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If You Had One Wish...


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To not have to re-level up my abilities when you sink a forma into your frame. That kind of irks me. I'd like to be able to keep my abilities.

At the very least, make it so that the mods stay in their slots but aren't activated until you get enough mod points. The inactive ones would be faded.

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Because it does nothing to objectively better the game. It's the inclusion of more frivolous fluff, which has been the topic of suggestion too many times as is.


Also how would custom dancing even work in this game?


I guess I'll stop micromanaging people's desires, it just seems like they don't know what I'm asking for in the OP, even though I thought I clarified rather well. 


If you really think about it, it would allow for more fun so it would definitely make the game better in a way, sure today's means are limited to do this but you have to think with some time offset if you want to implement new features. When everybody will have mocap devices at home, this kind of stuff will become accessible.

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Make Melee actually viable and rework stamina, because right now, it doesn't recover fast enough, it's consumed way too quickly, and too many things consume it at once and it genuinely ticks me off (I would not say "ticks" if it weren't for the forums).


honestly stamina should only be used for melee and nothing else.

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I'm pretty sure Rhino Prime's Codex entry proves the "energy being" theory false


There is conflicting lore unfortunately. We can assume ther was an orriginal, out of the void, perhaps 'prime' being unique and all others being copies of the power they obtained, but it still doesnt answer "As players are we all the frames we have or is each one a unique person? And are all duplicates we see in teams/towers unique, a player with multiple suit choices, or what?" Personally I assume all suits I have are my collection and my tenno mutates to the suit to fit it or something of the sort.

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honestly stamina should only be used for melee and nothing else.


Like in many other games, stamina is just a frustration factor in Warframe. It only makes parrying less OP than if you could parry forever, which could be replaced by an isolated variable. What would happen if stamina was only consumed by melee but the fact to be out of stamina would prevent you from performing any melee-strike ? It would kill any melee-based playstyle.

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If one wish then I wish to the DE give us permission to make player made contents like a steam workshop. The other a passive skill tree system combined with mod system but in this topic just one wish was able to speak it. 


player made content just doesnt fit into this gamer unless they make a seperate account of sorts that doesnt count towards the real account in anyway.

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I wouldn't even want anything as compensation (nor would I had I bought the grandmaster's pack) I just want everyone to have a chance at getting Excalibur Prime again. He's literally just a regular Excalibur with gold trim, I don't get why people make SUCH a fuss about him, but in the interest of fairness to console players, he should be made available again. I guess that's what the Obsidian skin was for PS4, a consolation for the fact that his gold variant won't ever be available. I mean it is basically the same thing with a different theme.


I still wouldn't get my hopes up, they seem very much dead set on the matter as does the community.


the issue is simple, it was offered, way back when, when the game was new, as a limited time offer to spend a bunch of real cash on. Limited timme being the key word. To re-release would go back on that word. Woud I like to get some of the S#&$ I missed out on during that time? Skana and Lex Prime? Yea but I can't so whatever.

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Like in many other games, stamina is just a frustration factor in Warframe. It only makes parrying less OP than if you could parry forever, which could be replaced by an isolated variable. What would happen if stamina was only consumed by melee but the fact to be out of stamina would prevent you from performing any melee-strike ? It would kill any melee-based playstyle.

ah... what? Simple, it functions exactly as is but only takes stamina cost form melee. That means, btw, that at 0 you still have basic melee attacks.

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I'm curious as to your reasoning on that.

You'd have to ask DE for the specific numbers, but I'd wager that a lot of people have bought Prime Access accessories due to the exclusive nature of the items. That brings in a lot of money for DE to put into development of the game (among other things, of course). Sales of that nature would likely drop if the contents were made available again for free.


If these aren't the types of exclusives being referenced, pardon. 

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the issue is simple, it was offered, way back when, when the game was new, as a limited time offer to spend a bunch of real cash on. Limited timme being the key word. To re-release would go back on that word. Woud I like to get some of the S#&$ I missed out on during that time? Skana and Lex Prime? Yea but I can't so whatever.

Why are you telling me this?


I already know. I'm a proponent of it being made available again but I have full knowledge of why it won't ever be. I was empathizing with a non-founder.

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