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I Think I Know What Happened With U15.13 And The Unannounced Pvp Changes (Feedback)


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Hello all,


After seeing reports of PVP matches having weapons not dealing critical damage (as well as witnessing this myself every now and then), as well as having vastly increased damage dealt towards players, not to mention that there is the free radar and such (and before I forget, some status effects that worked before do not work as intended now in PVP), I can say with some confidence that what happened was that our health was unintentionally changed to Object (i.e.: No resistances/weaknesses, no critical damage can land on players, unconfirmed if channeling damage would not be increased when against players), meaning that players can be downed rather quickly (and with Dark Sectors PVP, that could also mean that the damage reduction mechanics for certain weapons and skills are also deactivated due to the unintended health type change). 


I would need to run a few more tests to see if this is true, but as for feedback on this, could this (if this is actually true) be tweaked for both PVP game modes (so that the correct health types are used again), but make the damage reduction mechanics not appear in Conclaves? That way, Dark Sectors PVP would become more fairer to newer players, to ease them into a bit of PVP (until the cheap tactics come), while Conclaves get to keep their fast-paced, fast-killing PVP. 



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The only significant change to PvP gameplay I've noticed is that Spectres do insane damage. At the very least, it's the level 10 ones for the first phase. With any amount of lag, you'll die instantly if they decide to shoot you. With no lag, you'll actually survive a shot or two but still go down in a fraction of a second.


Past that first phase, it doesn't seem nearly as bad, but that might just be from having increased survivability.

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I think its due to the power/leveling system now in conflicts, everything levels too damn slow.


I guess its why most people just end up carrying acrid somehow(having poison to go through shield), and since you tech start as a rank 0 frame, the moment that dart hits you, you end up dead *Lame*


also I did kind of noticed that crit weapons do S#&$ damage now, but I think its because of the slow ranking up.


~I'm completely avoiding conflicts now since most people just ends up bringing acrid~

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