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It's The Women's Turn, Please.


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 While I feel like so far the split between Male and Female frames has been fairly agreeable I can understand the desire to have more awesome Femme Fatales in the game.


 My favorite Warframes happen to be Ember and Banshee, because their designs are really neat. I can't say I'm opposed to more of a cool thing!

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My purpose in the thread is to remind the devs that at least one woman is looking forward to this, lest they forget. No rush is desired, or requested. Things that are rushed seldom end well.

Point taken.

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I for one have no preference for either gender, as I look at the frames from a mechanical standpoint. I see no reason for myself to oppose something that is nigh-on trivial for me but makes someone else happier. If an Ember Prime is a step towards perceived equality, by all means. My outlook on the art & design of Warframe is gender-nonspecific.


For what it's worth, Celestiae, you have my axe.

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I for one have no preference for either gender, as I look at the frames from a mechanical standpoint. I see no reason for myself to oppose something that is nigh-on trivial for me but makes someone else happier. If an Ember Prime is a step towards perceived equality, by all means. My outlook on the art & design of Warframe is gender-nonspecific.


For what it's worth, Celestiae, you have my axe.


 And my Bo 



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The fact that people keep tally on male and female warframes is odd to me. Gender doesn't help in the slightest and is just there for aesthetics purposes. I admire a good design regardless of the gender. I play as Ember and Rhino all the time and I could give a damn on what gender they are. Making the next prime a female because the others were male isn't really a good argument. It just shows that you limit yourself to how much you enjoy the different aspects of the game since you appear to be conscious of genders. I don't really mind if they make a female prime but please don't let it be because of gender fairness because that's dumb in my opinion 

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I'd like to simply point out that making decisions and having preferences based on biological differences between the sexes *is* sexism. Wanting more female frames just for the sake of having more female frames is sexist, just like it would be sexist for a guy to say there should be more male frames just because he is male. Bringing up feminism in such a topic is not relevant either, feminism isn't a push to make all things equal between men and women in all facets of life. It is a civil rights push to negate the major inequalities females face due to lack of agency or power such as the right to vote, the pay gap, and discriminatory hiring practices. Bringing up such a concept in reference to such a trivial little bit of escapism we have here in Warframe is petty and cheapens the concept.


You just want more female frames because you're female, not because they're knowingly under represented or because DE has been less than egalitarian in their creation of the frames. And that's a totally fine reason to want more female frames, I want more stealth frames because I'm biased towards stealth play, it just so happens that being biased towards matters of gender is sexism, which is not the dirty word that everyone thinks it is when applied to something so trivial.

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I'd rather not read all the Wall's of text's of people saying which Female Prime they wan't.

But if i'm not Correct. The Last two Frames were Female. And their's plenty of time for the Dev's to make a "Prime" Female War Frame.

It would be better to not beg and rush.

Its called Patience.

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 Bringing up such a concept in reference to such a trivial little bit of escapism we have here in Warframe is petty and cheapens the concept.

I disagree. I think that the opposite is true: that discrimination is so pervasive that it can be found here as well, and it should be challenged anyplace that it appears. That said, it's not my main point and I'd rather not turn this into a Feminism 101 argument. It's hard enough to have a decent discussion of the matter in a more congenial environment, let alone on the forum of an online shooter. Again, my main point is simply to ask that the devs keep their eye on the ball.

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Most of my favorite frames are the female ones (Nyx pre nerf, Saryn hopefully, and Banshee)


So i would love to see a prime of Banshee sooner than later.

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I disagree. I think that the opposite is true: that discrimination is so pervasive that it can be found here as well, and it should be challenged anyplace that it appears. That said, it's not my main point and I'd rather not turn this into a Feminism 101 argument. It's hard enough to have a decent discussion of the matter in a more congenial environment, let alone on the forum of an online shooter. Again, my main point is simply to ask that the devs keep their eye on the ball.


So it's your assertion that DE is being discriminatory towards females by not offering a female prime as of yet? This is a beta, not all the content is out and I don't doubt DE already has plans for making a prime of some of the females (if not all frames). I really don't think DE is being discriminatory, actually I think they're being rather egalitarian by not putting an emphasis on gender as to which frame they release when. They do have their eye on the ball, I really don't think they're being discriminatory towards women, and I think by the time the game hits full release we'll have a fairly balanced of male and female frames (and primes) to select from.

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So it's your assertion that DE is being discriminatory towards females by not offering a female prime as of yet?

No, that's not my assertion. So you don't need to worry about anything that follows that premise.

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This is a beta, not all the content is out and I don't doubt DE already has plans for making a prime of some of the females (if not all frames). I really don't think DE is being discriminatory, actually I think they're being rather egalitarian by not putting an emphasis on gender as to which frame they release when. They do have their eye on the ball, I really don't think they're being discriminatory towards women, and I think by the time the game hits full release we'll have a fairly balanced of male and female frames (and primes) to select from.


I agree with all of this.




I interpreted OP as saying what she personally would like to see next, which got sidetracked and railroaded into sexism and other such stuff, and which will now mire this entire discussion in utter bullS#&$ because IT ISN'T EVEN WHAT THE ORIGINAL POINT WAS.


EDIT: snipping something I overlooked that undermined what I was saying ("So it's your assertion that DE is being discriminatory towards females by not offering a female prime as of yet?")


EDIT EDIT: Also, quoted-person, you've been eminently reasonable on this topic, just following false premises laid down by other folks. Not an attack on you, apologies if it felt that way!

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No, that's not my assertion. So you don't need to worry about anything that follows that premise.


I'll entirely ignore the last section I quoted then, as that's certainly the message you gave, and just leave the subject as "I'm female and want more female primes".




EDIT EDIT: Also, quoted-person, you've been eminently reasonable on this topic, just following false premises laid down by other folks. Not an attack on you, apologies if it felt that way!

No worries, I just takes assertions of sexism and discrimination pretty seriously, as they're slung around casually quite a lot these days.

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Tell me, my testosterone-injected bretheren - would you post on a forum a complaint if the tables were turned, or if there were a far higher number of female frames instead of male ones? Yes, yes you would.


Um, if you are going to ask a question please don't answer it for me. And I can honestly say no. Because in a game like this one it doesn't matter. And wasn't going to be an issue at all if not for this thread. I enjoyed most of the metroid series and that main toon was female. Not the sexy female for adolescent boys female but female nun the less. There will almost undoubtedly be more female frames. Which means this thread could have been addressed with patience instead of being brought up at all. The game industry as a whole still has a long way to go towards female equality and threads like this one are probably not helping. Most guys don't care and will play a bad &#! game regardless if their toon is male, female, human, orc, vulcan, defiant, or a squirrel who is recovering from a hang over. More females in the player base is great in my opinion, but comments like this one will not help this community to "grow up." Gaming can be a powerful interactive media that can address real issues especially as it matures. There needs to be more female leads in games that are not just sex symbols. This game is doing better than most at gender equality lets not ruin the trend with insecurities. (from either side) And for the record if the tables were turned I dare say most males would either like it or would not care at all. Back in WOW I always played a female toon cause they took up less room on my screen.


No. We want to play as frames that have boobs.

Yours is the point of view representing what is holding this industry back from what it could potentially be. If you are posting here then you have the entire internet at you disposal, go find yous boobs in HD online somewhere, if you haven't tried yet, it's not hard. We don't need this adolescent sexism in games. It's not really needed these days. (if you want boobs in a game go play Duke Nukem)

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I welcome the feminist perspective, and* apparently Tenno lore says that female Prime Warframes are so OP that they fight naked.


True story.


Get onto it DE!




*(yes I realize this sentence construction is terrible, but it's late and I'm tired, and I can't be bothered fixing it).

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I'll entirely ignore the last section I quoted then, as that's certainly the message you gave, and just leave the subject as "I'm female and want more female primes".


If I read your last few posts correctly, you came here to tell me what I meant and what I want, to twist my words into straw-man parodies to knock down, and to rephrase my posts into foolishly-simple sounding parodies of themselves. The sheer smug condescension which drips off your posts has been most irritating. By cloaking this in what looks -- at a glance -- like reasonable debate you clad your abuse, mansplaining, and derailment in the disguise of intellectualism.


This is basic derailing 101, and I've seen it before. And the saddening part is, it plays very well in this sort of environment.

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If I read your last few posts correctly, you came here to tell me what I meant and what I want, to twist my words into straw-man parodies to knock down, and to rephrase my posts into foolishly-simple sounding parodies of themselves. The sheer smug condescension which drips off your posts has been most irritating. By cloaking this in what looks -- at a glance -- like reasonable debate you clad your abuse, mansplaining, and derailment in the disguise of intellectualism.


This is basic derailing 101, and I've seen it before. And the saddening part is, it plays very well in this sort of environment.


The post title is a bit heavy on the subject of genderism.

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The post title is a bit heavy on the subject of genderism.

So your beef is with my casual acceptance of the gender binary? I agree that there's more to gender than just male/female, but that's getting pretty far out there for a third-person shooter. I do admire your progressiveness, though, and wish you all the best.

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I came in this thread hoping to see people state which female warframe they wanted released as a prime next, instead I get debates on sexism, feminism and people arguing all over. I did learn some stuff I guess, but guise, srsly?

On the topic (is there even one anymore?)

I'd like to see Ember prime as the next prime one cause she's my fav Warframe :3
You know you want to see her next as well! DON'T DENY IT! :333

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The founder's bonus is Excalibur Prime, a male warframe. The new prime is Frost Prime, a male warframe. The new warframe in release 8 is the engineer, a male warframe.


When's the next female warframe coming along?


Not going to lie - this is exactly what I thought when they revealed frost prime as the weekend's prize. I mean don't get me wrong, I understand it's a worthy prize for a lot of people. But they could have at least chucked in some more credits or maybe even platinum, for those of us that have no interest in frost what so ever. 

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So your beef is with my casual acceptance of the gender binary? I agree that there's more to gender than just male/female, but that's getting pretty far out there for a third-person shooter. I do admire your progressiveness, though, and wish you all the best.



The post title is a bit heavy on the subject of genderism.



While I'm all for progressive discussions on gender, stereotypes and femminism - especially in games - the warframe forums have had their fair share of gender debates for a long time now. No reason not to have more, just recognize that a lot of your audience will probably dismiss your discussion simply on the basis that they're sick of the topic. 

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