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Devstream #49 Overview


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Oh no.

Oh NO.

Did DE forget that the simplicity and ease of access of the old Charge Attacks is what we loved so much about them? Now they're going right ahead and implementing some into combo chains. This is literally what they were trying to do with melee 2.0 in the first place; making combos act as an effective replacement for the simple charge attacks of old.

Is "Charge Attack 2.0" just going to be an expansion of the melee system? 'Cause the melee system could definitely use some expansion, but we'd love to have the classic simple charge attacks to go with it.


I guess to balance "regular" charge attacks, you will stop all motion when doing them. Combo charge attacks will probably be shorter versions with actual movement.



^ That's what I would do, however the DE might have a super special way, like channeling... HINT HINT. I really hope charged channel attacks send out a projectile. ^.^ That would be so cool.

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I guess to balance "regular" charge attacks, you will stop all motion when doing them. Combo charge attacks will probably be shorter versions with actual movement.

^ That's what I would do, however the DE might have a super special way, like channeling... HINT HINT. I really hope charged channel attacks send out a projectile. ^.^ That would be so cool.

I don't want that at all. At least, I don't want it if it means that we won't be getting our simple, intuitive charge attacks back.

I feel this way because "replace charge attacks!" is what the devs wanted to do with Melee 2.0 in the first place, but the replacement was not needed when both systems could have seamlessly complemented each other in gameplay. I was hoping that the devs would literally just reintroduce the old charge attacks during both gun mode and melee mode, and tweak some multipliers around (for combos and charges) so that both are situationally viable. IMO, that would have been darn near perfect.

I was wondering why there was such a holdup when they first announced that they're bringing charge attacks back, but if it's "complex" and "implemented into combo chains", then I would hardly call them charge attacks. It just looks like an expansion of Melee 2.0 as we currently know it, except without the hope of ever seeing simple charge attacks.

I REALLY hope that I'm wrong on all this.

Edited by SortaRandom
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-Stay away from coptering it's been part of the game for ages and it gives mobility to slow frames. 

-Charge attacks need to be implemented carefully unless you want people to revert to the old style of building weapons for charge attacks and only charge attacks.

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If you actually watched the stream, Scott talked about how Radial Javelin has always been intended to use LOS. The old version functioned with it, remember?

The intention of R Javalin isnt whats  really important, it's usefullness/viability is, especially in regards to dmg v.s. energy consumption.

When Excalliburs R Blind is actually effective crowd control & R Javalin is actually an effective Dmg ability in the highest level content then we can say that any design changes are actually sucessfull and for the better.

As of now all the changes have only made Excal, a frame who already struggled in "Late Game" and reduced the number of enemies effected by his powers (including removing the 4x unaware dmg, which in my opinion hurt alot more than the community recognizes) less effective.

Counter ballence is needed.

I was gonna include some psudeo-clever line about " the road to hell paved with intentions" B.S. to but I just kept mentally replacing "intentions" with " smelly cheese" and visualizes yellow'ish bricks emitting wavey stink lines.


Edited by (XB1)MAXsandwich
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As of now all the changes have only made Excal, a frame who already struggled in "Late Game" and reduced the number of enemies effected by his powers (including removing the 4x unaware dmg, which in my opinion hurt alot more than the community recognizes) less effective.



Yep, he sucks. And I get the feeling DE wont stop until all frames suck equally.

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It also makes parkour pointless.


A bit to rash to say coptering makes parkour pointless... more like saves time running toward an objective >->


Also coptering =/= "directional melee" which is where why parkour walls does is pointless and needs a revisit.


Don't forget there some parkours that coptering or directional melee is pointless/useless (ex: Alternative route to one Spy Grineer rooms)


So no, it doesn't make entire parkour useless due to solely coptering...is between directional melee and fact wall running has little benefit (besides rare ocassion and special routes) to fast paced mission till Parkour 2.0 is out (which is needed soon)




I wonder. Why should slow frames even be as fast as fast frames?


So you'd rather wait for slow frames to reach to objective? Okay...

Edited by Fionntan
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Yep, he sucks. And I get the feeling DE wont stop until all frames suck equally.

Well... I think is more a matter of DE "fixing" a farming/exploit through the path of least resistance in the quickest, easiest way possible..  Excal being the poor chump it keeps happening to I think is just a matter of happenstance with a dash of DE not really caring/hesitating because, well since Excal Prime is/was founders only.. he's not money making sellable product, so they dont have to approach the matter cautiously, they can just quick-fix issues involving him by slappin him in the face with "intended" 

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So you'd rather wait for slow frames to reach to objective? Okay...


Speed is a part of balance. What´s the deal about that part of balance if you can nullify it with some tricks?


To answer your question directly, yes i would wait for my heavy gunner and squad members, maybe they are useful, who knows.


The real problem in this whole discussion is that people have ressentiments when it´s about coptering and stuff.

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Very disappointing that they are forcing Co-op onto their Solo-oriented players. 40% success rate because randoms do not listen, at all.


It's also disappointing that they did not select and answer my question, but I suppose there is always next time.


Looking forward to the Riot Moa. 

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Speed is a part of balance. What´s the deal about that part of balance if you can nullify it with some tricks?


To answer your question directly, yes i would wait for my heavy gunner and squad members, maybe they are useful, who knows.


The real problem in this whole discussion is that people have ressentiments when it´s about coptering and stuff.

I'm fine with balance, dont get me wrong. Just that focusing on just coptering is treating the symptom... if they focus one other stuff then I'll accept said changes. 


And by looks of it they do plan work on more than just coptering (ex: stamina), so I'm okay with it. I also agree some folks panic when coptering changes are mentioned :/ 

Edited by Fionntan
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"Is there a philosophy regarding Warframe balance at higher and lower levels?

Ideally, all frames will be viable at all levels. It has been recognized that utility powers are more useful than pure damage powers at higher levels. Changes are being re-viewed to these damage-based powers to add a way to make them useful. "


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Are you... are you even... nope, no point in arguing. Carry on.

Why are you even bother to reply then? 


  • The system of the Void key/reward system is what's being re-worked



Nope, no point in arguing. Carry on too. /sarcasm off

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Did they say anything about why Frost prime, Reaper prime, and Latron prime have been removed from the void drop ?


Wow, I forgot about that. No, they didn't mention it once, even in passing. How did they not touch on that? o.o

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