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"coptering Is Staying" Says De


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Then don't do it, and have fun dying, a game about speed and getting to the objective without getting distracted by enemies is pretty much like a true ninja game. Most of the time "real" ninja's "supposedly" try to not kill everything and only go after the target.


Yes, because true ninjas totally went spinning straight through the enemies, too fast to be caught, like some horrendous hybrid of Sonic and the Tasmanian Devil. Your points would be valid if we were doing all in our power to stick to the shadows to avoid the enemies, staying above them, staying truly out of sight. But just running so fast they can't catch us? No.


And, besides, the context provided by every other mission in which you simply slaughter things, holding out against enemies and relying on your weapons and powers, already paints the Tenno less as the historical ninja of stealth and subtly and more the newer, pop culture ninja we all love:







I say that's the problem. It IS easy, and it's more rewarding than anything else. Like you said, wall running would replace it. It's just as effective but harder to pull off. Well, for a mobility tool as powerful as coptering is it SHOULD be difficult to pull off, you SHOULD be rewarded for managing to do it right and give a massive boss in your mobility through the utilization of the more difficult maneuver.


If you give people the Gold for a Bronze performance they'll never try to get better.


Sprint speed differences need to be reduced, but no one is complaining because coptering is too hard. Also, wall-flings will be removed hopefully as well.


I can agree with this, and with the Stamina system getting massively overhauled this may be a high possibility.



When parkour 2.0 will come out, and IF the system is made in a correct way the arguments for it's removal will make sense. Right now coptering is vital for many players due to the clunkyness of the system. 


Just out of my own curiosity: what would be the "correct" way for Parkour 2.0 to be? 'Cause you seem to have a really specific idea in mind with a statement like that.

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Sprint speed differences need to be reduced, but no one is complaining because coptering is too hard. Also, wall-flings will be removed hopefully as well.

A good answer - it only shows that removing coptering would be like opening a bottomless box. Remove this, remove that - until movement is boring and slows down the gameplay and removes the fun.

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Just out of my own curiosity: what would be the "correct" way for Parkour 2.0 to be? 'Cause you seem to have a really specific idea in mind with a statement like that.

I hope we all agree that the point of parkouring is to:

A)Reach place inaccessible but jumping regularly

B)Keeping your mobility while shooting etc.

C)To get a speed boost whit wall fling.


Right now using your melee weapon and simply pressing on E is more useful and accurate than using parkour. I hope that parkour 2.0 will atleast fix those issue. I would also like if it was more fluid and quicker than what we have right now. It should be more advantageous than using your melee weapon


Coptering is preferred because most of the time parkour can't even do what it should properly. 


Side note: Ninja weren't all about stealth going directly for the target was encouraged too. Speed and efficiency was encouraged,the movies adaptation on ninja aren't accurate at all.

Edited by Alphafox
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Why remove wall fling? Isn't it part of the parkour system? What you guys want is to reduce every action in the game to walk speed?


I don't. I personally want there to be two sprint speeds: a normal sprint and a speed sprint that activates after a few seconds, which would be faster than the current sprinting. That would allow for players that are behind to catch up (assuming the players ahead are fighting enemies and thus not speed sprinting), but wouldn't come with the problems others have already mentioned with coptering, wall-flinging, and aerial melee.


Coptering would be one quick attack players could do, but you couldn't spam it--you could only do it from a speed sprint, and its use would make you need to build up your sprint speed again. Therefore, sprinting would be faster in the long run, but it could still be used as a short burst mid-fight.



A good answer - it only shows that removing coptering would be like opening a bottomless box. Remove this, remove that - until movement is boring and slows down the gameplay and removes the fun.


It's more like it's a bandaid sitting over a gaping wound--you can't be afraid to remove the bandaid and wrap the wound properly because you don't want to see the cut underneath.

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 Make use of your warframe's abilities, like Rhino's Charge, Excalibur's Slash, Ash's Teleport etc. Use the kicking off the wall trick. Also, run.



Running uses stamina and isn't actually very fast compared to other options. And not only do warframe powers use energy, you have to mod specifically for them to get full use. For example, does anybody actually build Rhino for duration? In my experience, Rhino is crowd control, and an endgame build for him has such a massive hit to duration that his Charge goes about 5cm.

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those that say wall running would be just as effective, really? so it be just as effective to use wall running in very large open tiles like earth forests or the phobos deserts? to know the ones where there are no @(*()&#036; walls to wall run off of?


as for frame powers, if those were made to be the primary way of getting around then you would be taking one of our current issues (lack of variety in frames being used because they are not as viable as others) and making it worse, it would be the same situation as people picking one melee weapon over another because its faster, only with you know frames. The vast majority of frames do not have mobility powers, those that don't have them would become absolutely useless if our only ways of getting from point A to point B were wall running on walls that either don't exist or are far to out of the way to make of use, or if we had to use tail wind or charge over and over to move. 


The answer is not getting rid of coptering, or replacing it, the answer is to find a way for all forms of movement to be viable, and better yet why not make it so if a player uses all means available to them together they get the best reward, learn to time when to parkour when to do an aerial when to use a power (if your frame has it) when to copter. instead of trying to make one method better than the rest we need to make them work together

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I seriously dont understand what the issue is with coptering.


If there was no coptering people would complain that there are faster warframes than others. And they were completely right. It would be super unfair towards slower frames like Frost to remove coptering. They simply wouldnt be able to catch up to their teammates with their slow run speed.


Coptering is easy. Everyone can do it with little training.


When coptering is being removed some skilled people will use wall flings and other upcoming movement techniques to outrun people who can not handle it. So basically coptering is a kind of ballance allowing people with less movement skills to be able to compete with skilled players. Once it gets removed the outcry will be even bigger because those who complain about coptering will complain even more when they get outskilled ( especially in PvP ).


Removing coptering will not improve anything for anyone - I expect it would even have a worse impact on those who cry for it for whatever reason.

 This post was a hard thing to read and/or comprehend. Where should i start?


 As i said, some warframes are supposed to be able to move faster than the others. Frost has the unique ability to protect his fellow tenno and the mission objectives from enemy fire, but his ability can only be utilized while stationary. While Frost is moving, he is vulnerable, and this is the time for the Zephyr to cover him from enemy fire using her Turbulence. This is how they'll get to the objective, somewhat slow, but steady. Also Valkyr can give him a hand using her Ripline.


 Have you ever tried Neotokyo? Warframe's movement techniques are cake compared to that. Wall fling as it is now is not a hard thing to execute at all. If only Warframe's Mastery missions would teach people these things instead of "shoot 30 dudes and don't fall off the platform".

 If some people will get outskilled in PvP only because of the coptering overhaul — that's good. That means they only got their kills by coptering, which is completely idiotic. Now they'll have to learn to shoot better, time their melee attacks, blocks and parries, the way it's meant to be.

Edited by Mukade
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Because the moment you can zip past enemies without even having to engage any of them is the moment challenge drops to zero. And a game without challenge is no fun. And a game without fun is pointless.


Non-endless missions have no challenge to begin with, so why should people waste time slogging through them when they can go fast?

And the only challenge in endless missions is finding a way to never get hit by level 300+ enemies since they one-shot you through 99% damage reduction, and getting the objectives done in the process.

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Running uses stamina and isn't actually very fast compared to other options. And not only do warframe powers use energy, you have to mod specifically for them to get full use. For example, does anybody actually build Rhino for duration? In my experience, Rhino is crowd control, and an endgame build for him has such a massive hit to duration that his Charge goes about 5cm.


On the other hand, if you actually build for duration (IE a roar build), it goes enormously far, farther even than coptering with a Tipedo. I seriously hope they don't remove coptering, most of these tilesets are enormously too big, you wouldn't be able to get any loot in between waves of defense (IE T4D after wave 20 mobs can easily 1-2 shot you, GL getting loot on a snail prime aka frost). The way the vast majority of walls in the current tilesets are designed, wall running could be 1000x faster than regular running and still fall far short of coptering.


This games super high mobility is one of it's main appeals for a lot of people. Just because you want to waddle around like a penguin getting swarmed by 108934 mobs in a capture mission doesn't mean the rest of us do. You are currently completely free to either play solo or with other people that are also all about being a penguin. Don't remove the option to fling ourselves around because you don't like it.

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The answer is not getting rid of coptering, or replacing it, the answer is to find a way for all forms of movement to be viable, and better yet why not make it so if a player uses all means available to them together they get the best reward

 This is good and all, but coptering still looks dumb.

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I seriously hope they don't remove coptering, most of these tilesets are enormously too big


Just because you want to waddle around like a penguin getting swarmed by 108934 mobs in a capture mission doesn't mean the rest of us do.

 And here's some other things DE has to address along with this whole coptering deal. Gigantic maps filled with thousands of mobs, where sometimes the only way to survive is to copter yourself to safety.

Edited by Mukade
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Non-endless missions have no challenge to begin with, so why should people waste time slogging through them when they can go fast?

And the only challenge in endless missions is finding a way to never get hit by level 300+ enemies since they one-shot you through 99% damage reduction, and getting the objectives done in the process.


Doesn't need to be non-endless.


Survival. Excavation. Especially the former are a mix between movement and holding your ground, and if you can just zippidy-do-daw past all of the enemies challenging you to your target then you're ignoring a whole element of the challenge that those gamemodes are supposed to bring.


I'll agree coptering is only a part of the problem and the intended movement elements of sprinting parkour need some serious looking at. I think that coptering shouldn't go away completely, per say, but should stop existing in the way it does now: it should be tinkered down into a shorter range, higher-damage spinning whirlwind-style melee attack option, combining the quickened movement of the slide with melee to initiate into combat with clustered enemies (or just one heavier enemy).

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