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If You Had One Wish...


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If you really think about it, it would allow for more fun so it would definitely make the game better in a way, sure today's means are limited to do this but you have to think with some time offset if you want to implement new features. When everybody will have mocap devices at home, this kind of stuff will become accessible.

That's more understandable. Mocapping equipment being in a large percentage of players' homes would be a requirement though if they were to implement this, not sure what all else would be.

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You'd have to ask DE for the specific numbers, but I'd wager that a lot of people have bought Prime Access accessories due to the exclusive nature of the items. That brings in a lot of money for DE to put into development of the game (among other things, of course). Sales of that nature would likely drop if the contents were made available again for free.


If these aren't the types of exclusives being referenced, pardon. 

I thought we were talking exclusives like the renown packs that only the consoles could get, or the Excalibur skin exclusive to Xbone.

I've no question about the usefulness of stuff like Targis armor.

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I thought we were talking exclusives like the renown packs that only the consoles could get, or the Excalibur skin exclusive to Xbone.

I've no question about the usefulness of stuff like Targis armor.

Those were meant to be consolations for the fact that PS4 and XBONE won't ever recieve Excalibur Prime.


DE hasn't stated as such, I can just connect the dots. Why else would PC not have received something similar?


In any case, don't worry about stuff like that, it's just cosmetic. I doubt they'll be realeasing many more (if any) system exclusive items.

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I wish that in-game challenges (the achievements) gave us unlocks to our accounts. Even if it's just things like profile portraits or skins for weapons/frames or armor. Something unique to said challenges, not something people buy from the market. Sigils would also be nice to get for challenges.

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Imo, saying those are actual Tenno names is the same as saying "ÏñsæñÍtÿ" or "ninjaroguepwn" or "needmorecowbell" or any other a quick "worst WoW character name" Google search would pull up are canon Warcraft-universe names.


That's a theory I've heard, and one I could get behind, but the presence of Mirage's "laugh" during Hidden Messages vs. Alad V's "mute peasant" quote throw things up in the air.

Well if you wanna go down to that.


Think of it this way.


Each Tenno has no memory and therefore they just identify themselves with a name at the earliest convenience. At first they would go with their frame names but then later on they adapt unique names. 

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Well if you wanna go down to that.


Think of it this way.


Each Tenno has no memory and therefore they just identify themselves with a name at the earliest convenience. At first they would go with their frame names but then later on they adapt unique names. 


And for some names - such as yours, Jeigo, maybe mine - that works, but, for many, many other? It just makes no sense.


It's simply more logical to conclude that player names ARE player names, and there will be those that COULD be Tenno names but many of them simply cannot be. This is all the more reason we need a INDISPUTABLE Tenno character.


Personally, I do believe there are those who are identified by their Warframe names - but because those were the codenames they were given in the old war. Likewise, I think the different helmet types - Pendragon, Kara, Slipstream, ect. - were all named after Tenno who had those names as their codenames and wore said helmets.

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And for some names - such as yours, Jeigo, maybe mine - that works, but, for many, many other? It just makes no sense.


It's simply more logical to conclude that player names ARE player names, and there will be those that COULD be Tenno names but many of them simply cannot be. This is all the more reason we need a INDISPUTABLE Tenno character.


Personally, I do believe there are those who are identified by their Warframe names - but because those were the codenames they were given in the old war. Likewise, I think the different helmet types - Pendragon, Kara, Slipstream, ect. - were all named after Tenno who had those names as their codenames and wore said helmets.

Actually the helmets were more like a order or a duty or a special unit of some sort rather than the individual.


But think of Tenno as being as diverse as people.


Humans are actually limited to a set number of names varying based on culture. o -o There are rarely any new and unique names being created irl. =/

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Actually the helmets were more like a order or a duty or a special unit of some sort rather than the individual.


But think of Tenno as being as diverse as people.


Humans are actually limited to a set number of names varying based on culture. o -o There are rarely any new and unique names being created irl. =/


But the Tenno were also soldiers - moreso, they were soldiers that were directly under the thumb of a corrupt empire. A part of me just can't imagine the Orokin letting their new weapon keep some kind of human identification - so they force them to take on code names, names that identify them but aren't actual names. Weapons, monsters, forces of nature, things that are tied to the model of Warframe they had built for them originally.


My thoughts on the helmet is that a Tenno who wore it (for whatever reason, maybe Arcane mechanics meant something after all?) performed some great feat in the Old War that turned him into a hero. In recognition of that action, the helmet style he wore was named in his honor - so Pendragon, Tengu, all of them have a heroic Tenno died to them  - even the Kara Valkyr helmet might, albeit a MUCH more recent one (perhaps one of the early Valkyr-wearing Tenno to escape from Alad V's clutches?).


Maybe the Tenno would have claimed real names then or later, and that's is a possibility, but I HIGHLY doubt that - story-wise - there are ANY Tenno walking around with the name 420BlazeIt - or or other such ridiculous joke names.

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DPS training dummy dojo room.

Flesh/armoured/shielded dummys would be pretty useful for fine tuning my weapon builds. Even moreso if there was some kinda of stat readout that might show up on the UI or on a screen inside the room itself. I think this needs to happen.

If i'm allowed another suggestion i'd say that there should be region chat in dojo's. There's probably a reason why that hasn't happened already but i can't imagine why not.

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