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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Reasons to hate on Chroma:

1) It's theme - "It's a Dragon!" I haven't heard anything that stupid since D&D added Dragonborn.

2) It's appearance. Not only is it hideously ugly, it doesn't look like a Warframe!

Excalibur - benchmark.

Loki - Excalibur with a new helm and minor tweaks.

Rhino - Hulked up Excalibur.

Nyx - Female Excalibur with minor tweaks.

That's how it should be. Chroma? ...Nope, don't see ANY relation to the Warframe default in there!

I have to disagree with RHino and loki


but yeah they feel like "frames" and not bags wet spaghetti and tomato sauce

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People who aren't interested in giving their opinion clearly don't care enough for their opinion to matter.


Or they don't care enough about another thread about it or some people whining about it. I just came here to see what's going on about chroma. I didn't vote either. I just saw the results out of curiosity.

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I actually enjoy the look of Chroma. It has that muscly meat-suit look to it, and I really enjoyed that aspect about resident dead-head Nekros.

Chroma's design says "I resemble infested ancients, my silhouette looks like an anteater, but I don't resemble a warframe, I don't have a readily discernible archetype, and people actually can't tell what is going on with my face."

That first bit right there is where I started liking it - at first I thought to myself "does that have a horsehead?", but after I did some video-pausing to get a decent look at it, I started to kinda see that Infested Ancient resemblance and it kinda tied it in more than just a generic "IM A DRAAAAAGON" design would have done - it feels more warframe to me because of that.

That being said, the whole "it doesn't look like a dragon" thing is kind of a bit of a shame complaint - "it doesn't look like a person in a suit of armor crafted to resemeble a specific dragon" is what I think most of those people should be saying. I mean, have you seen the breadth of different dragon designs over the years of history (and even just gaming in general)! Heck, the wikipedia alone has about 4 or 5 different variations right there, because nearly every culture has a form of dragon in one way or another. Maybe a dragon is Godzilla for one person, maybe it's King Ghidora to another, and maybe it's Manda to someone else - athough no doubt I'm sure most people have gotten infatuated with the "fantasy standard" Dungeons & Dragons style dragons that appear in most things.

That being said, I can totally understand people not liking the muscle-look and finding it ugly. Some people just don't like that kind of thing, and admittedly I may be in a minority there. When's the last time a frame has been released when at least some group of people haven't complained about? Anyone remember? I don't. Thing could looks like a wireframe model for all I care as long as it's fun to pay - and quite frankly, all those infested armor peices will probably look amazing on this thing. Godzilla frame? Godzilla frame. Now if only one of the energy colors would make the damage radiation type, my dreams could come true!

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To me, Chroma looks like just another warframe. I've always been quite interested in the whole design process for warframes from concept art and lore, to the animation and rigging. Chroma is a great looking frame and it will be interesting to see what we can do with him on release. :P


To DE:


There will always be people who don't exactly like the design of a certain frame, weapon, etc.,  just because it wasn't what they expected. (Their expectation of a dragon apparently didn't coincide with what you guys had in mind) That's okay, achieving the unexpected is what has kept me here since update 7 and allowed me to play over 1500 hours in-game.


All of you deserve nothing but praise and joy for everything you have done for the players and also for yourselves. Chroma is just another part of the sci-fi epic that is Warframe, a game you have all poured your heart and soul into. And that friends, is something to be proud of. 


Keep up the good work. DE


Btw, I think Chroma looks like a badass sea-dragon, I see him and Hydroid being good buds later.


To anyone who thinks Chroma looks bad/ugly/not like a dragon:


Don't hate on Chroma just because he looks different, a lot of the older frames were based off of models from previous ones, I just feel as if DE is branching out a bit and testing new design methods. Sure, Chroma doesn't exactly look like the dragon we had hoped he could resemble (Skyrim), but that doesn't mean you should rule him out and call him names right off the bat.


Think of it this way, Chroma is still a warframe, and with that should come a great deal of respect. He may not be as aesthetically pleasing as some other frames, but what does that matter? Looks don't matter for anything in the world of Warframe, when the only people that would really care are your fellow Tenno. (Not saying that any WF doesn't look cool, every one looks awesome in their own way. :D)


Chroma would be easily able to strike horror into the enemy and send them running for cover with a torrent of flames. That is why I think he deserves a little more respect, I mean, he hasn't even been released and quite a few of you are shooting him down. He will make a fine addition to my arsenal of warframes, and I intend to use him quite a bit.


In summary, Chroma may not look like the dragon we expected, but all in all, he is a great addition to the WF family. Don't segregate him before you get a chance to play with him, he's there for us, like a good neighbor. (Lol)

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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I dont get from where the hate i see people who say worst stream ever blablabla but i found the dex dakra cool the glaive weapon cool the parcour 2.0 Ultra cool the sentients Mega Cool and you know what just because you saw a bunch of Fanarts and people who think they can do much better than DE doesnt mean they have todo it that Way.I love Chroma and his design and i have nothing against an Seahorse frame. Then the destroying of the Void is especially Interesting onside of the Lore and they will surely Replace the Void by Something Else maybee a system that is even better than the Void.

I think OP you are over reacting, there area  few upset, a few disappointed and a few that just "meh", But at the end we all want to get our hands on the alien/anteater/werewolf/dragon/chroma frame. ;)

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I was picturing more of a classical dragon look, but I will hold off on judging whether I like the design until I actually see Chroma a little better and in action. And for those that wanted a more classical dragon look, maybe they will have an alt helmet for him that will fit that style. 

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I think Chroma will be okay looking with the right colour... and hopefully a more humanoid alt helmet eventually.

The default colour makes it look like a spaghetti monster that Pastafarians would worship.  That said after Zephyr I've learned not to judge a frame on it's weird helmets, sometimes they are still fun to play and that is more important than aesthetics. 

I loved everything else in the stream, but Chroma fell flat, mainly because the crowd went so silent, it was like I felt bad for DE in that moment.  It sucks when you think you've done something cool and people treat you like that over it.  It's not perfect, but eh, it's their game and their universe...

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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hate thread


It's placement is not conclusive that this pole doesn't represent a wider group of people at all. There are plenty of "I hate X" threads that get met with "Well most of us like it so be quiet". Also, the pole is accessible from many threads.


the strawpoll is a false indicator of this so called "community" its not a blind pole of people but people who are interested in polling to show that they dont like the frame

You're right that these polls aren't entirely accurate depictions of the playerbases opinion.

However assuming that its specifically attracting people who are interested in showing they don't like the frame AS opposed to simply attracting people and many just not liking the frame.....


The thing about statistics from polls is that they cannot be taken as gospel truth without a larger sample but they also cannot be dismissed  without proof of the pole itself being bias.  

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So, am I the only one who sees the open ports on his back? That probably means that there are gonna be enrgy colored wings popping out of his back during one of his abilities.


I like it.

This is me when I saw those fazafljpg.gif



here I made this aswell awhile back to show them c3906527-12f5-4714-9d52-9c403bf98135_zps

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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It's placement is not conclusive that this pole doesn't represent a wider group of people at all. There are plenty of "I hate X" threads that get met with "Well most of us like it so be quiet". Also, the pole is accessible from many threads.


You're right that these polls aren't entirely accurate depictions of the playerbases opinion.

However assuming that its specifically attracting people who are interested in showing they don't like the frame AS opposed to simply attracting people and many just not liking the frame.....


The thing about statistics from polls is that they cannot be taken as gospel truth without a larger sample but they also cannot be dismissed  without proof of the pole itself being bias.  

Logic doesn't apply to the people you are arguing against. Good effort though.

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Everyone keeps saying "vocal minority" and expect that to explain why we dislike chroma. Do you know how many people dislike chroma and are not saying anything? Do you know how many people on the forums have stated they disliked the frame? How does it compare when stacked against people that somehow like that goddamn walking meatslab?

The forum itself is a minority so any subset of the forum is also. I don't know what the majority of people think but neither do the people whining about the death of Warframe because one 'frame doesn't look the way they want.


At first glance Chroma's not my favourite design but he's hardly been shown properly. I'll wait till I get hot n heavy with him ingame before I make my mind up.


This just reminds me of the fervour with which the 'majority' (also shown in exceedingly biased polls) objected to Nova's longer than average neck. The overreactions are ridiculous. Every time. DE's shown how to deal with this in the past though.


At least the commotion's good for a laugh but I don't envy the mods (good job so far guys!).

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The forum itself is a minority so any subset of the forum is also. I don't know what the majority of people think but neither do the people whining about the death of Warframe because one 'frame doesn't look the way they want.

Yet the only choice we have is to get information from the vocal minority because the silent majority is just that...silent.

Now I'm not saying that DE should make sweeping changes just because the vocal minority has a common opinion.

However, it's not exactly logical to dismiss forum opinions just because it's from the vocal minority.

The trick is for them to combine the information from the forums with other sources like the metrics they have access to and some well applied common sense.

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I went into the stream excited about a Dragon-themed frame, Parkour 2.0 details, new weapons, and any details on new PVE content.


The Parkour teaser was awesome, I hope our new wall-running is half as solid as that was, though I know it was pre-rendered and can't expect it to be quite that amazing.


The new weapons look awesome. Can't wait to play around with all of them. Well, maybe not that new Glaive so much, it's just not my thing.


A little upset about not seeing more of the underwater tileset, but the Sentients look awesome. Glad to hear raids can be done with less than 8 players, but not so happy it doesn't actually scale down to appropriately match the number of players.


This new fire-breathing Infested/Ancient themed frame unfortunately doesn't really have me very interested. Quite disappointed they didn't show that Dragon-themed frame they promised.

Edited by Centias
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Most of Chroma is dragon-esque with a certain..organic/infested flavor that I can live with.

That helmet is just seahorse/anteater though. That is what is really throwing me off.

The latest argument is that chroma's head is like a Viking dragon because out of the hundreds of viking dragon carvings that don't look like that...

some people found one or two carvings that do kind of look like that. lol Seriously, chroma's head does not do a great job of representing any of the fantasy dragons from mythology.  DE can do what they want of course I just want to be real about it.


Hopefully there will be an alt helmet that works for me. Honestly, if DE is smart they will have a more "obvious" dragio like head shape option to please those who want it. Options are king!

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Yet the only choice we have is to get information from the vocal minority because the silent majority is just that...silent.

Now I'm not saying that DE should make sweeping changes just because the vocal minority has a common opinion.

However, it's not exactly logical to dismiss forum opinions just because it's from the vocal minority.

The trick is for them to combine the information from the forums with other sources like the metrics they have access to and some well applied common sense.

Judging by their past successes I'm assuming they're doing that. Well, hoping anyway.


want everyone to discuss it but the hyperbole isn't conducive to a discussion. Do you think people could voice their opinions without announcing the apocalypse at the same time?


Sorry for the rhetorical questions :p

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Most of Chroma is dragon-esque with a certain..organic/infested flavor that I can live with.

That helmet is just seahorse/anteater though. That is what is really throwing me off.

The latest argument is that chroma's head is like a Viking dragon because out of the hundreds of viking dragon carvings that don't look like that...

some people found one or two carvings that do kind of look like that. lol Seriously, chroma's head does not do a great job of representing any of the fantasy dragons from mythology.  DE can do what they want of course I just want to be real about it.


Hopefully there will be an alt helmet that works for me. Honestly, if DE is smart they will have a more "obvious" dragio like head shape option to please those who want it. Options are king!

Viking *Serpent. Not dragon. Serpent.


Not a dragon.

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Judging by their past successes I'm assuming they're doing that. Well, hoping anyway.


want everyone to discuss it but the hyperbole isn't conducive to a discussion. Do you think people could voice their opinions without announcing the apocalypse at the same time?


Sorry for the rhetorical questions :p

If DE sent a poll to the inbox of all the player accounts of warframe like an event asking if they liked the design then that would solve a ton of problems.

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Judging by their past successes I'm assuming they're doing that. Well, hoping anyway.


want everyone to discuss it but the hyperbole isn't conducive to a discussion. Do you think people could voice their opinions without announcing the apocalypse at the same time?


Sorry for the rhetorical questions :p

heh. I agree with you on this stuff. Hyperbole just muddies up the point.



Viking *Serpent. Not dragon. Serpent.


Not a dragon.

Indeed. To be fair some folks would argue that such serpents are also dragons of a sort..though I'd disagree with them in the context of the viking serpents like jormangundr or the like who are generally what those carvings are meant to represent.

I brought all that up only in attempt to be fair to those people and acknowledge their stance. 

Heck some will say Chroma's helmet is serpentine like the Asian style dragons yet it really doesn't share the shaping.

Nor does it look like the dragon-esgue flying serpent deity's of aztec and mayan mythology. 

oh and course there are people who argue that since dragon myths in some areas likely spawned from seahorse that it somehow makes sense that Chroma's head should look like a seahorse. lol


In my view this is the problem. Chroma's head design clearly doesn't evoke dragon of any mythology but we have a certain group of people who are looking to excuse that in whatever way they can. When its more reasonable to just say that DE did something unique. Which, love or hate it, is their choice.


Ideally DE has some alt helmets that use more "obvious" dragon like shaping for those who don't like the default. 

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heh. I agree with you on this stuff. Hyperbole just muddies up the point.



Indeed. To be fair some folks would argue that such serpents are also dragons of a sort..though I'd disagree with them in the context of the viking serpents like jormangundr or the like who are generally what those carvings are meant to represent.

I brought all that up only in attempt to be fair to those people and acknowledge their stance. 

Heck some will say Chroma's helmet is serpentine like the Asian style dragons yet it really doesn't share the shaping.

Nor does it look like the dragon-esgue flying serpent deity's of aztec and mayan mythology. 

oh and course there are people who argue that since dragon myths in some areas likely spawned from seahorse that it somehow makes sense that Chroma's head should look like a seahorse. lol


In my view this is the problem. Chroma's head design clearly doesn't evoke dragon of any mythology but we have a certain group of people who are looking to excuse that in whatever way they can. When its more reasonable to just say that DE did something unique. Which, love or hate it, is their choice.


Ideally DE has some alt helmets that use more "obvious" dragon like shaping for those who don't like the default. 

Yes I am aware of that group of people. I am clashing rather harshly with them on the main megathread at the moment. It is not a fun time. Not fun at all.

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It's placement is not conclusive that this pole doesn't represent a wider group of people at all. There are plenty of "I hate X" threads that get met with "Well most of us like it so be quiet". Also, the pole is accessible from many threads.


You're right that these polls aren't entirely accurate depictions of the playerbases opinion.

However assuming that its specifically attracting people who are interested in showing they don't like the frame AS opposed to simply attracting people and many just not liking the frame.....



The thing about statistics from polls is that they cannot be taken as gospel truth without a larger sample but they also cannot be dismissed  without proof of the pole itself being bias.  


In short: The polls tell us that people don't like the design, but don't give us valuable numbers because it wasn't an official poll promoted by DE.


And I consider quoting only two words from me from somewhere in the middle of this topic as rude, because it distorts any context.  I know the intention of the thread wasn't hate, but was quite dominant nonetheless.

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