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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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It is definitely a figure that stands out, however that is something he chooses to do.


You mean play the game?  How dare he! /sarcasm, hes a hard workin or fun loving warframe player after going that far.


Still waiting on someone to rank up 5 Primed R10 mods to max in less than 2 weeks after making outrageous claims. Not going to forget that one.



 mr19 veteran founder


Thats 'Veteran'  :3

Do your Insults change anything? Nah.

They are salty from the fact that you havent produced this miracle you talked about. I guess your anger is probably because i called you out from spouting nonsense.  Stop trolling.



While the void trader may be impossible to keep up with now, he will NOT be releasing new stuff every single week. DE stated in a recent Devstream that the void trader's stocks will be on a repeating cycle. Last cycle on PC we saw two duplicates.


They actually avoided to mention it in the devstream, and completely ignored the economy subject (i watch all streams passionately)


But true you are right, if they start Repeatedly Cycling in old mods often, then most of this debate can be settled and the economy will be more manageable, however this topic was created baring in mind if only 1 Mod was released per average of 2 weeks.


They have often included 2 primed mods in the fortnightly line-up...i think if we look at an average of Primed Mod releases were currently at around 1.6 Primed mods per fortnight? somewhere around there. So im still worried about the economy/people/farmers going into a burnt-out depression due to overfarming.


Dunno about you but after that Double-Credit weekend alone...i was pretty burnt out, iv resorted to trying other games whilst these insane prices hopefully get re-tuned, because there's no way im doing that :(  ''temporarily stop playing wayframe'' was not an option i wanted to have in my mind. Im tired.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Still waiting on someone to rank up 5 Primed R10 mods to max in less than 2 weeks after making outrageous claims. Not going to forget that one.


That was never the metric we used. The metric was maxing a Primed mod in the 2 weeks between Trader cycles - something you specifically mention in the OP. 


They are salty from the fact that you havent produced this miracle you talked about. I guess your anger is probably because i called you out from spouting nonsense.  Stop trolling.


Did you not read any of the posts? Full breakdowns of time spent and rewards received to reasonably project exactly the thing you say hasn't been posted. Is that because you haven't seen them or don't put any credence in his analogy? 


Some sort of direct reply to the facts stated would be useful, as I've not seen you do much that could be considered constructive in this thread. 



They have often included 2 primed mods in the fortnightly line-up...

Normally 1 Primed mod per Void Trader appearance. The only exception to a degree was the last appearance which was a repeated mod. This still seems to suggest that you think it is reasonable for the majority of people to be able to level the Primed mods between Void Trader appearances.



 So im still worried about the economy/people/farmers going into a burnt-out depression due to overfarming.


The inference here is that everyone is racing to max the mods before new ones come out? 

Edited by SoyMalone
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I made a similar post some-time ago. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/381341-how-does-de-expect-players/

I was stressing a problem similar to you - There's no way to get enough fusion cores through regular gameplay.
In my thread everyone just shat on me and disagreed, dunno why they wouldn't want more fusion cores.


But yes, this is a problem DE still hasn't really fixed, they know it's there. Offering more places to farm fusion cores isn't going to fix the freaking problem - the amount of them needed to rank a single mod is the problem

Edited by Hitmonho
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Why do I get the impression that people who are like "meh, its easy and quite manageable, just be **more efficient** " are the ones who made DE overhaul Syndicate Rep system along with key prices by farming ridiculous amounts of said keys?


Now you sit on those piles and make those ridiculous calculations saying that 2-3 hours of pure farm grinding is okay.


Well, go to hell. Not everyone has either vault that's about to burst open from amount of void keys in it NOR wants to spend ridiculous amount of time farming keys or grinding the same tileset for all of their daily time they can spend on the game.


Why are you so opposed to having Prime Mods to be more attainable? (maxing them out to be precise)

Just why? Are you so ignorant on how your casual player will look on the matter? Do you want to fell like some kind of elite because you and only few other "pro's" have maxed out for now Endgame mods which are without doubt very powerful?


Just why do you want those who either don't have knowledge and/or time to go the "glorious path of grind and RNGesus" to be left in limbo of rank 6-7 Primed mods while all new players will be downright discouraged knowing that if they will ever want to experience endgame content they will have to have those mods in their build otherwise they will be cut off by "get better equipment and then ask for invite" sort of stuff?


And lastly: If as you say that is not a problem why do you keep trying to prove OP wrong by some either calculations or ad hominem arguments? I mean for crying out loud if that is NOT a problem that Prime mods are seriously too heavy to max out by both cores and credits by even dedicated/long time players of Warframe This very thread would have died 3 to 4 days after initial posting. Yet, here we are, day 15, 29 pages and still going.



PS. I am sure  anyone who sides with OP wants casuals to have those mods maxed out in a week or two by small amount of effort. I am sure we just want that task to be less grindy for everyone. Or was I under wrong impression?

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Did you not read any of the posts? Full breakdowns of time spent and rewards received to reasonably project exactly the thing you say hasn't been posted. Is that because you haven't seen them or don't put any credence in his analogy? 


Some sort of direct reply to the facts stated would be useful, as I've not seen you do much that could be considered constructive in this thread. 

It certainly looks well and good on paper but I have a feeling OP wants to see either you, Dunkingmachine, or some one else to put those numbers to the RNG test and provide some time stamped screen shots. After all the numbers I was given about T1 capture keys dictate I should have walked away with three prime parts/forma from the eight I ran, not one.



Normally 1 Primed mod per Void Trader appearance. The only exception to a degree was the last appearance which was a repeated mod. This still seems to suggest that you think it is reasonable for the majority of people to be able to level the Primed mods between Void Trader appearances.

Actually if you check the release dates on the wiki four of the five visits before Baro started to cycle had two prime mods. So that would make it seventeen and a half hours per week for the cores needed to rank up mods before the next batch two thirds of the time.

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Why do I get the impression that people who are like "meh, its easy and quite manageable, just be **more efficient** " are the ones who made DE overhaul Syndicate Rep system along with key prices by farming ridiculous amounts of said keys?


Now you sit on those piles and make those ridiculous calculations saying that 2-3 hours of pure farm grinding is okay.


Well, go to hell. Not everyone has either vault that's about to burst open from amount of void keys in it NOR wants to spend ridiculous amount of time farming keys or grinding the same tileset for all of their daily time they can spend on the game.


Why are you so opposed to having Prime Mods to be more attainable? (maxing them out to be precise)

Just why? Are you so ignorant on how your casual player will look on the matter? Do you want to fell like some kind of elite because you and only few other "pro's" have maxed out for now Endgame mods which are without doubt very powerful?


Just why do you want those who either don't have knowledge and/or time to go the "glorious path of grind and RNGesus" to be left in limbo of rank 6-7 Primed mods while all new players will be downright discouraged knowing that if they will ever want to experience endgame content they will have to have those mods in their build otherwise they will be cut off by "get better equipment and then ask for invite" sort of stuff?


And lastly: If as you say that is not a problem why do you keep trying to prove OP wrong by some either calculations or ad hominem arguments? I mean for crying out loud if that is NOT a problem that Prime mods are seriously too heavy to max out by both cores and credits by even dedicated/long time players of Warframe This very thread would have died 3 to 4 days after initial posting. Yet, here we are, day 15, 29 pages and still going.



PS. I am sure  anyone who sides with OP wants casuals to have those mods maxed out in a week or two by small amount of effort. I am sure we just want that task to be less grindy for everyone. Or was I under wrong impression?


There's a lot of misdirected anger here, I feel, and I would suggest you read all of the posts you are insulting rather than just taking the latest ones as a complete view of the discussion thus far. 

The OP has claimed that farming to purchase and max Mods from the Void Trader between each appearance is "Impossible." Figures have been roughed out to indicate that is not the case. At no point have I said I don't want Primed mods/R10+ mods to be easier to maximise, in fact I think that would be a good thing,


Nobody has said it was easy, either. Even if you add 25% to the illustrative values listed that puts it under 21 hours total time to farm enough cores to max a Primed mod. The fact that you can do this at any time to any degree you like means you could, for example do it in 3 weeks farming 1 hour a day. Hell, halve the time to 30 mins and it takes 6 weeks to max out a top tier mod.


None of us have stated that we want players to be stuck in limbo while maxing the mods, and new players aren't meant to really be able to max the Primed mods. They are end game mods for end game content, by definition new players won't find them viable to tangle with until they progress further. Furthermore, new players being able to jump and grab end game gear would be very bad for the viability of Warframe as a whole. 


OP has made claims to represent a large number of players who all agree with the alarmist sentiments expressed in his initial post. 'Whales' leaving the game, the economy being close to shattering and maxing multiple Primed mods to be "Impossible."  Other than his opinion and want for maxing all content before more is released, he hasn't provided evidence to refute people that have pointed out obvious holes in his arguments. I have been nothing but respectful in my posts and have been incongruously labelled as a troll for my troubles. I have questioned OP's integrity when he didn't deliver for sure, but I haven't attacked him personally, so the ad hominem claim is misdirected. 



@Onisa I see where you are coming from, however when OP has no evidence of his statement that the 'close to shattering economy' and 'whales' leaving the game it seems a little farcical for him to demand proof of something based on a reasonable projection. 

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I apparently have no evidence, there he goes again, utterly dellusional.

Soy, give up, youre wrong.

If you have evidence of this shattering economy/lists showing player retention that support your claims please share them and prove me wrong. An offhand dismissal isn't a valid argument I'm afraid. 

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-snip- (that's how do it?)


Firstly, I Am keeping track and reading each and every post in here. From "day one".

Secondly, the word you and many people point out namely "Impossible" can be taken literally as not possible OR can be used as a figure of speech to emphasize how something can be hard and/or difficult to do.


Badly Directed anger? Then I apologize but so far I've seen everybody who is against arguments of OP not posting any solutions but damn "grinding manuals". No propositions which values in both credits and cores would be more reasonable, only "do this and do that, spend few hours here and do that then another 30-40 minutes doing that, done, you can keep up". And those "Grind Manuals" make me cringe because it's like saying do whatever you don't like or do it long enough to hate it just so you can get one single aspect of the game maxed, one that is crucial to endgame you'd want to enjoy or anything besides that, but nope, apparently grinding cores and credits is fascinating. Not experimenting with builds and weapons but endless grind, or simply doing missions.


About new players, yes, those who play normally without any kind of bypass won't see or even think of attaining those mods before rank 4-6. Then there are players who apparently have too much cash on themselves and buy those maxed by months work (or to my taste, extreme grind) by spending few hours of $ to buy that while everyone else who don't have this luxury (oh believe me when I say that even 10-20$ can be much, especially when you're not US and bucks cost you tripple), is that ok as well?


Fine, I agree about Whales there might have been exaggeration, but so far trade chat does not seem "small market" but a god damn "Wall Street" Warframe Edition and while some people might sit on the "huge money" I mentioned, nobody in their right might will be spending enough cash to buy new PC and few newest games for the cash they might need to blow on all the sets of primes, rare mods and maxed prime mods.


Still, I just want to know why is it so wonderful for some people to grind endlessly (no answer to that one yet), calling it a nice "endgame goal" when in reality it's a S#&$y goal and argument that without it you don't have anything to do... well, from my perceptive there's S#&$ton of weapons, I mean real S#&$ton of them lying around treated as mastery fodder, why not if you have so much time and resources prove that this and that weapon can be good?

*digression, skip if not interested* I mean seriously, two days ago I went to some guys dojo boasting he'll give plats to anyone who defeats him, though by the time I got there he wasn't there I still managed to wipe the floor with few people who were there with Kogake, against all the "besten weponz of the game" (synoid, boltor, soma...), not a bad weapon but from how many times I've seen it, I'd assume it's regarded as mastery fodder.


Better get myself some sleep, goodnight.

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All your conclusions and assertions are based on your own playtime.

I shouldn't need to point out the fallacy in making arguments based on a single data point. 

As opposed to theoretical numbers on paper? Cuz that's all I've been seeing on that side of the argument in this thread, vs a handful of personal examples from various posters on OP's side. I mean in the two weeks the thread has been up I'd imagine if it were such a simple task someone would have done it just to rub people's noses in it.

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Firstly, I Am keeping track and reading each and every post in here. From "day one".

Secondly, the word you and many people point out namely "Impossible" can be taken literally as not possible OR can be used as a figure of speech to emphasize how something can be hard and/or difficult to do.

When the OP uses it so frequently (11 times in the OP) with 3 in caps as subheadings I think I can be forgiven for taking that at face value.




 so far I've seen everybody who is against arguments of OP not posting any solutions but damn "grinding manuals"

OP made various assertions and claims which have been debunked to one degree or another. The burden of proof is on him for starting the topic, not other people to prove him wrong. 

About new players, yes, those who play normally without any kind of bypass won't see or even think of attaining those mods before rank 4-6. Then there are players who apparently have too much cash on themselves and buy those maxed by months work (or to my taste, extreme grind) by spending few hours of $ to buy that while everyone else who don't have this luxury (oh believe me when I say that even 10-20$ can be much, especially when you're not US and bucks cost you tripple), is that ok as well?

Personally I have only ever spent money on the game to facilitate buying slots and some cosmetic items. I have some of the high end corrupted mods maxed along with a couple of Primed mods at 8/10. While I understand the need for people to spend money on the game, I'm not an advocate of doing it myself.

Still, I just want to know why is it so wonderful for some people to grind endlessly (no answer to that one yet), calling it a nice "endgame goal" when in reality it's a S#&$y goal and argument that without it you don't have anything to do... well, from my perceptive there's S#&$ton of weapons, I mean real S#&$ton of them lying around treated as mastery fodder, why not if you have so much time and resources prove that this and that weapon can be good?

Endless grinding simply isn't good. I've helped to highlight the most efficient way of doing something which will always be a grind - the most efficient way normally is. Although this was only to riposte claims made in the OP.


I've personally gotten enough mods to a sufficient level that I can tackle any and all content in the game without any core farming to get them there. I don't like repeatedly doing the same thing over and over. If someone asks me the best way to get neural sensors I tell them to run the Dark Sector Defence on Jupiter, but I don't advocate endless grinding. 


At the end of the day I've said in a few posts that I think fusion costs are too high. As a previous poster rightly put it:



But these new mods are even harder to max than anything we got previously while no "primed cores" actually exist. A new, longer track has been created, but our legs are still the same.

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legendary mods arent meant to be maxed in 2 weeks.

Atleast one legendary mod should be if one plays 16hrs every day for 2 weeks farming for rare5s and creds.

Edited by ddg92
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It certainly looks well and good on paper but I have a feeling OP wants to see either you, Dunkingmachine, or some one else to put those numbers to the RNG test and provide some time stamped screen shots.

I am on PS4 but I am debating trying to see what I can rank up in a 70 hour week. 10 hours of grinding a day for a week straight. I am thinking of running T4s and capture keys. I would also use a credit booster. Does someone want to try it for PC? What do you want me to keep a log of items attained? Obviously, I will track credits, cores, plat and ducats attained during the 70 hours. I figure keeping a log would be worth it just to see what the real numbers end up being.
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I am on PS4 but I am debating trying to see what I can rank up in a 70 hour week. 10 hours of grinding a day for a week straight. I am thinking of running T4s and capture keys. I would also use a credit booster. Does someone want to try it for PC? What do you want me to keep a log of items attained? Obviously, I will track credits, cores, plat and ducats attained during the 70 hours. I figure keeping a log would be worth it just to see what the real numbers end up being.


Pointless, there's not the cores drop nerf yet on PS4, its pretty useless to run T4S on PC now.

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Pointless, there's not the cores drop nerf yet on PS4, its pretty useless to run T4S on PC now.

It could be useful in a now vs then way. It would require someone to try on PC as well though.


I am on PS4 but I am debating trying to see what I can rank up in a 70 hour week. 10 hours of grinding a day for a week straight. I am thinking of running T4s and capture keys. I would also use a credit booster. Does someone want to try it for PC? What do you want me to keep a log of items attained? Obviously, I will track credits, cores, plat and ducats attained during the 70 hours. I figure keeping a log would be worth it just to see what the real numbers end up being.

I'd suggest something to prove what you went into this with, missions run and prizes gained.

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After taking a few steps back and looking at whatever gets posted here again, i think it's safe to say that most of it is a wasted effort. Most of the people that come in here newly just seem to read the OP, maybe the last 3 replies but mostly just unload their own uninformed opinion. I'm tired of arguing against them just from looking at it, and will get quickly burried under the next load anyway. Well, that's a game forum for you.


The only thing that mildly irritates me is how the op still stands by his indefensible claim of the content imposed by the void trader being impossible to sustain, when his whole "evidence" is nothing more than a display of goofing around for an excess amount of time daily, resulting in rather empty arguments that even the overwhelming amount of bold lines, repetition and buzzwords can't save (economy, ridiculous).


Now why can't I max 5 primed mods in 2 weeks as i've claimed is possible? It's simply because i don't have the time available that would be needed for it, 10-16h hours a day are simply utopistic for anyone that is in education/training/working and the effort needed would just be an enormous waste to disprove someone, just because he seems to be weak with math/theory. Now being a college student allows me however to still spend time on the game on a much bigger scale than the working class possibly could, so i would consider my playstyle as hardcore. I'm not that "completionistic" though to feel obligated to complete all content simply because it exists, which is also while having played first on U8 (with breaks mind you) i'm still only MR12, yet i do consider myself dedicated and will get gear that puts me at a great advantage if necessary. Sadly, the majority of primed mods released so far were rather underwhelming so I don't feel any obligation to max them, with the exception being primed Continuity. But here comes the important part.


Should the trader ever bring 2 truly great primed mods at once, i will get them, i will max them, and i will still be able to farm enough ducats for his next visit, all within those 2 weeks, because i know that it's possible, i know how to do it, and i know that the time needed is compatible with my schedule. And this is exactly what the OP, who spends a lot more time in the game than i do, and even has the "completionist" desire that i lack, seemingly can't do and therefore claims it would be impossible. But that's not true. And i'd be willing to make a bet on that matter with anyone who doubts it, i can guarantee you that.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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After taking a few steps back and looking at whatever gets posted here again, i think it's safe to say that most of it is a wasted effort. Most of the people that come in here newly just seem to read the OP, maybe the last 3 replies but mostly just unload their own uninformed opinion. I'm tired of arguing against them just from looking at it, and will get quickly burried under the next load anyway. Well, that's a game forum for you.


The only thing that mildly irritates me is how the op still stands by his indefensible claim of the content imposed by the void trader being impossible to sustain, when his whole "evidence" is nothing more than a display of goofing around for an excess amount of time daily, resulting in rather empty arguments that even the overwhelming amount of bold lines, repetition and buzzwords can't save (economy, ridiculous).


Now why can't I max 5 primed mods in 2 weeks as i've claimed is possible? It's simply because i don't have the time available that would be needed for it, 10-16h hours a day are simply utopistic for anyone that is in education/training/working and the effort needed would just be an enormous waste to disprove someone, just because he seems to be weak with math/theory. Now being a college student allows me however to still spend time on the game on a much bigger scale than the working class possibly could, so i would consider my playstyle as hardcore. I'm not that "completionistic" though to feel obligated to complete all content simply because it exists, which is also while having played first on U8 (with breaks mind you) i'm still only MR12, yet i do consider myself dedicated and will get gear that puts me at a great advantage if necessary. Sadly, the majority of primed mods released so far were rather underwhelming so I don't feel any obligation to max them, with the exception being primed Continuity. But here comes the important part.


Should the trader ever bring 2 truly great primed mods at once, i will get them, i will max them, and i will still be able to farm enough ducats for his next visit, all within those 2 weeks, because i know that it's possible, i know how to do it, and i know that the time needed is compatible with my schedule. And this is exactly what the OP, who spends a lot more time in the game than i do, and even has the "completionist" desire that i lack, seemingly can't do and therefore claims it would be impossible. But that's not true. And i'd be willing to make a bet on that matter with anyone who doubts it, i can guarantee you that.

Exactly how I've been feeling the whole time. Thank you for stating it outright.

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When the OP uses it so frequently (11 times in the OP) with 3 in caps as subheadings I think I can be forgiven for taking that at face value.

When someone is ranting on a subject you take them at face value? Though I would be happier if I didn't have to act like a Korean gold farmer to accomplish the feat.


Now why can't I max 5 primed mods in 2 weeks as i've claimed is possible? It's simply because i don't have the time available that would be needed for it, 10-16h hours a day are simply utopistic for anyone that is in education/training/working and the effort needed would just be an enormous waste to disprove someone, just because he seems to be weak with math/theory. Now being a college student allows me however to still spend time on the game on a much bigger scale than the working class possibly could, so i would consider my playstyle as hardcore. I'm not that "completionistic" though to feel obligated to complete all content simply because it exists, which is also while having played first on U8 (with breaks mind you) i'm still only MR12, yet i do consider myself dedicated and will get gear that puts me at a great advantage if necessary. Sadly, the majority of primed mods released so far were rather underwhelming so I don't feel any obligation to max them, with the exception being primed Continuity. But here comes the important part.

You do realize that timing the actual playtime needed to max one Primed mod would give your argument weight, yes?

As it is with this response the cynic in me is crowing 'looks like someone found out the numbers don't hold up in practice'.



Exactly how I've been feeling the whole time. Thank you for stating it outright.

And yet neither of you have stepped up to do any of the actual legwork for your arguments. It's all been 'the numbers say this is doable'.

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You do realize that timing the actual playtime needed to max one Primed mod would give your argument weight, yes?

As it is with this response the cynic in me is crowing 'looks like someone found out the numbers don't hold up in practice'.



And yet neither of you have stepped up to do any of the actual legwork for your arguments. It's all been 'the numbers say this is doable'.


I've stated the amount of time needed to max that mod numerous times - in case you can't remember it, it was 1.5h daily for 14 days to max one mod, the farming time for the ducats would just add a small amount to that, like 15 minutes. It's hard to calculate that one since there are more random factors involved (keys dropped on Triton, host availability, dropchance). I've also stated I would immediately do it given an incentive, like the trader delivering outstanding mods again. If that incentive is missing, i won't do it simply to prove someone wrong, though we can of course always make a bet for a nice amount of plat.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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It amuses me how some people here fail to understand that regardless their complete theoretical calculations not proved by screenshots or youtube vidoes still keep pressing the fact that they will never be on the same level than some other people, who dont need to play daily and just can buy stuff. Is it such a big problem really? We all are Tenno warriors here, some belong to elite, some just players...


Main problem here is not time, but too much R10 mods that DE keep throwing at us. I hope this logic will change someday, right now it just makes new people leave because they cant ger maxed serration. Not to say about legendary mods.

Edited by Vicious_D
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I see the problems you're talking about too, but there are some ways DE deals with this.


1) Baro's items cycle, so you will always get another chance to buy them eventually

2) r10 legendary mods might be hard to rank up, but DE has been including more ways to get r5 packs, which is aiding the grind a bit


Nonetheless, it still needs work.  The cost of r10 legendary mods are so high, that a huge number of players have aimed at finding ways to Viver/lootcave their way to max rank all over again.


As Mogamu said, there will always be a Viver/lootcave.  The way to keep people out of it is by providing rewards in the right places, to reward mission completions and proper gameplay.

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I've stated the amount of time needed to max that mod numerous times - in case you can't remember it, it was 1.5h daily for 14 days to max one mod, the farming time for the ducats would just add a small amount to that, like 15 minutes. It's hard to calculate that one since there are more random factors involved (keys dropped on Triton, host availability, dropchance). I've also stated I would immediately do it given an incentive, like the trader delivering outstanding mods again. If that incentive is missing, i won't do it simply to prove someone wrong, though we can of course always make a bet for a nice amount of plat.

You do realize that numbers on paper =/= actual game play experience, correct? I honestly don't give two $h1ts about such dry information given RNG is perfectly capable of saying 'no R5s for you, just ammo drums'. Hell, according to you I walked away from those 8 T1 Capture keys with three prime parts. Given you seem to be the kind to boast the cynic in me is getting louder.

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