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Warframe Ability Cooldown Timer


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Title should explain the concept. The idea is some abilities should have a brief cooldown timer, so that they become less spammable. IE IRON SKIN. YEAH, I WENT THERE. 


This would also reduce the "Press 4 to Win" part of Warframe. We have a bad reputation there, let's not sugarcoat it. 


Abilities that would have cooldown would probably include things like (in Warframe's alphabetical order) 



Blade Storm

World on Fire

Radical Blind

Radical Javelin (This ability especially needs it, in my opinion)



Iron Skin

Rhino Stomp






inb4 "ef thos gets poot in gmae ill rekt u nd uninstall"

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Biggest problem with cool downs is enemy scaling; ultimates wipe the map of low level enemies, but when Nullifiers/heavies/Ancient of all varieties come in, most ults besides single target at a time like Bladestorm become useless. I would love powerful abilities to be expensive, tactical decisions that destroy everything around you, but punish you for spamming. With current armor scaling, multitude of ways to restore energy, and efficiency mods though, this is impossible.

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[sarcasm mode on]

Maybe a better idea - let's allow 4th ability only once per game, or better yet, per day!

[sarcasm mode off]

Jep, basicly destiny.

No. Just no.

Whats evryones problem with a fluent skill-system? Sure, you can spam abilitys but this only works effeciently on lower lvls. The whole game becomes cc orientied at a certain point.

Press 4 to win just doesn't work out for endgame content.

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Title should explain the concept. The idea is some abilities should have a brief cooldown timer, so that they become less spammable. IE IRON SKIN. YEAH, I WENT THERE. 


This would also reduce the "Press 4 to Win" part of Warframe. We have a bad reputation there, let's not sugarcoat it. 


Abilities that would have cooldown would probably include things like (in Warframe's alphabetical order) 



Blade Storm

World on Fire

Radical Blind

Radical Javelin (This ability especially needs it, in my opinion)



Iron Skin

Rhino Stomp






inb4 "ef thos gets poot in gmae ill rekt u nd uninstall"

Bladestorm need a damage nerf, it deal noticeably more damage compare to other ult especially at high armor target. The rest of ult are fine, they all have their downside. Miasma has only 15 meter range. Prism has really long cast time. Iron skin is just cotton skin at high level. Hysteria restrict the player to only using melee and Nullifier strip the buff. Blessing already nerf several time and it's kinda balance now, if not slightly underpower. Stomp damage is not that great at higher level and you cannot spam this ult. It's mostly just CC. Radical Javelin like Stomp isn't that great at high level, they are just CC. WoF? Seriously, out of all ult, WoF need a buff, it's a close range damage ability and Ember has to rely on her stun to survive at close range. Forcing yourself to get close to try to stun a Nullifier group is suicidal at high level.


Bladestorm is the only ult that shine at all level. The other damage abilities that scale that well at high level all have their drawback. Antimatter drop took much more effort to use effectively and it's glitch all the time on the client side. Shield Polarized deal neglected damage until very high level where the enemy can one shot you. It's also useless against Grineer and Infested. While Bladestorm is just point and click and then enjoy the show all the way till your team cannot hold up any longer. The latest TAC alert prove that it's even efficient killing the level 100+ enemy. That's like 3 hour of survival difficulty.  

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LOL, NO! Plz, don't nerf Blade Storm. It's balanced because of 18 mobs cap. *sarcasm*

lolwut? Most of the time, I don't even hit the 18 target cap. It was balance previously with the one target at a time, and then DE change that by adding 2 more clone, and then they buff it again by changing to finisher damage. As if that wasn't good enough, they decided to add bleed proc to the power. It's typical DE style overbuff, people just won't admit it because they want to be OP

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Bladestorm need a damage nerf, it deal noticeably more damage compare to other ult especially at high armor target. The rest of ult are fine, they all have their downside. Miasma has only 15 meter range. Prism has really long cast time. Iron skin is just cotton skin at high level. Hysteria restrict the player to only using melee and Nullifier strip the buff. Blessing already nerf several time and it's kinda balance now, if not slightly underpower. Stomp damage is not that great at higher level and you cannot spam this ult. It's mostly just CC. Radical Javelin like Stomp isn't that great at high level, they are just CC. WoF? Seriously, out of all ult, WoF need a buff, it's a close range damage ability and Ember has to rely on her stun to survive at close range. Forcing yourself to get close to try to stun a Nullifier group is suicidal at high level.


Bladestorm is the only ult that shine at all level. The other damage abilities that scale that well at high level all have their drawback. Antimatter drop took much more effort to use effectively and it's glitch all the time on the client side. Shield Polarized deal neglected damage until very high level where the enemy can one shot you. It's also useless against Grineer and Infested. While Bladestorm is just point and click and then enjoy the show all the way till your team cannot hold up any longer. The latest TAC alert prove that it's even efficient killing the level 100+ enemy. That's like 3 hour of survival difficulty.  

No. Just....no. Do you even have an ash? he can only target 18 people at a time. He and his clones have to go around to those targets one at a time to kill them. Bladestorm is absolutely the worst damage ult at low levels, because it take longer for you to go around killing all the enemies in blade storm that it takes to mow them down with any kind of automatic weapon, and don't even TRY to compare that time to the time of casting an ability like miasma or avalanche which work very well mid level, and saves much more time than blade storm. In addition, you lose all control of ash after it's casted. Friends are bleeding out and pod is almost dead? Lol, nope, that bombard is more important, and you can't do anything about it. Blade storm has high damage, and will revisit enemies that didn't die the first time, but that comes with horrible consequences at times that only someone who doesn't play ash wouldn't understand. Also, don't hate on trin. DE has worked hard on her and imo at the moment she's one of the most well composed warframes there are at the moment, and blessing is part of that. blessing had a cooldown timer. it was the same as it's duration, cause you used to be unable to recast it while it was active. they took that off, because people were dying while blessing was active, even if their trin was really good. right now blessing is a great ability and not even a little underpowered, or overpowered for that matter. It gives the player multiple ways to use it, they can either use link and QT to get their health to 2 by taking damage from enemies (my style) or taking damage from themselves, then be almost invincible, just like how blessing used to be, but way, way less overpowered. or you can just wait untill an ally takes enough damage, then heal the team, but if you're trying to keep a loki alive, the first two methods are probably better.

     Cataclysm has it's own problems.

I don't really like the thought of a cooldown timer, but I think there should be some punishment to spamming, like decreased movement that only occurs after ability is used a certain number of times. This should be the same ability, not different ones, so that, if you just ran around in hysteria all the time, you would go slightly slower everytime you casted it back to back, and your speed would increase back to normal the longer you stayed out of that ability (as if you were experiencing fatigue) but at the same time, you could still pull of ability combos, like shatter shield and peacemaker, or decoy and switch teleport. The problem with coutdown timers though, is that sometimes, you just have to use an ability or you die, and this is frustrating enough when the cause is not enough energy, we don't need another reason to rage quit.

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honestly, rather than cooldowns the skills need to be more interactive really.


excal radial jav? why not make it do different things depending on the skill used previously.

no press: regular radial jav but with no wall penetration

after slash dash: excal javelines everyone he passed in addition to no press (so a multi hit on some enemies)

after the blind: have it work as it does now

after super jump: makes em rain down on the ground with a chance to knock down

after radial jav: it gets weaker with consecutive uses(thus forcing the player to use tactics)


im sure things like this can be done with most if not all warframes who are guilty of the press 4 to win.

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No. Just....no. Do you even have an ash? he can only target 18 people at a time. He and his clones have to go around to those targets one at a time to kill them.

18 target is a very generous limit. Most of the time I don't even hit the cap unless I'm fighting Infested. The duration of Bladestorm actually help to conserve energy. Its not too slow coz It's hitting 3 target at a time, same as WoF but it deal way more damage than WoF. You can take a look at other power that had a target limit. Bladestorm actually has the highest unmod limit.

As for protecting the objective, Ash is always and will be a dps frame. His purpose should be killing the enemy as quick as possible. You're doing it wrong if you wanted to protect the pod. Try invest in a CC frame. The rest of your rumbling are nothing to do with Ash.

Edited by Neogeo
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