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Trust Me, I Am The Only One With This Problem


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Funnily enough, I get a surprisingly high number of random invites, two an hour on a bad day, despite having my name a fair way down the list.


If you play with randoms a lot, maybe it's someone that's played with you in the past and enjoyed your play style...

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Sometims I have the same thing going on.

Sometimes I help them other times I ignore them.


You must be getting a lot more than me probably... I'm just co while you are aa.

I have never once been randomly invited


am i doin it wrong, coach

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You can still Invite people. 

That's what i do.


I never let other people invite me, i rather host my own games, both because i cannot trust other people's connections and i dont like having 'I am the host respect mah authoritahh' people hovering over my head.

Switch invites to Friend-only, and start inviting people, rather than being invited, whether it be trades or games or whatever.

Was what i explained above so hard to think on your own? 

Some people cannot or do not want to host games for varying reasons.

Maybe their connection can't support it.

Maybe their computer can't support it.

Maybe they don't have keys.


Was that so hard to think on your own?

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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Pretty sure I'm the only one with this problem but I must write it down somewhere...because it bothers me.


I get a lot, and a lot, TONS of random invites because of the place of my name in all in-game chats (Region, Recruiting etc.). I see my name 'Aatrex' being almost the first on the list to the right of the chat. I get a lot of non-sense invitations mostly by new players, to Earth missions, T1 missions, somehow even tutorial missions. It is getting annoying. I do not want to turn off my ability of receiving all invites in the Options. Imagine turning it on every time you are looking for something in the Recruiting chat, then turn it off to avoid newbs inviting you when you are just afking/speaking in Region or trading. Well, for trading it should be on...that's another problem.


The problem is new players found this thing and they think they can just invite random people to get help for their missions. Of course the easiest way is to grab people from top of the list (ME). Well yes, maybe someone joins their missions this way but being the only ONE getting bombed with this is BS.


There is probably no solution to this...

Look at my name.. im always on the top along with few others ,, trust me you are not the only one...

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Even though my ign starts with an S, I have gotten random invites before, how do I know? I checked clan (did not have alliance in old clan then) names and friend list; no one on my friend list nor clan mates by the name that had invited me. It happened quite a few times, but because I rarely go to region chat anymore, I stopped getting them.

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