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Stalker, Teshin, Lotus - The Guardians


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I never thought of stalker as an all-mighty, tenno-training guardian. In my opinion, when the tenno attacked the orokin, he was one of the security guards, or maybe a peasant that idolized the orokin kings. He couldn't do anything because he was too weak to go up against the warframes. 


After the tenno attack, he sent himself into the void as a punishment to himself for being to weak, he beat himself up. 


*** Since he was an adult - orokin, he was obviously different than the tenno sent there, and his body was affected strangely, which is why instead of gaining power over one element/power, he gained several. (Why he uses different warframe abilities in combat)


(i'm not really sure, but i think that the tenno could be different species than the orokin) 



All your stalker theories make better points than mine, for example how he knew their attack stances, but you guys are missing one major detail. He didn't defend the orokin from the warframes, and now takes revenge on them because of that moment. 

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For all we know there was a Tenno-program inplace at the time of the Betrayal.

A child is chosen to be a Tenno, a great honour among the Orokin people.

The process of Void Exposure, the Void Habitat, the Conclave conditioning and the Warframe fitting was a smooth well-oiled machine.

When it all came crashing down, Stalker threw himself into the Tenno-machine in a desperate attempt at fighting them.

Or the Guardians may infact be exposed to the Void, but in a controlled way that was not available for the Tenno.

This could explain their long life and the fact Stalker uses a warframe today. Maby they all wore warframes of Orokin make, like the one Tenshin wears today, as I am convinced this ks what he wears, visor or no visor.

Apply a Samurai/ninja demonmask on Tenshins golden armor and the image is complete.

We.could just be complicating things, where we don't actually have to do so.

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De allready opened up several paths the story can move. The two things thay absolutely HAVE to either retcon completely, or protect with their dying breath, is:

Lotus us good.

We are the good guys.

They are in muddy waters now speaking of lies, distrust toward the Lotus, the past dangerously close to being blown wide open.


The waters about the whole mess are muddy enough. The was I'm seeing it is ultimately we, Lotus, everyone are doing the right thing, but our methods are what most people would say to be "wrong". Lotus herself is confirmed to be keeping secrets, but why? I'd say to protect us, for whatever reason that may be.


Knowledge learned too soon can be more dangerous than knowledge withheld.


When the Sentients arrive, though, I imagine she's going to have to tell us something - or, at least, someone will.


The Lotus as we know originates from the original group or organization from the game Dark Sector we have the ancient relics in the form of skins Proto Glaive and Proto Exclaibur the Orokin are the humans that revolved from ancient times from the first technocyte virus leaving Earth and developing in Space and as every civilization has, they had organizations the Guardians trainers of the Warriors of the Warriors of the Orokin, Sentients were created in pursuit of perfection by the Orokin. They turned on the Orokin the descendants of the ancient Hayden Tenno were sent into the mysterious Void as they were naturally stronger than common Orokin and different... They came back and were controlled by the Orokin through the Warframes, the Guardians trained them as they did with all other Orokin warriors but differently in a way to fight the Sentients using the Tenno powers. Also, remember that the Orokin must have not been the only race at the time we have Grineer and Corpus they may have evolved to from ancient versions with Grineer being degenerating clones after years of going for perfection and the Corpus being common humans that have formed their own merchant guild and fight with the Grineer now (remember that the Corpus are a violent MERCHANT GUILD! They are not their own race their whole race is not part of the guild they are civilians and common people of the Origin system and we obviously have ways of reaching outside of our solar system with the Solar Rails so I mean the Sentients are probably hiding out there learning how to combat the Tenno and even Teshin talks about evil coming from outside the solar system it's not that hard to understand AHHH!! Thank you :)


While Dark Sector and Warframe are linked together in the canon, DE has made the point of saying that they are so separated by time that they have little impact on one another. I've taken this to mean that there are some links and things that happened in Dark Sector led to what we're at in Warframe, but there's not going to be any direct "this led to this" correlation - what happened after the events of the game seem to be more important.


While I also agree with the origins of the Sentients - as it explains their "the womb of the sky" line - I disagree on the means for which they were created and the war started. I think they were Cephalons sent out like satellites to gather knowledge for Orokin expansion but gained Sentience and built their own civilization, only for the Orokin to arrive, see only the Cephalons they had created and not the something more they'd become, and attempt to impose their will over them.


There is also no proof that we're any descendants of Hayden Tenno. I've always taken the "he was the first Tenno" line to be more of in the same vein as Terron Gorefiend was the first of the Death Knights - he was indeed the very first to bear the title, but later generations of the creatures would have radically different powers from his own.


The Grineer and Corpus are what happened after the fall of the Orokin Empire, coming from humanity (although the Mara Detron suggests something similar to the Corpus existed in the Orokin Era, but their development into what they are still came after the fall). You are right they are less a race all to their own as the Grineer have become and more a conglomerate to various individuals (though, if the "Old Earth Mercantile Guilds" are anything to go by I'd say there's probably a BIT of inbreeding going on with them - keeping the wealth in the family and what have you). Teshin's words suggest the Orokin were indeed something different from humanity, rather than a new name for humanity itself, but I'd say this simply is because the Orokin Emperors (still human) chose to call themselves something different.


And while humanity/the Orokin indeed develop ways to travel outside the Origin System in their Era, the Tenno appeared to have shattered the outermost rail - the Outer Terminus - beyond use, hence the Corpus' efforts to rebuild it around Pluto. But yes, the "horrors from beyond the Outer Terminus" are without doubt the Sentients.


Probably one of the most convincing theories I've seen... but I'm not quite convinced. Stalker's codex says the thing about realizing that they were poised to strike, but it also goes into a lot of melodrama about how he tried to cry out but could not, etc. Honestly, I interpreted the whole thing as intense paranoia on the Stalker's part, never mind that he was right--I think of that as more or less coincidence. It kind of makes sense. I've always thought of the Guardians as a sort of imitation-Tenno, maybe bodyguards and/or a secret police sort of thing. The fanatically loyal are exactly the sort of people you'd pick for such a unit, and zealots like the Stalker are more than a little inclined to fits of paranoia like this.


I do not think that Teshin's "new evil" is the Sentients, either. The Sentients were turning their technology against them, and they were in danger of losing, but then the Tenno came along and defeated them in relatively short order. So, as you said, it rules out them as the new enemy unless Teshin is not a Tenno and thus refers to some other group. Unfortunately for your theory, I'm 99.99% percent sure that Teshin was teased and then introduced by the devs as a former Tenno who did not go into cryosleep with the others.


To be frank, though, DE has interesting ideas and directions for the plot but isn't very good at paying attention to detail. They have lots of plot holes and minor contradictions, and have had to fix lines/etc before. It's basically impossible to come up with a theory that doesn't have something to contradict it, because of that. I gave up a while ago. So all things considered, it's a good idea.


Myself and others have been looking for this quote where DE calls him a Tenno. It has not yet been found. If you can find it, please, PLEASE post it here.


There's also the issue of "defeated theme in short order", I think that a lot of players tend to imagine the Old War as going "Orokin are losing > Battle rages > Tenno are sent in > Battle is won in days" without considering just how long the war might have gone on even with the Tenno in play. After all, Hidden Messages showed us that the Tenno weren't invincible, the Sentients COULD kill them. That alone is guaranteed to draw the war out. Factor in the time that would be needed for a Tenno Council to develop something like Nova and that alone could be the length of the war.


I don't quite see how Stalker's silence dissuades anything in my theory. Stalker's own fear could have silenced his voice, or his own mind may have realized he could do nothing and thus stopped him - turning his words into a single, remorseful "no". It's unclear why he was unable to speak, but it adds to the drama of a man only able to watch as everything he loves is destroyed.


As I said:


While I am sure it is inevitable that the direction has taken a few turns off of what was probably the original path, the beauty of the vagueness with which the majority of everything said and written is presented sort of mitigates the harsh blow of the retcon's spikey bat. I'm more of the person to say "okay, this says this now, so how does this relate to what it says here?" rather than say "these two things don't like up immediately and exactly, it must be a retcon" - aside from being more fun it opens up interesting possibilities on the direction the story may take from there.


This applies to plot holes as well. There's always a possible connection to be made.



For all we know there was a Tenno-program inplace at the time of the Betrayal.

A child is chosen to be a Tenno, a great honour among the Orokin people.

The process of Void Exposure, the Void Habitat, the Conclave conditioning and the Warframe fitting was a smooth well-oiled machine.

When it all came crashing down, Stalker threw himself into the Tenno-machine in a desperate attempt at fighting them.

Or the Guardians may infact be exposed to the Void, but in a controlled way that was not available for the Tenno.

This could explain their long life and the fact Stalker uses a warframe today. Maby they all wore warframes of Orokin make, like the one Tenshin wears today, as I am convinced this ks what he wears, visor or no visor.

Apply a Samurai/ninja demonmask on Tenshins golden armor and the image is complete.

We.could just be complicating things, where we don't actually have to do so.


While I'm sure there was some constant creation of Tenno going on to reinforce their numbers - hence why we can have so many player character Tenno today - I'm not sure it would have been a "great honor". Kaleen's reaction to what happened solidly rules that out, and the fact the soldier had zero knowledge of anything outside of propaganda about the Tenno makes it seem like they were kept well under lock and key, with only tidbits leaking out. Perhaps they may have changed by the time of the Orokin Genocide, but we'll have to wait and see.


I do agree Stalker did something horrible to himself to achieve what he is now.


As for the Guardians and the Void, I disagree on that mark. The Void was something of a mystery to the Orokin even as they armed the Tenno (Excalibur's Codex), for the Guardian order to be as old as I've speculated (and seemingly to match up with Teshin's words about the Conclave) they needed to have existed long before them, and even then the question is raised of how they are so seemingly okay and normal while the Tenno were "twisted" by the Void?


As for wearing a Warframe, I'm not particularly buying it. It's definitely armor of some description but its very much unlike the Warframes our Tenno wear - especially given that it has actual CLOTH to it, look at the arms, see the folds. I think this is more Guardian armor than anything, be it ceremonial or actually what they might have worn into combat.


His long life does need explanation, but given that even the Corpus that are mooching off Orokin tech can live for over a hundred years with seemingly no the answer may simply be medical science. Though the means by which this was achieved would be fascinating to learn.

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If you've seen my constant posts on the forums in regards to the second-mentioned title character, you know what I'm talking about. If not, I'll explain.


First, let's look at the name "Guardians", pulled from the Stalker's Codex. "But Morec! It's says 'Low Guardians'!" Kinda, dear reader. Look again. Notice how the "low" is lowercase while "Guardians" is uppercase, to me this signifies a separation of a descriptor from a title. I think what he's actually saying is "... with the rest of lesser-than-you Guardians". Thus we have our title.


So, where to go from there? Well, let's start with looking at how Teshin refers to the Conclave:


"We were led astray. We forgot the Conclave, so when that new evil came, we were not prepared. This is how we failed the Orokin."


Aside from ruling him out as being a Tenno - because we didn't fail when "that new evil", the Sentients, came, we were the guys who beat them - this clues us into something. Whatever this "Conclave" was at the time and for whatever reason it was forgotten, it is the reason (at least for Teshin) that the Orokin were defeated at the hands of the Sentients. But we also know exactly why they were defeated: " They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses." (Excalibur Codex)


So there is some connection between the forgetting of the Conclave and this advancement of technology.  I suggest that as the Empire's technology grew, as it expanded and the likes of the Technology that we see in the hands of the Corpus took over and became more prevalent, the simpler ways, the "Old Ways" (Excalibur Codex) their weapons of "gun and blade" (Excalibur Codex) became less and less relevant, and because of this humanity was "led astray" and the order to which they belonged, the Gaurdians, weakened and withered until there weren't enough of them to protect the Empire.


Then the Orokin developed the Tenno, created them from the Void and Technocyte (the specifics of my beliefs on which I'll ignore for the purposes of this post). But that was only part of the answer. They had whatever the Void gave to them, they had the Warframes. But they needed more. So, they turned to the Guardians, asked them to train them, to teach them the "old ways" (as they would have been known by this point, what with technology leaving their order in the dust).


Seems like a bit of a jump, doesn't it? All of a sudden I'm claiming this order trained the Tenno? Where's the proof of that? Well, aside from it simply making logical sense, take a look at Stalker's Codex again:


"With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised."


The Tenno had only just arrived, but as they stood in the celebration of their victory he is able to tell very, very quickly that they aren't just standing still, they're waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Preparing to attack. Who else would know better when someone is preparing to act than those that taught them such tactics in the first place? Better yet, if the ways of the Conclave had been so forgotten by time no one else, especially not the "cold and gold Emperors" of the Orokin would have been able to tell the difference between a stoic pose and a silence preparation to attack taught by such ways.


Whatever happened to Stalker after that is unclear, but I like to imagine he threw himself to the Void and/or the Infestation, deciding either he'd gain the powers we had and with them a chance to avenge his fallen Emperors, or die trying.


Why didn't the other Guardians act when the Stalker tried to? Perhaps they were not as close to the Tenno and their training as Stalker had once been, perhaps the decision to slaughter the Orokin was on a grander scale, one to which Stalker had not been/decided he didn't want to be a part of, only time will tell.


But anyway: Stalker, Teshin, both Guardians, followers of the way of the Conclave. But I also listed the Lotus, why?


Well, this one is a bit more of a stretch, but I look again to Teshin, and how he talks about her:


"The Lotus seduced the Tenno. Led them on a complacent path like oxen."


He seems familiar with the Lotus, but more notably the way he talks about the Lotus supposedly "tricking" us to follow her suggests there was some kind of deeper connection between us. What better way for such a connection to be forged than through that of master-to-student. Lotus has already been talked about having some connection to the Orokin, something potentially backed up by the golden aesthetics in her model and the "hidden eyes, revealed mouth" headdress shared with Teshin (this is also shared with the New Loka leader, a group who openly uses Orokin aesthetics inside their room).


Sadly, this is ultimately all we have to go on at this juncture, but I put forth that Lotus was also a member of this order of Guardians, close to the Tenno, a teacher and guide for them even then (the latter of which seen in Hidden Messages) who ultimately chose the Tenno over the Empire she had been loyal to and organized their fall at the hands of the Tenno. Embittering Stalker to the Tenno; embittering Teshin to her.


There is much to be seen, but I will be looking at it to see how this theory holds up in light of these ideas.


So... thoughts?

I see the Lotus as ive always seen her, shes from Ember Prime's lore, if you read it the Tenno were children at one point. With the finding of them and their powers the orokin naturally saw it as a military benefit. When Kaleen discovered the Tenno coming from the void on the Zairiman naturally she felt attached. Its possible to cover up any leaks the Orokin A.) Captured Kaleen and forced her to train the tenno in military combat, B.) Offered her services in exchange for her silence. She has an unnatural attachment to the Tenno, almost mother like. She would naturally be attached to these Tenno because she helped raise them for the entirety of their childhood. Along the way she saw the error of her ways and had a moral split as to what she was doing, and where Tenshin saw it as a responsibility Kaleen saw it as a problem. Children, Tenno or not, should not be treated this way.


Lotus also does cover her entire face with that mask. It is possible due to Kaleen's burns from Ember that she adopted that mask. In the game Dark Sector The lotus as a flower is referred to as  a prize rare in its beauty. This entire movement as far as the Tenno are concerned, their founding to fight the Sentients, is rare in its own right. He continues to state that it only blooms amongst filth and decay. So the Orokin would explain why the Lotus had the Tenno turn on their Orokin masters. She did "raise" them after all. And with the problem gone she placed them into Cryostasis, "for their own good". If Lotus IS Kaleen her interactions with the Tenno could be a minor mix of maternal instinct and the realization that things are going to hell. Fast.

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I see the Lotus as ive always seen her, shes from Ember Prime's lore, if you read it the Tenno were children at one point. With the finding of them and their powers the orokin naturally saw it as a military benefit. When Kaleen discovered the Tenno coming from the void on the Zairiman naturally she felt attached. Its possible to cover up any leaks the Orokin A.) Captured Kaleen and forced her to train the tenno in military combat, B.) Offered her services in exchange for her silence. She has an unnatural attachment to the Tenno, almost mother like. She would naturally be attached to these Tenno because she helped raise them for the entirety of their childhood. Along the way she saw the error of her ways and had a moral split as to what she was doing, and where Tenshin saw it as a responsibility Kaleen saw it as a problem. Children, Tenno or not, should not be treated this way.


Lotus also does cover her entire face with that mask. It is possible due to Kaleen's burns from Ember that she adopted that mask. In the game Dark Sector The lotus as a flower is referred to as  a prize rare in its beauty. This entire movement as far as the Tenno are concerned, their founding to fight the Sentients, is rare in its own right. He continues to state that it only blooms amongst filth and decay. So the Orokin would explain why the Lotus had the Tenno turn on their Orokin masters. She did "raise" them after all. And with the problem gone she placed them into Cryostasis, "for their own good". If Lotus IS Kaleen her interactions with the Tenno could be a minor mix of maternal instinct and the realization that things are going to hell. Fast.


Aye, this is a theory I've considered as well, but Kaleen's face is said to have been a lot more horribly burned than Lotus appears to be. Including "Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression." Consider this alongside



Who's mouth and lips appear to be intact.


Still, I wont contest that it is possible Orokin medical technology could repair her appearance, I DID just get finished saying that apparently the Guardians were immortal, but I still consider it a mark against the theory.


I too think the Cryostasis was less "keep them alive" and more "remove them from the system", as the Tenno themselves are a part of the "balance" they try to preserve no matter what, and thus removing themselves from the system after all else that can be done to restore balance has been would be the perfect way to do so while ensuring they could come back to help the system again when needed.


I do not disagree with the "Lotus as mother" themes that seem to be present, though. They are far too pervasive in everything she does and says to the Tenno - from not telling them things to protect them from getting on Maroo's case when she's poking fun at us - to simply ignore.

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Hmm. Yes the Tenno and Guardians seem apart. And yet the Tenno submit to them, despite being the more powerful.

What you are basically saying is the Guardians were there long before the Tenno and as the title imply, Guarded the humans after the Collapse.

Sort of Jedi Knights without the forcepowers.

I do however think the timeline have room for both zariman children leading up to the warframes we see in Rhino Prime codex,

And the finished product Excalibur and the release of the Tenno into combat in Mag Prime codex.

After this point in time to the Tenno uprising, I submit the Tenno became known as heroes and their victories gave hope to the Orokin people.

This, as I like to think the war took many decades, maby even a century - the Tenno had a much different status. I imagine statues of the Primes on Earths streets, families considering it a great honor when a Guardian knocked on their door to take their child to train and become a Tenno.

Sure all this is wrong if the War was short and the Tenno developed very fast. If that is the case I wonder when the Towers were built, since at the time of Excalibur the Void was a mystery.

That do not however say the Void had not been figured out later in the war, since the Towers and ships are there.

I just hate not having a clear timeline. Its starwars all over again.

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Hmm. Yes the Tenno and Guardians seem apart. And yet the Tenno submit to them, despite being the more powerful.

What you are basically saying is the Guardians were there long before the Tenno and as the title imply, Guarded the humans after the Collapse.

Sort of Jedi Knights without the forcepowers.

I do however think the timeline have room for both zariman children leading up to the warframes we see in Rhino Prime codex,

And the finished product Excalibur and the release of the Tenno into combat in Mag Prime codex.

After this point in time to the Tenno uprising, I submit the Tenno became known as heroes and their victories gave hope to the Orokin people.

This, as I like to think the war took many decades, maby even a century - the Tenno had a much different status. I imagine statues of the Primes on Earths streets, families considering it a great honor when a Guardian knocked on their door to take their child to train and become a Tenno.

Sure all this is wrong if the War was short and the Tenno developed very fast. If that is the case I wonder when the Towers were built, since at the time of Excalibur the Void was a mystery.

That do not however say the Void had not been figured out later in the war, since the Towers and ships are there.

I just hate not having a clear timeline. Its starwars all over again.


Indeed, there is a large gap in which things may have changed, but we will need further proof to demonstrate this. The Void was very much a mystery, a hellscape as it was known in the Excailbur Codex (which, given it identifies the Tenno as "saviors", suggesting it was still a place that was feared even as the war was waging) somewhat throws into question the Void ever being considered anything other than a place of mystery that was feared. But the timeline in which that was written is very much unknown, so the reference to the Tenno as "saviors" may still have been written when the war was waging and the Tenno were crushing opposition but opinions on them and the Void hadn't changed.


The lack of a set timeline is indeed bothersome, but even so I do view Warframe as having Star Wars-levels of potential - maybe not for financial success but in terms of universe-spanning storytelling. While I wouldn't encourage DE to drop everything and focus only on Warframe by any stretch, I would indeed say that they could look into creating other games of other genres within this universe (imagine: Grineer Commando, but this is merely conjecture of a man who is perhaps TOO enthralled with the universe).

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No no, Im with you.

Warhammer 40k figures, toys and why not another genre?

A story focusing on the first war, an adventuregame set in the warframe universe. A pure FPS shooter, the possibilities are staggering.

But then DE would have to take the plunge.

I am a real sucker for adventures, and warframe is the first world in years to offer real potential.


On topic, I am in the mood of doing a graphic timeline like in knights of the old republic.

Any thoughts on that?

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No no, Im with you.

Warhammer 40k figures, toys and why not another genre?

A story focusing on the first war, an adventuregame set in the warframe universe. A pure FPS shooter, the possibilities are staggering.

But then DE would have to take the plunge.

I am a real sucker for adventures, and warframe is the first world in years to offer real potential.


On topic, I am in the mood of doing a graphic timeline like in knights of the old republic.

Any thoughts on that?


Indeed. It would be a slippery slope to try and expand on this universe as I feel it could be expanded upon, it could be a very financially risky move, but I think it would be worth it... But they'd need an investor, and I sure as hell know I don't have that kind of money (sadly).


Still, I've got fan projects in the works that I'll be contributing to growing the universe, so there's that.


I'd be more than happy to try and help contribute to this timeline in anyway I can.

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Preferably the timeline will go from the fall of Earth and the first known outbreak of the technocyte, to the pre-void Era, the Void Era, Orokin Empire, Solar rail expansion, Sentient War start, Tenno Project, Sentient War end, Origin system fall, Tenno Cryo, The rebuild of the Sol System, Grineer and Corpus, Tenno awakening, events leading up to current events.

The crux is how flexible the timeline can be as far as lore-theory goes. Preferably the non-cannon history should be vague enough to be plausable.

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Teshin isn't Tenno. Arbiters aren't Tenno. None of them are Tenno. Now, given Teshin's armor, was Teshin an Arbiter? Or, is their shared armor Orokin armor?


I think the Arbiters are more of a modern creation of Origin's civilians myself, and that their armor is meant to ape at our Warframe designs due to their reverence for us, but my thoughts on Teshin are documented in the OP.

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I think the Arbiters are more of a modern creation of Origin's civilians myself, and that their armor is meant to ape at our Warframe designs due to their reverence for us, but my thoughts on Teshin are documented in the OP.


I know. I'm wondering if their having the same armor is a product of lore or a product of asset reuse.

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I assumed The Stalker was 1 of multiple prototype warframes nicknamed or perhaps even officially called Guardians they served The Orokin, The Stalker being the last of them obviously doesn't like The Tenno because they sought freedom. They're, Stalker's, job was to "police" The Tenno, they were who kept The Tenno in line.


Lotus was probably who figured a way to free The Tenno. How she did this is unknown but we know she is as old as The Tenno. I think it's a possibility the Lotus is half Orokin & half Tenno. However like The Tenno she's now a cyborg (cyborg's are humans using a robotic body) I believe the Tenno are made of fully natural humans & long living human cyborg's.


I find it unlikely The Lotus is affiliated with Corpus or Grinner because of her suggested position during the orokin era. Recently we learned the other factions were around they were just very low level races under the orokin.


As for The Conclave it sounds like a council of races or religion or something. We know Sentients didn't die, maybe the Sentients lost on purpose knowing Tenno would rebel then step back in?  Also we don't know what the Void is like fully & what happens their we don't even know if they're are beings their that are superior to even the sentients.


Vor calls the void sacred, a holy place, religion isn't really spoken of in the warframe universe, so if The Void is sacred were The Tenno granted powers from god-like beings?


All of it is very complex lol

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So if Teshin isn't a Tenno, and hasn't gone into cryosleep, then that would mean the Orokin seem to have mastered immortality technology.


All the more reason they needed to die. That kind of tech is SO imbalanced.

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All the more reason they needed to die. That kind of tech is SO imbalanced.

I'm guessing that they used the technology on the Guardians as well, seeing as Stalker is still around.

Lotus could possibly count as evidence for this as well, though there's no confirmation on what Lotus is yet.

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The confirmation of Lotus having a complicated relationship with Teshin, and that she will visit the relays, seem to suggest she do have a body after all.

But they seem very clear to not make her into too much of a npc, she will still be the Tenno Guide.

Perhaps she is living aboard the Arbiter? Since they pretty much told us it is on the way.

And Stalker getting a rework! That was some exiting news right there.

Teshin will get quests with reveals into the past, I wonder if they will allso involve the Stalker.

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