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How Do I Use Ember In Missions Lv. 35+ ?


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I know there's a lot of threads at the moment saying how Ember is useless or viable or broken or how she needs a rework, etc, and in all of those threads there are people saying how she's ok now and how they can go to survival and last 40+ minutes and I cant get my head around how to do that.


So I'll ask here: how does one use Ember now to last in higher level missions or just in general? I've tried using her after her buffs and I still can get her to work!


What sort of builds should I focus on her? What sort of skills should I use the most? What sort of weapons fit her best? What sort of missions is she good at?

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I just slap on Primed Continuity, Intensify, Stretch, Streamline and other mods and she's already good enough to last in T4. Accelerant makes a good CC to temporarily stun enemies and usually serves as as a prelude to WoF, especially useful in Void due to the death orbs lying around that can give you free energy if you're Ember Prime. 


Weapons that fit her best are normally any that has Heat damage on it (eg: Viral+Heat, Corrosive+Heat), which of course comes in handy with Accelerant. Not sure if Ignis is still viable tho.


And lastly best mission to use her for: Exterminate. Pretty much she's my first option before I head off to solo Void Exterminate, even in T4.


That's pretty much it from me, hope it helps :3

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Well, pre-nerf, you used ember best by being in a constant state of WoF and just running past enemies, casting Fire Blast if anything didn't die straight away, and hitting anything you had to run towards with fireballs... and spamming accelerant when just casting fireblast wasn't enough to take out the guy surviving WoF.


As long as you chose interesting and non-direct paths and had decent radius, you could easily kill armies without ever firing a shot, just incinerating everything up to about 40+ minutes, and, as none of these require line-of-sight, you could quite easily do this without ever being touched as well.


In theory, it should be somewhat the same now, but with more reliance on fireblast's flame wave, and less reliance on WoF, as FB can easily hit distant targets now, but WoF burns much more energy than it used to, while also preventing regen from energy siphon(yet, still does pretty much the same @$@# thing it always did.)

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I tested her and I think that she isn't weak as many of us said. She got armor/hp/shield boost and her stamina also and her skills are almost okay. Ofc every frame can become easily useless if they nerf/buff another frames so this is an ever happening cycle but I feel she is now stronger than the u11-14 update.

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Well, pre-nerf, you used ember best by being in a constant state of WoF and just running past enemies, casting Fire Blast if anything didn't die straight away, and hitting anything you had to run towards with fireballs... and spamming accelerant when just casting fireblast wasn't enough to take out the guy surviving WoF.


As long as you chose interesting and non-direct paths and had decent radius, you could easily kill armies without ever firing a shot, just incinerating everything up to about 40+ minutes, and, as none of these require line-of-sight, you could quite easily do this without ever being touched as well.


In theory, it should be somewhat the same now, but with more reliance on fireblast's flame wave, and less reliance on WoF, as FB can easily hit distant targets now, but WoF burns much more energy than it used to, while also preventing regen from energy siphon(yet, still does pretty much the same @$@# thing it always did.)

Actually, it was best to use Accelerant and Fireball (and your guns of course) "pre-nerf."  Now not much has changed besides low duration WoFs being better and Fire Blast becoming less reliable as close range CC.  Fire Blast's LOS mechanic and the loss of its initial damage has made it unreliable in is former role.  


Make sure you're running max efficiency and load as much strength as you can.  Rank 2 BR and as many ranks in TF as you can tolerate (try to keep WoF below 10 seconds.)  Add at least one duration mod so that Accelerant's damage boost lasts at least 8 seconds (that's enough time for a heat proc to run its course) and so that WoF lasts a little longer.  For defense just Redirection is good enough, though you might want to experiment with a QT build.  Always bring Stretch, as it makes your 2 and 4 amazing.  DO NOT equip Narrow Minded; you want all the range you can get and long durations are both unnecessary and possibly detrimental (if you forget to turn off WoF.)


Use Accelerant for CC to cover the holes in your defense and to cast WoF and FB.  An Accelerant-boosted Fireball headshot should melt any heavy units.  Even the radial damage will decimate light units into the 40s (make sure to aim high to headshot with the radial damage as well.)  Putting Fire damage on your primary weapon is good, but I would leave your secondary with the most generally effective damage combination so that when you go down you can effectively take out [non-Acceleranted] enemies and be revived.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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There are a few priorities to working an Ember's utility and damage in endless Void/Grineer missions. The most important mod to get Ember to work in Void is Corrosive Projection. Every Corrosive Projection will maintain your Ember's damage about an extra 20 minutes. The next priority is to get your Accelerant as efficient as possible. You don't always have to use it as perma-stun but you want to be able to have that option to throw it out as much as you can. So you need Fleeting Expertise. I like to run a 40% Fleeting Expertise+Streamline to give me a little more duration to work with than a full 60%. This is especially important  if you only have a basic Continuity to offset the negative duration.


Next, Ember's base range is a little bit short. But running a Stretch mod turns Accelerant into a significant range room-wide stun. It also adds efficiency to World on Fire by ensuring it is striking enemies that aren't CCed or are newly entering its range. Finally you want at least 60% bonus Power Strength in order to get the signicant multi-scaling via Accelerant going. 60% will give you a 4X damage bonus on your Accelerant cast as well as pushing World on Fire's status effect chance above 50%. I've run a 60% Power Strength build to an hour of T4S and did 48% damage done with no extra team damage buffs besides 3 Corrosive Projections. Even at an hour heavy enemies were still going down to a combination of World on Fire and Accelerant boosted Viral/Heat Vaykor Marelok attacks.


To demonstrate the importance of utilizing bonus power strength here are some examples of WoF scaling: From 30% to 60% WoF gains half-again as much damage. With Intensify + full Transient Fortitude WoF does twice the damage it does of Intensify alone. And with a fully decked out Power Strength build it hits for almost five times the damage of Intensify alone. If you have the mods and Trinity or energy restores to support this you'll truly feel like a weapon of mass destruction.


Power Strength - World on Fire * Accelerant

30%  PS - 520 * 3.25 = 1690  45% to Burn

60%  PS - 640 * 4.00 = 2560  56%

85%  PS - 740 * 4.62 = 3422  65%

184% PS - 1136 * 7.1 = 8065  99%


And this doesn't include the damage over time of the Heat procs which are quite significant once enemies are no longer one-shot.


What I'm trying to demonstrate here is that Ember's power and utility scales super hard with the mods you have available to you. So getting to this is very expensive. Primed Continuity is especially important to offset the Fleeting Expertise she needs for efficient casts. The best middle ground build I have found is running a partial Transient Fortitude at 30% Power Strength/-15%Duration or a similarly low-ranked Blind Rage.


So in summary:


+need Corrosive Projection

+need at least 60% Power Strength

+need Stretch

+need Fleeting Expertise(40% or 60%)

weapon recommendation: Corrosive/Heat Dual Icchor for high dps armor shredding

also keep in mind you can knockback and deter Nullifiers with Fire Blast. It's not a perfect defense against them but it can be useful.

Edited by Ryjeon
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I hate to break it to you, but being FORCED to rely on your guns does *not* mean your build was "best".

You aren't, though.  Where did you draw that conclusion from?  I often rely solely on ability damage just for funsies.  WoF is not a main damage skill; it's on-demand supplementary DPS that operates passively while you do other things.  WoF only serves as a primary damage skill when flushing trash mobs in the lower solar system; peoples' fixation on it is a major part of why Ember is so misunderstood.  

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Actually, it was best to use Accelerant and Fireball (and your guns of course) "pre-nerf."  Now not much has changed besides low duration WoFs being better and Fire Blast becoming less reliable as close range CC.  Fire Blast's LOS mechanic and the loss of its initial damage has made it unreliable in is former role.  


Make sure you're running max efficiency and load as much strength as you can.  Rank 2 BR and as many ranks in TF as you can tolerate (try to keep WoF below 10 seconds.)  Add at least one duration mod so that Accelerant's damage boost lasts at least 8 seconds (that's enough time for a heat proc to run its course) and so that WoF lasts a little longer.  For defense just Redirection is good enough, though you might want to experiment with a QT build.  Always bring Stretch, as it makes your 2 and 4 amazing.  DO NOT equip Narrow Minded; you want all the range you can get and long durations are both unnecessary and possibly detrimental (if you forget to turn off WoF.)


Use Accelerant for CC to cover the holes in your defense and to cast WoF and FB.  An Accelerant-boosted Fireball headshot should melt any heavy units.  Even the radial damage will decimate light units into the 40s (make sure to aim high to headshot with the radial damage as well.)  Putting Fire damage on your primary weapon is good, but I would leave your secondary with the most generally effective damage combination so that when you go down you can effectively take out [non-Acceleranted] enemies and be revived.


Edited by (PS4)MrNishi
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