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I Need More Loadout Slots. Add More Ways To Get Some, Pretty Please.


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As it stands currently...there will never be enough slots in the game to fullfil my need to get ALL things prepared properly. 

Every frame I own USES his 3 mod loadouts, 3 color loadouts and 1 weapon loadout each. But I already have to kick out Warframes out of my rotation and manually adjust everything...this is a lot of time consumption for me as I am most definitely a multi-frame player without a solid main. 

Can we get a few as quest rewards? Syndicate Rewards? Or even...if you really must...for platinum? (Like 2 for 10 Plat or so)

And before you post...if you don't use loadouts at all...then there is no reason for you to give negative feedback on this as having the OPTION of having more will not affect you the least. 
There will be plenty of players like me that want to be able to have EVERYTHING setup in perfect loadouts at the press of 1 button. 

I spent hours optimizing ALL the mod,weapon,color loadouts...only to be stuck with using a few of them at a time without lots of manual adjustments due to lack of slots. Pls fix.

Edited by Shehriazad
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I concur. At the very least I would love to have one slot for each of my frames. I thought selling them for Plat was a good idea, but apparently DE disagrees, or at least have remained silent about it.


Edit: And it fits so well into the pay for convenience model.

Edited by xRufus7x
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The number of loadout slots is really, really limited. They keep adding new warframes but the number of loadout slots remains abysmally small. I have almost every single warframe, and I want to do loadouts at least for the ones I play with some frequency, but I'm limited to just a handful. I have to keep my fifth loadout as a temporary loadout to play with frames beyond the four that I've got actual loadouts for. Which means that in reality, I only have four actual loadout slots that I can use properly as loadout slots, unless I never actually want to change frames/weapons like, ever. That seems really low for a game with so much content.


I don't know why we can buy new warframe and weapon slots, but not new loadout slots.

I don't know why we don't just start off with two or three loadout slots as a base, instead of one. 

I don't know why this hasn't been addressed in some fashion. It seems like a no brainer. They could add loadout slots to the market today and they'd probably sell like frigging hotcakes. Assuming they were reasonably priced.

Edited by HyenaGrin
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If you mean the ABC loadouts (I'm having a tiny bit of trouble understanding the OP) then I agree. We should definitely be able to have more than 3 loadouts to prepare for "all" types of missions..


He means warframe loadouts. Top of the screen in the armory. So you can select a complete loadout with one click instead of having to change all your weapons and mods and frame etc etc etc every time you change frames.

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The number of loadout slots is really, really limited. They keep adding new warframes but the number of loadout slots remains abysmally small. I have almost every single warframe, and I want to do loadouts at least for the ones I play with some frequency, but I'm limited to just a handful. I have to keep my fifth loadout as a temporary loadout to play with frames beyond the four that I've got actual loadouts for. Which means that in reality, I only have four actual loadout slots that I can use properly as loadout slots, unless I never actually want to change frames/weapons like, ever. That seems really low for a game with so much content.


I don't know why we can buy new warframe and weapon slots, but not new loadout slots.

I don't know why we don't just start off with two or three loadout slots as a base, instead of one. 

I don't know why this hasn't been addressed in some fashion. It seems like a no brainer. They could add loadout slots to the market today and they'd probably sell like frigging hotcakes. Assuming they were reasonably priced.


I agree, have the same exact problem.


If DE wants to keep Loadout slots as a rank-up reward only, then make it 1 slot per rank, not 1 per 2 ranks.


With how many warframes there are, this few loadouts is simply impossible.

Edited by Demon.King
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I'd need to have as many Loadout slots as there are characters...I'm not sure why DE won't allow for that....sure, people who only play 2-3 frames as their "mains" will not need it...but as someone who always adapts and wants to try out new things whenever they're available...but also wants to be able to have EVERY possible important build ready just by snapping my finger...I need MOAR slots. 

I would probably go as far and get more slots than there are Warframes...just so I can make even MORE varied weapon/frame build combos that I can switch EVEN FASTER.

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I don't use the loadouts very much myself, as I spend most of my time with one or two unleveled weapons, which are often changing and therefore aren't static enough for loadouts. But if you feel that you need more to be ready for any scenario, more power to you.

What I would personally like to see more of are the ABC mod loadouts.

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They should start with 1 loadout per rank and end it on 10p per another.


Why 1st?


Cause those Mastery Ranks should be more worth leveling up.




Not everybody ranks up to 10+ and even those people need more loadouts.




+1 OP

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They should start with 1 loadout per rank and end it on 10p per another.


Why 1st?


Cause those Mastery Ranks should be more worth leveling up.




Not everybody ranks up to 10+ and even those people need more loadouts.




+1 OP

I'd be very happy with 1 per MR..while still not perfect, it would give me a nice boost for now.

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