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No Lightning Effect On Ps4 Edo Prime.


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Basically what title says. When channeling the PC Edo Prime, accordingly to the feedback i saw in a thread here yesterday, it creates lightning effects around its user, very similar to what the ability 'Speed' does on volt, nothing that would affect performance since we have this effect on Volt's speed, on PS4.


Now, after reading that feedback i was all excited to try that myself and give a little bit of lightning to my frames that aren't volt, but nope. No, not us consolites. For us the Edo Prime has the very same effect of the Tagris: What seems to be energy steam that turns into energy particle when channeled. Now, that makes sense on the Tagris, since all of its pieces have some sort of vent from where the steam comes out, on the Edo, on the other hand, that feels and looks VERY out of place. I'd post screenshots but i don't know how, nevertheless it should be easy enough to picture with the description i gave, other ps4 users can confirm that as well.


So DE, can we please get a fix for that?


Appreciate it.


From someone who bought every single PA so far.

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It doesn't have the lightning effect? That's got to be a bug, hopefully.

It doesn't, and the steam effect also covers the whole amor making it nigh impossible to see when channeled, since it's smaller and like half as 'bulky' as the Tagris. The reason I came up with is that they threw this effect into one of your latest updates but forgot to on ours, or something of the sort. :s

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