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De Time To Replace 2.5K Syndicate Specter With Syndicate Allies Npcs?


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How about the operatives, with the abilities of the Healers, Ospreys etc. Sounds OP? Little over the top? Oh well, sounds like the easy way out for me. The physical appearance of the operatives are pleasing to my eyes also and I know many others believe so.

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Simple, they shoot at walls where an enemy is and by the time the enemy rounds the corner, they're stuck reloading.


They also get in the way of everything.

Give syndicate aimbots + some trait of enemy AI script?

Or completely remove their reloading to make them better?

How do they get in the way of everything?


As the death squads maybe. As the specters, no.

^Yes, at least something special... 

Exmius Ancient kill squad will be the 'BEST' April fool joke.


But seriously, why not have both?


Exmius non-syndicate NPC & a non-exmius syndicate ally NPC.


Off-topic: the fixed exmius for each syndicate is dumb, for example, energy drain exmius charger for Red Rooster does nothing in PvE... ...

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Give syndicate aimbots + some trait of enemy AI script?

Or completely remove their reloading to make them better?

How do they get in the way of everything?

Take MD for example, they get in the way of the datamass at times where I can't pick it up or insert it into a console.


They also move around quite a bit during a firefight and usually end up soaking my bullets.

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Take MD for example, they get in the way of the datamass at times where I can't pick it up or insert it into a console.


They also move around quite a bit during a firefight and usually end up soaking my bullets.

The only time they move around during a fire fight is when i'm rushing/gunning. other than that they seems obedience & stay in a spot.


Why not ask DE to add in "hide behind cover' move as well, as those will put them off your line of sight?

-In combat: take cover behind obstacles, etc

-Moving/non-combat: stick close to summoner/player whom summoned it

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(insert "why not both meme" here)




Get an Operative egg in a farmy-farm from Old McDonald.




Put it in a womb-shaped machine or the Kubrow incubator itself. 


Have a toddler dawdling about in the Liset. 


Buy baby food (genetic stabilizers), lest you baby dies. 


Give that scruffy teenager money to go out with its friends until it finally grows up and becomes an operative. 


Keep giving it money or it dies and Ordis ejects its remains. Or freeze it in cryo-sleep, or sell it to the Lotus as a slave. 


~ I hate Kubrows maintenance cost with a passion, burn them with the force of a thousand suns ~


~ If they had no maintenance cost I would even unfreeze them ~

Edited by BrazilianJoe
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