood.

Damn vocal cords. Speaking like that did wonders for it.

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Vandal nodded and as soon as he was about to speak he heard a loud gunshot... A very familiar gunshot. The Saryn's rifle.

Kana had shot at one of the guards, a direct shot between the eyes. The shot was flawless and right on target, she waited for the other guard to react.

"We are staying here. Not fully healed yet."

Belrev was now fully alert.

"Corion, go and trace the location! Scan her now!" He commanded, as the Sentinel left to do just that.

Volun was not most Tenno.

The Bolt only pissed him off. A lot.

With a free hand, he wrenched the bolt off, glaring at the doctor. "You could have at least fired it where it didn't hurt as much..." he muttered, crumpling the bolt with a flex of his hands.

"It was the only place I could shoot at Tenno, other than your !." Snapped the doctor.

Volun ignored him, instead looking at all the other Tenno who had been poised to knock him down. "The name's Volun Tai. As you may have seen from the light show earlier, try not to make me mad, unless you want your ! to go numb from Speed-induced asskicking." He called out.

He coughed out blood.

Damn vocal cords. Speaking like that did wonders for it.

At this Belrev walked forward, and stood in front of Volun.




"So. I see you are awake."

"Welcome back, Volun."

He looked towards the new faces and raised his hands. "I know him. He won't hurt you."

"And if he does then he has a dozen other Tenno to face. I don't see that going well."

Now that he was on full alert, Belrev was ready for a possible strike from Volun. Now with his display of arrogance and unnecessary hostility, he knew he made the right choice to make a contingency plan for him.

"So tell me Volun. Will you electrocute me for no reason? Or calm down and let me brief you on what has happened so far."

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Belrev was not phased by the glare, merely having a cheeky smile. However the true face of fear is an angry Shay. Now THAT is scary. 


"Glad seeing you alive friend." Belrev mused, as he pat his shoulder.


"Get out your messenger, I got a story to tell you."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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As Mythos' body fully healed, her pod slowly opened. She slowly awakened, and upon seeing that she wasn't on a Grineer Ship anymore, she jumped out of the pod, pushed past some other patients and grabbed one of the Medical Staff by the collar.


"What the hell?" Evan thought, confused about what Mythos was doing. He ran towards her, and tried to calm her down.

"Woah woah woah alright, alright. Calm down. Mythos, right? My name is Evan, if you still remember...anyways, you're at Donn Waystation, this is the Med Bay. Just...calm down, okay? You're safe here."

He walked slowly to her, hoping she wouldn't do anything...unpleasant.

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"You as well, fellow Tenno. Now if you'll excuse me, i have to get my throat checked for ruptures in my voice box. Send the stuff later." Replied Volun, taking belrev by the hand and shaking it.

With another bloody cough, he made for the medics.

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Interrupted by the blackout, Krenn looked around for the source. When he saw Volun-Tai on the ground, he stopped.


Where the hell has he been? Seriously though, he was AW support, but what even the hell happened to him.​ And how the hell did he get into the med bay. Eh, whatever.


Teleporting right next to him, Krenn spoke out.


"Volunteer. Where the hell have you been? Also, we're at a Donn Waystation, and there are new faces around. And why speak? You've been doing fine with just the light show."

Edited by HziulquiogmnzhahAtXoth
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"Try not to fry anything!" Belrev called out to the leaving Volt. 


Now he was with one person he knew.


Surrounded by three others, he didn't know.


That thought was cut off shortly, as a Trinity Prime approached him. She stood at 5'7 compared to his tall 6'2 figure.



"Saw you come in from one of those ships, had to see you. I am finally seeing the man who ended Damascus!"


"Yes yes love, that is me." He greeted with a smile of his own.


"You have no idea how long we wanted him gone. But neither of us were willing to touch him. Until you came along."


"I'm just sorry you had to...because of what he did."


Belrev now feigned a smile, although it was in truth, a pained one. 


"He took him from me. My Father."


"He would be proud, B. We all know he would've been."


"Now I have to go. Names Aurae by the way. Keep those good looks intact, Bel."


With a smirk and a wink, Aurae left.


"He would be proud.."


"Wouldn't he?"







(Mini intro for my in progress Trinity Prime OC :3)

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Sab raised her eyebrow to Krenn's hello, getting off the wall and moving a few steps closer before crossing her arms again.

"Seriously? Just Sab? No "hey Sab", "hello Sab", "thanks for saving my totally helpless and paralysed @$$ Sab"? Frank-"

She got cut off with the power, glancing around before shaking her head with a small chuckle.

"Ooooh no, you ain't stalking your way outta this one buddy." She flashed her Hysteria, the white light illuminating the fact that Krenn had already clearly GTFOed.


"You god damn son of a Drahk."

She shook the claws away from her hands and walked hunched with arms hanging loosely by her side, only straightening when she ran back into "The Edge" and his little scene.

"Hey Volun, you're alive. Hey Krenn." She flashed her claws. "You're not gonna be."

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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As Gaius was dropped from Sebastian's Bastille, he was more annoyed than ever. In the time he was suspended, that volt got up and caused more trouble, more people showed up, and now a Valkyr was about to kill one of them. Having had enough of this nonsense, Gaius teleported in between them all and summoned up the clones he usually would have for Bladestorm. The two clones grabbed the shoulders of Krenn and Sab, holding the two back, even though Sab seemed like the only one who needed restraining. "Now thats enough!" Gaius shouted. "In the process of roughly two minutes there has been a blackout, a rampant volt who still looks like as though he needs to be restrained, and now this. I would have dealt with the volt problem where it not for a damned Bastille, but there are more pressing matters to attend to." Sebastian, who was taking another swig from the flask, looked at Gaius. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is my hand full of nuro-toxins inconveniencing you?" Sebastian stood up from the table and walked over to the group. He looked at his two former squad mates Sab, who looked ready to kill, and Krenn. "Hello Sab, hello dead weight. You two seem to be getting along."


Gaius let out a sigh of frustration. "We are all Tenno here, we should at the very least act like it. The display I saw was a disgrace, not even by Tenno standards. If you two really want to kill each other, do it on your own time. Right now, there are still people who need taking care of. Hell, that blackout could have flat lined dozens of people just now. Don't you think that that takes more priority than this?"

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"What the hell?" Evan thought, confused about what Mythos was doing. He ran towards her, and tried to calm her down.

"Woah woah woah alright, alright. Calm down. Mythos, right? My name is Evan, if you still remember...anyways, you're at Donn Waystation, this is the Med Bay. Just...calm down, okay? You're safe here."

He walked slowly to her, hoping she wouldn't do anything...unpleasant.

Upon seeing the Excalibur, Mythos clenched the Medical Staff tighter. "DID I ASK YOU, EVAN!?" She replied, quite unusually.

Note: Her anger is one of the many side effects from Alad V's experiments. Sometimes she can't control her emotions.

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Sab glanced behind her as she felt the hands on her shoulders, visibly surprised by the action. Not the fact that she was being restrained, she'd come to expect that, simply the fact it came so outta nowhere.

She gave sigh of exasperation, as if she were about to give a speech for the thousandth time. Probably the case, you really lose track through the years.

Sab dropped her head and rose it back up with a large breath, shaking off the claws and crossing her arms.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, it was just a joke. As your friend over there'd tell you." She pointed a finger over at Seabas. "I spent several minutes fighting against the damn vacuum of space to make sure that @$$hole." She pointed at Krenn. "Didn't go flying out a hole another @$$hole had shot in the side of our Galleon so that the biggest @$$hole did go flying into the vacuum of space."

"So yeah, safe to say I'm gonna let edge master over there die anytime soon."

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Upon seeing the Excalibur, Mythos clenched the Medical Staff tighter. "DID I ASK YOU, EVAN!?" She replied, quite unusually.

Note: Her anger is one of the many side effects from Alad V's experiments. Sometimes she can't control her emotions.

Evan immediately stopped, a little bit shocked about how she reacted.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Just...calm down. Breathe in, breathe out, all that bullsh*t, okay? Nothing bad is gonna happen here, alright? I promise. Now if you don't mind, please...let go of that guy," he said.

He deactivated his shields. "Look, I deactivated my shields. I'm not gonna hurt you. If I mean you harm, I wouldn't have turned my shields off, right? So...calm down..."

He continued walking slowly to her afterwards.

Edited by (PS4)qwerty1310
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The Cephalon had stationed himself in the public foundry, currently working on a pair of Dark Swords made using the new model.

During the hour Nium had sought out and located Sab's healing pod, making sure she was in a stable state of healing before heading to the foundry. There the bot took care of Gemini, assisting with her errors and hooking them up to a suitable power source. Sab's Warlord called a few minutes later, and the two talked.

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It had been an incredible lucky move that the flinch caused by the bolt had made her kick miss by millimeters. Volun for sure had felt the forceful gust caused by it. Then Aegia charged in, her massive frame hindering retaliation against the Zephyr as well as further attacks. 

"I come to believe you do indeed do have a deathwish, rushing into a fight light this." She comments towards the Rhino, her voice so sharp however that it also sounds like a scolding. She can really do that well.


One can only wonder what she thought to do after Aegia left, because that was the moment when the carelessly dropped Bastille lifted the people present in this part of the medical ward into the air and locked most of their movements. Souna has the little advantage of being used to her feet off the ground - floating freely does not cause her panic in any way. And, on the positive side, it forcefully hinders any other possible aggression in the room to unfold into violence. As more and more critical scenes surfaced - a Valkyr, a Mesa and who knows who else might follow the trend - this might have not been such an unfortunate accident by the Vauben, if an accident at all.

One newly arriving Tenno - Souna can not deny a certain amusement, watching him walk into the ward and the Bastille's field totally unwarily - apparently knew the raging Volt and used his time well to calm him down. Another one, a Trinity Prime, was of noble appearance inherent to most Primes, but Souna seriously wondere where, of all warframes!, a Trinity had been during the rush of injured. There were ways to explain it, but Souna still has an odd feeling about the woman introducing herself as Aurae.


Other conversations made Souna doubt the mission that brought so many Tenno here even more. What kind of mission did spark such animosities between the comrades? She remembers some missions where, except for tactical agreements, not a single word of personal talk had been spoken. She loved that silent, deadly efficiency. The most wondrous art of mastery is to perform the impossible seemingly effortless.


When the Bastille finally, after what felt like an eternity to the Zephyr in more than one way, lost its power and let all their feet touch the ground again, Gaius was quick to take control of the situation again, so Souna focuses on the Volt and the other couple still arguing, the Mesa and an Excalibur. If only she had taken her weaponry from her Liset. Things would have been so much easier. A little bit messier too, though. Nevertheless, Souna makes the resolution to tend to this mishap asap. And until then, she will not let herself be taken by surprise by one of the troublemakers.

"You take the words of my mouth, Sir Gaius. I dare not belittle the sacrifices all of you made, but a lack of discipline like this is a blatant display of how much work you apparently still have to put into improving yourself. One should think that you invest your time into that, instead of these pointless quarrels!" the proud, upright, and sadly not overly tall - roughly 178cm or 5'10 - Zephyr announced into the room, deliberately not directing her words at anyone in particular. Her voice oozes with the will to remind them of their inherent potential and, compared to that, miserable performance, simply by stating facts. Blaming anyone is no use now, but they need to work hard for the better future, no matter what that might be. And, of course, standing in the middle of the room, she puts herself as a shining example quite literally, since she summons a very tiny bit of her energy to stir the air around her - not for a practical use, but simply to have a yellow, nearly golden shimmer surround her and underline her presence. 

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(MEGA edit. Time for Bel to meet Souna and co. Officially)

After all had calmed down (hopefully), Belrev covered his eyes. The totally unnecessary fix of light radiating from the Zephyr nearly blinded his oh so beautiful eyes. They were ONE of his best features anyway. Compliments left and right about his features always made him smile. Not for the fact that they were obviously true, but that they always held an ulterior meaning. So when he met Aurae just now, he knew she wanted something. Maybe. Who knows. The only thing he DOES know, is the fact that her comm line is somehow in his contact list. With her information.

Name: Aurae

Height: 5'7

Hair color and style: Short black pixie cut hair.

Skin tone: Light

Eye Color: Blue

He spoke to the Zephyr.

"Hey. The little light show you have going on, nearly made my eyes melt."

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Sitting just outside the medbay doors was an Iron Skin clad Rhino. She sat there, sitting on the floor, back against the wall, slumped over as she rested her elbows on her bent knees, staring at the ground as her hands rested lightly upon the back of her head. She sat there unmoving, the commotion inside the medical bay going unknown to her. In fact, the same static from before had returned. This time however, it was duller, more muffled now. There was the white noise, the static... Always accompanied by a ringing sound, almost akin to tinnitus after an explosion, but lingered much longer. Nothing penetrated to roiling mass of thoughts that was her mind in a state such as this, and if a Nyx were to try and reach into her mind to see what was held within, they would hear and see nothing but that same white noise, like staring at an Old World television in the pitch darkness. Yet it still encompassed all parts of her mind, drowning out all outside stimuli and leaving her alone with her thoughts.


Aegia did not want to be alone with her thoughts...




A stirring from within, a twitch.

A heartbeat.


"..a Tenno! O... Sektor Chee For..."


What was this feeling... Cold?

I know what cold is?

Where am I?


"Knddy kne kf klem. Hddvizwe?"


Am I dead?


"Undtarrstud. Fluuld kryopahd. Trey rum Kwuim."


These voices... What were they saying?

Who are they? Figures through this glass...


Why am I wet?


Aegia's mind once again retreated into its ringing, static shell, fishing out more and more that she had repressed.

'Why? Why now?'


A cold, mechanical voice rang through the empty halls of the dojo.

"Room fabrication complete. Identification Number: R-234. Classification: H2O. Pool Area."


She perked up, looking around. "Oh, thank you for the update, Saris..." She knew she would get no answer. Saris was no Cephalon. In fact, it didn't even have a name. Aegia had given it that name herself.


A lot of things in her dojo had been named.


None of them ever spoke back.

Sighing softly, the She-Rhino would stand from her perch in the Observatory, and begin making her way towards the newly added room, currently pulsing a dull blue to indicate it's status as recently added. This was one of the only times she was glad she was alone. Her heart was racing, and her palms felt clammy. Her face was pale, and she felt sick to her stomach the closer she got to the room.

"Hopefully it would liven the place up the bit with more recreation... I could make some friends easily with them here."

Only the resounding hiss of the door opening and the cold air hitting her face would break her from the mental psyching up she was doing to herself in her head. It had been 2 years. Surely, there was no better time than with her discovery of the planet Uranus, to undertake such a task.

The door hissed shut behind her, sealing her inside the large room, lit only dimly by the flashes of an ion storm in a nebula outside the viewport. Her bare feet barely made a sound upon the cold metal that simulated the porcelain tiles surrounding the large body of water.

Was this what dead silence was like? Only hearing the sound of one's own breathing?

The surface of the water was still, placid. Neatly mirroring the world in which Aegia stood.


She would not be standing in it much longer.


One single misstep was all it took for her to be sent into the icy depths of the pool she had so lovingly been building. A strangled cry being swallowed by water.

Unfortunately, only the beginning of the second longest night of Aegia's life.

Soon she would try to free herself from the watery clutches she found herself in, only to be stopped by the malfunctioning cover of the pool, trapping her inside.


Aegia shook her head vigorously, trying to clear her head of these memories. Anyone close enough could hear her whisperign under her helmet to herself. "Not these. Not these. Not these. Not now. No no no no. No. No more."

"Where are you... My little lightning bug?"

Aegia would immediately slam the back of her helmeted head against the wall behind her, the resulting headache that pounded against her skull, combined with the ringing of the metal inside her helmet was enough to force those thoughts away from her mind, the static receding, if only slightly. She did not want to be alone with her thoughts.


... She did not want to be alone.

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With the excitement in the Med Bay dying, Tessitura had already gone to work restoring the place, ordering volunteers around as he flicked the emergency switch that reset the power grid for the station. Upon inspection of the equipment, it wasn't nearly as damaged as previously believed, most of the machinery completely functioning, just with some sexy scuffs and scrapes that gave the technology character. A group of volunteers removed Volun's damaged pod and towed it away, another group returning on the lift with a replacement from storage to set back into the conveyor.


About twenty minutes later, the place looked as if nothing had happened, more pods brought up and more freshly recovered operatives released without any idea of what had transpired before.


Meanwhile, with the incident providing the perfect distraction, Caira sedated her disgruntled patient just in time to prevent her from damaging herself further.


"Ugh," she sighed, brushing the soot off of her suit as she did her best to calm her nerves, "This damn Ember is gonna give me a heart attack. At least she's just making sparks, but she really shouldn't be making even those in her condition."


"Ma'am?" her cute, young aid asked, concerned.


"Can you see if you can find something for that woman to wear? She was about three seconds away from charging out in the buff."


"I'll see what I can do," and with that, the young aid walked off to carry out her order.




Aegia shook her head vigorously, trying to clear her head of these memories. Anyone close enough could hear her whisperig under her helmet to herself. "Not these. Not these. Not these. Not now. No no no no. No. No more."




Aegia would immediately slam the back of her helmeted head against the wall behind her, the resulting headache that pounded against her skull, combined with the ringing of the metal inside her helmet was enough to force those thoughts away from her mind, the static receding, if only slightly. She did not want to be alone with her thoughts.


... She did not want to be alone.


Nisha, even if she was a Specter, wasn't really built for heavy lifting, and with most of the work in the Med Bay requiring strong individuals who could move heavy equipment, she came to the belief that her use had reached its end. The decision wasn't all that hard to make in all honesty, especially with the annoying lady trying to look cool.


Casually walking out of the bay with an awkward gait, it was hard to ignore the shiny lady sitting against the doors to the Med Bay. "Wasn't she the lady who was trying to talk to the angry lady? Hmm... Would it be believable if she said she hadn't noticed her?"


The woman slammed her head against the wall behind her.


"Ugh... Not anymore. Damn you, Mag! Why'd you have to teach me to be nice?"


And so the Echo of a young, spoiled, but undeniably adorable Nova sat cross-legged in front of the woman who was clearly distressed. Facial muscles contorted in agony, fearful murmuring, clenched fingers. She was having a nightmare. She was a Tenno, most likely PTSD or some other emotional or mental trauma.


Nisha's echo announced her presence with a soft clearing of her throat, meant to fish the woman out of her darkness and back into reality.


"Hello~? Rhino-lady-who-I-kinda-want-to-call-Helga? Or maybe Olga?" she shook her digital head, "But that's not the reason I'm here~ Can you come back to the waystation, pwease?" She slowly waved her hands as she said this in her sing-song tone, trying to visually coax Aegia as well as audibly from her vision.

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Nisha, even if she was a Specter, wasn't really built for heavy lifting, and with most of the work in the Med Bay requiring strong individuals who could move heavy equipment, she came to the belief that her use had reached its end. The decision wasn't all that hard to make in all honesty, especially with the annoying lady trying to look cool.


Casually walking out of the bay with an awkward gait, it was hard to ignore the shiny lady sitting against the doors to the Med Bay. "Wasn't she the lady who was trying to talk to the angry lady? Hmm... Would it be believable if she said she hadn't noticed her?"


The woman slammed her head against the wall behind her.


"Ugh... Not anymore. Damn you, Mag! Why'd you have to teach me to be nice?"


And so the Echo of a young, spoiled, but undeniably adorable Nova sat cross-legged in front of the woman who was clearly distressed. Facial muscles contorted in agony, fearful murmuring, clenched fingers. She was having a nightmare. She was a Tenno, most likely PTSD or some other emotional or mental trauma.


Nisha's echo announced her presence with a soft clearing of her throat, meant to fish the woman out of her darkness and back into reality.


"Hello~? Rhino-lady-who-I-kinda-want-to-call-Helga? Or maybe Olga?" she shook her digital head, "But that's not the reason I'm here~ Can you come back to the waystation, pwease?" She slowly waved her hands as she said this in her sing-song tone, trying to visually coax Aegia as well as audibly from her vision.

Aegia's eyes had been closed tightly shut the entire time. How long had she been sitting here? The dull, low pitched ringing was slowly ebbing away within her helmet. Though, the front plate only had segmented into itself and slid into the back part, leaving her ears and the back of her head covered, but her face visible to the waystation, and coincidentally, the Tenno specter in front of her. The one clearing her throat, that would bring the barriers of white noise flowing down, into some recesses of the Rhino's mind to later torment her when the situation presented itself.


"...Huh?" Aegia finally opened her eyes, them taking a moment to adjust to the sudden shift from darkness to the light inside the station. She took a look to either side of her, making sure she hadn't done anything else while... Elsewhere.


She rubbed one of her hands agaisnt the side of her head, trying to massage away the lingering headache caused by her own actions. Finally she would meet eyes with the Nova specter, a quizzical expression across her own features. "Ah... Who are you?" She pointed to the ground in front of her. "We're... Still at Donn Waystation, correct?" She had to ask, even though as unlikely as it would have been for the She-Rhino to make it free of the lockdown, she couldn't discount any action she took that she didn't remember. Aegia however, had looked like she had gone for days without sleep, eyes bloodshot and face pale, though color was returning to it, albeit quite slowly.

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Krenn, unfazed by the threat of being torn apart, was about to make a comment before the Ash cloned pulled him back. Sure, it could be interpreted as a fight, but the dream he had kind of erased any thoughts of conflict from his mind.


"Hi Sebastian. Yes, we do seem to be getting along just fine." He replied. "And personally I... Nope. No excuse, aside from the fact that that monster was complete bullS#&$. At least we should agree on that." 


Sab made her remark, which actually provided a bit of an explanation as to what happened. Krenn added immediately after "You just want to keep me alive and milk me of my debt for you. Once that's done, you'll decide to kill me." followed by "Well, first payment of many, a thousand credits. Should be enough to get something in the cafeteria." and the tossing of a 1000 credit chit. He'd never tell anybody he was a part of ICE. Seriously, those taxes brought in a lot of money.


Focusing his attention on the Ash, he spoke out again.


"Thanks for that, even if it may not have been needed." Holding out his hand, he introduced himself. "Krenn. Former Stalker as you may have noticed from the armor, and considered a dead weight because I was unconscious for most of the mission."

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