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Easy Credit Runs



Personally, I like Cytherean on Venus as it is a Corpus Exterminate (Kill All) mission with a a lot of lockers.  You just take your Kubrow with Scavenger Mod at 90% chance to unlock a locked locker.  I can easily make 8k to 10k credits in about 1/2 hour.  It's a little time consuming to allow for the time it takes the kubrow to make up it's mind to even attempt the locker.  Although it seems their pathing has improved recently.  Either that or I've just grown very accustom to knowing where to stand to get them to attempt a locker.


Anyone else have good credit runs they would like to post about?


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T3/4 Capture/Extermination. you can make over 100k of credits in a few.


Last night I made about 200k credits in a half hour find t2 and 3 caps. I do have a credit booster right now though

Seeing what OP posted these suggestions seem a bit off.


rail wars when they pays 50k up ez 5 minutes of cash

IF you happen to be online at that time, yes. Also I don't think OP really would do well regarding the post.


If you want to go for Credit runs base on lockers, Jupiter Deception is the best! I can get an average of 200-250k/hour with Thief's wit. This requires some thinking, as ot maximize profit we don't want to waste time on those 'low tier ones' as in the ones that give you very little. I could teach you if you add me. IGN: Jeloxale

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Personally, I like Cytherean on Venus as it is a Corpus Exterminate (Kill All) mission with a a lot of lockers.  You just take your Kubrow with Scavenger Mod at 90% chance to unlock a locked locker.  I can easily make 8k to 10k credits in about 1/2 hour.  It's a little time consuming to allow for the time it takes the kubrow to make up it's mind to even attempt the locker.  Although it seems their pathing has improved recently.  Either that or I've just grown very accustom to knowing where to stand to get them to attempt a locker.


Anyone else have good credit runs they would like to post about?

I recommend doing Jupiter Exterminate instead, it has a lot of lockers there.

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I really appreciate all the feed back from all of you.  Just an FYI though, I am a level 5 Silver Initiate.  I keep all this stuff in mind for further into the missions.  I always like to know how to make good credits.  Those fusions don't come cheep!


P.S.  I did add you Jaloxale, the friend request is still pending.  Also, I don't have that mission on Jupiter unlocked yet but, I look forward to running it soon!


P.P.S.  Where is Sechura?  Which planet?  I looked for in the wiki and I don't see it.


P.P.P.S.  Yeah, just ran Carpo on Jupiter, Corpus lvl 13-15 Exterminate and made almost 25k in about 40 min with getting use to new tile sets.  Tons of lockers, thanks Runtowin!

Edited by Arrowthorn
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