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Getting Another Life Strike



Well, here goes, i'm in need of another Life Strike mod, since i need one at lvl0.


I've found out that you can get it as a reward from Dark Sector defense or survivals.


My question is thus: Is the chance of getting Life Strike different depending on the level range of the missions? Does the chance differ between Survival and Defense? And if so, what's the best way of getting it as a reward?

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16 answers to this question

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I've done quite a lot of Dark Sector survival and I can tell you it's not on rotation A. Some claim to haven gotten it there but no. I've never gotten one since U15. Could be on Rotation C, but I'm personally doing dark sector for rotation A and the cores.

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DSS is the spot for Life Strikes. Even so it is quite rare. Or just trade with other players with plat you get from some other place (very easy is Vault Runs for corrupted mods but there are more options like Void)

Edited by maumastoks
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I have done about 900 dark sector defenses. Maybe more.

I have never seen Life Strike come out of one. Whoever said it shows up in DSD is a dirty liar.



it was true but not anymore

Edited by Tsoe
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Still, there seems to be forming a general consensus that Survival is the way to go. Although could someone remind me; What times are which rotations? It's a reward every 5 minutes, but i can't remember if it goes A, A, B, C or A, B, B, C... Either way from what i can gather, the greatest chance of getting one is to stay to 20 minutes on Saturn DSS?


Also, this is humiliating to admit, but at what point does it reach rotation C once more? 40 minutes? Since i'd assume if C comes at 20, it'd take 20 more minutes to reach C again.

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| was a separator every 20min to make it easier to read. Sorry again for confusing you, was not my intention


it isn't letter I (i) btw. press shift and \ key to get | - a straight vertical separator line

|Il <- separator, i and L letters in the exact order

Edited by maumastoks
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I got my two life strikes almost right off the bat when dark sectors were released. I've done a number of survivals and defences since then, and never seen a third. It was a LOT more common at the release of DS's.

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