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Equilibrium - Suggestions / Ideas For A "dead" Mod.


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Let's face it, Equilibrium is a mod that at this point a lot of people have in their inventories, but nobody runs anymore, due to the changes to Rage and Quick Thinking quite a while ago.

I think it is wasted in it's current form, because it doesn't do anything a lot of the time, requiring the player to have missing health to even be able to spring into effect (because obviously you cant pickup health orbs without missing health and the bonus on energy orbs is wasted if you're not missing health).

My suggestion? Well i have four ideas on how to make this mod less overlooked again.

Nr 1: Make both orb types also restore Stamina. Right now, Stamina is a big problem for players running mobility or melee only builds, this could easily introduced without creating too much powercreep for players not using pickups this way.

Nr 2: Allow Orbs to be picked up when only one type is missing (so basically allow red orbs to be picked up for the Equilibrium Energy Bonus even while the player is at full HP, this would give the mod an INSANE boost in usability, because it'd actually DO something without you needing to get it, because let's be honest, if i need energy out of losing health, ill go with Rage, not with Equilibrium)

Nr 3: This is the most critical, how about that if one type is full, the bonus is stacked to the other? This would allow Energy Orbs additional Energy when picked up at full health, which may be critical in terms of balance, but is kinda needed if this mod is ever going to do smth significant compared to Rage, while also allowing bigger health regen if your Energy Bar is already full (maybe due to Rage?)

Aaaand lastly, the biggest suggestion, 4: Turn it into an Aura. A Defense Polarity Aura. We need more interesting Auras and this mod would actually be an interesting addition rewarding teamplay contrary to Energy Siphon which is just a minor passive upgrade AND it would give a meaningfull Aura to Frames with a D Polarity Aura Slot other than Rejuvenation (at the same time, Physique needs some love, but that's a different topic).

If Equilibrium was an Aura, it could actually be a tactical alternative for the team, relying on an Augmented Trinity or a Nekros to supply them with a variety of ACTUALLY USEABLE consumables, it'd also make an interesting alternative for the upcoming raids, other than just stacking Corrosive Projection, Energy Siphon, Rejuvenation and maaaybe Steel Charge or Rifle Amp.

I'd like to see this mod become relevant again, i'd love to see viable D Aura Alternatives to Rejuvenation. Anything usable in your opinion? :)

Edit: Also, Firefox HATES Paragraphs and always turns everything into a blob of text unless i edit it >_<

Edited by Jukantos
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I like idea with no limit for pickups. This will make people use the mod and it wont affect gameplay to much in terms of balance. Right now I`m wasting an enormous amount of Energy restores on missions and only two adequate ways to get energy now are Nekros with Desecrate and Eng Vamp Trinity.


Also an Aura idea seems legit. Up for it, get my +1.

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Dead mod? Hmm, I humbly disagree. Especially with latest Despoil for Nekros.


But, any changes that will not cripple the current mechanics are more than welcome :)

That seems to be the only place it really shines though. Although Iron Skinning as a Rhino while missing health is a neat way to have a quick refresh. Second layer, shields regen ((eventually)), extra energy and some extra health.

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To add: 


Imo you should be able to just get both from Health and Energy Orbs when you have Equilibrium on.

It should not matter if you have either full health or Energy.


Likewise with the ammo mutation mods I find it ridiculously backwards that you have to have the weapon that has the mod equipped to even do the ammo mutation and thus pick up ammo.

If the weapon is out of ammo you automatically switch to the other weapon (which then means you are not picking up ammo for the other).

Change that.

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Likewise with the ammo mutation mods I find it ridiculously backwards that you have to have the weapon that has the mod equipped to even do the ammo mutation and thus pick up ammo.

If the weapon is out of ammo you automatically switch to the other weapon (which then means you are not picking up ammo for the other).

Change that.


This would mean that if I run out of bullets for my secondary and switch to primary after a time i will run out of ammo on primary, and fast since all pickups will be converted into secondary ammo. Then I'm out of primary and switch to secondary that has ammo, any ammo packs won't refill primary since all will be automaticly converted to secondary.


The way it works now is to prevent something like that to happen. And if you're having ammo efficiency problems, learn to shoot better, or make some ammo restores.



About the topic, although the mod is very niche it is good though some tweaking is in order to make it usefull to more that 1 or two specific frames/builds.

1. Not really needed.

2.Yes please.

3. That would make it kind of OP.

4.  While mod should retain it's stats (along with number 2 upgrade) making an aura out of it with 1/3 efficiency would be nice.

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Not to play Devils Advocate here...

But a Nekros will soul revivor and Despoil Needs equalibrium to counter


Its been said here, Nekros with Despoil is the only viable build for this mod. But this only makes this mod shine.



What I personally would like is an aura with such effect. That would be interesting. People mostly use Corrosive or Energy\Hp restore auras, rarely rifle and melee damage. And Loot detector for syndicate runs. Thats all.

Edited by Vicious_D
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How is this a niche mod? I use it on every frame that can't heal itself. Life orbs are extremely rare whereas energy orbs are common. This mod keeps me alive on many missions, it's freaking amazing and you all undervalue it.

Having said all this I don't mind any of the first three suggestions but it's just power creep. I don't like the 4th because we already have too many auras and only a few are used and this is a r10 mod.

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