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Think We Need A New Planet


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Oye! Chums! I want your help:

If the Corpus Outpost that is currently used on Mars, Pluto, and Venus had to be moved to a singular planet that wasn't one of those three, where would you say it should go?

Yeah, I'm callin' out the BIG planetary geeks for this one!

Moons allowed? Europa would be fitting since apparently it is a liquid ocean covered in ice.

Edited by Alphafox
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Mooons are indeed, allowed, though can you think or any others? Europa's already got it own tileset.

Haumea, a dwarf planet like Pluto should be a contender. Charon Pluto ''moon'' should be considered too.

Edited by Alphafox
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Hmmm, I'm liking the look of it. Can you think of any others, though?

Triton! Considered one of the coldest bodies in our solar system (Temperatures can reach around -200°C) the surface is said to be covered by nitrogen, so it should be cold enough for the corpus.


You want to limit things to the solar system?

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Triton! Considered one of the coldest bodies in our solar system (Temperatures can reach around -200°C) the surface is said to be covered by nitrogen, so it should be cold enough for the corpus.


You want to limit things to the solar system?




Oh yeah, I wanted this in origin, and with this being around Neptune as it is it's PERFECT! Muchas Gracias!

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Why not open up a whole new system. We could actually be on the planets instead of cloned tile set ships all the time. There's so much potential for more with an entire new system in addition to the one we already have. Then they could add bounty hunter mission and syndicates, chasing bounties across dif systems would be awesome!!

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We need ne map to look like this.



And to jump on the building with new parkour... like a real ninja :)




This is exactly what I think Neptune should be for the Corpus. With us using Archwing to fly between the skyscrapers and then breaking into the administration buildings/indoctrination temples (technically, I think they'd really be the same thing).


As for NEW planets, I could only think of two, but I think a little reorganization of the planet ownership is up: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/436969-morec0s-thoughts-on-planets-and-tilesets/



Edited by Morec0
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This is exactly what I think Neptune should be for the Corpus. With us using Archwing to fly between the skyscrapers and then breaking into the administration buildings/indoctrination temples (technically, I think they'd really be the same thing).


As for NEW planets, I could only think of two, but I think a little reorganization of the planet ownership is up: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/436969-morec0s-thoughts-on-planets-and-tilesets/



The 2nd picture plus what you're describing, makes me think of Nar Shadaa, from Star Wars lore... Wouldn't mind mixing Archwing with regular missions.

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Uranus isn't good enough? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


btw there are plenty of moons they could add into navigation, no need to make up new planets



We need ne map to look like this.



And to jump on the building with new parkour... like a real ninja :)



This lol. The other would be epic

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warframe's BİGGEST PROBLEM OF MAPS İS GAMEPLAY İS NOT İDLE TO ACT LİKE A NİNJA! İ have never seen some one shooting when doing a wall run or bacflip sword slam etc... Every body just taking his soma or etc and spraying everywhere! WE need bigger wider zones with more parkour elements... like dojo's parkour zone! (sorry for bad english).Or DE can add more acrobatic movements that would be useful . i find flying kick useful buy i have never seen some one when he is using in pve... etc etc...

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