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Weapon Balance My Opinions


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I'm only going to focus on 2 weapons ...... but there are a lot of others that are not balanced at all.



Latron Wraith vs Braton Prime


How come a fully automatic weapon like Braton has the same accuracy as a medium range semi-automatic sniper like Latron?!


I have both .... but tell me ...why would I use Latron Wraith instead of using Braton Prime?  Braton has a larger magazine and the dps is the same, so better sustained dps.

More, even if the paper differently, Braton has better accuracy because you can shoot it without taking your finger of the mouse.



So ..... yeah ..... balance! if balance means .... take "this" weapon because is better.


and ....don't even start me about the bow ...... 9 DAMAGE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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You can be 1-shot with a bow from any distance in any part of your body. 

than their weapon information is S#&$ .... because ... knowing how Paris works in PvE ..... how much should I expect charging would increase the damage!?


In other words I have to randomly (a word that is very much loved by DE) chose a weapon from my arsenal and see how it goes?!

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Latron Wraith deals 7.2 more DPS than Braton Prime does.

Latron Wraith has a TTK of 1111.1ms on average.

Braton Prime has a TTK of 1041.6ms on average.

69.5ms faster for Braton Prime on average.

Latron Wraith is ~6 shots to Kill.

Braton Prime is ~10 shots to Kill.

Latron Wraith has 56.25% the RoF of Braton Prime. 43.75% less RoF.

Latron Wraith has 83.3% higher Damage per shot than Braton Prime.

Spread increase per Shot is a bigger deal for Braton Prime since it's an Assault Rifle. Spread increase per Shot is less of a problem with Latron Wraith due to it's much lower RoF. Latron Wraith also has much less Spread increase per Shot overall.

there's your real numbers instead of just being butthurt.

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also Bows deal a lot more Damage than they show as dealing. easily Killing Players in a single hit.

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Latron Wraith is ~6 shots to Kill.

Braton Prime is ~10 shots to Kill.


All of thsoe must go in the head, after shields, so what you said is true. (ok ... maybe in Volt .... you are right)


Good luck with that .... getting 4 shots in head when everyoen is coptering like crazy.


Unrelated ...... When I suggest stuff .... noone coments, but when I start ranting on the forum ..... a lot of people need to rant back :) .... wierd comunity.

Edited by nekrojiji
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All of thsoe must go in the head, after shields, so what you said is true. (ok ... maybe in Volt .... you are right)


Good luck with that .... getting 4 shots in head when everyoen is coptering like crazy.

If I can kill people with a Lex P with 3 body shots, then I doubt those were head shots.

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If I can kill people with a Lex P with 3 body shots, then I doubt those were head shots.

Yazeth is correct.

Lex Prime damage on single shot is 85. Can't say if it gets reduced by armor, but compensed with a #1 skill it can bodyshot in 2-3 hits. Headshots should allow 1.5x or 2x damage.


Also it's pretty easy to land Headshots on people turned toward you while exchanging shots.

Is it possible to get some screenshot for Latron Prime/Wrath and Braton Prime? It would help making more clear what's wrong. (Not that the problem is hard to detect, anyway).

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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All of thsoe must go in the head

i didn't include Headshots because that divides all Shots or Damage needed to kill evenly by two. (not 100% sure if Headshots are 1.5x or 2.0x, a Changelog mentioned making Crits consistent for all Weapons in PvP - but Crits don't exist in PvP, so i can only assume Headshots are Crits, and Crits were made to be 2x)

therefore you can easily calculate Headshots yourself.

all of my numbers are bodyshots. they also include Health AND Shields.

the average Health & Shields in PvP atm is 229. i'm using 225 for my numbers because it'll give less decimals.

Is it possible to get some screenshot for Latron Prime/Wrath and Braton Prime?


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Edited by taiiat
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