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May 6Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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Lets say founders program did end, will i still be able to upgrade my founder to hunter or will i be stuck as a disciple?

It's been mentioned a couple of times that once an end date is announced for the Founders Program (and as of this post a date has not been announced, other than it will end at some point soon), existing Founders will have a period of time after the end of the Program in which to upgrade their membership.  The period I've heard mentioned is one month, although I'm sure they'll give the real answer when they make the announcement.


Just keep in mind that, like all good things, the Founder Program will eventually come to an end.  ("So GET UP and CALL IN NOW.....!")

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Why was down voting removed ? I taught it to be a good measure to know if people agree or disagree with what someone has said. To many down votes means people don't agree with what you just said it's as simple as that. I don't see why people have to interpret it as: THEY HATE ME !!! TROLLZ !!!

Because some people can't handle negative feedback.

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So the Livestream confirmed for us that the dual pistol problem is not a bug, it's intentional. You wanted to nerf mouse macros.


Well, the problem is that the way you nerfed them is STUPID. Why should my fire rate be reduced to less than half of what the gun is supposed to be capable of just because I can physically click faster than some upper threshold? I'm not using a macro! I am physically clicking my mouse, but my Aklato refuse to fire as fast as they're supposed to.


How about instead of just making some stupid threshold that punishes me for doing what i naturally do when I play with semi-automatic weapons (click as fast as I can), and just implement a maximum rate of fire! I should not have to fight my own gun just to make it shoot properly! Then the macro users don't get a greater benefit from the gun than people who click normally. They can only ever fire as fast as the gun is supposed to fire.


Please, DE, fix my pistols.

Edited by Ion_Sig
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2) Founders Program End Date?

      Not Announced Yet! You will know when we know.


8) Better Matchmaking! Host issues!

     This is an ongoing effort. I just returned from a conversation with the team about this. Will be emphasized.

2) yay still have to to upgrade!

8) glad to see this being worked on :) although my problems are mostly from my end :(

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So the Livestream confirmed for us that the dual pistol problem is not a bug, it's intentional. You wanted to nerf mouse macros.


The funny thing is that I've seen people who still use mouse macros, and they can still fire a lot faster than normal. Especially if they're the host.

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I know in the stream yesterday Screen Shake from other Players was considered to be elimanated. I was experiencing random screen shakes while texting and not playing during  a little during a defense mission. 


Me and two friends have also been having troubles with boss drops. I am going to post this in the bug section later, but sometimes he doesn't get the drops or vice versa. Of course we search the entire room for flying drops, but nothing 100% of the time. 

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Do you think it would be possible to be able to sell mods like you can sell items in your inventory?

A "Select all" and "Deselect all" button?

Kinda like when your fusing mods, instead of fusing your just clumping all the mods you want to sell together instead of selling them bit by bit...?

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Do you think it would be possible to be able to sell mods like you can sell items in your inventory?

A "Select all" and "Deselect all" button?

Kinda like when your fusing mods, instead of fusing your just clumping all the mods you want to sell together instead of selling them bit by bit...?


Use the shift, luke.

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I really hope DE reconsiders on the 'underclock' issue.  Their proposed solution doesn't make the player any more confident in leveling up their mods than they are now, making it a useless solution.  A player might be willing to reduce rank on a mod if it's going from 2 to 1 and they lose one mod doing so, but chances are they'll wait and farm another rank 1 mod instead.  Anything else and the cost is higher than simply farming replacements and keeping a mod at each rank, which is ridiculous.


I understand that DE wants there to be some permanence in your decisions, but the entire mod system and it's interchangeability is about being able to reconfigure at will between missions.  Why is this any worse?


If it's too difficult to do right now, just say so.  Don't try appeasement with a worthless idea that doesn't work.


If the destructive mod reduction returns fusion cores or something, I could live with that, but I can't imagine that's simpler to program than an 'underclock' mechanism.

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I really hope DE reconsiders on the 'underclock' issue.  Their proposed solution doesn't make the player any more confident in leveling up their mods than they are now, making it a useless solution.  A player might be willing to reduce rank on a mod if it's going from 2 to 1 and they lose one mod doing so, but chances are they'll wait and farm another rank 1 mod instead.  Anything else and the cost is higher than simply farming replacements and keeping a mod at each rank, which is ridiculous.


I understand that DE wants there to be some permanence in your decisions, but the entire mod system and it's interchangeability is about being able to reconfigure at will between missions.  Why is this any worse?


If it's too difficult to do right now, just say so.  Don't try appeasement with a worthless idea that doesn't work.


If the destructive mod reduction returns fusion cores or something, I could live with that, but I can't imagine that's simpler to program than an 'underclock' mechanism.



%100 agree. I think the only way we should be able to "underclock" our mod cards is if we have already maxed them out. After maxing them out, we should get the option to "prestige" our mod cards, giving us the ability to change it to a different lvl at will with no consequence. I'd consider that a gift for lvling up the card all the way. Paying to downgrade a card is ridiculous in my opinion.

Edited by Smiggy
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Of the things I could think need changing, right now I think I am most anticipating changes related to problems with mod "underclocking", the prestige system, and shotguns.




Mod Underclocking


In certain situations, a high level mod won't fit where a lower level item would, and the only way to get the flexibility of both is to make both. The gist of why the community wants this feature is because a) some mods are obscenely rare to get duplicates of, b) some mods have many ranks such that making extras for each level is obscenely expensive, and c) it is a massive pain using the interface as-is to create and shuffle around these mods even if one had the resources to make them.


For common mods, it's a matter of convenience; I have like 200 True Steel mods and could easily make one of each level, but that is really irritating to manage. For high-level mods, no one is going to waste all those resources de-leveling a mod -- the point is to make a little room for something else in one specific setup, not everything. For rare mods, I could see it being used as a last resort, but it's not that much since they're rare.


There exists a pressure against using new weapons or warframes if existing mods are too high a level, because the mods the player has leveled up won't fit. Speaking for myself, one of the reasons I really like this game above other F2P games is that I can change my role and equipment around very easily; locking this down benefits nobody, it  just means more mindless Kappa/Xini/Kiste runs and less time doing fun things.


For these reasons, I believe "underclocking" should be cost-less and temporary.


There is a chance that adjusting mod drop rates could somewhat alleviate this, but I don't think it would solve it unless it was rather extreme. The mod interface still needs work, even if someone had all the mods at all levels.




Prestige and Polarity


For some of the same reasons I argue in favor of temporary underclocking, I am arguing against prestige granting polarity changes.


From what I understand of the information provided to the community about this feature, a warframe and/or weapon can return to rank 0 in exchange for changing a polarity slot. I am uncertain if this means unpolarized slots can become polarized, but it does not affect my argument here.


Some players like working their way up the ranks and would like to do so again. They do not need further incentive to prestige. Some players do not like working their way up the ranks and would only do so, grudgingly, if there was some really great reward. They would need an incentive to prestige, because they would not have fun doing this for every warframe they want to use, several times over.


I already know someone is prepared to say "they don't have to", but if someone doesn't they'll end up being dead weight in higher level areas where being at the top of your game is expected. Selecting polarity slots means more good mods, meaning more damage/defense/power/etc. Having the rest of the team carry you through a mission -- you can't kill things before they do, or the team takes more risks because they have more defense so they have to revive you more often -- is less fun than being left dead. The solution is for people to... do more mindless grinding on Kappa/Xini/Kiste.


People who like leveling up don't need a reason; people who don't like leveling up don't want a reason. It will also significantly affect game balance and remove one of the factors that make individual warframes unique. For these reasons, I ask that the developers do not attach extrinsic rewards to prestige. Again, one of the great things about the game is how there is no penalty for switching roles/equipment around freely, it hurts seeing that diluted.




You Are Probably Sick Of This, But...


I really believe you should take another look at shotgun balance. I understand the Hek was effective at ranges far beyond what was intended, the patch notes said the damage dropoff was designed for fixing it, but it has had some unintended side-effects. (Skip to the end for a summary)


First, the Boar was never really on par with everything else, the dropoff made it weaker. I know when I first used the Strun, I really wondered how fast the Boar must be; the Strun is plenty fast as it is. The Boar is not strong enough to compete with melee weapons, nor accurate enough to compete with any other short range gun, nor fast enough for someone to not just take Strun instead. I mean, it can work, but its more difficult than it should be. Each of its potential roles is obsolete, especially since players always have a melee weapon and pretty much every gun is more accurate. I actually don't think it will ever be able to out-compete melee weapons unless it's damage becomes totally insane to offset the fact that melee weapons can have armor-ignore, triple damage, stun, multi-hit, etc. Changing the range is critical to fixing Boar, and this means a combination of tweaking spread and the dropoff.


Second, the Strun used to be what I consider one of the most well-rounded, well balanced weapons in the game. It was great at close range, and had very limited -- but some! -- use at medium range. INobody would call it out for being "OP", but it also had little overlap with the functions of any other weapon in the game (the Hek was still long range at this point). After the dropoff was introduced, and even after it was increased slightly (I'm not sure why it went up just 5m, that's basically nothing), it has effectively zero medium range capability. I believe the dropoff should be removed from the Strun, and that's all it needs.


And finally, the Hek, the problem that just won't go away. The thing with the Hek is, the dropoff solved the "sniping" issue, but it created some of its own. It is a strong shotgun within its new range, no question, but the problem is... so is the Strun. In-game comparisons showed that the Strun has a dropoff from 15-25m, and the Hek has a dropoff from 20-30m. The Hek has plenty of penalties to offset the higher accuracy, but when it's forced into the same effective range as the Strun, it doesn't help at all.


Since dropoff was the only change made, I'm going to make the assumption that range was the only significant issue the developers found with it. The thing is, there already exists a value for adjusting range: accuracy.


And before I make my suggestion, I would also submit that the dropoff is not a fun mechanic to work with; players have to constantly keep track of how far away enemies are, because a measly 5m can mean the difference between 100% and 50% damage. Before dropoff, it was as intiutive as seeing how many pellets hit the enemy.


To solve the problem with dropoff, remove it; to solve the problem with range, decrease accuracy/increase spread (something like an extra 10-15 degrees seems fair); to solve the problem with overlapping a niche with the Strun, make the Hek do less damage so the Strun is superior at close range when all the pellets hit.


In summary, for each shotgun to fill their niche: Boar needs a minor tightening pellet spread (maybe 5-10 degrees less), Hek needs a minor loosening of pellet spread (maybe 10-15 degrees more) and a damage reduction (try around 120), and all the shotguns should have the dropoff removed for doing "bad things" as mentioned above.




Thank you to everyone reading this, and I hope these ideas are considered carefully. I want to help make the game more fun and balanced, and I understand that's what the developers want too.



Edit Note: I felt the original draft was disorganized, so I have revised the post to make the logic of my arguments easier to follow.

Edited by PositronicSpleen
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I'd like to see some of the movement gripes being fixed (unvoluntary rolling, not sprinting, etc). Not once have I seen this adressed by any dev on the forums or livestreams. I know it's fairly low priority, but that doesn't make it any less annoying.


As for the underclocking of mods, I am actually in favor of that. Right now I need to have n mods for n weapons which kind of makes it difficult to have them all at a usuable level. Being able to underclock the mods or temporarily restrict their power (market item?) would be very useful when starting with new weapons.

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Shamelessly bumping one of my own topics here... but on May 8th I made a thread about login rewards. Not all, but most players seem to agree that the constant deluge of ammo boxes and large health restores neither of which they use frequently are for the most part -useless and disproportionately common compared to other login rewards at tier 3. While I've suggested in that thread an additional tier geared more towards players who've been playing much longer- the general consensus is ammo boxes and health restores should- at the very least- be made sell-able.


Thread linked here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/41630-login-rewards/

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Mod UI NEEDS update. Should only display 1 mod of each level. (having 50 true steel should not give me pages and pages of the same rank 0 mod)

Mods need to be movable without switching weapons: If I have a set of mods on my braton and I want to switch them to my paris, LET ME ACCESS THEM DIRECTLY (instead of switching weapons, removing mods, switching weapons, adding mods)


In game UI also needs update for trinity players (Add hp/shield bars for all players and sentinels)

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Mod UI NEEDS update. Should only display 1 mod of each level. (having 50 true steel should not give me pages and pages of the same rank 0 mod)

Mods need to be movable without switching weapons: If I have a set of mods on my braton and I want to switch them to my paris, LET ME ACCESS THEM DIRECTLY (instead of switching weapons, removing mods, switching weapons, adding mods)


In game UI also needs update for trinity players (Add hp/shield bars for all players and sentinels)


They are working on the UI already, so let's hope some of that work will drip into update 8 through all the crunch they have.


That said, in my opinion, the UI needs an even more substantial rework, since flash has terribad problems with the mouse focus, and it's quite impossible to get chat to show the latest posts quickly, for example.


Showing all 50 true steel mods makes sence in the fusion ui, since that's the most confortable way to click away at them, and it's not much of a problem to scroll through it (though sometimes you can't select that one mod in the middle), now that the whell is a legit way of doing so. Though, a sorting feature would be nice. Sort of always sorting by name, type (where appliable) and power, with differences of the order.

Hiding the duplicates would be extremely useful for the modding menu, since there is no way to put two of the same mod into the gun already, and no way to fuse mods right there (which is a good thing, sorta).


It would be great to have weapon modding UI reworked to allow quick swapping of the weapons, as well as a special slot to drag the mods off a gun without scrolling all the way back.

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Smiggy - "After maxing them out, we should get the option to "prestige" our mod cards, giving us the ability to change it to a different lvl at will with no consequence. I'd consider that a gift for lvling up the card all the way. Paying to downgrade a card is ridiculous in my opinion."

That will make mod loadouts infinatly more flexible and less of a pain in the &amp;#&#33; <333333333333333333

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I'd like to see some of the movement gripes being fixed (unvoluntary rolling, not sprinting, etc). Not once have I seen this adressed by any dev on the forums or livestreams. I know it's fairly low priority, but that doesn't make it any less annoying.


As for the underclocking of mods, I am actually in favor of that. Right now I need to have n mods for n weapons which kind of makes it difficult to have them all at a usuable level. Being able to underclock the mods or temporarily restrict their power (market item?) would be very useful when starting with new weapons.


Don't forget inability to jump when you're moving against a guardrail or something low.

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