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Braton Prime > Synoid Gammacor


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Alright I'll get a video next time im 50 mins into a t4s.

I didn't know people didn't understand how good corrosive procs are against high level armor.

Armor has in theory an infinite scaling so when it reaches a certain point your guns will deal more DMG if you can continuously debuff their armor rather than buffing your own DMG.

If you don't realize how OP armor is in this game then that's probably why you don't realize a braton prime built with 80+ status chance is much better than syngam BECAUSE IT STRIPS THEM OF THEIR LIMITLESS ARMOR

Or you could bring 4 people with Max Corrosive Projection. That zeroes out their armor entirely. 

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Lol yeah it does..

You do realize that the constant corrosive procs strip lv 80 and up enemies so that their ridiculous armor isn't a problem?

If you want I can post videos of how you can either sit their with a gammacor against a lv 125 heavy gunner for 45 seconds or you can pull out the braton prime and strip them of armor and slash proc them to hell.

Seriously all you people that are saying I'm wrong, do you even t4s for an hour?

Synoid Gammacor has better status chance and has way higher DPS that Braton Prime. Proof or nothing happens!

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It think hes a troll lol. by the way try the mk1 braton its a real beast.

Braton Prime->High status->High fire rate = lots of procs that can either strip an enemies armor (corrosive) or repeatedly halves their health (viral)


Synoid Gammacor->High damage->High status chance->set number of times it can do damage in one second = Large bursts of damage every second with a proc


This means while the synoid does more damage since the braton can remove infinitely scaling armor or  halve health like twice per second the braton is more useful in late game.


Or you could bring 4 people with Max Corrosive Projection. That zeroes out their armor entirely. 

He answered this earlier in the thread, then you would just use viral procs and rek their health



Synoid Gammacor has better status chance and has way higher DPS that Braton Prime. Proof or nothing happens!


Right.... But remember how the synoid gammacor works (they said it like 5 posts up) it deals damage and procs at a fixed rate, meaning since the braton has bullets each bullet has a chance to proc and since it has a high fire rate, that means it can proc faster.

Edited by immolator1001
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I do hate all the physical procs I get with the braton prime, just use the corrosive and blast ones pls... Slash are decent but only after they have no armor. (PS does the slash damage proc get calculated every time it does damage or just the first time it procs?)

Bleed procs actually bypass armor completely. Just toss a shuriken at any high level grineer.

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I hope you're all aware that I'm only talking about endless play. Obviously the syngam Deals more DMG against lv 40 enemies and whatnot

However the braton can deal more DPs than anything against high level play because rather than playing a gun with 8000-10000 more DPs like soma prime or boltor prime or syn GAM you can DEBUFF their armor and INCREASE YOUR DMG TO A DEGREE HIGHER THAN OTHER POPULAR GUNS

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Don't feed the console peasant troll.

Wow, that was just rude, he maybe on console but he does have a point, no reason to try and shame someone on what system they play the game on, what a jerk move.




I personally would like to see what build you have going on, and how many forma you have to put into it, I have no doubt that it is very powerful, I would just like to see it with my own eyes, I'm not very strong in the faith department 

Edited by Amethyst.zero
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Wow, that was just rude, he maybe on console but he does have a point, no reason to try and shame someone on what system they play the game on, what a jerk move.




I personally would like to see what build you have going on, and how many forma you have to put into it, I have no doubt that it is very powerful, I would just like to see it with my own eyes, I'm not very strong in the faith department 


You sure have hope in humanity. Lovely.

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Oh look yet another person who didn't read the thread. if you use cp then you would just use viral procs.

I would like to note that viral procs do not stack in any way other than duration--the first viral proc cuts the enemy health in half for 6 seconds. For each additional proc of viral, an additional 6 seconds are added to the timer. Technically speaking, so long as you can kill an enemy in under 6 seconds, all additional viral procs are meaningless.

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Wow, that was just rude, he maybe on console but he does have a point, no reason to try and shame someone on what system they play the game on, what a jerk move.




I personally would like to see what build you have going on, and how many forma you have to put into it, I have no doubt that it is very powerful, I would just like to see it with my own eyes, I'm not very strong in the faith department 

 I still wait for the Video xD

Edited by Mikail96
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Don't feed the console peasant troll.

Just goes to show you how simple minded the general community is with posts like this.

Seriously is it that hard to understand that armor scaling never stops?

Is it that hard to understand reducing armor will net you more DMG than anything in endless play?

Seriously you're sad and I can't wait to post a video next time I play at least 50 mins of t4s and I honestly find it comical that I even have to do that.


Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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but the gammacor can get up to 99% status....and with fire rate mods that's more DPS and corrosive procs that braton p

as much as I love the braton prime (7 forma....before the buff) I can't say that it's better than the synoid gammacor.....but I do think it;s more fun it's slashing guts imao :D

EDIT: I can understand your passion, but it doesn't make sense, synoid gammacor kills too fast that it doesn't have time to do procs, but in late game it does.....also I think we all understand that corrosive is the best dmg against corrupted 

Synoid's proc chance is chance per second, it ranks as one of the worst weapons in game for proc per second. Beam weapons are flat out terrible for applying corrosive or even getting an application of viral (if unlucky a few seconds on target). Synoid has DPS and that's about it.

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Viral Procs can only happen every x seconds. They work in a similar way to continuous fire weapons. You can half their health once, then again after x seconds elapse. Using this logic, the braton prime and synoid are pretty equal there

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Don't feed the console peasant troll.

Ah, the Warframe feedback forums. Truly a site of sparkling conversation and intellectual discussions.


Out of curiosity, which of the procs tend to happen more often when peppering someone with Braton Prime? Is it a crapton of Slash procs with a few Corrosive/Viral thrown in between or is it something different?

And how's the ammo economy on this thing at high levels? I haven't used most rifles in a while because RNG always leaves me with zero ammo.

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