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De You Are Doing It Wrong


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It comes to my attention that every efficient farming method that players come up with always nerfed by DE. I don't blame them, seeing their reasons is they want us to play the game as it is, not pressing a button and all. But they shouldn't blame us for what we do, since they make such high grind wall.


What DE should understand is what playing Warframe right now feel like a chore to me more than having fun. If I want to have fun then I have to grind first to reach my daily rep cap, get enough fusion core to upgrade my mod, get enough credit to craft my long awaited weapons. So then, in order to have fun I'll have to find the least time-consuming and most efficient way to farm, THEN I can have fun. But DE is just "lol nope" everytime playerbase find something to skip the chore. DE just nerf every focused farming, and it's DE that making our "fun times" shorter and shorter, not us.


DE, your intention are good but you are doing it all wrong.


Instead of discouraging people from farming and loot caves, encourage people to do regular missions. What I mean is better rewards and more satisfying experience.


You guys done it. Spy 2.0 and raids gives good rewards and experience. Now you only have to do it with the rest.


For example:


+ Increase the credit rewards: You think I enjoy Seimeni x100 times? No, I play it because it pays the bill. If the fun pay the bills, I'd play it too. Make credit rewards scales with mobs level, like about 13-14k on a Ceres exterminate.


+ Delicious exclusive rewards to certain mode: Like how specters are exclusive to rescue, you may throw in some more "gear" to reward, like 10x Team Health Restore or Team Energy Restore on Exterminate missions. And Electric+Stt dual mods hasn't been re-released.


+ New EXP bonus system: Upon completing a mission, all your gears recieves a certain amount of EXP, regardless of it has been used or not. One of the reason we run Draco because we wouldn't want to walk around with a modless Boltor Prime in level 5 missions...


+ Better reward in-mission challenge: 5k EXP don't cut it. 10k EXP and 5k Credit sounds reasonable enough to me. Or rewards us with core.


+ Oh wait, fix the darn mission challenge first. How the hell do I hack a console in defense missions.


+ Better alerts. It makes people want to unlock the Star Chart. Credits should be 3x. That's all there is for now.


There is also a small project of mine here that I think should spice the game up a bit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/412725-ex-version-of-the-frames/


Edited by tinyranitar
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inb4 locked for "lack of constructive criticism" (I hope I'm joking)

OP is right, there are so many solutions to the problem, but sadly none of them seem more handy than mindlessly nerfing left and right.

I feel I'm punished for playing the game. If they don't want me to use abilities, why make abilities in the first place?!

Every time we find a way to lessen the grind, they nerf it. Credits, cores, mods... you name it, they are harder and harder to find. Meanwhile, they claim they try to lessen the grind, but they do this by adding more demanding things to be maxed and depriving us of the means to do it. Like the OP said, nobody likes to do a mission over and over and over again. They should reward us for playing, not make it feel like a real job.

Edited by Noobstein
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I really do hope they attempt to actually fix the problems they created instead of making them worse. It would be horrible to see a game that many love and have followed for so long go down because of simple fixes they could have made in certain areas.

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I really do hope they attempt to actually fix the problems they created instead of making them worse. It would be horrible to see a game that many love and have followed for so long go down because of simple fixes they could have made in certain areas.

I have only played for 2 months butvreally love the game play, even drop a few bucks into it. But such a shame what they are doing to it

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I went though the starchart again just for fun and just enjoying slowly levelling my weapons to match enemies and well i did have fun but abysmal rewards just made me call it a day. From what ive experienced these are my suggestions

Mission Rewards:

T1 - T2 missions - 1- 10k credit with guarantee 1-10 common fusion core packs or random common mod pack 
T3 missions - 10 - 13k credit with guarantee 1- 5 uncommon fusion core packs or random uncommon mod pack, 

T4 missions - 13 - 15k credit with guarantee 1 - 3 rare fusion core pack or random rare mod pack, 
Void Missions: 10% credit reward, plus prime part and 5 pack of r5 or bundle of forma bp and resources to make forma, T4 built forma and resources

The higher the difficulty the closer you are to the limit. Apply rewards above to mission types below, you get the idea. All rewards are RNG

Captures - each capture increases reward 30%

Exterminate - xp multiplier based on tier ,20% increase per tier,

Spy - Unalerted rewards come in bundles of mods, credit, resources and keys, alerted: one of the four. All 3 unalerted 25% more credit reward, decreases by 5 % per alerted hack and 10% for failure.

Deception: adds T1: 5%, T2: 10%, T3- T4: 15% multiplier(credit, xp, resources) to next mission on that planet. effects last a day, stackable up to 3  for each kind, multiplier recieved is RNG, you can choose to activate or not. the whole stack is consumed on activation

Sabotage: reduce difficulty to next mission on that planet ( enemies lower health, lower damage, or less spawn ). If caches are present, comes in bundles between a fraction of mission credit, resources, mod packs or key packs. effects last a day, stackable up to 2 of each kind, reduced difficulty applied is RNG, you can choose which stack to activate or. the whole stack is consumed on activation

Survival: Every 10 mins get multiplier to credit and xp and back up, 5 min rewards come in bundles between resources, mod packs, credit or key packs

Defence:  Every 10 waves get multiplier to credit and xp and back up, 5 waves rewards come in packs instead of just one mod or key

Crossfire: Double the XP

Hive: Reduced difficulty of next infested mission (less health, less damage, less variety). Stackable, last for a day, Mutation received is RNG. Once activated who stack is consumed

Mobile Defence: Each console hack adds more credit or mod packs to reward

Interception: With each round, you get back up, rewards come in bundles of 2, between resources, mod pack, key pack or credit

Hijack: Guarantee 2 - 3 bundles worth of credit, resources, mods, and keys

Excavation: Guarantee bundle of all planet's resources and either packs of mods or keys per excavation. 

Rescue: 25%: T2, 50%: T3 - T4 :75% credit reward increase based on difficulty, extra mod pack for killing all wardens

Assassinate: each boss drops a random market BP of that faction to help player to advance to next tier.

Dark Sectors: % of credit reward taken off, adds bonus multipliers

Alerts: boost mission rewards by 50%, enemies are 20% stronger ( health, damage, armor, speed ) 

Would this be making the game too easy or does it sound fair? 

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I went though the starchart again just for fun and just enjoying slowly levelling my weapons to match enemies and well i did have fun but abysmal rewards just made me call it a day. From what ive experienced these are my suggestions

Mission Rewards:

T1 - T2 missions - 1- 10k credit with guarantee 1-10 common fusion core packs or random common mod pack 

T3 missions - 10 - 13k credit with guarantee 1- 5 uncommon fusion core packs or random uncommon mod pack, 

T4 missions - 13 - 15k credit with guarantee 1 - 3 rare fusion core pack or random rare mod pack, 

Void Missions: 10% credit reward, plus prime part and 5 pack of r5 or bundle of forma bp and resources to make forma, T4 built forma and resources

The higher the difficulty the closer you are to the limit. Apply rewards above to mission types below, you get the idea. All rewards are RNG

Captures - each capture increases reward 30%

Exterminate - xp multiplier based on tier ,20% increase per tier,

Spy - Unalerted rewards come in bundles of mods, credit, resources and keys, alerted: one of the four. All 3 unalerted 25% more credit reward, decreases by 5 % per alerted hack and 10% for failure.

Deception: adds T1: 5%, T2: 10%, T3- T4: 15% multiplier(credit, xp, resources) to next mission on that planet. effects last a day, stackable up to 3  for each kind, multiplier recieved is RNG, you can choose to activate or not. the whole stack is consumed on activation

Sabotage: reduce difficulty to next mission on that planet ( enemies lower health, lower damage, or less spawn ). If caches are present, comes in bundles between a fraction of mission credit, resources, mod packs or key packs. effects last a day, stackable up to 2 of each kind, reduced difficulty applied is RNG, you can choose which stack to activate or. the whole stack is consumed on activation

Survival: Every 10 mins get multiplier to credit and xp and back up, 5 min rewards come in bundles between resources, mod packs, credit or key packs

Defence:  Every 10 waves get multiplier to credit and xp and back up, 5 waves rewards come in packs instead of just one mod or key

Crossfire: Double the XP

Hive: Reduced difficulty of next infested mission (less health, less damage, less variety). Stackable, last for a day, Mutation received is RNG. Once activated who stack is consumed

Mobile Defence: Each console hack adds more credit or mod packs to reward

Interception: With each round, you get back up, rewards come in bundles of 2, between resources, mod pack, key pack or credit

Hijack: Guarantee 2 - 3 bundles worth of credit, resources, mods, and keys

Excavation: Guarantee bundle of all planet's resources and either packs of mods or keys per excavation. 

Rescue: 25%: T2, 50%: T3 - T4 :75% credit reward increase based on difficulty, extra mod pack for killing all wardens

Assassinate: each boss drops a random market BP of that faction to help player to advance to next tier.

Dark Sectors: % of credit reward taken off, adds bonus multipliers

Alerts: boost mission rewards by 50%, enemies are 20% stronger ( health, damage, armor, speed ) 

Would this be making the game too easy or does it sound fair? 

It sounds fair alright, I just want the bonus EXP on my unused weapons. That's one of the primary reasons people do repfarm.

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Guys, give up, they wont give us more creds, because they are just as greedy as any other gaming company. They teased with a great game and now that the community is built up, they will push more and more grind into our face, until the game is 0 fun, unless you spend plat to rush everything.


They also wont answer any pleas or questions, because there is no excuse and no reason for that beyond greed. Unless ofc you are as brilliant as EA who stated for Dungeon Keeper Mobile that they might have innovated too much.

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Guys, give up, they wont give us more creds, because they are just as greedy as any other gaming company. They teased with a great game and now that the community is built up, they will push more and more grind into our face, until the game is 0 fun, unless you spend plat to rush everything.


They also wont answer any pleas or questions, because there is no excuse and no reason for that beyond greed. Unless ofc you are as brilliant as EA who stated for Dungeon Keeper Mobile that they might have innovated too much.

I believe in DE. They done great before.

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I believe in DE. They done great before.

one can only believe at this point, tbh it feels like and looks like the community is already divided to the point where DE wouldnt even know who to believe anymore. we all have to come together somehow and help each other out or DE brings us all together, and we can all put this game back together, its still in "beta" lol means its not dead yet. i personally believe that a game is a reflection of both its developers and player base. the way it is right now the starchart means nothing but a farm for resources, and that went into the void as well. the technical end game was introduced too early without fixing the broken mechanics first and now its bleeding into everything in the game including new content.

THIS CAN BE FIXED with time, because the damage is already done, poison already in both Devs and community. Hope everyone realizes before its too late, i love the concept and the potential in this game and it would be a real shame if it just ends with Warlord Lotus, commanding her tenno farmers to ravage the universe for resources and fuel her conquest to rule the universe and the tenno either slowly dying off in despair remembering the days when they were space ninjas providing balance to the universe, accepting their fate as farmers and become loyal subjects, or becoming the vanguard of the Lotus.. oh wait. xD We cant forget about the hermits and sages that still do the space ninja thing but just in secret because they are off the old ways and are not welcomed by the farmers, the new tenno so lost and confused slowly being assimilated into the ways of the farm/ grind and the collectors those whose main motivations is to know and have everything but is no way involved in the conquests of the Lotus.

Coming to Update 17: Tenno Civil War. They have introduced pvp 2.0. you never know XD. The sentients remind the tenno who they really are, Space ninjas with space magic, look at chroma he was being a space ninja going around the start chart kicking grineer, corpus and at the end tenno &#! xD, Cephelon Simaris just wants to document and keep everyone in his museum, and well Lotus.. to me just feels like some warlord telling me what to do since she saved me once, has not shown herself at all, tells me to kill these people because its a treat to her idea of "balance" , keeps telling me i have reinforcements on the way and they never come, and her lone tenno operatives taking 5 mins or when everything is already dead to find loot that i already have or dont care for as much most of the time occasionally they find something good, occasionally. Lotus has a lot of explaining to do. There are also syndicates that are NGF most of the time, so more civil war, time to make our own tenno strongholds on planets, Fight one another and see who gets to control the balance of the universe. Who better lead the Civil War other than Excalibro Prime himself after the Sentients bring im to Avalon ,giving him a new name and restoring him to his true prime where his powers was most strong and now with his powers returned and reworked he will bring down the one who has led the Tenno astray, The Lotus. im just having way too much fun imagining how fun this would be.

Do it DE this can be your cover to fix the game and do the whole x-men days of future past thing where you negate but never forget all the bad things that have happen and have warframe be "reborn". We retain all our knowledge, our progress and our stuff but we go back to the beginning show us how you wanted warframe to be. Now I can believe. xD

DE pls

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one can only believe at this point, tbh it feels like and looks like the community is already divided to the point where DE wouldnt even know who to believe anymore. we all have to come together somehow and help each other out or DE brings us all together, and we can all put this game back together, its still in "beta" lol means its not dead yet. i personally believe that a game is a reflection of both its developers and player base. the way it is right now the starchart means nothing but a farm for resources, and that went into the void as well. the technical end game was introduced too early without fixing the broken mechanics first and now its bleeding into everything in the game including new content.

THIS CAN BE FIXED with time, because the damage is already done, poison already in both Devs and community. Hope everyone realizes before its too late, i love the concept and the potential in this game and it would be a real shame if it just ends with Warlord Lotus, commanding her tenno farmers to ravage the universe for resources and fuel her conquest to rule the universe and the tenno either slowly dying off in despair remembering the days when they were space ninjas providing balance to the universe, accepting their fate as farmers and become loyal subjects, or becoming the vanguard of the Lotus.. oh wait. xD We cant forget about the hermits and sages that still do the space ninja thing but just in secret because they are off the old ways and are not welcomed by the farmers, the new tenno so lost and confused slowly being assimilated into the ways of the farm/ grind and the collectors those whose main motivations is to know and have everything but is no way involved in the conquests of the Lotus.

Coming to Update 17: Tenno Civil War. They have introduced pvp 2.0. you never know XD. The sentients remind the tenno who they really are, Space ninjas with space magic, look at chroma he was being a space ninja going around the start chart kicking grineer, corpus and at the end tenno ! xD, Cephelon Simaris just wants to document and keep everyone in his museum, and well Lotus.. to me just feels like some warlord telling me what to do since she saved me once, has not shown herself at all, tells me to kill these people because its a treat to her idea of "balance" , keeps telling me i have reinforcements on the way and they never come, and her lone tenno operatives taking 5 mins or when everything is already dead to find loot that i already have or dont care for as much most of the time occasionally they find something good, occasionally. Lotus has a lot of explaining to do. There are also syndicates that are NGF most of the time, so more civil war, time to make our own tenno strongholds on planets, Fight one another and see who gets to control the balance of the universe. Who better lead the Civil War other than Excalibro Prime himself after the Sentients bring im to Avalon ,giving him a new name and restoring him to his true prime where his powers was most strong and now with his powers returned and reworked he will bring down the one who has led the Tenno astray, The Lotus. im just having way too much fun imagining how fun this would be.

Do it DE this can be your cover to fix the game and do the whole x-men days of future past thing where you negate but never forget all the bad things that have happen and have warframe be "reborn". We retain all our knowledge, our progress and our stuff but we go back to the beginning show us how you wanted warframe to be. Now I can believe. xD

DE pls

Ayyy Warframe Civil war sounds nice

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It comes to my attention that every efficient farming method that players come up with always nerfed by DE. I don't blame them, seeing their reasons is they want us to play the game as it is, not pressing a button and all. 

Actually they want us all to click a button, rush, bundle, PA, new weapons, even trading

They nerf our farming because otherwise when were getting stuff for free at reasonable rate theres less reasons to spend plat and thus less reasons to buy it.

Edited by Davoodoo
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