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Breaking The Reinforced Glass


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Make it so that when the reinforced glass gets broken, things start to get sucked out the window, it would be super radical and hype as S#&$ to have this happen.


Have it so that all stupid little ospray jerkfaces fly right outta there.


That would be so cool.

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One assumes Tenno would have some way around it. Though Steve did mention "Zero Gravity" so who knows, maybe some Dead Space style wall jumping?

I sure hope not.  The wall jumping mechanic in the first Dead Space irked the crap out of me.  Maybe something more akin to what they had in Dead Space 2, if that's manageable?  I don't really know the limitations of the engine, so I dunno if something like this is possible with the engine parameters.

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When the glass is broken it should stop ember from using any of her abilities and get rid of all the fire in the level if it's a fire level. Realism for the win brothers.


It would also stop frost, Saryn uber, maybe volts' attacks, and probably make excals' dash and jump very dangerous to use.

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Why would it stop frost? Ember yes because fire needs oxygen, but cold is coldest in space... though I suppose no moisture in the air.

If anything Volt's attacks would get more powerful since nothing would impede the electricity moving through the vacuum.

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Why would it stop frost? Ember yes because fire needs oxygen, but cold is coldest in space... though I suppose no moisture in the air.

If anything Volt's attacks would get more powerful since nothing would impede the electricity moving through the vacuum.


BWcause frost condenses vapors from air. And, how do you suppose the current would go through vacuum? Electricity doesn't quite work like that.

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thunderclaps are air parting around the electrical discharge then snapping back to fill the ensuing vacuum.


Electrical discharges follow the path of least resistance, in an atmosphere, that's air-moisture, in a vacuum that's anywhere. Electricity is energy, it doesn't require matter to travel, we simple use electrons in conductive metals as a control medium to direct electricity in a manner we desire.

Edited by MrGrae
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thunderclaps are air parting around the electrical discharge then snapping back to fill the ensuing vacuum.


Electrical discharges follow the path of least resistance, in an atmosphere, that's air-moisture, in a vacuum that's anywhere. Electricity is energy, it doesn't require matter to travel, we simple use electrons in conductive metals as a control medium to direct electricity in a manner we desire.


Vacuum is an insulator. The thunderbolts move through ionized air.

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Also, add some tactical value to breaking the window. Currently, it's almost always a bad decision, because it hurts you worse than it hurts enemies. I think there should be more balance so it becomes a decision than an avoid at all costs situation.

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Getting sucked out would be cool (or rather getting pulled toward the broken window by applying a vector force to all entities).


But low or zero gravity doesn't actually make any sense. Even when they mentioned it in the live stream it made no sense. Why would breaking a window in a space ship cause the artificial gravity to suddenly fail? The ship is clearly generating its own artificial gravity field. Breaking a window would create a vacuum, but it wouldn't somehow suck out gravity or turn it off. At worst it would pull you toward the pressure point.


I'm not against zero gravity at all in this game, I just don't think it makes sense why breaking a window, creating a vacuum, would cause gravity to stop existing.


(btw I realize artificial gravity is not real physics, but you still need to create a compelling or believable reason why breaking a window would cause artificial gravity to shut off)

Edited by gell
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Getting sucked out would be cool (or rather getting pulled toward the broken window by applying a vector force to all entities).


But low or zero gravity doesn't actually make any sense. Even when they mentioned it in the live stream it made no sense. Why would breaking a window in a space ship cause the artificial gravity to suddenly fail? The ship is clearly generating its own artificial gravity field. Breaking a window would create a vacuum, but it wouldn't somehow suck out gravity or turn it off. At worst it would pull you toward the pressure point.


I'm not against zero gravity at all in this game, I just don't think it makes sense why breaking a window, creating a vacuum, would cause gravity to stop existing.


(btw I realize artificial gravity is not real physics, but you still need to create a compelling or believable reason why breaking a window would cause artificial gravity to shut off)


Maybe artificial gravity thingies are that sensitive? Or maybe they shut of to prevent structural damage, because they need air dampening the effect or something.

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I'd like the vacuum effects to be consistent through all tiles with windows. At present only a couple of tiles have breakable windows. Most of them are unbreakable despite being visually the same sort of window. I'd like them all to be breakable so I can cause lockdown vacuums at will to stop pursuit from enemies. It would really help in soloing diff 5 maps.

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Maybe artificial gravity thingies are that sensitive? Or maybe they shut of to prevent structural damage, because they need air dampening the effect or something.


That was the only thing I could come up with but I couldn't even convince myself it was believable to shut off gravity for security. If anything, the opposite would make more sense to me (increasing gravity to keep things from getting sucked out).


On another note, why do we take damage when the windows break? Our shield and health diminish if we're in the room with the vacuum. It appears we already have our own breathing units inside our armor since every time we extract, we attach to the bottom of a ship that flies off into space. The only thing I could think of there was that when we attach to the ship, we're getting a life support system attached to us as well (imagine plugging into the matrix) that we don't have while running around the ship.  Okay one other reason might be the flying debris in the vacuous room is hitting us and damaging us little by little, but I doubt that's what DE had in mind...

Edited by gell
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The general idea of how sci-fi shields work is that they use energy to oppose force, correct? Well decompression causes the air to push against you with thousands of pounds of force. I don't want to do the math right now, but it's like a heavyweight boxer punching your entire body all at once. I think that would strip shields rather quickly, even if it wouldn't be that lethal, due to being spread out.

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I'd like the vacuum effects to be consistent through all tiles with windows. At present only a couple of tiles have breakable windows. Most of them are unbreakable despite being visually the same sort of window. I'd like them all to be breakable so I can cause lockdown vacuums at will to stop pursuit from enemies. It would really help in soloing diff 5 maps.


Stop pursuit and then keep you locked in during the process.

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The general idea of how sci-fi shields work is that they use energy to oppose force, correct? Well decompression causes the air to push against you with thousands of pounds of force. I don't want to do the math right now, but it's like a heavyweight boxer punching your entire body all at once. I think that would strip shields rather quickly, even if it wouldn't be that lethal, due to being spread out.


Well, the air looses density quickly, and since only one room gets decompressed (with the doors, locking), I guess the actual danger is to keep the warframe from having whatever liquids it has to just boil out. Similar to all live organisms (we assume that warframes are biotech and are counted towards that group), I guess the biggest danger in open space for them (aside from ionizing radiation, which also could be the point) would be whatever liquid they have suddenly beginning to boil in the extremely low pressure. Guess that's what the continuous health damage reflects. 

The shields might be wasted to keep the pressure high, too, as most of the suits in the game seem to be designed, counting on a comphy pressurized ship, rather than hard vacuum.

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That was the only thing I could come up with but I couldn't even convince myself it was believable to shut off gravity for security. If anything, the opposite would make more sense to me (increasing gravity to keep things from getting sucked out).


On another note, why do we take damage when the windows break? Our shield and health diminish if we're in the room with the vacuum. It appears we already have our own breathing units inside our armor since every time we extract, we attach to the bottom of a ship that flies off into space. The only thing I could think of there was that when we attach to the ship, we're getting a life support system attached to us as well (imagine plugging into the matrix) that we don't have while running around the ship.  Okay one other reason might be the flying debris in the vacuous room is hitting us and damaging us little by little, but I doubt that's what DE had in mind...

about air system, it's also possible that the carrier, transport ship or let's say shuttle connects with the suit, boosting the shield and giving it air, that way the shield never runs out since the shuttle has it's own generator which also protects the tenno from any pressure, and the air supply should hold long enough to get back to the main transport ship 

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