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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Hahaha, I can't believe I even found a dragon with an equally narrow mouth.




Well, I think the Chroma-is-ugly-faction will find him ugly too, but there we go nonetheless.^^

that looks like a dragon because it is one , chroma dont even reminds of one

Edited by MrKage
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Hahaha, I can't believe I even found a dragon with an equally narrow mouth.




Well, I think the Chroma-is-ugly-faction will find him ugly too, but there we go nonetheless.^^

The problem is that Chroma's "mouth" resembles a seahorse's or an anteater's mouth much more closely than this drogon. It's not about how narrow it is, it's about what it looks like.

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 (This isn't really just towards you, but your comment leads into it well) Neither side really has a claim towards being the majority. What's people need to realize in this debate is just that - we don't know which side is the minority until (and no sooner than) someone polls exactly half of the warframe-playing population and gets their opinions. TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people simply said "I don't care what it looks like, I want a new frame to play with."

The vocal outcry towards the design of the new frames has been happening more the more players the game gets. With Hydroid, everyone complained that "pirates aren't ninjas!" Then they complained that "Magicians don't belong with space ninjas!" Then they complained that "Cowboys aren't ninjas!" What I'm getting at is everyone has their opinions about things, and those opinions differ. What I personally believe - for example - is that people are more prone to go out of their way to right their negative opinions than those who are happy (I don't know what it is about the modern world that makes it so, but from my experiences on different sites, that's what I've notice).

Go to Netflix. Look up a B-movie. You will see a ton of negative reviews about how it's terrible, the acting stinks, the effects are low budget, the humor is bland, and all the things that in effect make B-movies B. What you won't see is as many reviews from the fans of B-movies (such as I), because we know and accept what a B-movie is, and enjoy that. There's normally no desire on my part (continuing the example) to explain why that B-movie isn't bad to those other people, because they have different preferences that don't merit the same enjoyment, and everything they complained about is actually a positive review to me. Hopefully that kind of sums up my thoughts on the whole "more people here than there" thing.

And, because I've been enjoying the chance to post all sorts of pictures in this thread, here's a dragon we've all seemingly forgot about (till now): Spyro


And another breed from good old DnD, the faerie Dragon


And a "special" Dragon that appeared once in a comic fighting vikings


And one more out there "Dragon", this time from a sci-fi monster flick (and in fact only known as Dragon to movie's vikings)


Gosh darn I love linking these pictures. This thread is the most forum fun I've had in a long time!

First and second pictures are indeed recognizable as dragons. The last 2 are not.

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So DE decided to give Chroma a Sea Horse head. Big deal, I even found pictures of dragons with chicken heads. :D

Great. Wonderful. While we're at it lets make his alt helmet a chicken head. Because who would want a dragon frame to have a dragon head?

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And, because I've been enjoying the chance to post all sorts of pictures in this thread, here's a dragon we've all seemingly forgot about (till now): Spyro


And another breed from good old DnD, the faerie Dragon


And a "special" Dragon that appeared once in a comic fighting vikings


And one more out there "Dragon", this time from a sci-fi monster flick (and in fact only known as Dragon to movie's vikings)


Gosh darn I love linking these pictures. This thread is the most forum fun I've had in a long time!

By now we are sort of getting off the point.


But for a quick break down-

1: Spyro is a young dragon in a cartoony world yet doesn't stray as far from the common Dragon traits as Chroma. 


2: D&D fairy dragon is one of the extended list of draconic hybrids that are also something else and aren't supposed to look like true dragons. Though its head shape is still less of departure from the standard than chroma's.

For whatever its worth there are many dragonic-hybrid creatures in the expanded world of D&D each with another creature word paired with dragon to indicate it is not a true dragon. So if Chroma's theme is supposed to be seahorsedragon than it fits in with that but hardly constitutes a true dragon theme. 


3 & 4: 3 is clearly an alien from the alien property. 4 is the movie Outlander where an alien creature crash lands in the time of the vikings. In both cases they have the vikings calling it a dragon because they have no word for alien and dragon is the closest thing they have.  Obviously that is not similar to the way that myths actually portrayed dragons.

Heck there are also works of fiction where people from ancient times see an airplane fly overhead and call it a dragon.

Are we going to say that airplanes and dragons look the same now..as if we don't know the obvious differences....heh





Hahaha, I can't believe I even found a dragon with an equally narrow mouth.





Well, I think the Chroma-is-ugly-faction will find him ugly too, but there we go nonetheless.^^

Head and mouth are indeed narrow in an almost beak like fashion. Still a far cry from the puckering lips of a seahorse.

Thats also one of MANY other dragons represented in magic the gathering. They have already covered the more direct depictions. They have reason to start getting out there to avoid retreading their own stuff. https://www.google.com/search?q=magic+the+gathering+dragons&safe=off&rlz=1C2CHWA_enUS628US628&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=XuYAVbblC8HqoAT8t4DADQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075

At this time we have only Chroma, just one dragon themed creature in the whole warframe universe.

Might be a goo didea to establish the baseline before going out into left field. 


So DE decided to give Chroma a Sea Horse head. Big deal, I even found pictures of dragons with chicken heads. :D

Well that's the thing. If people will just acknowledge that DE put a seahorse head on it instead of trying to pretend it resembles one dragon or another it would at least be to the point.


In the grand scheme, if we account for every video game, every movie, every comic...there will be some pretty dang weird depictions of dragons. Point is that those artists are generally very aware that they are breaking from what most accurately constitutes a dragon.Comes back to the same point I keep making.


DE did something unique. As such they must expect both the credit and the condemnation that comes along with going off the beaten path. 

Edited by Ronyn
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-That is called a seahorse dragon.


That thing has even less pronounced seahorse lips and more dragon angled head than Chroma does...lol

Yet the Artist is direct about the seahorse influence. No one is pretending it's not influenced by a seahorse.

It is what it is.

Likewise Chroma's helmet has some seahorse like influence for some reason. Let's cut the BS about it.

Don't try to pretend its based on some dragon from some culture etc..etc..it's a friggin seahorse shaping. 

Might be a Hippocampus influence got in there somehow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocampus_(mythology)

Edited by Ronyn
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Yes, thank you everyone for making it obvious that Chroma is not based on any overused dragon themes appearing in every single f**king game ever released.

It looks like a seahorse, yet most of the people commenting here will buy him using 800-900 platinum because he looks like seahorse but will be able to murder enemies as efficiently as Limbo. Oh Limbo, yeah that warframe who was called ugly but was frowned upon because he was a better tactician than Frost. Does anyone say anything about how he looks ? No, because he's the one who kept people alive on the escalation Tac Alert.

Remember Nyx Prime ? The frame who got some flame because her helmet was elongated which gave the sense of the "Aliens". Guess what, her BP sells for 50-60 plats.

Moral of the story: Arguments about how a frame looks is valid until that frame is released. After release, it's only limited to the $&*&*#(%& region chat. Everyone who flames on the frames, go to recruiting chat and type "hosting Limbo Chassis Excavation" or to the Trade chat " WTS Nyx Prime BP 45p"

Edited by Bawalbaba
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Remember Nyx Prime ? The frame who got some flame because her helmet was elongated which gave the sense of the "Aliens". Guess what, her BP sells for 50-60 plats.

Moral of the story: Arguments about how a frame looks is invalid until that frame is released. After release, it's only limited to the $&*&*#(%& region chat. Everyone who flames on the frames, go to recruiting chat and type "hosting Limbo Chassis Excavation" or to the Trade chat " WTS Nyx Prime BP 45p"


Also true for Nova prime. A lot of people whined about her neck rings but still bought her parts for an insane amount of plat. 100p+ or more.

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Yes, thank you everyone for making it obvious that Chroma is not based on any overused dragon themes appearing in every single f**king game ever released.

It looks like a seahorse, yet most of the people commenting here will buy him using 800-900 platinum because he looks like seahorse but will be able to murder enemies as efficiently as Limbo. Oh Limbo, yeah that warframe who was called ugly but was frowned upon because he was a better tactician than Frost. Does anyone say anything about how he looks ? No, because he's the one who kept people alive on the escalation Tac Alert.

Remember Nyx Prime ? The frame who got some flame because her helmet was elongated which gave the sense of the "Aliens". Guess what, her BP sells for 50-60 plats.

Moral of the story: Arguments about how a frame looks is valid until that frame is released. After release, it's only limited to the $&*&*#(%& region chat. Everyone who flames on the frames, go to recruiting chat and type "hosting Limbo Chassis Excavation" or to the Trade chat " WTS Nyx Prime BP 45p"

"Now that I've lost the argument about his looks I've decided that his looks don't even matter. They don't matter you guys, only performance matters in this game in which you can color everything and put cosmetic attachments and skins on everything."

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You have got to be kidding. I started a topic about the same things the day it happened and it got locked. This one is strong at 30 pages. Seriously?..

Devoid or Himari must've missed the post. Don't worry, my post about Strata was made into a megathread and had it's name changed to something I didn't even.....ugh.

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"Now that I've lost the argument about his looks I've decided that his looks don't even matter. They don't matter you guys, only performance matters in this game in which you can color everything and put cosmetic attachments and skins on everything."

>Implying I can't continue saying in the favor of Chroma and his looks.

>Missed the fact that Chroma is actually dependent on his colors.

Warframe forums at it's finest right here.

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>Implying I can't continue saying in the favor of Chroma and his looks.

>Missed the fact that Chroma is actually dependent on his colors.

Warframe forums at it's finest right here.

>You admit it looks like a seahorse. 


>I didn't miss it I just don't think it matters if the seahorse has ice breath or fire breath. Your remark sounds like you think his energy color changing his powers somehow changes his looks or supports your argument. Actually I have no idea what you were thinking that's a pretty stupid remark.


Warframe Forums at their finest right here.

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By now we are sort of getting off the point.


But for a quick break down-

1: Spyro is a young dragon in a cartoony world yet doesn't stray as far from the common Dragon traits as Chroma. 


2: D&D fairy dragon is one of the extended list of draconic hybrids that are also something else and aren't supposed to look like true dragons. Though its head shape is still less of departure from the standard than chroma's.

For whatever its worth there are many dragonic-hybrid creatures in the expanded world of D&D each with another creature word paired with dragon to indicate it is not a true dragon. So if Chroma's theme is supposed to be seahorsedragon than it fits in with that but hardly constitutes a true dragon theme. 


3 & 4: 3 is clearly an alien from the alien property. 4 is the movie Outlander where an alien creature crash lands in the time of the vikings. In both cases they have the vikings calling it a dragon because they have no word for alien and dragon is the closest thing they have.  Obviously that is not similar to the way that myths actually portrayed dragons.

Heck there are also works of fiction where people from ancient times see an airplane fly overhead and call it a dragon.

Are we going to say that airplanes and dragons look the same now..as if we don't know the obvious differences....heh





Head and mouth are indeed narrow in an almost beak like fashion. Still a far cry from the puckering lips of a seahorse.

Thats also one of MANY other dragons represented in magic the gathering. They have already covered the more direct depictions. They have reason to start getting out there to avoid retreading their own stuff. https://www.google.com/search?q=magic+the+gathering+dragons&safe=off&rlz=1C2CHWA_enUS628US628&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=XuYAVbblC8HqoAT8t4DADQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075

At this time we have only Chroma, just one dragon themed creature in the whole warframe universe.

Might be a goo didea to establish the baseline before going out into left field. 


Well that's the thing. If people will just acknowledge that DE put a seahorse head on it instead of trying to pretend it resembles one dragon or another it would at least be to the point.


In the grand scheme, if we account for every video game, every movie, every comic...there will be some pretty dang weird depictions of dragons. Point is that those artists are generally very aware that they are breaking from what most accurately constitutes a dragon.Comes back to the same point I keep making.


DE did something unique. As such they must expect both the credit and the condemnation that comes along with going off the beaten path. 


Here is the thing. A dragon is a fire breathing mythical creature, often with wings and scales. That's it and therefore Chroma is as much of a dragon like every other dragon out there.


Sure, the portrait of what people believe a dragon would look like evolved in our culture. That's no surprise, and you are right that when DE decides to use a polarizing design for a frame, I can hardly blame people if they don't like the result.


Nevertheless, Chroma is technically dragon-themed, if people like it or not and every argument, Chroma wouldn't look like one is just false.


I've said numerous times, that I had expected/favored another design as well, but that's just my personal opinion and doesn't make Chroma any less of a dragon.


It's more that all the haters(dislikers) try to use petty arguments to proof a point where no point really is. Despite his polarizing appearance, Chroma is a dragon.

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>You admit it looks like a seahorse. 


>I didn't miss it I just don't think it matters if the seahorse has ice breath or fire breath. Your remark sounds like you think his energy color changing his powers somehow changes his looks or supports your argument. Actually I have no idea what you were thinking that's a pretty stupid remark.


Warframe Forums at their finest right here.

Kek. I admitted all the arguments people are throwing at Chroma because when he releases,most people are going to forget how he looks and will buy him straight off the bat without playing the quest.

My point is that, despite the forums claiming how hideous a Warframe looks, everyone is actually looking forward to get their hands on the frame.

I truly want to see a Warframe player who'll never get Chroma because he claims it looks like a Seahorse. I urge a veteran player to come forward and challenge me. And after U17, I'll check whether he/she has Chroma or not and I'll properly reward him with 50-100 plat or something good(depending on what I have at that time). And I'm pretty damn sure that there won't be one(unless he/she takes me up on that challenge and goes AFK for a year).

And yeah if my remark was stupid, I'll agree but since everyone here wants to stay and chase the same stick "Muh DragonFrame looks like a Platypus" then I don't think it's stupid at all.

Like I said: Whatever Chroma's origins and designs are based off will be released promptly after U16 hits. He is based off the concept of Dragons but the Devs deviated from the norm and the community doesn't like it. Why? Because we have grown up in an age of games where Dragons and Draconic warriors are depicted as massive, bulky, scaly and brutish.

Chroma here looks nothing like the "Every Other Original Concept" and thus let the flames begin. But here's a fun fact about being a dragon. Flame_Warrior.png

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1. Chroma is generating lots of impressions. Regardless of positive or negative, I guess being impressed is better than being not?


2. Major cause of the problem is because the term "dragon" is coined. A lot of people like dragons (of all sorts). A lot of people have stereotypes and generate expectations. Producing something unexpected could either be an accident, or the exact intention?


3. People will complain it is ugly, but when it becomes available, people will still get it. (prob speaking for myself too, from past experiences, lol. I admit, I don't find the looks appealing, but I'll probably still try to get it in the end)


4. Sometimes, time is all it takes to get used to things. We've complained about Aerodynamic-ears, Fish-face, Bug-butt, Boat-feet, Clown-shoes, Squid-beard, Tophat-wierdo etc etc before, and look how everybody got used to them? Hardly any more complain threads recently! (I think) Give it a little time. After getting it and getting used to them it, we can learn to love it like a mother would, despite that it is ug.. ahem, characteristic physical appearance.


5. All that being said, let us be gracious and welcome Horse-head to the family of wier.. eh.. "special" warriors.

Edited by smithf
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First and second pictures are indeed recognizable as dragons. The last 2 are not.

Well, yeah. My point on those may have gone by you. To us, these are aliens, but to the olden-days cultures they were present with in their material they were known as Dragons. Scientifically speaking, modern us's know there are no such thing as fantasy Dragons, so we could "successfully" relabel everything as non-dragon. I was making a play of the fact that a dragon could be anything to other people - even if our standard is a "large reptillian intelligent creature that can breath fire/electricity/acid that may/may not have wings or legs", some alien species may see us as Dragons.


By now we are sort of getting off the point.


In the grand scheme, if we account for every video game, every movie, every comic...there will be some pretty dang weird depictions of dragons. Point is that those artists are generally very aware that they are breaking from what most accurately constitutes a dragon.Comes back to the same point I keep making.


DE did something unique. As such they must expect both the credit and the condemnation that comes along with going off the beaten path. 

   Yeah, I know, but somehow none of us have put a picture of Spyro up on here (and he does have rather more rounded features than the average dragon). Also - don't hate on faerie dragons, they be full on dragons according to the DnD rules man - just normally with butterfly wings. Now, Psuedodragons ain't real dragons, and are tiny as well - but not quite the same thing as the others.


My point on 3 or 4 was just iterating what we both already knew anyways - that what a "dragon" is is different to different folks. I'm open to the interpretation of dragons, even if (again) Chroma at first glance doesn't really strike "dragon" into your mind (and we've already listened to me explain how I still see some dragon-like features, so I won't waste our reading time with that).


Although really, with Chroma's head looking so much like an infested ancient, has anyone else started wondering what that means about ancient infested? You know, that it could imply they are some form of infested dragons? How rad is that? (Even if they aren't looking like dragons).


You have got to be kidding. I started a topic about the same things the day it happened and it got locked. This one is strong at 30 pages. Seriously?..

DE probably loves all the dragon pictures. I know I do. That or maybe this one is more civiil or something?

My bet would be on the pictures. How about one of the "king of dragons" Bahamut?


Sadled dragons in technicolor!


Stocky atomic dragon (or Godzilla)


And the last picture for this post (and man, is it a mind blower), a 1st generation Elder Dragon from monster hunter, the Kirin


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Chroma is just Ugly . but we'll get used to it . don't hear to hater people .

Just saying. Here the original concept



And tell me if Chromas is bette than this...

And that's why most of people who're hating Chromas don't like it (and yes, he's ugly as damn)


Don't forget the awkard silence when they revealed Chroma at the PAX event, lol.

When i saw the teaser, my first word was: "what the hell?"

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Just saying. Here the original concept



And tell me if Chromas is bette than this...

And that's why most of people who're hating Chromas don't like it (and yes, he's ugly as damn)


Don't forget the awkard silence when they revealed Chroma at the PAX event, lol.

When i saw the teaser, my first word was: "what the hell?"


Chroma is better than that. By the way, he isn't exclusively based on that concept. Just the dragon theme is what DE was going for, which is a popular theme.

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