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End Of Rushing, New Type Of Units In Game...


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Best way to deal with rushers( and at the same time more variety to Grineer)... create an elite team of that particular faction... my idea for grineer was a team of 8 grineer dressed in black with mean looking helmet eyes instead of circle. Nickname them the Eight Ball (For example) with a special pattern on each of the shoulders showing what they are skilled at. Make them the Anti-Tenno unit that hunts Tenno. Booby trap the artifact mission. Like the artifact gives off a false signal which causes Lotus to send you. You reach it you touch it explodes you into the door behind you which activates a laser trap that knocks you forward again on the floor then one of the Eight Ball members with a missle launcher shows up on the floor above while your shield is at 0 and blast you, moment you get up the door on the other side opens and a Eight Ball member with a Sniper appears and goes for a head shot. Meanwhile another 8 Ball Member sets up turrets in the room before to take down your shields from all directions. More likely the guy who rushed ahead to the artifact is dead from the barrage causing heavy, and sniper to go back to fight the others. If one of the Tenno had been left behind have his path cut off with a Red Lock Down and force him to battle a Melee Specialist Eight Ball Member to the death to escape the room with his code. All the while the other two remaining that had left the other behind and now trapt in a barrage of turret fire have the remaining Eight Ball members move in on their position with all types of fancy tactics, tricks, weaponry, and traps...


Meaning if you rush there is a chance you will Blue Falcon(Screw your team over) your team into an ambush of an elite Anti-Tenno Unit that will pick you off one by one.


Don't put them in every mission just make them a chance event that could occur during a mission so that a team of four tenno are more cautious in their decisions. Do you want to be left behind with a chance for a epic lock down duel? do you want to run ahead and be barraged to death? Do you wan to be the two in-between buddies that get barraged from all directions?


If your prepared and working together from the start you can be more prepared for an ambush. If you rush, or split up good chance is you will be ambushed Edit: and killed...

Edited by Arlayn
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Yes but if he touches an artifact that explodes and blast him into a laser door, or just simply blast him into a wall the heavy Elite grineer with a missle launcher and elite sniper grineer would be able to see him again and barrage him to death...

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Simplier solution is just to ramp up the difficulty.  Seriously the game is just too easy which opens up the opportunity to rush.  I mean why worry about teamwork, taking cover, etc when level 10-20 Mobs die in one hit to a level 5 unmodded shotgun?  Also why worry about rushing past an enemy when you know you can leave them in the dust in seconds?


Prime example.  Soon as the team runs into multiple Heavy Griner or Ancients, unless they can be easily bypassed the rush always grinds to a halt because up to a point they are generally challenging to solo much less take on 3-4 at once. 


So just make each MoB 3x as hard to deal with and I can guarentee you people will slow down.

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Simplier solution is just to ramp up the difficulty.  Seriously the game is just too easy which opens up the opportunity to rush.  I mean why worry about teamwork, taking cover, etc when level 10-20 Mobs die in one hit to a level 5 unmodded shotgun?  Also why worry about rushing past an enemy when you know you can leave them in the dust in seconds?


Prime example.  Soon as the team runs into multiple Heavy Griner or Ancients, unless they can be easily bypassed the rush always grinds to a halt because up to a point they are generally challenging to solo much less take on 3-4 at once. 


So just make each MoB 3x as hard to deal with and I can guarentee you people will slow down.

What is 3x as hard though? Making enemies take/do 3x more damage just makes things more bullet spongey and boring.

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My question is how is a team of four *average* players going to beat something like that?


Plus if you wanted to rush with it just cloak before hitting the artifact. The duration would be long enough to get back up again and then run away. 


Currently the best stop to rushers is the two man doors, so if you really want to stop a rusher just implement more features like that.

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The two man doors do not work that well yet infact I feel sorry for some of the people that got stuck behind those doors and can't finish the mission because there is another set of double man doors ahead. This happened to me in a mission once. Me and another opened the two man door I went through he couldn't. I decided to run ahead found another two man door. I couldn't open it without him and he couldn't reach me. He ended up leaving which I felt bad about because we were doing so good on the alert. I managed to finish it alone but still felt awful...

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My question is how is a team of four *average* players going to beat something like that?


Plus if you wanted to rush with it just cloak before hitting the artifact. The duration would be long enough to get back up again and then run away. 


Currently the best stop to rushers is the two man doors, so if you really want to stop a rusher just implement more features like that.

Think of it this way... four man team can take down Jackal... four man team can take down the mysterious man in black... (Stalker) Why is it a four man team cannot take down 8 elite enemies? I mean it seems weird we have these one enemy bosses that are walking bullet sponges with no real difficulty because we can have four guys gang up on them and torture them all day as if they were masochist to pain and come out to fight the four man tenno team for some sick sadistic pleasure... I mean seriously?


We have already one random enemy that attacks us solo and we have already over come that one. We should have elite enemy units (don't care the number just more then 3) that come after you randomly. This would make people stick together to take them. If everyone were in a artifact room then only one of them would be getting the smack down or not at all depending on how the other three in he room handle the two that are ambushing them. Then run to the exit while the other 6 chase them down unless one of them falls behind and falls into a trap where he/she has to duel with one of them causing the other three to flee to the end. Besides you have 4 revives within those 4 you should be able to take them down with 1 or no deaths at all, plus you can be revived if your team reaches you in time. This just means more strategy... Ever played Touhou?

 That game required the worlds most precise dodging ability in existence (Edit: and yet people beat it). You know you can back flip, and roll, and even block in warframe right? This easily allows us to move out of the path of attacks, keep on the move, get behind cover... 4 proper players would easily be able to handle them. Plus this would be random chance, should have low chance though but still possible. Fun, dangerous, and requires players to think more on the go. Have them only show up on full teams though as in all 4 are there though.


Edit: lets not forget how rewarding it would feel if you did beat all 8 of them...

Edited by Arlayn
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The problem isn't slow people.

The problem isn't normal paced people.

The problem isn't rushers.

The problem is when a group of slow people gets a rusher.

The problem is when a group of normal paced people get a rusher or a slow person.

The problem is when a group of rushers gets a slow person.


The notion of additional tougher units is a great idea, but is unrelated to fast pace or slow paced players.


What people fail to grasp when they offer up, making the game harder as a tool to slow a rusher down, this also slows the slow people down even more.  So as both become slower, the desparity between speed has not changed.


If you're concerned about people playing at a different rate than you, be it faster or slower, then don't play online, its very simple.  You've made a decision to play online and accept that you might not get a teammate who plays like you, is similar to your skill level, uses skills, helps with objectives, rezzes etc.  These are all things you accept anytime you select online mode.  Stating otherwise is blatant disregard of reality, you are being just as selfish in this regard as anyone who plays differently than you.  You are just as much the problem as you are the solution, and the same goes for them.

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I literally couldn't read anymore after "the game makes you touch something that stunlocks you until you die". I mean, I had to struggle to get past "mean helmet eyes" and then I actually threw up after "eight ball".

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Think of it this way... four man team can take down Jackal... four man team can take down the mysterious man in black... (Stalker) Why is it a four man team cannot take down 8 elite enemies? I mean it seems weird we have these one enemy bosses that are walking bullet sponges with no real difficulty because we can have four guys gang up on them and torture them all day as if they were masochist to pain and come out to fight the four man tenno team for some sick sadistic pleasure... I mean seriously?


Think of it this way... A single, experienced player can take down jackal. A single, experienced player can take down stalker. Why can a single, experienced player not take down 8 elite enemies?

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The problem isn't slow people.

The problem isn't normal paced people.

The problem isn't rushers.

The problem is when a group of slow people gets a rusher.

The problem is when a group of normal paced people get a rusher or a slow person.

The problem is when a group of rushers gets a slow person.


The notion of additional tougher units is a great idea, but is unrelated to fast pace or slow paced players.


What people fail to grasp when they offer up, making the game harder as a tool to slow a rusher down, this also slows the slow people down even more.  So as both become slower, the desparity between speed has not changed.


If you're concerned about people playing at a different rate than you, be it faster or slower, then don't play online, its very simple.  You've made a decision to play online and accept that you might not get a teammate who plays like you, is similar to your skill level, uses skills, helps with objectives, rezzes etc.  These are all things you accept anytime you select online mode.  Stating otherwise is blatant disregard of reality, you are being just as selfish in this regard as anyone who plays differently than you.  You are just as much the problem as you are the solution, and the same goes for them.

So basicly every time you have randomly joined a team you had players leveling gear, or players who didn't understand how to play... while 95% of the time had GREAT players join up with me who could easily take down an elite unit of 8 when working together.


Not my fault you haven't been teamed up with great players often... so its not about reality its chances... so basically you have the chance to win, or the chance to lose its like life...


It isn't being selfish its to make the game MORE FUN by adding a system that would add more units, add a great event in game, add a great anti-rushing system vastly superior to laser doors, and the most dysfunctional anti rusher system the two man door which ticks me off every time it ruins a game for others in a completely UNFAIR FASHION BASED SOLEY ON THE FACT ITS A GLITCH IN GAME!!! They have done several fixes in the game and the two man door is still the most glitchy and dangerous device in the game that has been there for awhile but still more dysfunctional then Ash getting stuck with teleport... There is no reason that two man door should have glitches still its a two man door why does it act like an invisible door some times? Maybe its an unfixable bug there... replace it with more traps, and enemies that ambush you, not run out doors and go "I think we have them surrounded" and epically fail at it... I mean doesn't it seem odd the enemies do the same thing over and over and it just makes them look like their cloning has made them stupid beyond reason that they wouldn't increase difficulty at random? Heck I would prefer it if they brought back Nervos that was one of the best anti-rushers in the game and it was fun to help others out shoot those things off, nothing wrong with dyeing with one of those things on you.


An elite unit ambushing you would not slow down the game for all four, just maybe for one person while the other three run for their lives or give them all something fun to fight instead of the usual group of idiots...

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Stuff - snip




Sorry the elite units would not slow me down.  And yes, most people I play with are not as good as me.  I don't complain, when I'm in online mode, I help where I can, otherwise I'm in private games with friends who play with a similar mindset.  Be it slow and leveling, rushing, whichever we decide.  That is why the private setting is there.


Also, this just in, your supposed twist of saying its not reality its chances, thats exactly the reality, you are taking the chance, how could you possibly not have understood that, even as you explained it back, then disregarded your own words and mine.


It is that exact type of thought or rather lack of that makes this a problem, because you can not comprehend my bolded lines.  Instead you want to live in a false reality and force everyone to play the way you want to play, not just in private or solo where you can make these determinations by who you have in your games or not in your games, but extend this to online play.  You are exactly what the real problem is.

Edited by Enot83
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Stop picking Rhino . 


Rushing is a legit tactic, your space ninjas for god sake, if you want to run at ultra high-speeds to pass all the enemies then do it .


Basically stop trying to take out a way some people like because YOU don't like it and don't have friends to play with; and go play Solo .

Edited by Maikky
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something I am God something etc etc....

What... I don't speak giant ego...


You said reality and said everything I was saying would be against the games flow slowing down players. How, and you never explained which reality? It wouldn't slow down just bring everyone together for a more fun cause...



Who the hell do you people think you are to hog up the entire game for yourselves?  How would you like it if someone just told you to go play in your miss turtle pool if you don't like rushing?


No hogging intended its just to make it more fun... would asking for a plasma rifle be made for the game be hogging to myself... no... it just be more fun...

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