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Of All Warframes, Why Frost?


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I don't understand the Frost hate. The frame is freaking amazing at taking damage. Those shields of his are straight amazing. He makes defense missions simple. Him and a Nyx can breeze through them. And unlike Rhino, his Ult will straight clear a room to save a team. Admittedly his first two abilities are a bit lackluster except during very rare times, but several frames have lack-luster abilities.


Frost is a great choice, and the Q&A awhile back made it seem like one of the Devs loves Frost, so that could have played into it.


My singular hope is that the Prime suit is faster movement. If that's the only difference beyond looks, its a slot well spent. Frost is as slow as Rhino with his slow helmet on. Its super frustrating, and I'm willing to bet that fact alone is why he's played far less often. Can't keep up with the group super well.


Still, had to start the prime suits somewhere, picking a tank was a good idea. It'll promote more tanks being played, and Rhino gets enough use already.

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This is you acting like a hipster, like you ALWAYS do.


I act like a hipster? How? And what even is a hipster?


Am I not allowed to have differing opinions and not like something? I gave Frost a go a few months ago, but I eventually deleted him because I didn't enjoy him.


Ice powers aren't my style. I'm more into lightning, like Volt, or more blade-related skills like with Cal and Ash. But, I decided to give him a go because I thought he looked cool, but he turned out to look a lot different than I had thought. Too wide and bulky for my tastes and those boots are lol.


I'm not complaining about Frost Prime, he's just not going to get much use from me, if any at all.

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 and those boots 



Are the most appealing part about either Frost.


Heavy armored snow slippers AND they can double as a house for a small family?



But no, I can see how some people wouldn't like Frost. His first ability is useless if you're not solo and his second only does good damage to enemies with active shields. His 3 is unique in which it's the first real fortifying ability in the game but then again his 4 is just a watered down (Snowed over, har har) Mag ult.


But I like him, so that's what matters to me.

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Frost's 2 is actually really strong now. It used to go in random directions but they seem to have fixed it to go in a straight line. At rank 3 with a Focus mod slotted, it hits like a truck.

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If I would have picked a Prime version it would probably have been Ember or Loki, not because they are particularly special but would have been more interesting to see their Prime versions but future shall be golden. Then again no matter who you bring to me, I'm here to master all of them and I love to mix 'em up.

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 Everyone keeps drifting to the qualities of Frost and how he is necessary for certain things.  He isn't that necessary, other people do fine without him.  There are other ways to defend the coffin.  Besides, you probably don't exactly want 4 frosts on a defense mission.


 Add on the rumor that is building from posts and other ideas that there might be more primes released along with the prime parts for frost in the next update, and it leads me to wonder, how much crud is going to fall on DE if they do release more then just Frost prime in update 8.  All the people that don't want him but are stuck with him while a prime they might like will be in the market for platinum only.


 My issue isn't that Frost is bad.  He is pretty good as a frame.  But more that I just don't want him.  If he is my only choice at a prime even while others become available, then I certainly will get more and more dissapointed as my favorites become available.  It won't lead me to any foolish postings, but I certainly won't keep him if it just feels like an insult.  If others will become available at some point, then I would rather have had a Prime ticket or something so I can chose the one I want instead of getting stuck with one that I will only grind for the mastery.


 Remember, the other Primes concept is a rumor.  There might never be another prime, or might never be a prime for every frame.  We also don't know if they would be platinum only or event limited.  It could come out just about any unique way.  There are though quite a few ways that would dissatisfy more people then just the people that always complain about everything.

Edited by JHarlequin
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 Everyone keeps drifting to the qualities of Frost and how he is necessary for certain things.  He isn't that necessary, other people do fine without him.  There are other ways to defend the coffin.  Besides, you probably don't exactly want 4 frosts on a defense mission.


 Add on the rumor that is building from posts and other ideas that there might be more primes released along with the prime parts for frost in the next update, and it leads me to wonder, how much crud is going to fall on DE if they do release more then just Frost prime in update 8.  All the people that don't want him but are stuck with him while a prime they might like will be in the market for platinum only.


 My issue isn't that Frost is bad.  He is pretty good as a frame.  But more that I just don't want him.  If he is my only choice at a prime even while others become available, then I certainly will get more and more dissapointed as my favorites become available.  It won't lead me to any foolish postings, but I certainly won't keep him if it just feels like an insult.  If others will become available at some point, then I would rather have had a Prime ticket or something so I can chose the one I want instead of getting stuck with one that I will only grind for the mastery.


 Remember, the other Primes concept is a rumor.  There might never be another prime, or might never be a prime for every frame.  We also don't know if they would be platinum only or event limited.  It could come out just about any unique way.  There are though quite a few ways that would dissatisfy more people then just the people that always complain about everything.


Having the Frost Prime does not change the fact that you do not have the others.

And not having the Frost Prime does not change it either.

So it will never solve your problem.

Because you want another Prime Frame.

There is only one solution to that, traveling back in time and change DE decision.

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 Everyone keeps drifting to the qualities of Frost and how he is necessary for certain things.  He isn't that necessary, other people do fine without him.  There are other ways to defend the coffin.  Besides, you probably don't exactly want 4 frosts on a defense mission.


 Add on the rumor that is building from posts and other ideas that there might be more primes released along with the prime parts for frost in the next update, and it leads me to wonder, how much crud is going to fall on DE if they do release more then just Frost prime in update 8.  All the people that don't want him but are stuck with him while a prime they might like will be in the market for platinum only.


 My issue isn't that Frost is bad.  He is pretty good as a frame.  But more that I just don't want him.  If he is my only choice at a prime even while others become available, then I certainly will get more and more dissapointed as my favorites become available.  It won't lead me to any foolish postings, but I certainly won't keep him if it just feels like an insult.  If others will become available at some point, then I would rather have had a Prime ticket or something so I can chose the one I want instead of getting stuck with one that I will only grind for the mastery.


 Remember, the other Primes concept is a rumor.  There might never be another prime, or might never be a prime for every frame.  We also don't know if they would be platinum only or event limited.  It could come out just about any unique way.  There are though quite a few ways that would dissatisfy more people then just the people that always complain about everything.


Suck it up, you have no right to complain and getting free things in a Game you play for free. If you want more then go and offer to mow a few lawns, then siphon that money into the Devs to buy the one you want. It worked in High School. it works now.


Having the Frost Prime does not change the fact that you do not have the others.

And not having the Frost Prime does not change it either.

So it will never solve your problem.

Because you want another Prime Frame.

There is only one solution to that, traveling back in time and change DE decision.


No, the true solution is finding a way to get what you want while working within the confines of the rules DE has set for they're game, and that you consent to by playing.

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No, the true solution is finding a way to get what you want while working within the confines of the rules DE has set for they're game, and that you consent to by playing.


Time traveling is way easier to achieve :)

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Having the Frost Prime does not change the fact that you do not have the others.

And not having the Frost Prime does not change it either.

So it will never solve your problem.

Because you want another Prime Frame.

There is only one solution to that, traveling back in time and change DE decision.


 Wanting another prime frame is part of the point.  The possible availabilty of those frames is the major question.


 I had at first considered your post in a simple way and had to move on for a moment to get it right.  You are correct, they made a decision.  It's not simple to change it now, but it can be changed.  More important is how much will it offend people if they made a bad decision.  If they do release more prime frames beside the parts for Frost prime, or if they release more prime frames soon that aren't as easily available as Frost Prime was in this event, how will it turn out?


 While some people are definitely a bit more annoyed then they should be, there is still the situation that maybe a Warframe blueprint that a number of people don't want wasn't exactly a good reward.  Up until now, when we had the chance at a warframe, we had to make our choice.  Starters pick from a few different warframes.  People find a blueprint off a boss and decide to finish it so they head to the market to get the blueprint.  Others go to the market and select from all of the blueprints there to chose the one they want.


 We probably won't have the choice, and there won't be other Primes available, but if they will become available, then I would rather be able to wait and chose then get stuck with whatever someone else gave me.  I prefer making my choices, not having games played for me.  It isn't bad to get Frost Prime, it is just that there likely is a better way.

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Scumbag OP eh?


Quote the part of my OP where I complained like you are implying?

Having trouble? Right, because I never complained at all.


Calling me a scumbag makes me laugh, you made my day. :)


If you honestly did not mean to complain, I apologize, but the onus is on you to make your posts clear in their intention, not on me to comb through it and come with the correct hypotheses for what you actually meant. Twice you say "why Frost of all things". This implies you think that any other choice would have been better, and that comes off as complaining about the choice.

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 Wanting another prime frame is part of the point.  The possible availabilty of those frames is the major question.


 I had at first considered your post in a simple way and had to move on for a moment to get it right.  You are correct, they made a decision.  It's not simple to change it now, but it can be changed.  More important is how much will it offend people if they made a bad decision.  If they do release more prime frames beside the parts for Frost prime, or if they release more prime frames soon that aren't as easily available as Frost Prime was in this event, how will it turn out?


 While some people are definitely a bit more annoyed then they should be, there is still the situation that maybe a Warframe blueprint that a number of people don't want wasn't exactly a good reward.  Up until now, when we had the chance at a warframe, we had to make our choice.  Starters pick from a few different warframes.  People find a blueprint off a boss and decide to finish it so they head to the market to get the blueprint.  Others go to the market and select from all of the blueprints there to chose the one they want.


 We probably won't have the choice, and there won't be other Primes available, but if they will become available, then I would rather be able to wait and chose then get stuck with whatever someone else gave me.  I prefer making my choices, not having games played for me.  It isn't bad to get Frost Prime, it is just that there likely is a better way.


I do not think DE intended the Frost Prime as an Option / Choice you have to make.


I just think it is a gift from them to the playerbase wrapped up in an event.


And you do not have the right to chose your gift / reward not even when it is christmas.


As far as i can remember you do not have the choice whatsoever the reward is for finishing a Mission.

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