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The Bzzzzzt Sound


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So here I was, waking up early to play Warframe, log in, pick a mission, turn on the nitro on my Liset, start shooting Grineer and then, suddenly, a loud BZZZZZZZZT sound came up, with my screen freeze for a split second. I thought it was insignificant and continue playing. But every few minutes (1-2 mins) the event occur. I thought that it was some loose screws on my laptop or something, so I checked. The sound still happen. Checked on my friend PC, the sound was there too.


What kind of bug is this? Anyway to get rid of this? I'm so friggin annoyed.

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Moving to appropriate section. Would you be able to post a video? Only if possible of course :) 


Edit: It might also be that your in-game sounds are chopping when you lag, making that odd buzzing sound. How long does the buzz usually last? 

I can't, it seems that it doesn't capture the Bzzzt sound when recorded. It might be my end's fault, probably because both mine and my friends PC having the same problem. The bzzz last roughly a second, normally wouldn't be much of a problem but it can be annoying.


The bzzt sound isn't a lagging sound. It's more like the sound where you turn up a speaker too loud.

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