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Melee Stances Need Rework


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Well DE


that tempo royale stance is amazing.  it's unbelievably fluid.  THe animations are badass and blend nicely with each other. it's the perfect stance ( along with the nikana ones)


The thing is a lot of stances lack this level  fluidity and freedom...a lot. Probably because they were made earlier 



So the question is do you intend to rework some melee stances anytime this year. And by reworking I mean addiing more animation ,more fluidity ; etc.



Thoughts guys?




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My only problem with many of the stances is that they lack any form of distance closing between you and the enemy. That's why I adore the kronen stance because two of it's combos allow you to close the distance between you and the enemy, letting you hit them easier and more quickly. 

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My only problem with many of the stances is that they lack any form of distance closing between you and the enemy. That's why I adore the kronen stance because two of it's combos allow you to close the distance between you and the enemy, letting you hit them easier and more quickly. 

Yees i was trying to put my finger on that you're totally right:

distance closing!

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Was thinking the exact same thing as soon as I used it. All the previous stances need to be looked at now because they just don't flow the same way. They lack the flair and feel that this stance has so now a majority of stances feel like jagged and lacking. 

Especially the longsword stances.


Both are terrible imo

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My only problem with many of the stances is that they lack any form of distance closing between you and the enemy. That's why I adore the kronen stance because two of it's combos allow you to close the distance between you and the enemy, letting you hit them easier and more quickly. 

That's badly needed - the ability to close the gap.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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I want some more combos on the older combos, i just made the scoliac and i love the thing and the coiling viper stance, but all there is is tumbling king, which dont get me wrong is an awesome combo , but there needs to be more. i would love for DE to look at the older stances.



But i feel like all theyre going to do is release a new nikana stance 

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I want some more combos on the older combos, i just made the scoliac and i love the thing and the coiling viper stance, but all there is is tumbling king, which dont get me wrong is an awesome combo , but there needs to be more. i would love for DE to look at the older stances.



But i feel like all theyre going to do is release a new nikana stance 

I love the nikana  but it already has 3 stances. 3!!

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again especially with swords

they're supposed to be the versatile weapon class. And yes you can't get close fast enogh

Iron Phoenix user here. I can close distances just fine.

If you want to close distances with a longsword, don't use Crimson Dervish. That stance is not designed to be versatile at all; it's designed to hit like a truck at the cost of mobility.

What bugs the crap out of me is how dual swords are so painfully immobile, when they're typically the type that you use for all-out offense and mobility in other games. Swirling Tiger at least lets you jump forward really fast after every few swings (while immobilizing you for most of the other attacks), but Crossing Snakes is especially bad since it's slower than half of our heavy weapons and doesn't have any power or utility to make up for it. It's frankly a disgrace to dual-wielders across every other video game universe.

I think that they could remedy this by removing animation locks from most of both stances' attacks (so you can sprint at full speed while swinging, just like Iron Phoenix and Nikanas), and give Crossing Snakes an enormous damage multiplier just like what CD has. (It would be better than just boosting CS's swing speed, since that would effectively give it an identical niche with ST.)

Similar buffs for other melee weapons as well, of course, especially those poor scythes.

Edited by SortaRandom
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The real problem is the the damage multipliers on the stances. It's not the Scindo Prime that's op, it's Cleaving Whirlwind and that is the only reason that the Scindo Prime is considered one of the best melee weapons. Either remove multipliers or add them to every stance.

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The real problem is the the damage multipliers on the stances. It's not the Scindo Prime that's op, it's Cleaving Whirlwind and that is the only reason that the Scindo Prime is considered one of the best melee weapons. Either remove multipliers or add them to every stance.

add them to every stance


Enemies get stronger pretty fast so more damange is better

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add them to every stance


Enemies get stronger pretty fast so more damange is better


This for sure.


You don't often see players cheesing through the entire game and getting more kills with Crimson Dervish or something than their teammates who use high-tier guns. That's a pretty good indicator that it's not these stances that are overpowered; it's the other stances that suck.

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This for sure.


You don't often see players cheesing through the entire game and getting more kills with Crimson Dervish or something than their teammates who use high-tier guns. That's a pretty good indicator that it's not these stances that are overpowered; it's the other stances that suck.




But well some players can get top kill count with melee.


I managed to do so but only with D.Nikana  BJ stance.

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But well some players can get top kill count with melee.


I managed to do so but only with D.Nikana  BJ stance.


I'm not saying that it's impossible to score top kills with melee or anything (I can do that with my good ol' Iron Phoenix just fine). It's just that it generally takes tons more effort and with more specialized builds to be able to do that than it does with a gun. XD

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I'm not saying that it's impossible to score top kills with melee or anything (I can do that with my good ol' Iron Phoenix just fine). It's just that it generally takes tons more effort and with more specialized builds to be able to do that than it does with a gun. XD

good point


it's very true x)


It's literally tiring to go full melee and beat your boltor primed teammates

but when you do , they kneel from sheer awe and respect x)

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The only problem I have with melee is stamina. It consumes stamina WAY too fast and leaves you almost immobile. This is why it takes more effort to melee than shoot a gun. If the mod Second Wind wasn't total trash it wouldn't be so bad.

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