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Founders Rights


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Still i paid 50€ so far so i want what i deserve.

You deserve nothing. The money you spent was for platinum. You got what you paid for. It's a trade. The devs are not obligated to give you any extras.

Atazy, everyone understands what you're trying to say. But you're not trying to understand what other people say. Yes, we understand you're spending the same amount equal to a founder's package. The amount spent adds up to a cumulative amount of 50€. That is different from spending 50€ all at once to obtain a founder's package. Your money was spent to obtain platinum in incremental amounts. People who spent the 50€ up front want the discounted platinum and founder's perks.

I understand you weren't planning to be addicted to the game like you are now. But sometimes you need to plan ahead to make efficient use of your time and money. When you bought platinum again for the 2nd time. It never triggered in your head that you actually like the game and will end up spending more? Not even once?


I know I sound like an &#! but it's required to get a point across to someone who is failing to understand something. I appreciate anyone who buys platinum even if it's a small amount. Nothing is free in this world and the devs need money to keep this great game running.

I believe people who buy platinum in small increments and not through the founder's program should not get upgraded. They need to either save up or believe in the devs from the start like someone said.

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the Founder packs have a different $/Plat ratio if I remember correctly.

so... it wont really work.


also, the pack offer different things.

what your asking is like...

buying 10$ worth of chocolate, but in small quantitys each time, and then asking the seller why cant you get the same small toys that people who paid 10$ for one kinder pack get.

Edited by EagleRise
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Stuff like this is why I suggest for everyone who is thinking of buying a small amount of plat to just grab the basic founder package (seeing as you can incrementally upgrade at a later date).  As much as it sucks to spend cash on something and not get the same rewards as people who spent the same amount, you have to understand that you KNEW what you were buying when you bought it.  You were buying plat.  You weren't buying a founder package.  I don't think you should get the same things the package entails if you intentionally skipped out on buying the package because you didn't have faith in the development of the game.  That sorta goes against the grain of what the founder packs (at least the later ones) are all about.


Also, if you want folks to be a bit more sympathetic, tone down the aggression.  That's not going to win anyone over.  Right now you sound like an entitled, angry kid, I'm sorry to say.  I don't think you're 'owed' anything, and I don't think you deserve anything more than what you bought.  You got what was advertised for the price you paid, and now you're being a bit greedy in wanting more. 


I don't expect that DE will give you what you're asking for, and if they do I'll be surprised at their generosity. 

Edited by Wriith
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so many ppl wih entitlement issues



Only getting worse sadly.


Remember that one guy not too long ago who wanted a copy of dark sector because he bought disciple?

Edited by GoneM4d
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Something i didnt pay for? how much is worth the first founders pack? 50€ ive spent 50€ so far your saying im asking for somehting i didnt pay for?!

You bought platinum, you got platinum. If you want founders, buy founders. 

Stop whining.

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If you go into a store and buy a bottle of wine, come back the next day and buy a bottle of wine and come back the third day, you can't say: "Hey, there is a buy-two-get-one-free, and I bought two recently, so give me a free bottle!" - the same applies here. And this is also where the story ends.

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If you go into a store and buy a bottle of wine, come back the next day and buy a bottle of wine and come back the third day, you can't say: "Hey, there is a buy-two-get-one-free, and I bought two recently, so give me a free bottle!" - the same applies here. And this is also where the story ends.

Unless on the third day you come with a gun then you get 4 free and maybe extra 240$ but then in couple of weeks you might get a nickel.

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Problem is i didn't know if i would be so addicted and acttually need that much money in this game so i didn't know if i should buy it or not so i decided not to risk it its not god damn hard to understand something that basic is it?

This post... I.... what? *fzzt fzzt* *head twitches and smoke billows from my ears*


So you spent 50 (i think that's the euro symbol) on straight plat because you didnt think you needed the EXTRA PLAT AT NO ADDITIONAL COST of the founders package... and now you want founders?


Sounds more like buyers remorse for purchasing the wrong thing. I'm sorry but what's done is done, chances of you getting a founders for buying normal plat packages are slim to none and thinking you are entitled to founders because of it is a tad silly.



Regardless, Rebecca's link shows that DE may be kind enough to oblige and hand you a founders for your support, although next time I feel you should either save up and buy the package/research before you purchase.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Something i didnt pay for? how much is worth the first founders pack? 50€ ive spent 50€ so far your saying im asking for somehting i didnt pay for?!

You didn't pay for it.    That is like going to a store and buying Skyrim,  and then instead of going right back in,  you go home, open,  and play it,   then decide you would like Portal 2 instead.   And instead of simply buying Portal 2,  you demand that they simply swap the games out for you,  despite you having already opened and played Skyrim.

You didn't pay for founders.   You paid for a certain amount of platinum.   You have received said amount of platinum.

Edited by Deathsyt
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wow, are you seriously that dumb? founder gives alot more than regular plat. just because you buy reuglar 50$ plat doesn't mean you deserve founders


you didnt pay for founders, you payed for plat. you do not deserve founders, you think that because you spent enough money, smarten up kid and learn your math

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Do you guys not read GM posts?








1528 posts


Our founders program is meant to give users a way to support us, and in return, getting exclusive content and gear.


I think our support.warframe.com help desk is open to discussing situations like this - where the equivalent of a founders package was purchased in platinum only. You may want to consider contacting them - it never hurts to ask!



You didn't pay for it.    That is like going to a store and buying Skyrim,  and then instead of going right back in,  you go home, open,  and play it,   then decide you would like Portal 2 instead.   And instead of simply buying Portal 2,  you demand that they simply swap the games out for you,  despite you having already opened and played Skyrim.

You didn't pay for founders.   You paid for a certain amount of platinum.   You have received said amount of platinum.


Crappy analogy. It's like buying Skyrim ONLINE, then seeing that the deluxe edition was the exact same price, and asking the company to upgrade you to the deluxe edition for free.


A good company will upgrade you, they get the same amount of money, and a much happier customer. A bad company won't care and will greedily pocket the extra cash.

Edited by Akivoodoo
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Option A: 1220 Platnium + Forum Badge + Excalibur Prime = $49.99 USD [single Payment]
Option B: 880 Platnium + Forum Badge = $19.99 USD (Disciple) + 170 Platnium (x3=510) for $9.99 USD (x3=29.97) = $49.96

Option A: 340 more Platnium, better Forum Badge, Excalibur Prime
Option B: 3 cents cheaper


So, yah, even if you straight upgrade Option B with the new Tier (Hunter) and give them the Hunter Forum Badge and Excalibur Prime, they are still losing out of 340 Platnium just to "save" 3 cents.

Also, don't nitpick at the fact it's "only $30 and they should just save up", I just used it as the first example because it's smaller numbers which makes the math easier for me. Or, we can assume he bought $10 Platnium already or something.

EDIT: Did some more math, assuming someone gets up to Master somehow and then buys up to Grand Master using the largest "affordable" amount, $29.99 USD.

Option A:

8875 Platnium + Forum Badge + Excalibur Prime + Skana Prime + Lato Prime + Design Council + Solar Landmark = $249.99 USD

Option B: 3210 Platnium + Forum Badge + Excalibur Prime + Skana Prime + Design Council = $99.99 USD 570 Platnium (x5=2850) = $29.99 USD (x5=$149.99) = $249.98 USD


Option A:

5665 Platnium, better Forum Badge, Lato Prime, Solar Landmark


Option B:

1 cent cheaper

Edited by ChaosJames
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Still i paid 50€ so far so i want what i deserve.


You deserve nothing other than what your money has bought you already. I have done the same btw, spent $30usd on plat, THEN found out about the founders packs. You know what I did? Not complain about "rights" I dont have.

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You deserve nothing other than what your money has bought you already. I have done the same btw, spent $30usd on plat, THEN found out about the founders packs. You know what I did? Not complain about "rights" I dont have.


He just realized that he spent the money on the wrong thing and things complaining about it will get him something. I applaud your maturity though.

Edited by Inquisitioner
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Yeah, I want to give my $0.02 here and it's positive :)

I had bought the $20 pack and thought "damn, I should have gotten a founder's pack instead".


I contacted support, and basically what happened was, I bought the Hunter pack, they refunded the $20 platinum pack, and then adjusted my platinum to give me the difference.


So at least if you haven't SPENT all the platinum you bought, they might be able to do something for you.


And I have to say I thought that was GREAT customer service.  I was left very happy.  Good job DE. :) 

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