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First Impressions


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Can't see a sticky topic on this, which is odd, but anyway.


So i've beaten up some Vol dude and here are my impressions so far.


Overall, think the game is good, not as amazing (so far) as I thought it might be, but good.


I picked Mag as my first frame, building a new frame is weirdly complex and uneven. I got the blue prints for a frame I might want, but where do I get the blue prints for the other components? Or even drop from? I have no clue (I looked it up but in game I was confused for a while).


The controls are weirdly complex, with some personal adjustments, they got better, but the defaults are kinda odd on keyboard. It took me a while to figure out that when you have a melee weapon equipped, you can't "fire weapon" to attack with it, you still have to use the melee attack button, which is stupid. I had to make mouse 1 an alternate for melee attack and then re-assign fire weapon to mouse 1 as primary.


Moving about is okay, it's nice that there's so many options and they're cool and all, but they take some getting used to and it does seem like there's buttons everywhere that need to be pressed to do normal things, I feel there's some stream lining to be done here.


The UI is lacklusture

You have to go into menu and then you can move your mouse around? There's no option to just move the mouse around by holding a key? Lord knows how that works on console. Making the UI do things is also poor, had to search on the web to see how to close the chat window and exit squads. There should be more primers for using the UI for sure.


The gun selection is madness, I don't even know what half of them are or do or what my gun does relative to others. Going on the market to get guns is very unintuitive.


As for the gameplay, everytime I died, it was because someone knocked me down and then I just got gunned down and died before I could even recover, really wish there was a a way to recover quicker or a second wind thing going on (besides just reviving). There was one time I died just because I got flustered, caught out and mowed down, but lets not focus on that.


Energy not regenerating at all is problematic if you're a frame that uses abilities more than others. It really puts a stifler on using them, which is a shame as their the main attraction for many frames (like Mag). There should be some basic energy regeneration system for frames, even if it's slow or costs some other resource.


I think that's all for now.

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Feedback is always appreciated, but Im not entirely certain what the focus/topic of this thread actually is.


Is this a gameplay feedback thread? or a General UI thing?


either way, General feedback doesn't strike me as the appropriate place to put this


~Welcome to the game~

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Well i wished they had a sticky for first impressions, i think it's an important feedback for DE.


As for the gameplay, everytime I died, it was because someone knocked me down and then I just got gunned down and died before I could even recover, really wish there was a a way to recover quicker or a second wind thing going on (besides just reviving). There was one time I died just because I got flustered, caught out and mowed down, but lets not focus on that.


There are mods that help recover quicker and you will learn to evade but i would have prefered a button that you can press a the right time.


Energy not regenerating at all is problematic if you're a frame that uses abilities more than others. It really puts a stifler on using them, which is a shame as their the main attraction for many frames (like Mag). There should be some basic energy regeneration system for frames, even if it's slow or costs some other resource.


lot of mods help with that.


But what you experienced, i think a lot of newcomers have the same problems

Edited by Gilmaesh
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Sadly, without visiting the Warframe Wikipedia you will experience some extreme level of confusion when playing Warframe.


The game is not without its large share of faults but do not give up on Warframe just yet. It can end up being really fun, or not, when you are used to it.

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There are mods that help recover quicker and you will learn to evade but i would have prefered a button that you can press a the right time.

If you roll (double tap shift) when you get knocked down, do you recover, or can you recover with a roll?


Dear god I wish this game had a tech roll.


Whilst the Wiki is invaluable to playing the game, it's not written like a guide (because it isn't one). e.g. I was looking up planets and segments and how to unlock. I know how to unlock new bosses, because it tells me, but it doesn't explain the whole segment thing.


I feel like writing my own guide for this game, but there's still much to learn

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DE, I hope you're giving this thread your full attention because new players like this are the future of the game, and the lifeblood of your long term business success. These are valid concerns about the complex barrier to entry in Warframe, even with the new tutorial intro missions introduced recently.

Suggestions to check out the wiki are good, but the fact that you need such a site is very telling about how little the game does to prepare new Tenno for the steep rise in difficulty after the first few planets.

As for recovering faster from knockdowns, the mod you want is Constitution, but unfortunately that is acquired through beating nightmare mode missions, and those are difficult even for the most seasoned Tenno.

OP, if you ever need help in game, please feel free to add me as a friend and message me if I'm online and I'll see what I can do. Good luck to you, and don't give up on Warframe. Once you've settled in, there's a lot of addictive fun to be had, and lots more on the way soon.

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If you roll (double tap shift) when you get knocked down, do you recover, or can you recover with a roll?


no, like i said you have to use some specifics mods : handspring (change animation for a fast recovery) constitution (lower the duration of the original animation) for exemple


But i'm with you, i wish this game had a way to recover through gameplay rather than mods...


Keep playing, this game is really good when you get past the "WTH i have to do here" period.



DE, I hope you're giving this thread your full attention 


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The blueprints for parts for Warframes (mostly) drop from planet bosses, each planetary node has a boss, and with the exception of Captain Vor, they all drop blueprints for all the parts of a specific Warframe.


Beating the boss of a planetary node drops the nav segments to reach the next planetary node(s).  You unlock specific nodes on each planet by playing the available missions and their adjacent ones, eventually unlocking the whole node and the boss for that planet, to get the nav segments to access the next planet(s).

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I would highly recommend joining one of the larger clans. Having some experienced folks to ask advice from or to help you through some of the earlier missions was an invaluable plus for me. Starting out in Warframe can be frustrating, both in learning the controls, and the drop and mod systems. It's also frustrating just starting out when you are not strong enough to solo most stuff, and the random public group often gets you one or more persons that sprint off and leave you in the dust wondering "Where did they go?" and "What do I do now?"


The wiki is a big help, and there are lots of instructional warframe videos on utube, that helped me alot getting started, but joining a clan was probably the best move I made then. I definately think there should be a specific thread in "Feedback" for new players. Getting new folks into the game is necessary for it's growth and success, and the feedback form new player's experiences is definately something I would think DE would realy find helpful.

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Agreed to this i have been playing for about 2 months and abit. When you first play the game everything feels against you. The codex helps but not enough and i would suggest that they addf to the codex short clips on everything. I had to google almost everything even as something as simply as trading with another lol. But yeah the game is overwhelming when you start. Got my mates to play and it was overwhelming to them and i had to walk them through step by little step.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So a week in and I really wish this game had a try before you buy.


It's really hard to tell how a new weapon or (way worse) frame will work out for you. Other f2p games have offered rental services, where you can spend a bit of RL cash to try something out for a week or at least a day. So you can play around and see if you want to make a purchase. The number of weapons i've been disapointed by is far greater than the number i've been happy with.


PSA: The Heat Sword doesn't do Heat Damage inherently, only on Slam attacks


So far, I've also been disappointed with every frame, and it's not like I can get my money back either. Which makes it sore to sell them in order to get space for new ones (which I may not like) or means I have to invest in making them work for me, which may not be possible and relies on RNG Jesus to give suitable mods or guns.


I did discover syndicates (by accident) but I have no idea which to join or support based on what they offer as rewards. What's weirder is that I'm pretty sure everyone just goes to whatever gives what they need with no regard to the ethics of the group or anything. I was going to pick one based on what felt right, but now I might as well pick whatever gives the gift I want.


This may sound overwhelmingly negative, but it's more nuisances and disappointment. I know each weapon is meant to have it's ups and downs, but it's really hard to gauge what the end result will be or what I should go for next.


Having worked my way towards a few bosses, I am getting closer to building alternative frames, some of which I may even like, but again, RNG gets in the way and running the same boss with people who can just one-shot it is a bit dull.


PSA 2: If you buy the blueprint for a frame, you will have to acquire the blueprints for the components in game, you can't buy them

PSA 3: Buy guns not warframe blueprints, early on

Edited by igniz13
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As a longtime veteran who played in the closed beta way back when, I HIGHLY suggest you quit right now.

No, no , no ,no it's not because I hate newbs.

It's the exact opposite: I want to save you from the grindy hellhole you will come to realize this game is as well as shelter you from mind boggling-ly atrocious updates that the ruin the game even more every so often.

It might be some fun now, but I guarantee that you WILL NOT enjoy this game after about 30 hours of play maybe even less.

Do yourself a favor and quit before it's too late.

If you decide to stay for the horrendous ride, you will most definitely regret it.

Edited by Oberonight
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