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No it isn't, it's the DPS that's affected, not total damage output per cast. The total damage is going to be the same whether you change duration or not. It's just allows you to cast another one without overlapping your previous Miasma.

Wrong.  Lowering duration actually increases the base damage of the ability significantly.  That's why it's so broken; it not only deals the damage quicker, but it also increases the total damage, and the increased base damage benefits tremendously from power strength.  It was far and away the strongest nuke before Transient Fortitude was introduced but now it's just straight ridiculous and miles ahead of everything else.

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Pretty sure it doesn't and AlphaSierraMike is right.


That final formula on the wiki isn't right.


This, the negative duration thing, has been well known for a very long time, is included in the wiki, and numerous Warframe Commentators on Youtube have made mention of it a very long time ago. I have done the same in my exhaustive review of Saryn. 


Also, I've noticed that RealPandemonium is only wrong about 1 in 50 times of opening his mouth, and sometimes the only error I am referring to may be grammar, and not Warframe stats. He is one of the five most well informed Tenno that I have seen on the forums, and it's a pretty good idea to listen to him.

Edited by (PS4)Fenrushak
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Wrong.  Lowering duration actually increases the base damage of the ability significantly.  That's why it's so broken; it not only deals the damage quicker, but it also increases the total damage, and the increased base damage benefits tremendously from power strength.  It was far and away the strongest nuke before Transient Fortitude was introduced but now it's just straight ridiculous and miles ahead of everything else.


If by broken you mean one the few damage ults that aren't useless after mobs pass level 40 then yes. Ridiculous and miles ahead of anything else? Not even close.

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Alright.. so I think we now know that it does have a total damge increase by lowering the duration.

What I want to know is if DE has said anything about changing or fixing that or if they actually even know about it (though they should by now know about it I think).

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Wrong.  Lowering duration actually increases the base damage of the ability significantly.  That's why it's so broken; it not only deals the damage quicker, but it also increases the total damage, and the increased base damage benefits tremendously from power strength.  It was far and away the strongest nuke before Transient Fortitude was introduced but now it's just straight ridiculous and miles ahead of everything else.

It's been like this for a long time, even talked about during Prime Time #27. A long time issue known internally within DE.


It is definitely not intentional, it will get fixed eventually. Hopefully Contagion will become useful as Miasma is put on par with Avalanche and Reckoning, the other short range heavy radials.

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Miasma put on par with Avalanche and Reckoning makes Saryn useless for anything but Venom. Contagion is and will remain garbage indefinitely unless it is reworked entirely. Even with max power strength, it is a pitiful, flat amount of damage added exclusively to your melee weapon. Molt is OK with the augment mod you can't really fit on, but as a distraction ability is lackluster at best and garbage at worst.


Unlike Frost, Saryn doesn't have Snow Globe as a main ability. No proc prevention/ghetto heal/radiation proc, either. While Venom is actually not bad currently, I doubt anyone would continue to use her.


I don't understand why the community suddenly wants Saryn to be Excalibur 2.0.

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I'll say what I said prior to rhino getting a nerf to iron skin (which is, ever since that nerf, one of the most underplayed tanks (beside new players because it's a really easy frame to get) and for a reason!): Let's nerf everything to the ground so in the end we have all the same frame (a stick figure would be nice) and we all hit eachother with wet noodles! YAY for diversity!  

Asking for nerfs is never a good idea. When something is working (aka not useless once you are up against mobs with a decent lvl), we should in fact use it as a staple... an example of what it should be for all frames. I'm tired of scrubs saying stuff like "nerf loki disarm, nerf nova molecular prime, nerf miasma!" ... NO STOP THAT NONSENSE you infidele! Instead, ask for buffs about other frames' abilities that are subpar so they become as good. Simple yet everybody is happy in the end. 

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I'm not asking for a nerf. I was asking whether or not that behavior is intentional or not, because it's a very weird behavior and is in the game for a very long time now, which made me wonder. Curiosity it's called, k?


I would welcome being able to use damaging abilities on all frames effectively on high level content, but without being able to just faceroll that content like you do on low-mid lvl. Sadly DE can't figure out how to make that happen, but that's off-topic.


I'm a bit sorry, for being so infuriated, right now, but it just pi$?ۤ me off to have people accusing me of stuff I never said. A really tiny bit.

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I'm not asking for a nerf. I was asking whether or not that behavior is intentional or not, because it's a very weird behavior and is in the game for a very long time now, which made me wonder. Curiosity it's called, k?

I would welcome being able to use damaging abilities on all frames effectively on high level content, but without being able to just faceroll that content like you do on low-mid lvl. Sadly DE can't figure out how to make that happen, but that's off-topic.

I'm a bit sorry, for being so infuriated, right now, but it just pi$?ۤ me off to have people accusing me of stuff I never said. A really tiny bit.

You posted it in feedback section. What did you think people would think.

But trinity uses negative duration too right? Isn't that the same?

Edited by Kletse
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