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Your Thoughts of adding PVP


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Without PVP this game has no future... why?


- The map is always the same!!!

- Stealth gameplay has no sense versus a computer

- Sniper-rifles are useless right now

- The main feature of a good MMO FPS is a good team deathmatch

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Without PVP this game has no future... why?


- The map is always the same!!!

- Stealth gameplay has no sense versus a computer

- Sniper-rifles are useless right now

- The main feature of a good MMO FPS is a good team deathmatch

Every single one of those statements are false, and only one of them actually has anything to do with PvP.

- The map is randomly generated, and is most definitely not always the same, it's anything but.

- Stealth gameplay only really works against AIs, have you played any stealth games at all? That statement could not be more wrong.

- Snipers are very useful, especially against the stronger enemies, you can't just use a weapon for one game and say 'it sucks'.

- Again, wrong, the huge amount of people playing in CLOSED BETA would suggest that TDM is not even close to a main feature.

Although I do somewhat support some sort of PvP mode (would be epic and different), you listed all the wrong reasons. I would think of it as an addition, not a main feature.

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Its true.. no pvp will killl this game but only for players who preffer and want do mostly or only pvp in any mmo games or online games.... vs other good team great fun.. make mission for pvp.. seams good.. one team defend sencond attack or more and more options.. simple normal Death Match.. not rly...

add pvp in this game for me its a option.. dont need it to have fun with friend.. when they add.. hope it will be more than normal death match..

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1. Map are randomly generated but in the future DE already stated that there'll be more maps. It's a bit repetitive ATM but it's feel pretty good overall.

2. Go play metal gear series. Stealth gameplay against AI is definitely viable. Actually metal gear solid 1 look just like this when you play solo. One commando dodging enemies and security camera.

3. Dunno, don't like SR in general since I looks to fill the air with leads.

4. Actually PvP isn't needed at all, we just need coop mode. Right now we have wave defense, boss killing, rescue/capture, reactor - quite good actually.

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Since this game also has a Platina feature, I don't think it's going to work well on PvP. Just look how many complaints have been going on about this "play for being OP". If people are complaining about this platina already, I don't think it's a great idea to add PvP. UNLESS, they seperate PvP from PvE and make PvP completely free from platina.

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1. Map are rondom generated but THE ROOMS ARE ALWAYS THE SAME!

2. you can play stealth vs AI but in this game you can't even stay close to the wall and you can't do silent kills!!!

3. The longest room is the one with the bridges and even there you can use pistols to hit an enemy on another bridge

4. No one said that there should only be a PVP, so stop raging -.-

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First of all this game is meant to be a coop pve game so the fact your crying it dosent have pvp is youre own problem this game is great and im glad it dosent have pvp there are so many generic pvp fps shooters out there and this is not one of them if u want pvp go play call of duty or some other boring fps this game in inventive and has so much potential for being a great game and u saying that the fact it dosent have pvp makes it fail well your just being ignorant.

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Guys, let's not pay attention to these kind of posts, everybody knows that PVP would ruin the game, only for the fact that this game is meant to be a CO-OP SHOOTER, not ani other mediocre pvp competitive shooter, the older beta testers knows that this is very bad feature, I can't believe that most of newbies are complaining about this, these kind of posts were appearing after DE added more players, I don't wanna see this game becoming another generic competitive shooter, The game is excelent as it is, and if you don't like the game for the simple fact of not having pvp, then you can go and play someting esle, there's a lot pvp shooters of all kinds out there

Edited by DeadlyShadow
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For one thing, this game is still in beta. So some repetition is only to be expected. In all honesty, I haven't gotten bored yet, and I'm typically one to get bored of a game quickly.

I also don't like personally enjoy player-versus-player as much as co-operative, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I'm sure the implementation of a PVP system would benefit the game, but I don't think a lack of one will destroy it.

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First of all this game is meant to be a coop pve game so the fact your crying it dosent have pvp is youre own problem this game is great and im glad it dosent have pvp there are so many generic pvp fps shooters out there and this is not one of them if u want pvp go play call of duty or some other boring fps this game in inventive and has so much potential for being a great game and u saying that the fact it dosent have pvp makes it fail well your just being ignorant.

Amen brother!!! no PVP and the focus on the co-op is what makes this game so special and unique!

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I love shooter pvp. I primarily play it, have even played it competitively. But basically every mechanic in this game i think i would hate in pvp. The gun mechanics, the melee, the abilities, the movement... Also, people are a lot more tolerant for different methods of making money in a co op game than in a game with pvp, a lot of the things they are doing to make money, i have no problem in co op, but if this game had pvp, i would be completely not ok with. Make a solid co op game. I think the combat design completely makes sense for co op. But i don't think it has any place in a mutliplayer shooter.

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We can have both PVP and PVE, not just PVE

have you even paid attention to the sorts of acrobatic sillyness you can easily achieve in Warframe?

PvP simply would not work. guns would be useless and people would only be bonucing all over the place, trying to get lucky hitting each other.

i don't see how PvP can work in Warframe unless atleast 75% of the game is removed for PvP.

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OP says the PvE is repetitive and boring when this is closed beta with a small amount of content used to primarily make sure the game is mechanically sound for play and get ideas on future additions.

To me PvP shooters centered around death match and team death match are repetitive. Same maps. Doesn't matter that you're fighting other people they tend to migrate to the same loadout and tactics and "hiding places". You figure these out and own every match and proceed to listen to the large number of people who can't accept they were out played cry that you were being cheap with a weapon or tactic or in cases they accuse you of hacking. I can do without all of this.

Now if they figured out how to implement more objective based PvP it could be fun though with how potent warframe abilities are balancing would be an extreme issue.

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i see things tottaly diferent...

a BIG dota/smite style map with those crazy robots shooting each other would be awsome...

the game alredy have towers... i cant see why not... and skills would work great.

i really look foward some pvp in this game...and more maps too...


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competitive modes, sure

straight PVP , no

this game has a lot more to worry about than some pvp crowd's needs.

This seems like a fair compromise to me. While PvP holds little charm for me, the fact that the game relies on peer-to-peer networking means that straight deathmatching would likely end up being a heavily borked experience anyway. Competitive "Race to the objective" style modes, however, could work reasonably well.

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