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'cosmetic Enhancements' Concerns


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From what I understand from Devstream, we'll be able to add different bonuses to our cosmetics, like helmets, syandanas etc.


I want to stress my concern on that matter. I don't like cosmetics we have now, I never use it but if it'll provide bonuses, I'll be forced to strap them on.


DE, you refused from helmets with stats for exactly the same reason, now we're going back to it? Let cosmetics be cosmetics - purely aesthetic choice.


Pardon my English.

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It's cosmetics.. of your choice. With a stat modifier you can ONLY get with actually playing the game. Did you pick up on any of that? 


If you don't use any cosmetics bro who's fault/issue is that? Honestly. 

Edited by BlutAdler
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It's optional. The effect themselves are optional; people can get through the game without the eg: '10 headshot kills =30% Health regen' now, they'll be do so after.


Sure. It's a handy perk for those so inclined. Fact is...if you just want your snazzy kit or such to remain simply snazzy kit, you can. No one is stopping you doing so and anyone who declares that 'YOU MUST ENGRAVE TO DO X' is mistaken; it is only when these traits will be 'must have n engraved cosmetics' that there'll be a point of contention.


For now, it's a Work In Progress and it is highly, highly doubtful that the effects will be in any measure essential. If they do become required...well, that'll be a different argument entirely.

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If you don't use any cosmetics bro who's fault/issue is that? Honestly. 


Nobody's fault? DE can't make cosmetics that every single person will like, it's impossible. And someone prefers the look of the default helmet or prefers not to use a syndana on a certain frame that's certainly not something that's their fault that should be punished with not getting bonus stats.

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It could be around 6(chest, syandana etc) bonuses "burned" into different cosmetics for all I know. Not having them will be really dumb at that point. So definition of 'choice' will be very stretched there.



If you don't use any cosmetics bro who's fault/issue is that? Honestly. 


Obviously it's DE's fault. They did not provide the cosmetic that I find aesthetically attractive or, at least not goofy looking.

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Nobody's fault? DE can't make cosmetics that every single person will like, it's impossible. And someone prefers the look of the default helmet or prefers not to use a syndana on a certain frame that's certainly not something that's their fault that should be punished with not getting bonus stats.


The fact that you think that it's PUNISHING not getting bonus stats because you don't like the looks of cosmetics..it's silly.


Where was your arguement when sigil's  bonus modifiers for standing were introduced? 

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Can we have a discussion without people being absurd please?



That's another thing. All frames have the option of a helmet. That you can potentially use this thing on. LOL.. I honestly believe people see an opportunity to inject some dismay or conflict with something and let loose. 


It's not even out yet but you want to "raise concerns" as if the news was tragic to you. Come on man..

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Ill be fine if you can use default helmets with it and only helmets.


Thats actually how we wanted our stat helmets to be like.


But we also need to understand that some ppl might not like optional cosmetics like armors syandanas etc, so lets not force them to wear them to get stat boost. Also pay2win since most of syandanas/armors are plat only, rest are event or void trader available only.

Edited by Davoodoo
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It could be around 6(chest, syandana etc) bonuses "burned" into different cosmetics for all I know. Not having them will be really dumb at that point. So definition of 'choice' will be very stretched there.



Obviously it's DE's fault. They did not provide the cosmetic that I find aesthetically attractive or, at least not goofy looking.


Listen to this guy.. and I'd like to point out the think plume of entitlement that this community more often than not projects.


he said "obviously it's DE's fault" and his reasoning for claiming that it is DE's fault is because "They did not provide the cosmetic that  'I' find aesthetically attractive..."

Edited by BlutAdler
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Ill be fine if you can use default helmets with it and only helmets.


Thats actually how we wanted our stat helmets to be like.


But we also need to understand that some ppl might not like optional cosmetics like armors syandanas etc, so lets not force them to wear them to get stat boost. Also pay2win since most of syandanas/armors are plat only, rest are event or void trader available only.



All of my commentary being said, It's understandable that people don't want to be locked into a feature of the game they rather not participate or invest in.


However, the same could be said for me and those who WANT or are excited for this piece of news. I like the idea of a game item that could be used to imbue our cosmetics with tiny boosts/additives.


And I hope that DE does not alter their plan to release this because of people's 'concerns' with them now being "FORCED" to wear cosmetics. 

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Listen to this guy.. and I'd like to point out the think plume of entitlement that this community more often than not projects.


he said "obviously it's DE's fault" and his reasoning for claiming that it is DE's fault is because "They did not provide the cosmetic that  'I' find aesthetically attractive..."

Entitlement is 1 word i wouldnt use here.


He didnt find any cosmetic that he likes, thats fine

He havent then bought any since he doesnt consider them worth his money, thats fine

He will be forced to buy armor pieces and syandana to get stat boost, thats not fine and fault doesnt lie with him, thats rather de fault, he wants to join in on stat imbued cosmetics but find them ugly.


Also de cant make 1 single cosmetic that everyone will find attractive, they can however make more of them in hope of ppl finding taste in some at least.

Edited by Davoodoo
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All of my commentary being said, It's understandable that people don't want to be locked into a feature of the game they rather not participate or invest in.


However, the same could be said for me and those who WANT or are excited for this piece of news. I like the idea of a game item that could be used to imbue our cosmetics with tiny boosts/additives.


And I hope that DE does not alter their plan to release this because of people's 'concerns' with them now being "FORCED" to wear cosmetics. 


You don't seem to understand why "forced" is being used in this context. It's not because players are literally being forced to do an action. This is a video game, obviously nobody is forcing you to play it. It is being used because this particular mechanic attaches something the player wants to something that they do not enjoy which effectively "forces" them to do something that they don't enjoy to get something that they want.


And while some could argue that the player should simply ignore the thing that they want because they don't need it, I'd have to say I don't agree. This is a video game. The whole reason it exists is to provide enjoyment. Additional features are supposed to facilitate that purpose not run against it. The customization aspect of combat is one of the core reasons that some people enjoy the game in the first place. Putting too many barriers in front of new customization aspects is effectively wasted content because these players will never enjoy them.


So, it makes sense that OP would provide some feedback to push back against this decision. It may not affect everyone. But players like him that value visual aesthetics to a greater degree will have their enjoyment hindered by this change one way or another. They can choose to either sacrifice customization options and combat effectiveness or run characters that they find visually unappealing. It's a lose lose situation.

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You don't seem to understand why "forced" is being used in this context. It's not because players are literally being forced to do an action. This is a video game, obviously nobody is forcing you to play it. It is being used because this particular mechanic attaches something the player wants to something that they do not enjoy which effectively "forces" them to do something that they don't enjoy to get something that they want.


And while some could argue that the player should simply ignore the thing that they want because they don't need it, I'd have to say I don't agree. This is a video game. The whole reason it exists is to provide enjoyment. Additional features are supposed to facilitate that purpose not run against it. The customization aspect of combat is one of the core reasons that some people enjoy the game in the first place. Putting too many barriers in front of new customization aspects is effectively wasted content because these players will never enjoy them.


So, it makes sense that OP would provide some feedback to push back against this decision. It may not affect everyone. But players like him that value visual aesthetics to a greater degree will have their enjoyment hindered by this change one way or another. They can choose to either sacrifice customization options and combat effectiveness or run characters that they find visually unappealing. It's a lose lose situation.


I'm sorry? What other way is there to understand "force" in whatever context it is being used? I don't think you quite understand to be honest. If you come out your mouth and say you don't believe you shouldn't be forced to do something in this game, you're immediately off on the wrong foot in you lack of understanding that you are not forced to do anything. 


Those barriers you're talking about is being placed not by DE but OP as he believes that he doesn't like any of the cosmetics in the game that's fine...an option has been talked about for placing that same feature on the default helmet. So what's the banter going about?


All I sense is entitlement here, as I've stated before. 


And if OP opens up discussion about it that's what I'm discussing... I'm discussing that it comes off as entitlement that you believe you believe the game should be altered and fit to your needs or else it hinders your gameplay.

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My 2 cents. to op's concern.

They are releasing more cosmetics, and plat is tradable, which in itself is amazing. So sooner or later you may find one you like and when you do, you can add this neat little bonus to it. I think the real question is, What kind of cosmetic would OP like to have? Once OP thinks of what he wants, he can submit some ideas, and try to get community backing, so DE will notice.

So OP, what do you want?

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I'm sorry? What other way is there to understand "force" in whatever context it is being used? I don't think you quite understand to be honest. If you come out your mouth and say you don't believe you shouldn't be forced to do something in this game, you're immediately off on the wrong foot in you lack of understanding that you are not forced to do anything. 


I already explained how "forced" is being used in this context.


"It is being used because this particular mechanic attaches something the player wants to something that they do not enjoy which effectively "forces" them to do something that they don't enjoy to get something that they want."


While it may not necessarily be the best way to get that point across, it is how a lot of players generally choose to convey the situation. Mostly because there isn't a simple phrase or word to convey it, that I know of. "Forced" is just the closest word to describe it.


I realize that nobody is literally being forced to do anything.


Those barriers you're talking about is being placed not by DE but OP as he believes that he doesn't like any of the cosmetics in the game that's fine...an option has been talked about for placing that same feature on the default helmet. So what's the banter going about?


The "barrier" I mentioned is basically this: "The player is put into an unfavorable situation in which they will have to choose between looking how they want and playing how they want."


That comes as a direct consequence of this new implementation of stat distribution. As of right now this isn't an issue. But when this new system is implemented it will become an issue for those of us it affects.


Having an option of applying these new effects to the default gear is an option. But unless players get the option to obtain several default helmets these players will be unable to easily switch between these effects in the same way that others can. There is also the fact that there is no default synanda that needs to be considered.


All I sense is entitlement here, as I've stated before. 


And if OP opens up discussion about it that's what I'm discussing... I'm discussing that it comes off as entitlement that you believe you believe the game should be altered and fit to your needs or else it hinders your gameplay.


I wouldn't necessarily consider it entitlement it's feedback. There is a new addition to the game that will affect OP's enjoyment in a negative way. It makes sense to bring it up beforehand so that, if possible, a solution can be found to keep him and the people like him content.


After all, while the game isn't meant for everyone to enjoy, it's definitely meant for some people to enjoy. If DE wants people to put money into their game they have to alter the game to fit the needs of their target consumers.


Now, whether or not this specific issue is something DE wants to adjust the game for is up to them. But that's not really something that the consumers have to worry about. They just provide feedback and DE addresses or ignores it at their own discretion.



All I'm really trying to say is this isn't a non-issue.

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I'm sorry? What other way is there to understand "force" in whatever context it is being used? I don't think you quite understand to be honest. If you come out your mouth and say you don't believe you shouldn't be forced to do something in this game, you're immediately off on the wrong foot in you lack of understanding that you are not forced to do anything. 

You know what he means, you just want to try and dismiss/discredit the rest of his argument without having to argue against it...

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entitlement-the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.-just so we are all not just throwing around a word, and understand what it means.


You know what he means, you just want to try and dismiss/discredit the rest of his argument without having to argue against it...

Okay I already threw in two cents, but I have a lot of change, so here's two more cents. OPs point is he/she doesn't like the cosmetics in the game so they shouldn't apply this new feature, the part of being force to buy cosmetics is invaild do to if he liked them he wouldn't have an issue. His/Her arguement is mostly based on speculation due to the fact we have very little information on the subject or limit of this feature. This fake outrage over assumptions turns this entire thread into nonesense.

So once the cosmetic enhancements have been implemented this entire thread will make more sense. IF you dislike the cosmetics, get more added that you would like. It's always easier to get products added than taken away.

Edited by (PS4)Drakiza
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You know what he means, you just want to try and dismiss/discredit the rest of his argument without having to argue against it...


Yes, I'm trying to dismiss and challenge his argument. And I keep bringing up the fact that OP raised a "concern" about something that was mentioned in a sentence or two. He has no full understanding of how it works or even exactly what will be offered. Yet he'd like to raise concern and claim that DE is trying to lock him into participating in something he previously had no interest in participating in; in this context: cosmetics. 


And what I keep challenging is:


1. OP is asking for an alternative and change because he doesn't want to wear cosmetics - Entitlement


2.OP/People claiming that DE is forcing them into a position he doesn't want to be in, which in any way shape or form. Saying you're "forced" to do something means you're claiming you're forced to do something. And that's not the case.


3. It was speculated that this item will be available to use on your default helmet. Why has nobody who's going on and complaining about this feature responded to that yet? Because people just want to complain about stuff for the sake of complaining.

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