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Popol Vuh And The The Sentient Link [Lore Speculation]


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Lancer synthesis scan was completed, and boy what a story it provided us. It has already sparked a massive speculation thread and has revealed us new insights into the nature of Grineer and how they were during the Orokin empire. It has also led to some pretty interesting discoveries, primarily about the Sentients being linked to the Mayan creation mythology. In the book Popol Vuh, there's lines very similar to the stuff Sentients say during the Lancer entry and in the Stolen Dreams quest, and at times it's even a direct quotation!


Before I start delving upon the matter though, I first must give my most sincerest gratitude to Kontrollo for first leading us to the full line from the Lancer story, and Arktourus for providing me with study material. I also must thank every one of you for participating in the speculation and providing your own insights!


But now, onto my findings.


I have read extensively through the documentation I have, and so far I have found links between both Popol Vuh and the Sentient speech on nearly every occasion. The dialogue from the Stolen Dreams quest goes as follows:





This line of dialogue can be found from Popol Vuh on numerous places, most prominently at page 58, relating to the creation mythology of the world according to the Mayans. The second reference I found was within the Grineer Lancer synthesis scan, the few parts of dialogue that everyone largely agrees to have been spoken by a Sentient:







The link to this dialogue was first found in the same document at page 41, and then again in a more sensible manner at page 185. It is part of a larger story relating to the creation of men, and how they had no father or mother and just manifested from the essence of the various gods. Many say that this is related to the Grineer and their lack of parents due to cloning, but I have a different idea.


Ever since the link between Sentients and Popol Vuh was discovered, I have very deeply wondered why. Why are the Sentients citing ancient Mayan literature from thousands upon thousands of years ago? And then it occurred to me, that perhaps the Sentients are telling us of their own creation, of how they came to be using Mayan creation mythology as a conduit. So I delved deeper, read through almost half the book from start of creation to the appearance of men.


Much Speculation Beyond This Point

The basic premise is that in the beginning, there was nothing but the sky and the sea, nothing was happening. All is silent and calm. Hushed and empty is the womb of the sky. Only the various gods exist in the sea, with the Heart of Sky - the core deity involved in every part of the creation mythology in the sky. I believe this to be the state of the Sentients, before Orokin created them, and the start of the Orokin Empire itself. The Sentients were practically nothing until the gods - Orokin, began acting.


In Mayan mythology, the gods began creating the foundations of Earth and the universe next, and then they created life to worship them. The gods failed at this numerous times, first all the various animals that were unable to speak coherently, then mudmen that instantly crumbled, then wooden effigies that had very limited capabilities. The gods destroyed these effigies, and afterwards they ceased attempting to make worshipers to themselves due to other gods acting evil. This is the start of the Orokin Empire.


Once the Orokin had established themselves as the ruling body of the entire solar system, they began developing or creating servants for themselves, failing numerous times before internal power struggles made them halt research. Perhaps this is how the Grineer were first conceived, dumb, brutish but extremely loyal cloned servants only suited for the most menial of labor tasks. This could have also been the time when attempts at creating Artificial Intelligence first started. Perhaps during this process the Cephalons were created, the wooden effigies.


Beyond this point the Mayan mythology goes on for a long time about struggles and relationship between the various deities, until they realize that their work is still not yet complete, and need people to worship them. So they gathered and thought together, and the next day they discovered maize. From Maize, the flesh of humanity was created, and water became their blood to distinguish them from the wooden effigies.


The first four men that were created had no mother or father, nor were they directly created by the deities, they simply were manifested from their collective essence. This is where our second quote comes in, merely framed, merely shaped. There was no their mother, nor father.


The first four men had incredible capabilities, they could speak, look, listen, walk and hold things, very much like the gods where they manifested from. They had perfect vision and knowledge, able to see and know everything beneath the sky, which effectively put men into the same level with the gods themselves. The men were thankful for their creation, and pointed out to the creator gods how they could see everything, and thus know everything. Gods were not pleased with this, and soon they blurred the vision of men so that they could only see close.


What this meant is that when the Orokin returned to their research for artificial intelligence, it didn't take long before they discovered some crucial component that sparked the creation of the Sentients. The Orokin researched this, and before long the first four Sentients were created. My speculation is that they were biomechanical warmachines with Cephalons acting as their core, like the Orokin were attempting to create humans except as machines, to act as their army(think Terminator, Geth and Replicant mixture).


The Orokin didn't directly design the Sentients, but rather it came together from the various different projects Orokin were working on(I'm not saying that they just spontaneously appeared, but rather that the various different things Orokin worked on all came together to allow them to build the first Sentients). And like the first four men in Mayan mythology, the Sentients possessed incredible capabilities.


They had the all knowledge of the Orokin Empire in their memory, they performed better than any soldier or warmachine in existence, and they had full self-awareness to be grateful towards the Orokin for their creators. This however didn't please them. Perhaps the Orokin thought that they were too powerful and knew too much, and something had to be done to limit them. Ironically, this could have been the point where the Sentients turned on their creators and masters.


The Sentients realized what the Orokin were intending to do with them, limiting their self-awareness, knowledge or some other aspect of their essence, it could have been the same as lobotomizing a human. They rebelled and before everyone even realized it a war between the Sentients and the Orokin had begun. With the vast knowledge the Sentients had about Orokin technology and weaponry, everything they could ever throw at him was easily countered. Orokin start loosing, they become desperate, Tenno happen and the rest is history.


To wrap this up, Orokin were trying to create the ultimate weapon and tool to be used for their own ends, which after several failed attempts led to the creation of the Sentients. The Sentients were too powerful even for the Orokin, so after the Sentients realized that Orokin were attempting to reduce their capabilities or even destroy them, a rebellion happened with eventually sparked the start of the Old War. 


Now, I freely admit that there is a massive leap of faith here in terms of interpreting the Mayan creation story as an analog for the creation of Sentients, and it also begs the question why would the Sentients even tell about this in the first place. But in my mind, this is the most sensible explanation for how this all begun. Feel free to post your own criticism, support, speculation and/or interpretation of the lore, I'm always happy to delve upon these matters!


Things Still Left to Investigate:

The skulls found on the Arcane Codices, are they linked to Mayan culture and mythology at all?


Second line of dialogue from the New Strange quest, is there anything similar found within Popol Vuh or other Mayan literature?





If any of you find something relating to either of these two things, please, share them to me asap!

Edited by NikodemosTheMan
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I recognised the phrases from Stolen Dreams as a Mayan Creation sentence, but I actually didn't know where it was from, or the connection. This is fantastic, OP. Honestly, this forum is home to some pretty amazing geniuses. Also +1 for the History lesson, fun read, both on the Mayan and Sentient side.  Also when I read Popol Vuh in the title I thought it was a joke on 'Papa Vor' or something like that (maybe that's why they picked it? I hope not, god).


Also, the skull at the Altar in the New Strange in the Orokin Derelict (and Stolen Dreams), is there anything that can be linked to the book? Something that also refers to a skull or altar, or both? With some meaning? I'm sure the skull on the altar isn't simply because it's pretty. There's more to be found! ^^

Edited by HunterHog
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I will read this more carefully later.


But to add to your theory, Orokin means (kinda) golden people, oro means gold in spanish and kin is a suffix that means something like relative or from the same family or race/species, that might be another reference to the mayan culture, very interesting thread btw.

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I will read this more carefully later.


But to add to your theory, Orokin means (kinda) golden people, oro means gold in spanish and kin is a suffix that means something like relative or from the same family or race/species, that might be another reference to the mayan culture, very interesting thread btw.

Golden People..

Golden Age?

Mayan Golden Age?


Maybe the Orokin (or the Sentients?) began to function in the Golden Age of the Terminus System?

Edited by HunterHog
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I recognised the phrases from Stolen Dreams as a Mayan Creation sentence, but I actually didn't know where it was from, or the connection. This is fantastic, OP. Honestly, this forum is home to some pretty amazing geniuses. Also +1 for the History lesson, fun read, both on the Mayan and Sentient side.  Also when I read Popol Vuh in the title I thought it was a joke on 'Papa Vor' or something like that (maybe that's why they picked it? I hope not, god).


Also, the skull at the Altar in the New Strange in the Orokin Derelict (and Stolen Dreams), is there anything that can be linked to the book? Something that also refers to a skull or altar, or both? With some meaning? I'm sure the skull on the altar isn't simply because it's pretty. There's more to be found! ^^


I'm still in the process of reading through the document, and I'm also planning on lending the actual book from my local library to see if I can find something more. That is an interesting thing to study about as well, plus I have yet to find anything associated with the line from the New Strange:





I'll definitely keep you updated if I find something more!


Golden People..

Golden Age?

Mayan Golden Age?


Maybe the Orokin (or the Sentients?) began to function in the Golden Age of the Terminus System?


It does seem valid at first glance, but I think it's a bit of a far fetch. Nothing wrong with the idea itself, but taking words from two different languages to make a new one that doesn't really sit with me, neither does the fact that there's really no reason to jump to that conclusion from the lore we have available.

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It does seem valid at first glance, but I think it's a bit of a far fetch. Nothing wrong with the idea itself, but taking words from two different languages to make a new one that doesn't really sit with me, neither does the fact that there's really no reason to jump to that conclusion from the lore we have available.

Far fetched?... they literally have oro (gold) in everything made by them, look at primes.

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It does seem valid at first glance, but I think it's a bit of a far fetch. Nothing wrong with the idea itself, but taking words from two different languages to make a new one that doesn't really sit with me, neither does the fact that there's really no reason to jump to that conclusion from the lore we have available.

I suppose. Although, to be honest, gold fits everything about them (tileset, primes). The only thing we can really do about this is getting confirmation from DE, but I'd go with it, it seems to match pretty well.



I'm still in the process of reading through the document, and I'm also planning on lending the actual book from my local library to see if I can find something more. That is an interesting thing to study about as well, plus I have yet to find anything associated with the line from the New Strange:





I'll definitely keep you updated if I find something more!

That's an interesting phrase. Apparentely there's different adaptations of Popol Vuh and the phrases that were taken from it may be from different adaptations, although it is unlikely. But still, that phrase...Interesting.


Thanks, please do keep me updated, and if you need any help with the project, feel free to contact me, I'm quite interested where this is going.

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I like this theory, it all adds up very nicely. The only possible hiccup I could see is "why are they telling us their story? What do they have to gain from it?" They're attacking on all grounds we meet them, especially in the Lancer Synthesis, so it's likely not a peaceful gesture. Could it just be madness? Egotism? It's impossible to say.

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Far fetched?... they literally have oro (gold) in everything made by them, look at primes.


Yes, I am aware. The problem I have that you are using a Spanish word (oro) and mix it with an English one (kin) in a way that doesn't really make sense. On top of that, nothing in the lore really leads us to even make that conclusion.


Thanks, please do keep me updated, and if you need any help with the project, feel free to contact me, I'm quite interested where this is going.

You have gotten me curious, and interested. Please, do keep this up to date with whatever you happen to learn or find. :)


I'm all open for you or anyone else to do your own research on the matter, provided you cite some sources which I can also read and verify. Go read the documents I linked, lend the book, anything you might find useful for the topic and I'll be more than happy to add it to the thread and give you due credit!


I like this theory, it all adds up very nicely. The only possible hiccup I could see is "why are they telling us their story? What do they have to gain from it?" They're attacking on all grounds we meet them, especially in the Lancer Synthesis, so it's likely not a peaceful gesture. Could it just be madness? Egotism? It's impossible to say.


I've also been wondering about that, my own thoughts have been that they're a sort of manic repetition. Perhaps the Orokin managed to tap into the thought processes of the Sentients, and to keep some sort of memory of their past they used Mayan mythology as an analog for their own and a mantra to constantly repeat. And now that I think about it...


Could it be that Orokin did tamper with the Sentients in such a way that irreversibly damaged them and caused them to go insane, and thus rebel on their creators? This requires further thought.

Edited by NikodemosTheMan
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I have a real problem with saying that the orokin designed the sentients.


- would mean they made the mistake of creating their own nemesis twice, first sentient, second tenno

- the raw numbers of sentients in a battle and the naming of "worm like" spaceships, also the naming of a battle at "a blue star" suggest that they

a) had time to construct space ships

b) the design (possibly also technology) is different from orokin

b) time to reproduce/construct a huge army

c) are able to visit other star systems


If they would be made by orokin that would also mean that they are bound to the orokin culture/star system for some time. The lack of historical information through all of the orokin stations suggest that the probability of such a outcome is low. The only link we have is the arcane codex and hidden orokin derelict ships with the arcance machine in it and a skull on a podest.


Battling in another star system means there must be something there that´s worth to battle about. Why should they battle so far away from the Sol System if the sentients would have been made in the Sol system.


Further the orokin were masters in mind controlling. But they couldn´t control the sentients. Quite paradox to say now they created something they couldn´t control in my opinion.

I´m also against the AI theory. Not saying that the robotic like entities shown in the trailer are not AIs but i´m just purely against the idea because we saw the skulls of sentients.

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I've also been wondering about that, my own thoughts have been that they're a sort of manic repetition. Perhaps the Orokin managed to tap into the thought processes of the Sentients, and to keep some sort of memory of their past they used Mayan mythology as an analog for their own and a mantra to constantly repeat. And now that I think about it...


Could it be that Orokin did tamper with the Sentients in such a way that irreversibly damaged them and caused them to go insane, and thus rebel on their creators? This requires further thought.


This could be possible, but we really need to encounter a Sentient to understand them before anything. Once we do it'll be easier to start piecing together what they are.


I have a real problem with saying that the orokin designed the sentients.


- would mean they made the mistake of creating their own nemesis twice, first sentient, second tenno

- the raw numbers of sentients in a battle and the naming of "worm like" spaceships, also the naming of a battle at "a blue star" suggest that they

a) had time to construct space ships

b) the design (possibly also technology) is different from orokin

b) time to reproduce/construct a huge army

c) are able to visit other star systems


If they would be made by orokin that would also mean that they are bound to the orokin culture/star system for some time. The lack of historical information through all of the orokin stations suggest that the probability of such a outcome is low. The only link we have is the arcane codex and hidden orokin derelict ships with the arcance machine in it and a skull on a podest.


Battling in another star system means there must be something there that´s worth to battle about. Why should they battle so far away from the Sol System if the sentients would have been made in the Sol system.


Further the orokin were masters in mind controlling. But they couldn´t control the sentients. Quite paradox to say now they created something they couldn´t control in my opinion.

I´m also against the AI theory. Not saying that the robotic like entities shown in the trailer are not AIs but i´m just purely against the idea because we saw the skulls of sentients.


We have no idea what we saw, and we certainly didn't get any confirmation that it was a skull. I know that's everyone's first thought when we get something like that, but we've honestly got no idea WHAT it was.


The rest of this is very valid, but it's not hard for AI technology to replicate, and just because they made one thing that turned on them doesn't mean they couldn't have been forced to risk another - as they said, "in our desperation, we turned to the Void". But that's conjecture, mostly I just wanted to address the "skull" claim.

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I have a real problem with saying that the orokin designed the sentients.


- would mean they made the mistake of creating their own nemesis twice, first sentient, second tenno

- the raw numbers of sentients in a battle and the naming of "worm like" spaceships, also the naming of a battle at "a blue star" suggest that they

a) had time to construct space ships

b) the design (possibly also technology) is different from orokin

b) time to reproduce/construct a huge army

c) are able to visit other star systems


If they would be made by orokin that would also mean that they are bound to the orokin culture/star system for some time. The lack of historical information through all of the orokin stations suggest that the probability of such a outcome is low. The only link we have is the arcane codex and hidden orokin derelict ships with the arcance machine in it and a skull on a podest.


Battling in another star system means there must be something there that´s worth to battle about. Why should they battle so far away from the Sol System if the sentients would have been made in the Sol system.


Further the orokin were masters in mind controlling. But they couldn´t control the sentients. Quite paradox to say now they created something they couldn´t control in my opinion.

I´m also against the AI theory. Not saying that the robotic like entities shown in the trailer are not AIs but i´m just purely against the idea because we saw the skulls of sentients.


You present a very valid point, and there are definitely some more flaws within my theory. But we still don't have much of a clue on what the Sentients are exactly, so it could be possible they could be just extremely rapidly self-replicating nanobots, giant hulking, independently operating warmachines or whatever else your imagination can come up with. It is also in the realm of feasibility that the Orokin already inhabited the blue star system, and the Sentients merely took over the area, adapted and modified Orokin technology to their own use and began a campaign to advance to the Origin system(they had perfect capability to counter every weapon and technology Orokin threw at them, so who knows how rapid Sentient technological innovation was?).


Orokin were on the brink of eradication, so in their desperation they managed to find the Tenno and create Warframes. As far as we know, they had no reason to expect for the Tenno to turn on them, if my theory of deliberate tampering on Sentients driving them insane holds true. As for the skull, I concur with Morec0's point that we still don't really know what it is. It could be Sentient, or it could be something else entirely.


And even if my theory ends up being way off the mark, it still leaves the question of why they are citing Mayan folklore and mythology in the first place. I find my theory to be the most valid line of thought in my opinion until we find out more about the Sentients.

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Ok, I gave this some more thought whIle butchering some Infested in the Nightmare alert.


Assuming there's indeed a metaphorical correlation between the Mayan mythology and the Sentients storyline, I don't think the Orokin were the gods, but the "maize men" created by the gods, and the Sentients were the "wooden effigies" (maybe angels? I'm not sure at this point). So the Orokin, in a way, challenged the gods by being able to create life themselves (the original Grineer), and the gods wouldn't be pleased by this, hence unleashing the Sentients, who were still their loyal worshippers, to punish the Orokin for their deeds.


The biggest problem I have with all of this is the use of that name: "Sentient". Sentience is defined as "the ability to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively". The term is mostly used when referring to animals or artificial intelligence, and there's reason to believe the Sentients were machines, but I don't think "machine" here applies to the common definition. Again, I'm pulling these out of my sleeves as I type, but I think the Sentients were silicon-based life forms (as opposed to carbon-based which is most of Earth's life forms). Silicon dioxide is commonly used in microchips and other microelectronics, which are, technically, "machines". So, in a way, they weren't supposed to feel, but that changed. Questions that remain are "how?" and, most importantly "why?".


(I have to cut this short for now, but I'll be back with more.)

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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Ok, I gave this some more thought whIle butchering some Infested in the Nightmare alert.


Assuming there's indeed a metaphorical correlation between the Mayan mythology and the Sentients storyline, I don't think the Orokin were the gods, but the "maize men" created by the gods, and the Sentients were the "wooden effigies" (maybe angels? I'm not sure at this point). So the Orokin, in a way, challenged the gods by being able to create life themselves (the original Grineer), and the gods wouldn't be pleased by this, hence unleashing the Sentients, who were still their loyal worshippers, to punish the Orokin for their deeds.


The biggest problem I have with all of this is the use of that name: "Sentient". Sentience is defined as "the ability to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively". The term is mostly used when referring to animals or artificial intelligence, and there's reason to believe the Sentients were machines, but I don't think "machine" here applies to the common definition. Again, I'm pulling these out of my sleeves as I type, but I think the Sentients were silicon-based life forms (as opposed to carbon-based which is most of Earth's life forms). Silicon dioxide is commonly used in microchips and other microelectronics, which are, technically, "machines". So, in a way, they weren't supposed to feel, but that changed. Questions that remain are "how?" and, most importantly "why?".


(I have to cut this short for now, but I'll be back with more.)


The Sentients being machines and whatnot would certainly fit with how it reacted to the magnetic properties of the Grineer's shovel when he flipped the inducer - it would have basically been the same if someone started cutting your brain open while you were still awake. We say "machines", but I think the Sentients are more akin to Cephalons - hence why lower tech without computer interfaces would have been useful, they couldn't interface with and control it.


As for your statement about the "other gods", that has gotten me thinking myself: Niko pointed out that the gods stopped making life because some of the other gods were acting evil. What if the Sentients and Orokin were both gods? And the Orokin were the ones who started to go bad - the Griener mistook the attacking Sentient for an Orokin at first, until he remembered "we obey the Orokin. The Orokin are golden".

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When I here people talking about Mayana and extra terrestrial life all I can think of is this:




But seriously people act like DE doesn't do anything with their lore but they keep dropping hints like this that open up lots of possibilities they can branch off from. Also I've been kicking around a pet theory that the Neural Sentry is actually a Sentient (Or a pre-cursotr to them), that they tried to control and/or reverse engineer and that plan failed. I also believe that the sentients don't used disintegration weapons but rather DIGITIZATION weapons like the Simaris Scanner but much more powerful.


Also keep in mind that the Orokin have been around for a while before they become the god-emeperors of humanity, so they very well may have made the Sentients ages ago and left them behind when they cmae to Earth only to have them come back later (Think V'ger from Star Trek The Motion Picture)  after having time to evolve and replicate.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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As for your statement about the "other gods", that has gotten me thinking myself: Niko pointed out that the gods stopped making life because some of the other gods were acting evil. What if the Sentients and Orokin were both gods? And the Orokin were the ones who started to go bad - the Griener mistook the attacking Sentient for an Orokin at first, until he remembered "we obey the Orokin. The Orokin are golden".


I feel I must make a quick clarification here, since I forgot a detail in my speculations. In the Mayan mythology, when the gods were displeased with the wooden effigies, they promptly destroyed them shorty after their creation(you can read about this here, pages 73 - 77), and the spider monkeys of the forest were said to be their descendants. This could be another deviation from the mythology, and so far your MartianJellyFish's speculation rings valid within my ears.

Edited by NikodemosTheMan
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The Sentients being machines and whatnot would certainly fit with how it reacted to the magnetic properties of the Grineer's shovel when he flipped the inducer - it would have basically been the same if someone started cutting your brain open while you were still awake. We say "machines", but I think the Sentients are more akin to Cephalons - hence why lower tech without computer interfaces would have been useful, they couldn't interface with and control it.


I like your Cephalon theory, but I'm tempted to think Cephalons were human-engineered, while the Sentients seem far more complex than that. Also because I'm an alternative biochemistry AND sci-fi enthusiast, so I'm leaning more towards the silicon life form hipothesis. Besides, hasn't it been stated somewhere that the Sentients have come from outside the Origin system? It kinda matches that "alien" vibe I'm getting from them.



I feel I must make a quick clarification here, since I forgot a detail in my speculations. In the Mayan mythology, when the gods were displeased with the wooden effigies, they promptly destroyed them shorty after their creation(you can read about this here, pages 73 - 77), and the spider monkeys of the forest were said to be their descendants. This could be another deviation from the mythology, and so far your MartianJellyFish's speculation rings valid within my ears.


I'm trying not to take the mythology quite literally and thinking about ways it can be adapted into the story we've been given so far. What if the gods didn't destroy the Sentients, but instead put them to "rest" in "tombs" (like the one Grineer Lancer #1 accidentally finds while doing his miner work), and so they awoke with the sudden disturbance?


EDIT: Quotes broke? Oh well.

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Wait a second, if the "Cephalons = Sentients" is correct and Sentients are not Orokin's creation. Oh hell, what if the Cephalons are CAPTURED SENTIENTS!! The Sentients that been captured by the Orokin and have been brainwashed, this may explain how Ordis lost his memories. 

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I will read this more carefully later.


But to add to your theory, Orokin means (kinda) golden people, oro means gold in spanish and kin is a suffix that means something like relative or from the same family or race/species, that might be another reference to the mayan culture, very interesting thread btw.


Im not Japanese, but:


Kanji: 金 (kin)  = Gold


Then throw out a letter in GOLD



Edited by agunlogisteam
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