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Loki And Nova Are Too Op. They Must Be Nerfed


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hey OP, its time to leave mercury... there is more challenging missions out there that I'm sure you'll love to play.


I would suggest starting out on a venus exterminate, dont move too fast though, the motion blur might hurt your eyes.


okay serious time now: you're hilarious. yes, lets nerf a utility frame and the only nuker frame we have right now so that we cant actually play endless missions.


my suggestions


make loki's RD only has a 5% chance to stagger targets, remove the disarm... oh and dont forget to reduce the damage it deals to 15 magnetic damage at max rank, uneffected by power STR, since we dont want it to be OP or anything.


for nova? make enemies deal 100% extra radiation damage while under the effect of MP, remove the slow, and only make them explode if you deal exactly 752 points of over kill damage.




stop with the nerf calls. you dont like  the frame, play solo and you'll never see it, get a clan that doesnt like them, or make your own Cells in recruiting and dont ask for them.

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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

games too hard? try a lobotomy i hear its a good way to make life a challege

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Oh please, can we get over those petty little fights?


Warframe has itself driven into a dilemma where the only answer to a challenge is either Nullifiers, constant energy drain or level 100 hitscan grineer.


And since nullifiers are only in Void and Corpus maps, there are only high level grineer left with all their knockdowns and bleedprocs. And the meta answer is often just loki rendering them useless or nova bringing the game to a halt.


What do both have in common? Cast 4 and forget. Virtually no other frame can singlehandly control the game that hard that easy without any drawbacks.


Yes, nova is glassy like hell, but so are other frames since shields don't do as much as they used to be.


And it gets worse the higher we go.


Simply nerfing those abilities won't solve the whole problem of scaling in warframe, but it would bring them down a bit to the others.

People have to understand that snaring enemies without duration is broken.


And since warframe has a meta, it's important that this meta is as healthy as possible or we have a very narrow speartip of items/frames that are viable for infinite level enemies.


We don't want to steal others their lolly. It's about a better game, not broken mechanics rendering challenge a joke everytime and causing other frames to suffer from the consequences that enemies are getting more and more ridiculous.

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Every warframe can be overpowered given the Jiggys and time. Just because two warframes tend to both be overused and have very good (Not the best) powers that are often preferred for high level play doesn't mean that they are, in fact, overpowered. That is just you being bored and not choosing to play with people whom aren't Lokis.


Maybe, in the future, you could, and hear me out now this is very scary, ask >>>>>>NICELY<<<<<< for the person you're playing with to switch off of Loki and Nova for a little more challenge in your repetitive farming. Scary, right?

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Sure, in the current situation (everony happy about the new patch) another nerf would be a great idea.

Why not remove all skills from all frames ?

Remove all weapons except one.

Remove all enemies except one.

Balancing finished.


The nerf this, nerf that community will be the thing that kills that game in long term ....

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Every warframe can be overpowered given the Jiggys and time. Just because two warframes tend to both be overused and have very good (Not the best) powers that are often preferred for high level play doesn't mean that they are, in fact, overpowered. That is just you being bored and not choosing to play with people whom aren't Lokis.


Maybe, in the future, you could, and hear me out now this is very scary, ask >>>>>>NICELY<<<<<< for the person you're playing with to switch off of Loki and Nova for a little more challenge in your repetitive farming. Scary, right?

I'm sorry but this is naive and not true at all. Formas can't fix broken mechanics.


And again it's not about hating other people for their choices... hek do people even read what I write?


If it weren't meant for me, then I'm sorry.

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Sure, in the current situation (everony happy about the new patch) another nerf would be a great idea.

Why not remove all skills from all frames ?

Remove all weapons except one.

Remove all enemies except one.

Balancing finished.


The nerf this, nerf that community will be the thing that kills that game in long term ....

Perhaps, not kill the game but will certainly make lots of players move away from this game.  I could understand a tweak here and there.  But this nerf thing is getting out of control already.

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I'm sorry but this is naive and not true at all. Formas can't fix broken mechanics.


And again it's not about hating other people for their choices... hek do people even read what I write?


If it weren't meant for me, then I'm sorry.


It was meant for the OP. No harm done.


Jiggys can't fully fix broken mechanics, but they create comfort for the player to both be useful and use the frame they love, such as the case for Excal and Ember.

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So you are saying when its boring when used both at the same time? Then play with other frames or join a different squad. Also ever heard of synergy? Remember this is a co-op game. Working together is supposed to make it easier.

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Nerfs invalidate player's fun.  They invalidate the money spent for that fun.  The fact is that a lot of us have fun with what others in their opinion call invalidating or excessive.   Why should the rest of us have our excesses and other fun nerfed because the lot of nerfers demand it?


Lets not abuse math here.  Math doesn't call anything OP or not-OP.  OP is not a number.  People decide if something is OP or not, it's not the math that they use that makes the decision.  And, there is no other way to quantify without math.  Math is quantification in all it's simplicity and complexity.


What the abilities truly are is irrelevant because we are driven to play games because of our opinions on reality.  So the idea that there is some common ground around absolute reality here is a false idea.  That's not the way opinions work.  Beef is protein rich doesn't mean that all life forms like consuming beef, or that it's good for all life forms to consume beef, or the opposite, any more than X ability destroys Y enemy in Z seconds means that everyone will be entertained by nerfs to X, Y, or Z.  It's a fallicy that reality makes any universal imposition on opinion.


It's scare mongering to bring Excal's butchering into this.  It doesn't justify the OP at all and it doesn't invalidate our opinion of fun.  "Accept some nerf to your fun or DE will totally nerf your fun."  It is just scare mongering, not a discussion at all.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

Oh joy, more people whining about things that are perfectly fine and trying to ruin it for the rest of us

Edited by NocturneOfSolace
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I play Nova a lot, and I wouldn't take my toys and go home if she got a (reasonable) nerf. Every time I play her I am astonished at how easy she makes most content while in groups. 


That said, Defense missions are not the best weather-vain by which to test the wind. A lot of frames have powerful abilities that cause immense damage in their vicinity. In most missions, enemies are widely spread out, everyone may be in slightly different locations on the map, and there's plenty of room for everyone to flex their muscles. 

In Defense, everyone ends up clustered in the same area, and suddenly all of those Ultimate abilities are overlapping. Some of them, in that situation, will seem better than others. I would actually argue that Mesa makes Defense missions more boring than Nova or Loki do, but that's neither here nor there. The point is, in a situation where everyone is fighting the same enemies in the same location, people are going to step on each-other's toes and 'steal' each other's kills or render their own abilities less effective, because their warframe is just not as effective when dealing with large groups of mobs. 


I actually think a lot of this would be more easily solved by changing the way Defense works in the void, at least at T3 and T4. If there were two adjacent areas (relatively open between them) with two separate Cryopods to defend, then it would force the team to spread out. They could assist each other but their ultimate abilities would not overlap so much, allowing more people to contribute to the fight, and also force the players to think more tactically about how they defend.

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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

I knew without reading you were in for it OP.

Nova's MP should lose the explosion on death thing, and give it to Null Star. That way Nova still has all the tools she needs to survive (she's pretty squishy) without causing Rhino and Valkyr players to practically fall asleep playing. It would also help DE not have to ridiculously buff the enemies to provide some semblance of unavoidable challenge, which is something a lot of people in this thread aren't considering.

Loki's a little bit different in my opinion. He's one of the chief examples of a problem that plagues all the frame balance in this game: the mods being unbalanced. Without all the ability mods, Loki's actually a ton of fun to play. But once factored in, he becomes a permanently invisible player who's only fear is that other players get too close, or he becomes an insanely ranged disarm player who takes all the shooting out of the shooter. Corrupted mods shouldn't be able to stack with the base versions, and three of the mod types (efficiency, duration, and range) break the energy system and make a lot of abilities seem OP. This means players who don't have the mods can be crushed by unwarrented nerfs to frames that basically make them a requirement, or everyone can be hurt by enemies clearly designed to prevent these setups from having it too easy (and consequently hurting everyone else, as what happened with Parasites and Nullifiers), or DE can throw their hands up and accept they can't challenge us. Alternatively, DE could nerf those mods.

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Probably would help with at least with the loki invisibility problem if there were enemy units or abilities that directly counter invisibility. 

Like give drahks the ability to sniff out and tackle invisible players and break the ability. Use sapping osprey's pulse mines to temporarily make loki's visible while in the field. Or just getting knocked down would break invisibilty. That way the ability itself isnt nerfed, but it can't just be used with impunity either like it is now.

Edited by (PS4)VariantX7
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So you are saying when its boring when used both at the same time? Then play with other frames or join a different squad. Also ever heard of synergy? Remember this is a co-op game. Working together is supposed to make it easier.

Yeah, "easer", but not trivial.


Where is no "battle", when bunch of eneimes without guns (permanent) slowly crawling around, fighting each over and taking additional damage.



Is it really okey in fast-paced shooter? Where is "fun", when we just turn enemies into punchbags? How long can anyone just stand in one place and spam "4", before he quit?

Edited by letir
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Yeah, "easer", but not trivial.


Where is no "battle", when bunch of eneimes without guns (permanent) slowly crawling around, fighting each over and taking additional damage.



Is it really okey in fast-paced shooter? Where is "fun", when we just turn enemies into punchbags? How long can anyone just stand in one place and spam "4", before he quit?

This is the same argument as the rush versus the ingest the scenery players. Very different groups who are given tools to let them play as such, but one group (typically the slow or nerf all the things) insists on ignoring their tools in favor of whining about the other guy. I would suggest if you feel the random pubbie with their Nova is an issue, use recruitment to get a fast nova. Now the enemies are coming at you much better.


Stop worrying about how others play the noncompetitive portion of the game, and start making some friends who share your opinion. I know there are at least 12 of you that felt it necessary to post on the forums, find their names in the calls for a nerf thread and set up a clan that plays as you want.

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Anybody who wants nerfs can play Chroma, or Excal, or.....


However, those of us who want to play with stuff like Disarm or Mprime, don't have other choices.  So, leave our fun alone and please feel free to go on and enjoy all the luscious nerf DE has already made available for those who want nerf.


Incidentally, If some people consider Loki fun without mods then why do they ruin their fun by putting mods on him?

Edited by ThePresident777
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Don't really get this post. Most warframes have some OP skill that is best applied in certain situations. Trinity gives 95% damage reduction, Banshee gives 500% damage multiplier and locks down the whole map, Frost's shield is invincible for 4 seconds each cast, and that's just the more obvious examples. 

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I just want to play my guns and space magic game, there are plenty of shooter + melee games out there. Why does Warframe need to be brought down to their level? Its like breeding apples to taste like pears, you already have pears, why do you need to mess up apples with your pollen that you can't contain to yourself?


Go google free shooter and join in on one of them, if you want mostly shooting with some magic, a game with the abbreviation GA will work for you. Its even open world with pvp so you can show your skills.

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For the millionth time, this game doesn't feature the necessary A.I to allow us to play fair.


Enemies cheat, we cheat. That's how it goes. You're too dumb if you can't see that.


If people would stop rendering the game useless they would actually notice that enemies take cover, await you at certain spots and so on.


The unfair part is, that you can't dodge mechanics like hitscan for example. There is literally nothing you can do if high level grineer shot you, because they hit you no matter how fast you are, no matter what you do. That I can agree on. Otherwise I think it's just a cheap excuse for people beeing lazy.


But yes, those problems needs to be attended too.

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