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May 6Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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I doubt anyone @DE will see this as this thread is mildly dated, but I'd like to address one thing. Color

Excalibur Prime vs Standard Excalibur Helmet. The vanilla prime has a darker color palette in general, Making color matching impossible.
Also Excalibur, Excal Prime, and Nyx suffer from the inability to color their back details, it remains the standard grey while no other warframes have this limitation.


The Furax is unable to be colored black, it has some weird palette issues I can't explain, but it just doesn't look good, also It's energy color can't be changed?

Grakata, Gorgon, and Kraken's base color can't be changed at all and must remain the standard blotched grey?

Edited by Ehrlich
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Prestige and Polarity


For some of the same reasons I argue in favor of temporary underclocking, I am arguing against prestige granting polarity changes.


From what I understand of the information provided to the community about this feature, a warframe and/or weapon can return to rank 0 in exchange for changing a polarity slot. I am uncertain if this means unpolarized slots can become polarized, but it does not affect my argument here.


Some players like working their way up the ranks and would like to do so again. They do not need further incentive to prestige. Some players do not like working their way up the ranks and would only do so, grudgingly, if there was some really great reward. They would need an incentive to prestige, because they would not have fun doing this for every warframe they want to use, several times over.


I already know someone is prepared to say "they don't have to", but if someone doesn't they'll end up being dead weight in higher level areas where being at the top of your game is expected. Selecting polarity slots means more good mods, meaning more damage/defense/power/etc. Having the rest of the team carry you through a mission -- you can't kill things before they do, or the team takes more risks because they have more defense so they have to revive you more often -- is less fun than being left dead. The solution is for people to... do more mindless grinding on Kappa/Xini/Kiste.


People who like leveling up don't need a reason; people who don't like leveling up don't want a reason. It will also significantly affect game balance and remove one of the factors that make individual warframes unique. For these reasons, I ask that the developers do not attach extrinsic rewards to prestige. Again, one of the great things about the game is how there is no penalty for switching roles/equipment around freely, it hurts seeing that diluted.

Prestiging - that is, doing the same thing you just spent hours and hours on again, for no gain at all - was one of the most shameless gameplay-extending ploys I found in Call of Duty. I enjoy advancing in levels because it's a goal I can set for myself; the implicit reward being that I will come out of it more powerful. If there's no reward, it only serves to make me resent the devs for exploiting their audience. There is no enjoyment to be found in reaching the same goal more than once (unless the journey is part of the reward, but here it's basically work).

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Does anyone else have a problem sprinting up stairs? Each time I try to sprint up, I am stopped by the first or second step and have to switch to walking. This gets bothersome when trying to evade a large swarm of infested or a barrage of  gunshots from grineer or corpus.



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Does anyone else have a problem sprinting up stairs? Each time I try to sprint up, I am stopped by the first or second step and have to switch to walking. This gets bothersome when trying to evade a large swarm of infested or a barrage of  gunshots from grineer or corpus.



I know one of my friends who can't even walk up them, and has to crouch. I think it's a bit better when he's hosting, but he's constantly complaining about low FPS. Personally, I think it's his computer, but he's denying that.

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That's been a long running bug (sorry for the bad pun lol), it seems there are invisible barriers on terrain and at the base of stairs preventing you from running smoothly. Very apparent in the Grineer asteroid tilesets.

Edited by Tulzscha
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